Home Assignment : Summer Vacation. Class 9.Session 23 - 24.

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Summer Home Assignment Slide : class 9.

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Class IX.
Summer Home Assignment 
Session 23 – 24.
Page.2.Contents Page.
Volume 2.Section.C.

My guiding forces. 

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant.
Contents Page : 2.

Summer Home Assignment : S.St. Class 9.

1st SHA. May 2023. IX. English.
Section : A. Reading.
Q.1.Solve any two unseen passages from Sample Paper or the given sets (Discursive & Case Based both) 
Section : B. Writing Skills & Grammar. 
Q.2. Debate Writing. 
Topic :“ The School of the Future Will Have No Books and No Teachers !” Or “Can online teaching replace traditional classroom teaching - learning process?”
Q.3. Solve any two worksheets of Integrated Grammar. from any sample paper or the given sets. 
Q.4.Solve Chapter 1 from Words and Expression. 
Section : C. Literature. 
Q.1.Accomplish notebook of literature up to the taught chapters. ( Beehive and Moments both) 
Typology of questions answers 
1.Chapter wise MCQs 
2.Chapter wise Theme /Central Idea/Title, Message, Characterization from fictions 3.Critical Analysis of poems. ( All the taught chapters) 
4. Include all extract based questions answers and other additional questions answers 
5.Prepare Glossary chapter wise Project Work Art Integrated Learning ( AIL) Prepare comic strip of the Chapter 1 The Fun They Had (Beehive) in a picturesque way.
1st SHA. May 2023. IX. Hindi.

१. मेरे संग की औरतें  पाठ का प्रश्नोतर लिखें l
२. निबंध लिखें - " जल का महत्त्व l
३. तीन दिनों के अवकाश के लिए प्रधानाचार्य को आवेदन पत्र लिखें l
४. आत्मकथा तथा रिपोतार्ज की परिभाषा लिखें l
५. क्रिया, सर्वनाम एवं विशेषण की परिभाशा, भेद एवं  उदहारण लिखें l
६. परियोजना कार्य. 
फणीश्वर नाथ 'रेणु' तथा मुंशी प्रेमचंद का जीवन परिचय लिखें एवं हिंदी साहित्य में उनके योगदान पर प्रकाश डालिए l
1st SHA. May 2023. IX. Maths.
Q.1. Solve everyday five question of chapter 1 ,2 and 3 from R s Aggarwal book.
Q.2. Construct the square root spiral. 
Q.3. Draw the photo of different mathematician on chart paper. 
1st SHA. May 2023. IX. Science .
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : PhysicsSession : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 
Q.1.Solve all questions/Answer of motion unit from NCERT Book in a fair notebook.
Q.2.Define uniform acceleration, what is the acceleration of a body moving with uniform velocity.
Q.3.Define average speed? A bus travels a distance of 120 km with speed of 40kmph and returns with speed of 30 kmph, Calculate average speed for entire journey.
Q.4.Draw velocity time graph for a body that has initial velocity U and is moving with uniform acceleration of ‘a’ use it to drive
(a) V= U + at
(b) S = ut + at2
(c) V2 = u2 +2as
Q.5.Define uniform circular motion. Is it accelerated motion, IF yes , what is the direction of acceleration . Give an example of this type of motion 
Project Work :
Q.6.To calculate the acceleration of a body by plotting graph from given (selected) data and interpret the graph.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : ChemistrySession : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 

Q.1.Learn all C.W.
Q.2.Define these terms :-
(a) Rigidity 
(b) Compressibility 
(d) Kinetic Energy 
(f) Evaporation 
(h) Latent heat of fusion 
(i) Latent heat of vaporisation 
(j) Melting point 
(k) Boiling point 
(i) Plasma state
Q.3. Do page no.-9 and 10
Q.4.Do question no. - 1,2 and 3 of Page no. 12
Project Work
How will you obtain different gases from air.(Fig - 2.12) on Chart Paper

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : BiologySession : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 
Solve the following questions
Q.1. Mention the crops whose production has increased by green and yellow revolutions.
Q.2. Give one disadvantage of fertilizers.
Q.3. Mention one criterion for selection of mixed crops.
Q.4. What is pest?
Q.5. Write down two harmful effects of biotic factors on food grains.
Q.6. Classify nutrients according to their sources.
Q.7. What is photoperiod?
Q.8. What is the objective of mixed cropping?
Q.9. Why are leguminous crops desirable in crop rotation?
Q.10. Explain various methods of Crop improvement.  Name one improved varieties each of rice wheat and maize.
Q.11. What are harmful effects of irrigation?
Q.12. Describe the mechanism of compost formation.
Project Work.
Make a list of nutrients supplied by air water and soil in tabular form. (In chart paper)


Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. History. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. S.Sc.

