Home Assignment : Vacation. Class 10.

कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम. 
Dr. Manish Kumar Sinha 
under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi.
Developed Updated at New Delhi.
Evaluator / Observers of the page.
Dr. Telpal Singh. ( Prof.) Nainital. Department of Science
 Dr. Roopkala Prasad. (Prof.) Department of English.
Dr. Bhawana.(Prof.) Department of Geography.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha. Department of History.
Class. X
Summer Home Assignment 
Session 22 – 23.

Our guiding forces. 

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant.

Summer Home Assignment : Class 10.

Class 10.Subject - Maths
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23
Q.1. Practice unit polynomial and unit Linear Equations
Project :- Geometrical representation of linear equation and quadratic polynomial taking an example.
Geometrical representation of consistent and inconsistent pair of linear equations
Class 10.Subject - Science
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23

A. Projects
Investigation Project: To study the effect of oxidation reaction in everyday life taking corrosion of metal as example. Write different ways of preventing corrosion.
Presentation: Prepare a presentation using audio-visual aids on rancidity and methods to prevent it.
Art integration project: (on a chart paper)
a)  Draw a diagram showing the oxidation of heated copper and oxygen.
b)  Draw a labelled diagram showing the electrical decomposition of acidulated water to produce hydrogen and oxygen.
c)  Draw a labelled diagram showing that air and moisture are necessary for occurrence of rusting.
B.  Do the following in assignment notebook
Q.1. Balance the following equation
(a) MgO +  N2 →    Mg3N2
(b) C4H10 + O2 →    CO2 + H2O
(c) Pb(NO3)2 →   PbO  + NO2 + O2
(d) KMnO4 → K2MnO4+  MnO2
(e) AgNO3 + Al →    Al(NO3)3+ Ag
(f) KOH +  H2SO4 → K2SO4  + H2O
(g) Fe2O+ CO →   Fe + CO2
(h) Cr2O+ Al →  Cr + Al2O3
(i) PbS + H2O2 → PbSO4 + H2O
(j) SO2+ H2S → H2O + S
Q.2. What is redox reaction? Give two examples. Is it possible that displacement reaction can be a redox reaction? Give two examples from your daily life.
Q.3. Differentiate between:-
(a) Combination and Decomposition reaction.
(b) Double displacement and Single displacement reaction.
(c)  Oxidation and Reduction.
(d)  Oxidising agent and Reducing agent.
Q.4.What happens when
(a) A piece of zinc metal is added to copper sulphate solution.
(b) Aluminium metal is added to dilute hydrochloric acid,
(c) Silver metal is added to copper sulphate solution
Also write the balanced chemical equation for the above reaction if occurs.
Q.5.You are provided with two containers made up of copper and aluminium. You are also provided with dil.HCl, dil.HNO3, solution of ZnCl2 and H2O. In which of the container solution can be kept and why?
C. Complete all the intext and exercise question/answer in your fair notebook and learn.

Q.1.Solve all intext questions of ‘life processes’.
Q.2.Draw, label and learn
(a) Human digestive system
(b) And human respiratory system.

Q.1.Distinguish between real and virtual images.
Q.2.Name the mirror used by a dentist to examine the teeth of patient.
Q.3.No, matter how far you stand from a mirror your image always appear erect and diminished.Identify the type of mirror.
Q.4.Solve all intext questions up to magnification of mirror in fair notebooks
Q.5.Solve all questions answer upto taught portion in note book
Q.6.Solve at least ten numerical problem based on mirror formulae and magnification from other book
Q.7.A leady visited a shopping store with her friends. The owner of the store had fixed number of  mirrors at different locations to monitor the activities of the customers. The lady picked up some items of make up and placed those items in her purse thinking that no one is watching her activity. But her friend asked her not do so.The leady ignored her friend. When the lady came to the counter the owner of the shop asked her to open her purse. she was humiliated 
infornt of other customer and her friend.
(a) Name the type of mirrors fixed in the shop.
(b).Why was the lady asked her friend not place the make up items in her purse?
(c).Why was the lady humiliated by the owner of the shop.
Q.8.Project work:
Draw the diagram images formed by concave mirror when an object is placed distinct position in a chart paper.
Complete your homework and enjoy holiday. 
Class 10.Subject - Computer
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23

A. Written Home work Notebook Accomplishment / Portfolio / Other.
(a) Complete the notebook / Fair copy till the last taught topic.
B. Practical Assignment

(a) Write the steps to open MS - Word / Open Office Writer.
(b) Steps to save  and open the new blank document 
(c) Steps to insert an Image in the document.
(d) Steps to insert the Table in the document.
(e) Steps to set the Alignment  in the document ( Left to Right )
C. AIL ( Art Integrated Learning  / other  Projects ) Project 
Project : Create the PPT on the topic of  Methods  and Types of Communication
and mail to davbsfbr017@gmail.com

