Home Assignment : Summer Vacation. Class 8.Session 23 - 24.

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 Summer Home Assignment. VIII. 23-24.
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त्रि शक्ति अधिकृत और प्रायोजित. 
विषय सूची : पृष्ठ ०. 
आवरण पृष्ठ : ०. 
सम्पादकीय पृष्ठ : १.
विषय वस्तु पृष्ठ : २.
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आभार पृष्ठ : ७
अनमोल बातें : पृष्ठ : ७ 
आपने कहा : पृष्ठ : ९ 
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8.Class. Questions/ Answers/ Assignments

DAV Power Grid Campus, Bihar Shairf.
Session. 23 - 24.
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त्रि शक्ति अधिकृत और प्रायोजित. 
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Volume 2.Section.C.
Class 8.
Summer Home Assignment 
Session 23 – 24.
Blog Address : msmedia4you.blogspot.com
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under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi.
Developed Updated at New Delhi.
Summer Home Assignment. Class VIII. English..
Subject : English. DAV Public School. Biharsharif.
English :-
Q.1. Solve all the exercise and question under the chapters taught in the class.
Q.2. Write so difficult words with their meanings and learn by heart.
Q.3. Prepare 10 MCQ test questions based on any taught chapter
Q.1.Solve and complete all the exercise of taught chapter
Q.1.solve all the reading comprehension passage and writing skills of the units taught in the class
Q.1. Choose any one topic from your English book

वर्ग : आठ  
विषय : हिंदी. ग्रीष्म कालीन गृह कार्य. 
१. अभ्यास सागर पाठ १ ,२ ,३  पूरा लिखें। 
२. बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ पर लिखें।
३. अस्पताल की रोगियों की दुर्दशा विषय पर एक शिकायत पत्र संपादक के नाम लिखें।
४. अनुप्रास, उपमा, रूपक, मानवीकरण ,अलंकार की परिभाषा एवं उदाहरण लिखिए।
५. संज्ञा, सर्वनाम , विशेषण, उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय की परिभाषा भेद एवं उदाहरण सहित लिखिए। 
६. परियोजना कार्य : रितुओं पर अनेक  कविताएं  लिखी गयी हैं ।  सर्दी ,वर्षा और बसंत ऋतु पर एक एक कविता कॉपी में लिखें। और कक्षा में सुनाएं प्रतिदिन एक पृष्ठ सुलेख कॉपी में लिखें। 

Summer Home Assignment. Class VIII. Maths.
Subject : Maths. DAV Public School. Biharsharif.
Maths :
Q.1. From Chapter : 1 : Square and square root,
Chapter :  2 Cube and cube root and 
Chapter : 4 Direct and inverse variation till taught 
Do five questions per day (25×5=125).
Chapter  1- Square and square root
Chapter  2– Cube and cube root
Chapter  4 – Direct and inverse variation

Summer Home Assignment. Class VIII.
Subject : 
Science. DAV Public School. Biharsharif.
Science :-
Q.1. Complete fair copy.
Q.2.Write down the one function of each cell organelles.
Q.3.write and learn do you know of Chapter 1 in a separate copy.
Q.4. Do page no 16 in book.
Q.5.project work- make a models of plant cell or animal cell with its well lable.
Q.1.make a valency chart and elements chart on chart paper
Q.2. Learn & write atomic number of elements up to 30.
1.State three effects of force and give examples of each effect.
2.State some application where we reduce the pressure by increasing the surface over which the force is exerted.
3.Distinguish between :-
a. Contact and non contact force
b. Pressure and thrust
c. Balance and unbalance force
Q.4.why high rise building and dams have a wide space?
Q.5.why is it easy to cut with a sharp knife then a blunt knife?
Q.6.explain why porter's place around piece of cloth on their head carry heavy loads?
Q.7.What is the hydrostatic pressure ?state the properties of liquid pressure.
Q.8. Project work:-
Force and pressure are two different concepts. At time we tend to use these words interchangeably.
Collect some pictures to bring out the difference between the two.

Summer Home Assignment. Class VIII. S.St..
DAV Public School. Biharsharif.

