Home Assignment : Vacation. Class 9


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Dr. Telpal Singh. ( Prof.) Nainital. Department of Science
 Dr. Roopkala Prasad. ( Prof.) Department of English.
Dr. Bhawana.( Prof.) Department of Geography.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha. Department of History.
Class IX.
Summer Home Assignment 
Session 22 – 23.

Our guiding forces. 

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant.

Summer Home Assignment : S.St. Class 9.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : History. Session : 2022-23. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E.F History.

9.NCERT History.
A. Home Assignment. IX. : A.B.C.D.E.F. History.
a. Reading / Understanding of. 
(i) The French Revolution. Chapter 1.
(ii) The Russian Revolution. Chapter 2.
b. Writing : Do frame inside Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1. The Nationalism in Europe.
c. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book to be written in your Notebook.
d. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : CivicsSession : 2022-23. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E.F 

9 NCERT Civics.
A. Project Work class IX History / Civics :
a. Reading / Understanding of Chapter 1.2. 
(i) Why Democracy.
(ii) Constitutional Design.
b. Writing : Do frame inside Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1.
Why Democracy. 
c. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book to be written in your Notebook.
d. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.
B. Project Work  in History / Civics :  : In term of French Revolution legacy word Liberty, Equality and Fraternity prepare a 5 page write of the silent feature of Indian Democracy.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : GeographySession : 2022-23. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E.F 

A. Complete exercise questions from 
Chapter 1. Size and Location & 
Chapter 2. Physical Features of India.
9.NCERT Geography.
B. Do inside questions and MCQ from 
Chapter.1. Size and Location
Chapter 2. Physical Features of India.
C. Practice following maps on physical map of India. 
Chapter : - 1 Size and Location.
(i)  Indian neighboring countries
(ii) Tropic of Cancer
(iii) Palk straight
(iv) States and Union Territories ( on political map of India)
Chapter : - 2.Physical Feature of India.
(i) Hills :- Satpura, Aravalli, Vindhya, Western Ghat, Eastern Ghat, Garo, Khasi Jayantiya.
(ii) Chilka Lake
(iii) Peaks:- Kanchanjangha, Nanda Devi, Namchwa Bawra
 And also complete maps given in the exercise of 1&2

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : EconomicsSession : 2022-23. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E.F 

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : EconomicsSession : 2022-23. 
Summer Home Assignment. S.St.
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E.F 
A. Complete exercise questions from  
Chapter 1.The Story of Village Palampur. 
SEA  : Subject Enrichment Assessment.
Make a Dictionary  of  Hard Words and their meanings of taught Chapters 8,9,10 in your separate copy.

कक्षा - नवम. विषय - हिंदी 
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. सत्र २२ -२३

१ . दो बैलों की कथा' एवं 'कबीर' पाठ का प्रश्नोत्तर करें।'
२ . इस जल प्रलय में' पाठ का प्रश्नोत्तर करें।
३. कोरोना वायरस का संकट' और ' महिला सशक्तिकरण ' विषय पर निबंध लिखें। 
४. निम्नलिखित संकेत बिंदुओं के आधार पर कहानी ( लघुकथा ) लिखिए ।एक लकड़हारे की कुल्हाड़ी एक कुएँ में गिर गई। वह रोने लगा। तभी एक अदृश्य देवता प्रकट हुए।  उन्होंने उसे सोने की कुल्हाड़ी देते हुए पूछा - क्या तुम्हारी कुल्हाड़ी यही है ?
५. तुम्हारे बड़े भाई अपने नए घर में प्रवेश करने जा रहे हैं. एक शुभकामना संदेश लिखिए।
परियोजना कार्य. हिंदी गद्य साहित्य में 'यात्रा वृतांत' विधा का स्थान निर्धारित करते हुए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण 'यात्रा वृतांत' एवं यात्रा वृतांतकार/ लेखक की सूची तैयार करें।

कक्षा - नवम. विषय - संस्कृत 
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. सत्र २२ -२३

१. शब्द रूप- बालक , लता, कवि , साधु, मातृ, तत्, किमं, अस्मद , युस्मद  शब्द रूप लिखें एवं याद  करें ।
२. धातु रूप - भू ,गम्, अस्, कृ ,सेव् ,लभ् लिखकर याद  करें । 
३. परियोजना  कार्य - उदाहरणानुसार 
संख्या चार्ट विशेष्य  सहित चार्ट  पेपर पर बनायें  ( एक से दस तक )। 
उदाहरण पुलिंग , स्त्रीलिंग , नपुंसकलिंग 
१. एकः बालकः एका महिला  एकं यानम 
२. ................. ................. ..................

Class 9.Subject - English
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23

A. Notebook Completion AIL ( Art Integrated Learning )  Cum Portfolio Project.
a. Your name and details
b. Your family
c. Your best friend
d. Your inspiration
e. Aims
f. Your favorite holiday
g. Your achievements – educational & Co-curricular ( Certificates if any to be kept in the folder – Xerox copies )
h. Subject wise % of class, IX  PT-  1
i. Your strength & weakness  ,Overview / Your experience
j. Extrapolatory questions –answers (120-words)
h. Both books
Portfolio  –   PPT / File. Two options are there a. Portfolio making in hard copy or in b.in digital mode PPT file.  

