Class Note 9. Economics. Chapter 2. People as Resources.

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Class IX.
S.St. NCERT. Class Notes. Chapter 2.Economics.
People as Resources.
Session 22 – 23. 
Our guiding forces. 

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant.

IX. Class. Subject. S.St. Economics. Chapter 1.

Page : 1. Questions - Answers
Name of  Book - NCERT Write in brief
Chapter 1.Peole as Resorces.

Retention :- possession
Elementary :- primitive
Peculiar :- weird
Recruitment :- enrolment
Induce :- motivate
Privileges :- facilities
Prosperity :- welfare
Roam :- to wander
Arthritis:- gout
Resources:- all the things that satisfy our needs are called resources.
Q.1 when does population become human capital?
Answer :  Population becomes human capital when there is investment made in the form of education training and medical care.
Q.2 why are the humans called resources?
Answer : Humans can make the best use of nature to create more resources when they have the knowledge, skill and technology to do so.
Q.3 What is Human capital?
Answer : The term human capital refers to the economic value of a worker's experience and skills. Human capital includes assets like education, training, intelligence, skills, health and other things.
Q.4 what is human capital formation?
Answer : When existing human resources for the development becoming more dedicated and shelby because it human capital formation.
Q.5 why is human capital called superior to land and physical capital?
Answer : Human capital s considered superior to othe resources because human resources can make better use of land and physical capital but land and physical capital cannot become useful on its own.
Q.6 why are the countries like japan are more developed?
Answer : Countries like Japan have become rich and developed because they invested a lot in the human resources in the field of education and health to succeed. They have no natural resources.
Q.7 In how many factors have activities been classified?
Answer : The various activities have been classified into three main sectors that is primary, secondary and tertiary.
Q.8 what are economic activities?
Answer : Activities that add value to the national income are called economic activities.
Q.9 what are the two parts of economic activities?
Answer : Economic activities have two parts: market and non-market activities.
Market activities are the activity performed to earn income or activity performed for pay or profit.
Non-market activities are the production of goods and services for self-consumption.
Q.10 which type of work is not recognise in the national income?
Answer : The household work done by women is not recognise in the national income.
Q.11 what are the major determinants of earning of any individual in the market?
Answer : Education and still are the major determinants of the ironing of any individual in the market.
Q.12 On what does the quality of population depend?
Answer : The quality of a population depends upon the literacy rate, health of a person indicated by light expectancy and skill formation acquired by the people of the country.
Q.13 What is the role of good health of a person ?
Answer : The health of a person helps him to realize his heart potential and the ability to fight illness. Indeed health is an indispensable basis for realising ones well being.
Q.14 What is the full form of GDP?
Answer : Gross domestic product.
Q.15 Jot down the steps that have been taken to increase the enrolment in the elementary education.
Answer : The steps taken by the government to Improve the literacy level in India are mentioned below:(i)The Primary School system has expanded to over 5,00,000 villages in India.
(ii)Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a significant step towards providing elementary education to all children in the age group of 6-14 years by 2010.
Q.16 What is the full form of GER?
Answer : Gross enrolment ratio.
Q.17 What is the contribution of education in growth of society?
Answer : Education contributes towards the growth of society also. it enhances the national income, cultural richness and increases the efficiency of governance.
Q.18 What is the IMR?
Answer : IMR stands for infant morality rate.
Q.19 How many medical Colleges and dental colleges does India have?
Answer : There are only 381 medical Colleges in the country and 301 dental colleges.
Q.20 Which state has the maximum number of colleges?
Answer : Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and tamilnadu have the maximum number of colleges.
Q.21 What is unemployment?
Answer : Unemployment is said to exist when people who are willing to work at going wages cannot find jobs.
Q.22 People from which age group is included in workforce population?
Answer : The work force population includes people from 15 years to 59 years.
Q.23 what is the difference between the nature of unemployment in rural and urban areas?
Answer : The nature of unemployment differs in rural and urban areas. In case of rural areas there is seasonal and disguised unemployment. Urban areas have mostly educated unemployment.
Q.24 What is disguised unemployment?
Answer : In case of disguised unemployment people appear to be employed. They have agriculture plot where they find work. This usually happens among family members engaged in agriculture activity.
Q.25 which is the most labour absorbing
sector of the economy?
Answer : Agriculture is the most labour  absorbing sector of the economy.
Q.1 What do you understand by 'people as a resource'?
Answer : ‘People as a resource’ is a term that means how the population can be an asset and not a liability. It a way of referring to the working class of society in terms of their existing productive skills and abilities. The population becomes human capital when an investment is done in the form of education and training. Education and health also help human beings to be an asset to the economy. Thus, people as a resource refers to the working population that results in the development of society.
Q.2 How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical Capital?
Answer : Human resources are different from other resources like land and physical capital because human beings can use other resources to give out productive output. However, resources like land and physical capital are dependent on human resource for their use and cannot give any productive output all by themselves.