Summer Vacation Assignment
Q.1. Do write the Questions / Answers of Chapter 1. Modern India.
Q.2.Do complete the Questions/ Answers of Chapter 2. Establishment of British Rule in India.
Q.3. Do the objectives as fill in the blanks, Match the Following in your Book.
Q.4. Remember the Questions/ Answers.
Q.1. Remember Question - Answer of Chapter 16 and write it in the assignment copy.
Q.2. Write the features of single integrated judicial system of India.
Q.1. Remember question -Answer of chapter (Resources utilization and development)
Q.2. Suggest any five ways to reduce the wastage of resources.
Q.3. Write question - Answer of Chapter 2 and remember it
Q.4. Locate the major multipurpose river valley projects of India on the map and paste it in assignment copy.

वर्ग  : आठ  
विषय : संस्कृत . ग्रीष्म कालीन गृह कार्य. 

१.  पाठ - १  : प्रश्न संख्या २ ,३ और ४  लिखें ।
२ .पाठ - 2 : प्रश्न संख्या  २ , ३  और ४  लिखें ।
३ .धातु रूप - भू, गम्, सेव् लिखकर याद  करें ।
४ .शब्द रूप - राम, लता और फल  लिखकर याद  करें ।
५ . परियोजना कार्य - ' वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम ' पाठात् दस वाक्यानि विलिख्य कतृपदं च रेखांकितम करोतु।
यथा  : चटका  काकस्य  सहर्षं स्वागतं करोति  ।
कतृयपदं – चर्का  – करोलत

वर्ग  : आठ  
विषय : नैतिक शिक्षा . ग्रीष्म कालीन गृह कार्य. 
१ .ईश्वरस्तुति प्रार्थना मंत्र याद करें ।
२ .शांति पाठ याद करें और लिखें ।
३ .आर्य सामाज के नियम याद करें  १ से ५ तक़।  
४ .विद्यार्थी प्रतिज्ञा संस्कृत में याद करें।

वर्ग  : आठ  
विषय : कंप्यूटर  शिक्षा . ग्रीष्म कालीन गृह कार्य. 

Q.1.Make a survey report on how people used to commutating with each other in early day and also compare it with modern day communication technology collect the information from lives sources and make a report in fair copy.
Q.2. write difference between wi-fi and Wimax.
Q.3. Make a list of some wire and wireless technology in different place.
Q.4. List different gadgets in  which use infrared technology. 

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साभार : 

फोटो : श्रवण कुमार बटवारे का दर्द झेलते हुए .

वीर योद्धा : अमरसिंह राठौर. 
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DAV/ Admission / Advertisement / Notice.

जाह्नवी आई केयर & रिसर्च सेंटर.
लेख / आलेख : पृष्ठ : ६. 
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लेख /
एटम बम के समान है आर्टिफीसियल इंटेलिजेंस. 

रवि शंकर शर्मा.
नैनीताल. संपादक
एम. एस. मीडिआ. ब्लॉग मैगज़ीन पेज.  
Credit Page : 7
आभार : पृष्ठ : ७ 
अनमोल बातें : पृष्ठ : ८ 

आपने कहा  : पृष्ठ ९  

तुलसी के दोहें 

तुलसी के दोहें और राज्य.
Apoorva, a DAV student PGC Biharsharif 
securing 604th rank in UPSC.

New Delhi / ER. In an exclusive interview with our correspondent Apoorva Rastogi shared her feelings with us in such a humble way that how she continued her efforts and remained successful in achieving her goal. She gives the credits to her relatives, parents and above all her teachers who remained the torch bearers in her life.
" ..I started my journey with a lot of courage and also with a lot of uncertainties...given how unpredictable UPSC can be ! Today, securing 604th rank seems like a dream come true. But little did I realise that more than the results, its the smile and pride I have brought on the faces of my parents and teachers will make me happy. This smile and pride will be my guiding light to utilise this.." opportunity given to me in contributing towards my nation.

e - feature learning theme blog magazine page, around our Social Cultural 
under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi.

Page Making & Design : CAMS  New Delhi.
Er. Snigdha, Er. Siddhant. Bangalore
link sharable at.


  1. We get all home assignments in the one link only.
    Thank you so much,sir.

  2. This is a nice page, thank you so much sir

  3. This was all in one,sir. Too nice.Thank you very much sir.


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