B. Q / A  -  Notebook / File. 

Class 9.Subject - Computer Science
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23
A. Written Home work
Notebook Accomplishment / Portfolio / Other.
Complete the notebook / Fair copy till the last taught topic.
B. Practical Assignment
(a) Write the steps to open MS -Word/Open Office Writer.
(b) Steps to save  the document in MS- Word / Writer.
(c) Steps to insert an Image in the document.
(d) Steps to insert the Table in the document.
(e) Steps to set Margin in the document.
C. Project
AIL ( Art Integrated Learning  / other  Projects )
Project : Create the PPT on the topic Communication  and types of communication
and mail to davbsfbr017@gmail.com

Class 9.Subject - Mathematics
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23
Q.1.Solve unit lines and angles and unit polynomial ( Exercise 2.5)
Q.2.Activity to represent the formula of algebraic identity to find squares of sum of two numbers by paper cutting method.
Q.3.Solve 5 questions daily from the taught portion.

Class 9.Subject - Science
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23
Subject - Chemistry
Question Bank
Multiple choice questions
Q.1.Seema visited a Natural Gas Compressing Unit and found that the gas can be liquefied under specific conditions of temperature and pressure. While sharing her experience with friends, she got confused. Help her to identify the correct set of conditions
(a)Low temperature, low pressure
(b)High temperature, low pressure
(c)Low temperature, high pressure
(d)High temperature, high pressure
Q.2.During summer, water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool because of the phenomenon of
Q.3. Which of the following has highest intermolecular forces of attraction?
(a)Liquid water
(b)Liquid ethyl alcohol
(c)Gaseous carbon dioxide
(d)Solid carbon dioxide
Q.4.The substance which can readily sublime is
(a)Ammonium chloride
(b)Sodium chloride
(c)Hydrochloric acid
(d)Chlorine gas
Q.5. The temperature at which a liquid changes into gas is known as
(a)Melting point
(b)Transition point
(c)Boiling point
(d)Kelvin point
Q.6.The boiling point of water at normal atmospheric pressure is
(a)273 K
(b)373 K
(d) 0 degree Celsius
Q.7.Which of the following factor does not increase the rate of evaporation?
(a)Increase in temperature
(b)Increase in wind speed
(c)Increase in surface area
(d)Increase in humidity
Q.8. The physical state of water at 10 degree Celsius is
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) May be solid or liquid
9.A change of state directly from solid to gas without changing into liquid state (or vice versa) is called
(a) Sublimation
(b) Fusion
(c) Diffusion
(d) Evaporation
Q.10.The amount of heat energy that is required to change 1kg of a solid into liquid at atmospheric pressure at its melting point is called
(a) Latent heat of vaporization
(b) Latent heat of fusion
(c) Melting point
(d) Fusion
Very Short Answer Questions
Q.11. Define evaporation.
Q.12.Define latent heat of vaporization.
Q.13.What happens to the boiling point of a liquid when atmospheric pressure decreases?
Q.14.What is dry ice? What happens when the pressure under which it is stored is decreased to 1 atmosphere ?
Q.15.Name the properties of gases due to which it is possible to fill CNG in cylinders for using as fuel in cars.
Short Answer Type Questions (2Marks)
Q.16.On suffering from fever which will lower down your body temperature, more ice or cold water? Why?
Q.17.How surface area and wind speed affects the rate of evaporation? Explain.
Q.18. Why kelvin scale is regarded better than Celsius scale of temperature?
Q.19.Why is balloon kept in a sun burst after sometime?
Q.20. Ice at 273 K is more effective in cooling than water at 273 K. Why?
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Marks)
Q.21.Differentiate between evaporation and boiling. Give any three differences.
Q.22.Define the following terms.
(a) Sublimation
(b) Fusion
(c)Latent heat of fusion
Q.23.Give reasons for the following :
(a)We sweat more on humid days.
(b)Camphor disappears if kept in open space.
(c)Wet clothes do not dry easily on a rainy days.
Q.24. Give reasons for the following :
(a)Why does ice float on water?
(b)A gas fills Completely the vessel in which it is kept, why?
(c)The water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool in summer.
Q.25.Suggest a method to liquify gases. Water droplets are observed on the outer surface of a glass tumbler containing ice cold water. Why?
Long Answer Type Questions ( 5 Marks)
Q.26.(a) Convert 574 K to the Celsius scale
(b) What will be the state of water at :
(i) 108 degree Celsius
(ii)  275 K
(iii) 370 K
(c) Give reason - why water at room temperature is a liquid?
Q.27. (a) Define diffusion. Explain the rate of order of diffusion in solids, liquids and gases.
(b) State the effect of temperature on diffusion .

Q.1.Define the following terms
(i) Average speed, 
(ii) Average velocity, 
(iii) Average acceleration, 
(iv) Instantaneous velocity, and 
(v) Instantaneous acceleration
Q.2.Differentiate between: -
(i) Speed and velocity, 
(ii) Velocity and acceleration, 
(iii) Uniform speed and non-uniform speed
Q.3.Derive all the three equations of motion graphically.
3.Solve all numerical questions: 
(i) In text questions Page No. 110
(ii) Exercise questions Page No. 112 and 113, NCERT TEXT BOOK
The times of arrival and departure of a train at three stations A, B and C the distance of station B and C from station A are given as:
Distance from A (Km)
Time of arrival (hours)
Time of departure (hours)
8 : 00
08 : 15
11 : 15
11 : 30
13 : 00
13 : 15
Plot and interpret the distance-time graph for the train assuming that its motion b/w any two stations is uniform on graph page.
Make/prepare a project work on different graphs like Position-time graph, Distance-time and velocity-time graph on a chart paper(Draw above graphs on graph paper and paste on chart paper).

Complete and learn the exercise and inside questions of chapter 1.

SEA  : Subject Enrichment Assessment.
Make a Dictionary  of  Hard Words and their meanings of taught Chapters 8,9,10 in your separate copy.


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