Q.3 What is the role of education in human capital formation?
Answer: Education plays a very important role in human capital formation for the following reasons:
An educated human can be considered an asset for the economy and not a liability.
Education can help an individual make better use of economic opportunities.
It helps in enhancing the national income, cultural richness and increases the efficiency of the Government.
It enhances individual productivity in terms of quality and quantity.
Q.4 What is the role of health in human capital formation?
Answer: Health plays a very important role in human capital formation in the following ways:
If an individual is healthy, he or she may have better immunity to fight illness.
Being healthy will also increase the overall outcome of an individual.
The health of an individual is directly proportional to the work he does. Thus better health will increase efficiency.
Q.5 What part does health play in the individual’s working life?
Answer: If an individual is healthy, then he or she may be able to give a better outcome in terms of their work lives.
a. The efficiency of a healthy person is higher than that of an unhealthy person.
b. A healthy person can spend more time working in comparison to an unhealthy person.
c. Hence, health plays a very important role in an individual’s working life.
Q.6 What are the various activities undertaken in the primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector?
Answer:•Primary sector includes agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing, poultry farming, mining and quarrying.
a. Manufacturing is included in secondary sector.
b. Trade, transport, communication, banking, education, health, tourism, services, insurance etc. are included in tertiary sector.
Q.7 What is the difference between economic activities and non-economic activities?
Answer: The activities that add value to the national income are called economic activities. They can be divided into two types: market activities and non-market activities. Market activities involve the activities performed for pay or profit, and non-market activities include the production done for self-consumption.
The activities that add no value to the national income are called non- economic activities. The domestic chore is an example of non-economic activities.
Q.8 Why are women employed in low paid work?
Answer: The wage distribution among men and women has been a major concern for society. Women are mostly paid less than women men, and one major reason for this is the meagre education qualification of women. They are employed in sectors which do not provide them with proper maternity leaves, child care benefits and other provisions and are also responsible for managing the household work. Hence they are paid less than men.
Skill is another reason why wages for women are less than men. Men are considered more skillful in comparison to women, despite equal physical work. Due to these reasons, women are employed in low paid work.
Q.9 How will you explain the term unemployment?
Answer: A situation in which skilled and abled people do not get gainful work at a decent wage is called unemployment. Rural and urban areas both have unemployment. In the case of the rural population, there is seasonal unemployment, and in urban areas, there is educated unemployment.
Q.10. What is the difference between disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment?
Answer: Rural areas have cases of both seasonal and disguised unemployment. Seasonal unemployment is when a person is unable to find jobs during a few months of the year. This mostly happens for farmers who are unemployed for a part of the year when no crops are grown.
Disguised unemployment is when people appear to be employed. When the number of people working on agricultural land is higher than the number of people actually required to work, this is considered an example of disguised un employment.
Q.11 Why is educated unemployed, a peculiar problem of India?
Answer: Educated unemployment has become a common phenomenon in India. Youths with matriculation, graduation and post-graduation degrees are unable to get jobs in India. This is because the education system in India labels anyone above the age of 18 years eligible to work. This leaves the youth unskilled and ultimately, unemployed. It is important that an individual does not only have a degree but must also be skilled enough to get a job.
Q.12 In which field do you think India can build the maximum employment opportunity?
Answer :The largest part of India's population is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood, yet there is a massive scope of disguised unemployment in the agricultural sector. Hence the manufacturing sector, a secondary activity is the one where the maximum part of the population can be given employment due to the increase in the number of industries.
Q.13 Can you suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of educated unemployed?
Answer: Some measures that can be taken in the education system to mitigate the problem of educated unemployed are as follows:
Make secondary level education more career-oriented. This practice will not just help individuals get an education but also enhance their skills and get better employment opportunities.
An individual should be able to choose the subjects that suit his or her abilities.
New subjects and fields of study should be introduced at the school level, which can be opted a career in the future.
This will open an opportunity for students to plan their future options at school level itself.
Q.14 can you imagine some village which initially had no job opportunities but later come up with many?
Answer : Yes, Chhotangpur is a village which initially had no job opportunities but with the time, with the advancement of technology, new industries arose. The raising industries offered many job opportunities and now it is an industrial region.
Now, India's largest iron and steel company is attracting many foreign countries.
Q.15. Which capital would you consider the best — land, labour, physical capital and human capital? Why?
Answer: Human capital can be considered to be the best out of the land, labour, physical and human capital. This is because the other resources cannot be used all by themselves, and only humans can use other resources and get productive outcomes from it.


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