Home Assignment : Summer Vacation. Class 10.Session 23 - 24.

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Summer Home Assignment Slide : class 10.
त्रि शक्ति अधिकृत और प्रायोजित. 
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फोटो दीर्घा पृष्ठ : ५ . 
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अनमोल बातें : पृष्ठ ८. 
आपने कहा : पृष्ठ ९. 
सम्पादकीय पृष्ठ : १.
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DAV Power Grid Campus, Bihar Sharif.
Session. 23 - 24.

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त्रि शक्ति अधिकृत और प्रायोजित. 
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e- theme magazine. IX. Summer Home Assignments.

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 Dr. Roopkala Prasad. ( Prof.) Department of English.
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Class X.
Summer Home Assignment 
Session 23 – 24.
Summer Home Assignment : S.St. Class 10.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : History. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. S.Sc.
 कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम. 
Chief Editor 
Dr. Manish Kumar Sinha 
under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi.
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Class. X
Summer Home Assignment 
Session 23 – 24.

Our guiding forces. 

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant.
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Summer Home Assignment : Class 10.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Science. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E. English.
Section A. Reading -
a. Solve any 2 unseen passages ( discursive and case based )
Section B. Writing skill and grammar -
a. Solve any five worksheets of integrated grammar from any sample paper.
b. Solve Chapter 1 from Words and Expression.
c. Write five placing orders ( formal letters ) of your choice.
Section C. Literature :-  
a. Accomplish notebook of literature of up to taught portions.
Project :- File work. 
Topic:- Indian farmers and Lencho - a comparative study.
a. How are their faith and consequences similar ?
b. Present your analytical view in a picturesque way. 
Comprehensive study of our freedom fighters and Patriots of South Africa. 
Any other topic from your textbook.
* Make a portfolio that was described in the classroom.

वर्ग  : दशम  
विषय : हिंदी ग्रीष्म कालीन गृह कार्य. 
१. संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण ,क्रिया एवं क्रिया विशेषण की परिभाषा तथा उनके भेद लिखें।
२.श्लेष, उत्प्रेक्षा ,मानवीकरण एवं अतिशयोक्ति अलंकार की परिभाषा तथा उनके उदाहरण लिखिए।
३. समय का महत्व' पर निबंध लिखें।
४. मोबाइल फोन की अति उपयोग से हो रही असुविधाओं के संदर्भ में अपने छोटे भाई को पत्र लिखें।
५.गोस्वामी तुलसीदास का जीवन परिचय साहित्यिक विशेषताएं एवं भाषा शैली की विशेषताएं लिखिए।
६. पाठ 2 राम लक्ष्मण परशुराम संवाद के प्रश्न उत्तर बनाए।

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Mathematics. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A. B. C. D. E. Mathematics.
Q.1.Solve 10 questions daily from any reference book (at least 250 questions).
Q.2.Activity from lab manual Mathematics  book :-
Q.3.To verify the relationship between zeros and coefficients.
Q.4.Graphically represent the consistent and inconsistent graphs.
*In the practical notebook

