Happy Class Room : Inhouse Seminar.

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e - feature theme blog magazine page. around our cultural tourism. 
Happy Teacher  : Happy Class Room.
A Complete Research  Account over Education.
Volume 1.Section.A. Page.1.Cover Page.
a happy teacher : photo courtesy net 

Editor in Chief.

Dr. R.K. Dubey.
Captain Ajay Swaroop ( Retd. Indian Navy). Dehradoon.
Dr. Roopkala Prasad. Prof. Department of English.
in Hindi.
Dr. Shailendra Singh. Raipur.
Neelam Pandey. Varanasi. 
Rita Rani. Jamshedpur.
Dr. Ranjana. Nalanda.
Dr. Prashant. Health Officer. Gujarat.
Anupam Chauhan. Lucknow.

Ravi Shankar Sharma. Haldwani. Nainital
Dr. Naveen Joshi. Nainital
Section. B. Page. 2. About the Page.
A happy teacher only makes a happy classroom only .
How to be a Happy Teacher for making happy classes.

a happy teacher : photo courtesy net 

In - house training program on capacity building
Under the aegis of COE Patna.
off Line Seminar 
powered by.

a happy classroom : photo courtesy net 

a. What is happiness ?
b. To Know about Yourself first.
c. How can you become a happy teacher ?
d. Happy Classroom 
e. Researcher's work
f. Conclusions
Section.C. Page.3. About the Research Page.
A. What is Happiness ?
As Aristotle says , “ Happiness depends upon ourselves.” 
Every person wishes to lead a happy life, not even knowing what actual happiness is. 
Anything else is solely dependent on that person either to make his / her life happy and worth living or to live depressingly and eventually die.
What Is Happiness? 
▪ Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction. Happiness is generally linked to experiencing more positive feelings than negative. 
▪ The only source of real happiness is Peace of Mind. When the mind is not at peace external factors can never bring happiness. But when you are at peace within, no external factor has the power to disturb you.
House Activity Work.
Opinions of the different participants about their happiness in speaking. 
How could they realize their happiness.

My Definition : Happiness is the fundamental objective of all human effort and activity, in all cultures and societies. The study of happiness has long been under the purview परिधि of philosophical speculation अनुमान .
Three distinct elements of happiness.
The theory suggests that happiness can be described as three distinct elements chosen for their own sakes: 
apositive emotion, 
b. meaning full engagement, 
c. meaning a new experimenting
These three elements are believed to be more measurable and definitive than happiness.
Who is a happy person : A happy person is someone who is frequently cheerful, only occasionally sad, and generally satisfied with his or her life.

B. To Know about Yourself first.
House Activity Work.
Opinions of the different participants about their happiness how do they know about themselves happy  in speaking. 
It is good to know about ourselves what we are.
Every teacher must know about herself or himself. Self - awareness is important because when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we can experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals.
We are then empowered to make changes and to build on our areas of strength as well as identify areas where we would like to make improvements. 

C. How can you become a happy teacher ?
Inside Activity Inside  : Making of a list makes us too happy.
Make a list of things that makes you happy and share it with your colleagues and students so that they know, support, and understand you well. Identify your positive and negative emotions.
a. Keep meditating in yourself.
b. Better think twice and many times before you speak.
c. Always be the truth speaker. 
d. Do work on your emotions. An emotionally intelligent teacher can create a happy environment in the classroom.

