Questions Answers Banks. VIII. S.Sc. Session : 23 - 24.

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e- theme magazine. X. Questions Answers Banks.
 Examination Session  : 2023 - 2024
Class - 8.
Ist  PT. May. SESSION - 2023 -24.
Marking Scheme.

Section A.
Q.1: Where is the Victoria Memorial located?  (1 Marks ) 
(a) Calcutta 
(b) Bombay 
(c) Madras 
(d) Delhi
Answer : (a) Calcutta 
Q.2: When was Jallianwala Massacre occurred?    (1 Marks)
(a) 1916 
(b) 1917 
(c) 1919 
(d) 1920
Answer : (c) 1919 
Q.3: Future generations will depend on solar energy because it is (1 Marks)
(a) Biotic 
(b) Man - made 
(c) Inexhaustible 
(d) Non-renewable
Answer : (c) Inexhaustible 
Q.4: Freedom of religion makes India a (1 Marks)
(a) Socialist state 
(b) Sovereign state 
(c) Secular state 
(d) Republic
Answer : (c) Secular state 
Q.5. Define literary sources. (2 Marks)
Answer : Literary sources are such sources that are found in the written form.
In British India official report such as the Champaran Report , the Morley Minto Reforms, Government of India 1935.
Books as Unhappy India written by Lala Lajpat Ray, My Experiments with Truth written by Mahatma Gandhi are important literarry sources of India.
Q.6. Write two archeological sources which you studied in your textbook of modern period. ( 2 Marks )
Answer :  Two archeological sources are as we found  
(a) Victoria Memorial located  (Calcutta )
(b) India Gate ( Delhi) 
(c) Gate Way of India ( Bombay )
Q.7: What are the two types of resources on the basis of origin? Mention it.( 2 Marks)
Answer : Categories based on their origin 
a. Biotic.
b. Abiotic.
Q.8: Write two difference between Renewable and non - renewable resources. (2 Marks)
Answer : Renewable resources can not be depleted.
These include  as sunlight, wind and water.
Non- renewable sources can be depleted 
It includes fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum may be ended after a time. 
Q.9 : What was the constituent assembly? (2 Marks)
Answer : A constituent assembly is a body assembled for the purpose of drafting or revising a constitution.
Q.10 : Mention the three procedures of amendment of Indian constitution.(2 Marks)
Answer : These are the three procedures of amendment of Indian Constitution 
(a) Amendment by simple majority of the parliament.
(b) Amendment by special majority of the parliament.
(c) Amendment by special majority of the parliament and the ratification of at least half of the state legislature.
Q.11: Which three or four events took place during 20th century in modern period of Indian history during British time?  ( 3 Marks )
Answer : a. Partition of Bengal 1904 - 1905
b. Formation of Muslim League 1906
c. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 1913
d. Noncooperation Movement 1921
e. Quit India Movement 1942.
Q.12: Why  we should conserve our resources ? Give three  reasons. (3 Marks)      Answer : We need to conserve resources -
(1) To prevent them from getting exhausted.
(2) To save for the future generations.
(3) To get continuous supply for a long time.                                 
Q.13: India is a secular, democratic and republic state. Explain ( 3 Marks )
Answer : Secular : India is a secular state state as there is no official religion for the Indian state. Our constitution doesn't give a special status to any religion.
The constitution provides to all individuals and communities, freedom to profess , practice and propagate any religion or not to follow any.
Democratic :  India is democratic country because people elect their representatives to run the government.
Republic : India is known as a republic country because the people of India elect the head of the state government.                                                  


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