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Science. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E. Physics.
Physics : 
Q.1.You are given three mirrors of equal size- concave, convex and plane. How will you identify them without touching their surfaces?
Q.2. Explain the uses of concave and convex mirrors.
Q.3.What happens to the size of the image formed by a convex mirror, when an object is gradually moved towards the mirror?
Q.4.Why does a ray of light passing through the center of curvature of a concave mirror after reflection is reflected back along the same path?
Q.5.Give an activity to find the approximate focal length of a concave mirror.
Q.6. An object is kept in front of a concave mirror of focal length 20 cm. The image formed is three times the size of the object. Calculate the two possible distances of the object from the mirror.
Project : Draw ray diagrams for showing the formation of images by concave mirror and convex mirror on a chart paper.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Science. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E. Chemistry.
Chemistry : 
Q.1. Write a balanced chemical equation for each following reaction and classify them.
(a) Lead acetate solution is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid to form lead chloride and acetic acid solution.
(b) A piece of sodium metal is added to absolute ethanol to form sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas.
(c) Iron (III) oxide on heating with carbon monoxide gas reacts to form solid iron and liberates carbon dioxide gas.
(d) Hydrogen sulphide gas reacts with oxygen gas to form solid sulphur and liquid water
Q.2. Balance the following chemical equations and identify the type of chemical reaction.
(a) Mg (s) + Cl2 (g) → MgCI2 (s)
(b) HgO (s) + Heat → Hg (l) + O2 (g)
(c) Na (s) + S (s) → Na2S (s)
(d) TlCl4 (l) + Mg (s) → Tl (s) + MgCl2 (s)
(e) CaO (s) + SiO2 (s) → CaSiO3 (s)
(f) H2O2 (l) + UV → H2O (l) + O2 (g)
Q.3. On heating blue coloured powder of copper (I) nitrate in a boiling tube, copper oxide (black), oxygen gas, and a brown gas X is formed
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction.
(b) Identity the brown gas X evolved.
(c) Identify the type of reaction.
(d) What could be the pH range of the aqueous solution of the gas X?
Q.4. What happens when a piece of
(a) Zinc metal is added to copper sulphate solution?
(b) Aluminium metal is added to dilute hydrochloric acid?
(c) Silver metal is added to copper sulphate solution?
Also, write the balanced chemical equation if the reaction occurs.
Q.5. A white precipitate is obtained when adding a drop of barium chloride solution to an aqueous sodium sulphite solution.
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction involved
(b) What other name can be given to this precipitation reaction?
(c) On adding dilute hydrochloric acid to the reaction mixture, white residue disappears. Why?
Q.6. You are provided with two containers made up of copper and aluminium. You are also provided with dilute HCI, HNO3, ZnCl2 and H2O solutions. In which of the above containers we can keep these solutions?
Q.7. Give the characteristic tests for the following gases
(a) CO2                                (b) SO2                                (c) O2                   (d) H2
Q.8. Identify the Oxidation and Reduction part of the following reactions. Also write the substance oxidised, substance reduced, oxidising agent and reducing agent.
(a)   CuO  +  H2    Cu  + H2O
(b)   MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
(c)   H2S  +  Cl2  → S  + 2HCl
Ø  Complete Practical Notebook with all the activities done till now.
Ø  Do practice of writing and balancing chemical equations.
Project : 
1. Show the process of Electrolysis of Water with reactions involved on a Chart Paper.
2. Complete an Art integrated project on the topic “Chemistry in everyday life”. (Stick File)

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Science. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E. Biology.
Q.1.Although bile juice has no digestive enzymes, it is still considered to be very important during digestion of food. Why?
Q.2.Write two functions of epidermis.
Q.3.Where does digestion of fat take place in our body?
Q.4.How do autotrophs obtain CO2 and N2 to make their food?
Q.5.Name two different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in various organisms?
Q.6.What is the function of trachea? Why do the walls not collapse even when there is less air in it?
Q.7.Stomata of desert plants remain closed during the daytime. How do they take up CO2 and perform photosynthesis?
Q.8.State nay two functions of the cells that surround the stomata.
Q.9.Explain why leaf is preferred for preparation of temporary mount to show stomata? Write two functions of stomata.
Q.10. When a sports man runs, he gets muscle cramps. Why?
Q.11. In the human alimentary canal, name the site of complete digestion of various components of food. Explain the process of digestion.
Project : Show Human Respiratory System on a Chart Paper.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. History. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E. History.

A. Home Assignment. X : A.B.C.D.E.F. History.
a. Reading / Understanding of Chapter 1 and 2. 
(i)  Nationalism in Europe.
(ii) Nationalism in India. 
b. Writing : Do frame inside MCQ Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1.The Nationalism in Europe.
c. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book to be written in your Notebook.
d. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. CivicsSession : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 

Summer Home Assignment.

Subject : CivicsSession : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 
A. Home Assignment.
a. Reading / Understanding of Chapter 1.2. 
(i)  The Power Sharing.
(ii) Federalism. 
b. Writing : Do frame inside MCQ Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1. The Nationalism in Europe.
c. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book to be written in your Notebook.
d. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.
B. Project Work in History / Civics : Collect & paste the described cartoons of Chapter 1 Power Sharing and describe its meaning in a report.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. GeographySession : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 