कक्षा - दशम. विषय - हिंदी 
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. सत्र २२ -२३
१. 'सूर के पद' एवं 'नेताजी का चश्मा' पाठ का प्रश्नोत्तर करें। 
२. '
माता का अंचल' पाठ का प्रश्नोत्तर करें।  
३. 'वृक्षारोपण की आवश्यकता' एवं 'स्वच्छ भारत अभियान' विषय पर निबंध लिखें।                         
४. अपने क्षेत्र में कानून और व्यवस्था की बिगड़ती हुई स्थिति पर किसी दैनिक पत्र के संपादक  को पत्र   लिखिए।                                                                       ५. सरकार की नि:शुल्क चिकित्सा योजना के लिए २० -२५  शब्दों में एक विज्ञापन तैयार कीजिए। 
परियोजना कार्य.
सूरदास के व्यक्तित्व एवं कृतित्व का समालोचनात्मक वर्णन, सूरदास की रचनाओं से वात्सल्य एवं श्रृंगार रस के कुछ अन्यतम उदाहरण एकत्रित करें |
कक्षा - दशम. विषय - संस्कृत 
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. सत्र २२ -२३

१. पाठ १  के सभी श्लोकों का अन्वय  एवं भावार्थ  संस्कृत में लिखें । 
सहायता  के लिए 
अ . https://youtu.be/yStaFPN xvU
व . https://youtu.be/gOgRdsJ0XJQ 
२. परियोजना कार्य-  समयः,अङ्कानां स्थाने शब्देषु  समय  लेखनम् ( सामान्य  – सपाद – सार्ध – पादोन चार्ट  पेपर पर ) 
( एक से बारह बजे तक लिखना है ) 
सामान्य  – सपाद – सार्ध – पादोन  
१ :००, १ : १५ , १ : ३०, १ : ४५  
एकवादने - सपाद एकवादने - सार्ध  एकवादने पादोन दिववादने 
२ :००,  २ : १५ , २ ३०, २ : ४५  

Class 10.Subject - English
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23

A. Notebook Completion All ( Art Integrated Learning )  Cum Portfolio Project.
a. Your name and details
b. Your family
c. Your best friend
d. Your inspiration
e. Aims
f. Your favorite holiday
g. Your achievements – educational & Co-curricular ( Certificates if any to be kept in the folder – Xerox copies )
h. Subject wise % of class, X  PT-  1
i. Your strength & weakness  ,Overview / Your experience
j. Extrapolatory questions –answers (120-words)
h. Both books
Portfolio  –   PPT / File. Two options are there a. Portfolio making in hard copy or in b.in digital mode PPT file.  
B. Q / A  -  Notebook / File. 

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. History. Session : 2022-23. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F History.

A. Home Assignment. X : A.B.C.D.E.F. History.
a. Reading / Understanding of Chapter 1 and 2. 
(i)  Nationalism in Europe.
(ii) Nationalism in India. 
b. Writing : Do frame inside MCQ Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1.The Nationalism in Europe.
c. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book to be written in your Notebook.
d. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. CivicsSession : 2022-23. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 

Summer Home Assignment.

Subject : CivicsSession : 2022-23. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 
A. Home Assignment.
a. Reading / Understanding of Chapter 1.2. 
(i)  The Power Sharing.
(ii) Federalism. 
b. Writing : Do frame inside MCQ Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1. The Nationalism in Europe.
c. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book to be written in your Notebook.
d. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.
B. Project Work in History / Civics : Collect & paste the described cartoons of Chapter 1 Power Sharing and describe its meaning in a report.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. GeographySession : 2022-23. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 

Home Assignment
Subject : GeographySession : 2022-23. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F
Q.1. Do exercise questions of Chapter 1.Resources and Development
Q.2. Complete inside questions and MCQs from Chapter 1.Resources and Development
Q.3. Make a chart of classification of resource and divisions of soil in India in your fair copy.
Q.4. Practice Maps skill from Chapter 1.Resources and Development on the physical map of India.
Major soil types in India :-
b. Alluvial soil , black soil ,red and yellow soil, laterite soil, arid soil, forest soil

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : EconomicsSession : 2022-23. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 


SEA  : Subject Enrichment Assessment.
Make a Dictionary  of  Hard Words and their meanings of taught Chapters 8,9,10 in your separate copy.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : EconomicsSession : 2022-23. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 
A. Complete exercise questions from 
Chapter 1. Development
Complete fair Ch 1 all inside and exercise Questions / Answers.


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