Class Note 10.History. Chapter 1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.


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Class X.
S.St. NCERT. Class Notes. Chapter 1.History.
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.
Session 22 – 23. 

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X. Class. Subject. S.St. History. Chapter 1.
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.
Page : 1. Questions - Answers
Name of  Book - NCERT Write in brief
Chapter 1
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.
Chapter-1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Name of  Book - NCERT Write in brief
Chapter 1.History. 
Q.1.Write a note on 
(a) Guiseppe Mazzini (b) Count Camillo de Cavour
(c) The Greek War of independence 
(d) Frankfurt Parliament 
(e) The role of women in nationalist struggles
Ans.1 (a) Guiseppe Mazzini : - He was a revolutionary leader in Italy. He did play

an important role for the unification of Italian territory
In 1831 he was sent into exile for attempting revolution.
To carry on his program he founded two secret societies, wiz. 
a. Young Italy in Marseilles and Young Europe in Berne
Mazzini believed that God had intended nation to be the natural unit of mankind.
b. Monarchies should be abolished and replaced by democratic republics.Small
and kingdoms of Italy should be unified that would assert the liberty of the Italians.
1. (b) Count Camillo de Cavour : - Count Camillo de Cavour was the chief minister of Sardinia and Piedmont. He laid the movement for the unification of Germany. He was a tactful diplomat sought a lines with France to drive away the forces of Austria. Under the ruler ship of victor Emmanuel second. He succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859.Thus the Northern states united under the king victor of Emmanuel
1. (c) The Greek War of Independence :-Greece had been a part of the Ottoman Empire since 15th century.
1. (c) The Greek War of Independence :-Greece had been a part of the Ottoman Empire since 15th century.
The Treaty of Vienna sparked off struggle for it dependence among the Greece. The war of independence began in 1821.
The Greeks won the sympathies of entire Europe because poets an artist loaded Greece as the cradle of European civilization. So, they mobilized the public opinion to support its struggle.
By 1832 the Treaty of Constantinople was sign that recognized the independence of Greek people.
1. (d) Frankfurt Parliament : - The Frankfurt Parliament was   convened in the Church of St. Paul where women admitted only as observers to stand in visitor’s gallery.
The Frankfurt Parliament consisted of all middle class professionals, businessmen and prosperous artisans came together in the city of Frankfurt.
They decided to vote for and all German, National Assembly.
On 18th May 1848, 831 elected representatives marched in procession to take their places in Frankfurt parliament that was convent in the Church of St. Paul.
In this parliament a constitution was drafted for a German nation to be headed by a monarchy subject to parliament.
With the opposition of aristocracy and military. The assembly was forced to disband.
1. (e) The role of women in nationalist struggles :- Women were active in nationalist struggle in different nations. E.g. France, Germany, Italy
They form their own political association and published different newspaper and journals. E.g. Louise Otto Peters. They led many demonstrations and staged political meetings during 1830 to 1848. Yet women were denied their native, constitutional and basic rights.
However they were denied right to vote in France and Germany. They were not given proper right in all German national assembly.
When the Frankfurt parliament was convened at St. Paul church. They became mare observers in the gallery.
Women were not given right to equality but some.
What they had freedom to take initiative in nationalist struggle.
We cannot forget the role of Olympia De-Gauss fight for the right of women and she drafted the declaration of rights to men and women.
Q.2. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?
Ans.  Since 18th century the French Revolutionaries introduced various       measures and practices to create a sense of collective identify amongst the French people.
(a)  The concept of Nation – It was the French who popularized the idea of a father land –lapatrie & citizens lecitoyen. It emphasized the notion of a united community enjoying equal right under a constitution.
(b)  French flag – A new tricolor flag was chosen to be the national flag.
(c)   National Assembly- There was a state general named as national assembly.
(d)    New Hymns were compressed, oaths were taken and martyrs were
commemorated all in the name of the nation.
(e) Centralized Administrative System. The system provided uniform laws for its entire citizen within its territory.
Internal custom duties were abolished to promote the incite training without any hindrances.
Even Olympia/Degauss fought for the right of women’s she drafted. The declaration of Right to men & women.
Q.3. Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in which they were portrayed?
Ans. German Allegory Germania – 
With a crown of oak leaves as the German oak stands for heroism.
Meaning of Symbols in the allegory of Germania
a. Broken chain – Being freed.
b. Breastplate with eagle –  Symbol of German empires strength.
c. Crown of oak leaves -   Heroism.
d. Sword – readiness to fight.
e. Olive branch around the sword – willingness to make peace.
f. Black – Red and gold tricolor – Flag of the liberals nationalist in 1848, banned by the Dukes of German
g. Rays of the rising sun – Beginning of a new era.
French allegory Marianne  She is an allegory of France namely christened Marianne.She was first shown in the postage stamp in 1850 representing the Republic of France which underlined the idea of a people's nation.
Her characteristics were drawn from those of Liberty and the Republic stood for the red cap,the tri colour,the cokade.
Her statues were erected at public places  to remind the public about national symbol of unity and integrity.
Q.4.Briefly trace the process of German unification.
Ans. Germany was consisted of 360 states. Congress of Vienna brought down the number of 39 states only Prussia and Austria the two most powerful states established their supremacy over Germany for sole leadership.
By 1848, a large number of political associations tried to unite Germany into nation state by an elected parliament.