A. Questions / Answers Written part.
Q.1.Complete exercise question answers from Chapter1.Resources and Development.
Q.2.Frame inside question from Chapter 1.Resources and Development.
Q.3.Frame MCQs from Chapter 1. Resources and Development.
B. Project work ( in a project file) Topic : Soil as a resource. Hints are given below :- 
a. What is soil or definition of soil?
b. How is soil formed with diagram (weathering and denudation) ?
c. Explain soil profile with diagram
d. Classification of soil
e. Distribution of major soil types on the map of India
f.  Write the three features of each soil type with picture.
g. Define soil erosion.
h. Causes of soil erosion
i.  Conservation of soil
j.  Make a collage of different landforms formed by the soil erosion ( gully erosion, sheet erosion)
C. Map work.
a. Locate the following types of soil on the map of India
b. Soil also known as regur soil
c. Most widely spread soil
d. Soil used for growing Tea and coffee
e. Soil that is red and brown in colour.
f. Soil which is rich and iron content.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. EconomicsSession : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 

Q.1.Do all the intext questions of Chapter 1.Development.
Q.2.Write all the exercise questions Chapter 1.Development.
Q.3.Complete the  mentioned homework in both the copies fair as well as assignment copy.

वर्ग  : दशम  
विषय : संस्कृत. ग्रीष्म कालीन गृह कार्य. 

पाठ १. के सभी श्लोकों का अन्वय एवं भावार्थ  संस्कृत में लिखें ।
सहायता के  लिए 
(a) https://youtu.be/yStaFPN_xvU
(b) https://youtu.be/gOgRdsJ0XJQ
परियोजना  कार्य- 
समयः  - अङ्कानां स्थाने शब्देषु समय लेखनम  ( सामान्य – सपाद – सार्ध –पादोन चार्ट  पेपर पर )
( एक से बारह बजे तक लिखना है )
सामान्य       सपाद                     सार्ध                       पादोन
१ : ००          १ :१५                     १ :३०                       १ :४५ 
एकवादने    सपाद एकवादने     सार्ध  एकवादने        पादोन द्विवदाने 
२ : ००         २ :१५                      २ :३०                      २ :४५ 
................ ................... .................. .....................
संस्कृत विभाग 

Summer Home Assignment
Subject :  ComputerSession : 2023-24. 
Classes. X : A.B.C.D.E.F 

Computer : IT
Q.1.Write any five rules to make communication skills effective and explain about communication for effective communication.
Q.2.Write your view about" why is it important to know the feedback of the communication"?
Q.3.Carefull observe in your school and home :- what types of communication are taking place? Make a list of these with examples and identify the sender and receivers and the messages in each type of communication and draw communication cycle.
Q.4.Survey open office writer software and list all of menu present  in it and also write about the different types of style (style & formation )in open office writer.
Q.5.Write A to Z shortcut keys of open office writer.
Q.6.Make any ten selfi management skills check list which are  helping you to manage the different situations in your life.

जाह्नवी आई केयर & रिसर्च सेंटर.
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रवि शंकर शर्मा
नैनीताल. संपादक
एम. एस. मीडिआ. ब्लॉग मैगज़ीन पेज  

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e - feature learning theme blog magazine page, around our Social Cultural 
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आपने कहा : पृष्ठ ९. 

तुलसी के दोहें

तुलसी के दोहें और राज्य.


Apoorva a Dav Student PGC, Biharsharif 
securing 604 th rank in the UPSC exams.

New Delhi / ER. In an exclusive interview with our correspondent Apoorva Rastogi shared her feelings with us in such a humble way that how she continued her efforts and remained successful in achieving her goal. 
She gives the credits to her relatives, parents and above all her teachers who remained the torch bearers in her life and carrier since beginning.
In her talk she shared us that it was her dream. And after the completion of her engineering from Allahabad se decided to face the most prestigious exams of Indian Civil Services. She scheduled her hard work in such a way to get this achievement. And she did. 
We here to quote her statement.... 
" ..I started my journey with a lot of courage and also with a lot of uncertainties...given how unpredictable UPSC can be ! Today, securing 604th rank seems like a dream come true. But little did I realise that more than the results, its the smile and pride I have brought on the faces of my parents and teachers will make me happy. This smile and pride will be my guiding light to utilise this.." opportunity given to me in contributing towards my nation."

Page Making & Design : CAMS  New Delhi.
Er. Snigdha, Er. Siddhant. Bangalore
link sharable at.
e - feature learning theme blog magazine page, around our Social Cultural 
under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi.  


  1. It is a nice and fruitful blog magazine page for the students.

  2. Nice &fruitful page for students.

  3. It is a too helpful page for the students.

  4. Congratulations to you,Apurva for your great success in UPSC exam.Santosh Kumar, Teacher D.A.V ,PGC , Biharsharif


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