House Activity Work.
Opinions of the different participants about their happiness how do they make themselves happy  in speaking. 
How could they realize their happiness. 
a. To be the Extrovert : Studies show that highly extroverted बहिर्मुखी people – that is, who are more socially outgoing and exhibit more sensitivity to rewards – 
tend to experience higher levels of a positive emotion such as joy and enthusiasm, even when they are alone. 
Extrovert teachers make a happy classroom. They can develop this trait in students, and making a vibrant environment of learning.
Most importantly – “Commitment to be happy what is required”.
b. To be less Introvert : On the other hand, introverted people are prone प्रवृत to experiencing more anxiety, guilt, and depression. Every teacher must work on his or her personality traits that make them a happy teacher. 
c. Relationship management : Happiness is all about how you manage your-self and your relationship with your fellow teachers and students. 
What are the essentials for a happy classroom ? A happy classroom cannot be built in a day, it needs sustainable and continuous efforts by all stakeholders. 
d. Understandings and Management of the School Management : and teachers should understand that a Happy staffroom is essential for a Happy classroom. 
e. Practice Mindfulness :  In the classroom. Mindfulness interventions हस्तक्षेप  can help student reduce their stress, & anxiety, and create positive emotions. 
Teach students kindness and forgiveness. The best way to spread kindness is to be kind yourself. 
f. Teachers first being polite ,truthful , patient in themselves  : Who use kind words are polite, respectful, patient, and well-mannered for others they should be first the role model in themselves for others have students who emulate अनुकरण them. 
g. Emphasizing the practice of truthfulness सत्यता , empathy सहानुभूतिWe at school must emphasize and practice truthfulness सत्यता , empathy सहानुभूति  and compassion दया  at all levels which, will help us to feel what another is experiencing and can be incredibly helpful on the path to forgiveness leading to happiness. 
h. Develop a classroom environment to foster creativity, openness, and respect for all. How happiness in the classroom enhances the teaching-learning process? 
Happier students work better, healthier, do well in assessments, and are generally more successful.
School leaders, parents, and you if thinking focusing on student happiness detract भंग from serious learning, all could be wrong. The evidence also shows that schools that work on developing student wellbeing not only have happier students but that they do better academically and their behavior improves at the same time. 
i. Be a patient listeners. Keep listening , interacting to others and students so that could share their views, feelings to you.
j. Hold on to your values. What you find true, what you know is fair, and what you believe in truthfulness are all values. Over time, the more you honor them, the better you will feel about yourself and those you love. 
h. Coming ahead with pushing  yourself, not others. It’s easy to feel that someone else is responsible for your fulfillment, but the reality is that it is really your charge. Once you realize that, you have the power to get where you want to go. Stop blaming others or the world, and you’ll find your answers much sooner.
i. Be ready  to accept change. Everybody is sticky to his ideas. Even if it doesn’t feel good, change is the one thing you can count on. Change will happen, so make contingency भविष्य में संभावित घटना plans and emotionally shore किनारा
 yourself up for the experience.

j. Discovery of yourself finding purposes. Be innovative. Be updated as per the need of the changing world. As I discovered myself as per the requirement of the changing world and sheer demands of the students. I became the youtuber and the blogger of as per the inspiration of my students. 
D. Happy Class Room 
A happy classroom is every teacher's dream. This can be achieved without compromising academic results and the personal growth of your students. So how do you balance happiness and learning? Read on to learn tips on how to achieve a happy classroom.
a. Clear Rules and Expectations. Classroom expectations should be clear to all students.
b. Frequent and Successful Assessment in all respects of all students.
c. High Student Engagement and Involvement through the different methods
d. Authentic and Purposeful Learning in all fields of life not only in the books.
e. Disciplined , sensible ,innovative ,progressive and interactive class.

E. Researcher's Work :
Professor Ed Diener : Edward Francis Diener (July 25, 1946 – April 27, 2021) was an American psychologist, professor, and author. Diener was a professor of psychology at the University of Utah and the University of Virginia, and Joseph R. For his fundamental research on the subject, Diener was nicknamed Dr. Happiness
Occupation  : Writer, professor, psychologist.
He defined subjective well - being (SWB) also known as happiness as -
Subjective well - being = Satisfaction with life + Affect 
Subjective well - being = High positive emotion + Low negative emotion + high life satisfaction
There were no proper empirical measures of happiness which made it an area of speculation and uncertainties. 
Researchers, psychologists, however, in recent years, with the development of reliable and valid measures or questionnaires of happiness, helped to make significant evolution of  the  knowledge in  the field of happiness  and positive psychology. 
Now, it is increasingly becoming a stated policy goal  of world  governments,  with the  gross national happiness of the country rather than its gross domestic product (GDP) as the primary quantity to be maximized ( Stiglitz, Sen, & Fitoussi, 2009).  
They have proved that children don’t learn when - 
a. They are under stress. 
b. They are fearful in the class 
c. They are not having fun in school. 
d. They should not be overburdened with the work in school. 
e. They are away from Social media. Those who use social media 
Let’s together make the world happier and start it from ourselves, society, surroundings and then classrooms” 

F. Conclusions.
Similar the same is applied in respect of teachers too
a. If they are under stress they cannot create a happy environment. 
b. They are fearful in their surroundings they could not create the congenial classroom  
c. They are not having fun, laughter in school. 
d. They are the most important resources for betterment of them all entire world is made. .   

Date :- 20/12/2021.
Dr. Madhup Raman
Sources Internet.


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