The first initiative was repressed by the combine forces of monarchy and the army supported by the land owners of Russia, Prussia came ahead Bismarck was make the chief minister. He took the help of Prussian army and autocracy.
Over a period of 7 years he taught three wars with Austria, Denmark and France and emerged victories.
This victory completed the process of unification of Germany. Kaiser William was proclaimed as the German emperor.
Q.5. What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?
Ans. Napoleon was the emperor of France. He incorporated revolutionaries principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient. He introduces the civil code in 1804.
(a)  He simplified administrative division transport and communication systems were improved.
(b) He abolished feudal system serfdoms.
(c)   Removal of towns, guilt restrictions.
(d) Establishment of uniform laws, standard weight and measures, common national currency.
(e)   Rule of law, equality, privileges were taken back of the feudal lords and everyone was made equal.
(f)   Right to property was established.
(g)  Creation of feeling of oneness among the people by introducing revolutionary principles and setting up of uniform administrative system.
(h) Creation of feeling of oneness among the people by introducing revolutionary principles and setting up of uniform administrative system.
1. Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?
 Ans. The liberals in Europeans countries led the revolution in 1848 is known as the revolution of liberals. They were the educated middle class people of Europe.
 By 1848, France had brought about abdication of monarch and a republic based on universal men suffrage.
In other parts of Europe as in Germany, Italy, Poland. Austrahungryean empire nation states did not exist. Therefore, the people of these countries demanded constitutionalism with national unification. They demanded for the creation of nation. State in parliamentary system.
They were different at the stand of political right to women. Women had participated activity over the year even their own political association. But they were denied suffrage rights.
2. Choose three examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe.
Ans. Culture of the people plays a significant role in the strengthening nationalistic feeling.
(a)  Through story, poems and paintings these cultural expression promoted the feelings of oneness and nationality.
(b) Cultural movement romanticism. Through romanticism European country realize a sense of share, collected heritage as for e.g.- a German philosopher Johan Gottlifride Herder claimed that trice German culture was to be discovered among the common people.
(c)  A similar role was played by vernacular languages it inhabits the very sole of a person.A person begins to correlate with another person who speaks the same language.For e.g.- when Poland was brought under the Russian occupation. The Russian language was imposed throughout Poland.
Therefore, the Polish language became the symbol of national resistant. It came to be seen as a symbol of the struggle against Russian Dominance.
Q.3.Through a focus on any two countries, explain how nations
developed over the nineteenth century?
Ans.There were two nations that unified in the 19th century. These are Germany and Italy.
Unification of Italy.
Italians were scattered over several dynastic states as well as the multinational Habesburge Empire.
In 1848 king Victor Emmanuel of Sardinia and Piedmont he  took up on himself the task of unification of Italy.Sardinia and Piedmont entered into a diplomatic alliance with the help of France. It succeeds in defeating the Austrian- forces in 1859.
1860 regular troupes along with a large no. of army volunteers marched into south Italy and the kingdom of two subclass.They remained successful in driving out the Spanish ruler and by 1861 victor Emmanuel was proclaimed as a king of united Italy.
Unification of Germany.
Germany was consisted of 360 states. Congress of Vienna brought down the number of 39 states only Prussia and Austria the two most powerful states established their supremacy over Germany for sole leadership.
By 1848, a large number of political associations tried to unite Germany into nation state by an elected parliament.
The first initiative was repressed by the combine forces of monarchy and the army  supported by the land owners of Russia. Prussia came ahead.
Bismarck was make the chief minister. He took the help of Prussian army and  autocracy.
Over a period of 7 years he faught three wars with Austria, Denmark and France and emerged victories.
These victories completed the process of unification of Germany. Kaiser William   was proclaimed as the German emperor.
Q.4 .How was the history of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe?
Ans. The unification of Great Britain: - The unification of United Kingdom had been a long process.The British parliament in acted the Act of Union 1707 between England and Scotland. This resulted in the formation of the united kingdom of Great Britain.
In 1801 Ireland was forcefully incorporated into the united kingdom for this the British supported Iris protested to spare their influence and dominance over a largely catholic country. Even the catholic revolt was suppressed.
Unification was different in these cases: -
(a)  No Revolutions took place in Britain.
(b) There was not any concept of British nation, prior to the 18th Century to bind them. They were the English, Walsh, Scot or Irish.
(c)  The English completed its Unification through cultural dominance they took a long time.
Q.5.Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans?
Ans. The Balkans was a region of geographical and Romania, Bulgaria, Hibernia, Greece, Macedonia etc.
There inhabitants were broadly known as the slaves.
A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the Ootman’s Empire.
With the spreading of romantic nationalism in the Balkans and disintegration of Ootman Empire made this region very explosive.
Many imperialist nation as Russia, Germany, England and Austro Hungary were keen to hold their power and control over this area.
Russia supported the slaves and Slavic nationalities struggle to define their identity and independence. Intense rivalry among the European power, Slavic nationalist movement and resultants of the Ottoman Empire made the Balkan area of intense conflict and explosion.
Reputedly it led to the outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918).   




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