Home Assignment : Vacation. Class 8


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Dr. Telpal Singh. ( Prof.) Nainital. Department of Science
 Dr. Roopkala Prasad. ( Prof.) Department of English.
Dr. Bhawana.( Prof.) Department of Geography.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha. Department of History.
Class VIII.
Summer Home Assignment. S.St.
Session 22 – 23.

Our guiding forces. 

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant

Summer Home Assignment : Science. Class 8.
DAV. PG Campus. Biharsharif.
Q.1.Write S.I Unit of the following physical quantities- (a) force (b) Pressure (c)thrust(d)speed (e) length(f) Mass
Q.2.Prove that 2 newton =10*5 dyne
Q.3.Draw a labelled diagram of “spring balance” and explain its construction and working.
Q.4.Give reasons-
(a) High risk buildings and dams have a wide base.
(b) Tanks and buldozer are fitted with caterpillar tracks rather than wheels.(c) Railways tracks are large sized wooden/iron sleepers.
Q.5.Distinguish the following-
(a) Pressure and thrust
(b) Balanced and unbalanced forces
Q.6.Give an activity to demonstrate that pressure exerted by a given liquid increases with depth.
Q.7.Project : Make a concept map / flow chart to differentiate between the concept of force and pressure on chart paper.
Q.1. Project :- Topic - Non-Conventional Sources of energy.
Q.2.Make a report on' electricity consumption’ in your house. Suggest some ways that can help to reduce the consumption
Q.3.Prepare a report on precautions that should be taken while using CNG fuel in vehicles.
Q.4.’Wastes’ have been traditionally disposed off  by burning them. ‘Waste combustors’ are used to dispose off hospital and industrial waste. Find out how these combustors work and their effect on the environment.
Q.5.Write a short note on' Cleaner fuels'
Q.6.Write the use of the followings:
(a) Natural gas 
(b) Coaltar 
(c) Coal gas
Q.7.Describe in brief the process of coaltar formation.
Q.8.Keeping in mind their avaibility in nature explain the need of using coal and petroleum judiciously.
Q.9.Global warming- Causes, effect and their prevention.
Q.10.Why do we say that burning of fuel can cause health hazards.
Q.11.Complete fair notebook copy of lesson 6 and 7 and learn
Q.12.Acid rain- Causes and its effect.
Biology :-
Q.1.Complete fair copy and learn exercise of chapter-1 (The Cell its structure and functions)
Q.2.Write the function of each cell organelles-
Plastids, Golgi, complex vacuole, cilia, flagella, Endoplasmic reticulum.
Q.3.Write five differences between plant cell and animal cell.
Q.4.Learn and write ' Do you know'? of Chapter-1  (The cell-its structure and functions)
Project - Make and label a model of plant cell or animal cell ( with the help of cardboard and decorate it )

Summer Home Assignment : Maths. Class 8.
DAV. PG Campus. Biharsharif.

Q.1. Solve unit exponents and power  in assignment copy.

Project : - To prepare list of squares and cubes from number 1 to 50 and learn the squares and cubes

Class 8.Subject - Computer Science
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23

A. Written Homework / Notebook Accomplishment /Portfolio / Other.
a. Complete the notebook /fair copy of Chapter-1
b. Complete the Activity of page no.- 2,3,4,5,9,12,15 and 19 in fair copy.
B. AIL( Art Integrated Learning )  / other  Projects 
Practical Assignment
a. Design a PPT on the Topic “Computer network and Internet and
mail to teacher Id.
b. Draw neat and clean diagram of computer network and its component.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. Session : 2022-23. 
Classes. 8 : A.B.C.D.E.

Q.1. Write down the word meaning of difficult words from Chapter 1, Resources : Utilization and Development. 
Chapter 2 : Natural Resources : Land ,Soil and Water.
Q.2. Complete the fair copy for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 and learn it
Q.3. Complete the Question /Answers of ch 1 and ch 2 from ‘something to do’.
Q.4. Do the Map skill work from Chapter 1 & Chapter 2
Q.5. Draw the colorful diagram of Hydrological cycle on a chart paper.
Q.1. Complete fair of Chapter 1,Our Constitution.
Project work :
Do Q No 2 from Something to do by the Chapter 17,Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties on a full length chart paper.
Collect reports and pictures from newspapers which show violation of various Fundamental Rights. Against each picture, name the Fundamental Right in Question. Suggest remedies to avoid recurrence of such incidents.
Q.1.What type of information do we get from the official records?
Q.2. How do letters, writing and speeches provided information? Give example.
Q.3. On an outline political map of India, mark the following kingdoms or territories during the expansion of the power of the East India Company.
a. Mysore
b. Carnatic
c. Bengal
d. Punjab
e. Hyderabad
f.  Madras
g. Bombay

कक्षा - अष्टम. विषय - हिंदी 
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. सत्र २२ -२३
१.'पाठ १  से ४ ' तक का प्रश्नोत्तर लिखकर याद करें। 
२.अनुच्छेद लिखें 
(i) समय का महत्व।   
(ii) परिश्रम सफलता की कुंजी है। 
३.छह ऋतुओं का वर्णन उसकी विशेषता के आधार पर सचित्र करें। 
४.अपने मोहल्ले के पार्क की सफाई करवाने हेतु नगर निगम अधिकारी को पत्र लिखें।
परियोजना कार्य  
'हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के' कविता को सचित्र लिखकर कवि शिवमंगल सिंह सुमन के   व्यक्तित्व एवं कृतित्व का वर्णन करें।  
कक्षा - अष्टम. विषय - संस्कृत  
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. सत्र २२ -२३
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्यम् 
१. पाठ - १  : प्रश्न संख्या २ ,३  और ४  लिखें । 
२. पाठ- २  : प्रश्न  संख्या २ ,३  और ४  लिखें । 
३ धातु रूप - भू, गम्, सेव् लिखकर याद  करें । 
४.शब्द रूप- राम, लता  और फल  लिखकर याद  करें । 
५.परियोजना  कार्य- ‘ वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम  ‘ पाठात् दस वाक्यनि विलिख्य  कतृपदं क्रियापदं  च रेखांकितं  करोतु । 
यथा  चटका  काकस्य  सहर्षं स्वागतं करोति  । कृतपदं –चटका। क्रियापदं - करोति   
Class 8.Subject - English 
Summer Home Assignment. 22 - 23
Q 1.Literature 
(a) Write  50 word meanings 
(b) From the chapters taught 
(c) Solve all the textual exercises of the chapters taught. 
(d) Complete Your fair copy 
Q.2.English Reader 
(a) Solve the unseen passages under unit 1 & 2
(b) In the book 
Complete the Writing skill exercises under unit 1&2 in your book
Q.3. English Practice Book 
(a) Solve all the worksheets of unit 1,2 and 3 in the book 
(b) Learn the basic rules of grammar units 
Project Work 
(a) Read any story ( out of your syllabus ) and write a short review ( Summary) Why did you choose the book.
(b) (In Notebook ) Present on Chart Paper ( in a colourful manner )
(c) Anyone Grammar Topics 
Tense Chart, Article Chart, Verb Chart, Sentences Chart, Determiners Chart  
Prepare Your Portfolio
Table of Contents 
(a) Introduce yourself 
(b) Aim for a friendly, casual tone 
(c) Decide which professional experience to include 
(d) Consider listing awards and accolades 
(e) Add a few personal details 
(f) Include a photo of yourself 
(g) Proofread and edit                




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