9.NCERT History.
A. Summer Home Assignment. IX. : A.B.C.D.E.. History.
a. Reading / Understanding of. 
(i) The French Revolution. Chapter 1.
(ii) The Russian Revolution. Chapter 2.
b. Writing : Do frame inside Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1. The French Revolution.
c. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book to be written in your Notebook.
d. Map Skill : Do related Map work of Chapter 1 : French Revolution.
e. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : CivicsSession : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 

9 NCERT Civics.
A.  Civics : Summer Home Assignment.
a. Reading / Understanding of Chapter 1.2. 
(i) Why Democracy.
(ii) Constitutional Design.
b. Writing : Do frame inside Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1.Why Democracy.
c. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book to be written in your Notebook.
d. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.
B. Project Work  in History / Civics :  : In term of French Revolution legacy word Liberty, Equality and Fraternity prepare a 5 page write of the silent feature of Indian Democracy.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : GeographySession : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 

Q.1: Remember question -Answer of chapter 1st i.e India size and location.
Q.2: Classify the physical division of India and write short notes on it.
Q.3: On outline map of India locate the highest peak of Himalaya located in India.
Q.4: Write short notes on the following.
(A) The Indian desert
(B) The Central Highlands
(C) The Island groups of India.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : EconomicsSession : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 

Q.1. Do intext and exercise Q. Answer of Chapter :1.The Story of Village Palampur.
Q.2. Write short note on given topics:
a. Green Revolution
b. Harmful effects of Chemical fertilizers
c. Benefits of modern farming methods
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : SanskritSession : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : E. 

१. शब्द रूप  : बालक , लता ,कवि, साधु, मातृ, तत्, किम ,अस्मद , युष्मद  शब्द रूप लिखें एवं याद  करें ।
२. धातु रूप - भू, गम्, अस् , कृ , सेव् , लभ् लिखकर याद करें ।
परियोजना  कार्य : उदाहरणानुसार संख्या चार्ट विशेष्य सहित चार्ट पेपर पर बनायें (एक से दस तक)।
उदाहरण   पुलिंग   स्त्रीलिंग         नपुंसकलिंग
१.एकः बालकः      एका महिला     एकं यानम 
२.  ................. ................. ..................

Summer Home Assignment
Subject :Computer . History. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E.
Q.1. Carefully observe in your school and home. What types of communications are taking place? Make a list of these with examples and identify the senders, receivers and messages in each type of communication and draw the communication cycle. 
Q.2. Make any 10 self management skills checklist which are helping you to manage the different situation in your life. 
Q.3. Write your any 10 strengths and weaknesses and also mention why is it important to know own strengths and weaknesses? 
Q.4. List out any 5 IT enabled services with their functions

जाह्नवी आई केयर & रिसर्च सेंटर.

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लेख / आलेख : पृष्ठ : ३. 
एटम बम के समान है आर्टिफीसियल इंटेलिजेंस.
रवि शंकर शर्मा.
नैनीताल. संपादक
एम. एस. मीडिआ. ब्लॉग मैगज़ीन पेज.  

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विज्ञापन पृष्ठ : ५.   
our shining stars.
DAV/ Admission / Advertisement / Notice.

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फोटो दीर्घा : ५ 

the storming of Bastille France. 14th July 1789. French Revolution. 
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आभार पृष्ठ : ७ 
e - feature learning theme blog magazine page, around our Social Cultural 
under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi.  
अनमोल बातें  : पृष्ठ ८

आपने कहा  : पृष्ठ ९  
Apoorva, a DAV student PGC Biharsharif 
securing 604th rank in UPSC.

New Delhi / ER. In an exclusive interview with our correspondent Apoorva Rastogi shared her feelings with us in such a humble way that how she continued her efforts and remained successful in achieving her goal. She gives the credits to her relatives, parents and above all her teachers who remained the torch bearers in her life.
" ..I started my journey with a lot of courage and also with a lot of uncertainties...given how unpredictable UPSC can be ! Today, securing 604th rank seems like a dream come true. But little did I realise that more than the results, its the smile and pride I have brought on the faces of my parents and teachers will make me happy. This smile and pride will be my guiding light to utilise this.." opportunity given to me in contributing towards my nation.


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Er. Snigdha, Er. Siddhant. Bangalore
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