IX.Durga Pooja Assignment.Session 21-22.

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Dr. R. K. Dubey.

Captain Ajay Swaroop. ( Retd. Indian Navy).
CBSE Resource Person.
COE Dehradun.
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 Founder of Media House. DAV PGC Biharsharif. 
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IX Class. Durga Pooja Home Assignment.
Visitor of the Page.
Shree  P. C. Das.

DAV Power Grid Campus, Bihar Shairf.
Session. 21 - 22

enjoy watching a short video clip of Dandiya. Happy Navratri.

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सम्यक विश्वास .
मुंडको उपनिषद.

News of the Day.

आर्य सत्य 

बुद्ध के आष्टांगिक मार्ग से ही हम विश्व को आर्य बना सकते है. 

क्या है आष्टांगिक मार्ग ?

१. सम्यक दृष्टि : इसे सही दृष्टि कह सकते हैं। इसे यथार्थ को समझने की दृष्टि भी कह सकते हैं। सम्यक दृष्टि का अर्थ है कि हम जीवन के दुःख और सुख का सही अवलोकन करें। आर्य सत्यों को समझें।
२. सम्यक संकल्प : जीवन में संकल्पों का बहुत महत्व है। यदि दुःख से छुटकारा पाना हो तो दृढ़ निश्चय कर लें कि आर्य मार्ग पर चलना है।
३. सम्यक वाक : जीवन में वाणी की पवित्रता और सत्यता होना आवश्यक है। यदि वाणी की पवित्रता और सत्यता नहीं है तो दुःख निर्मित होने में ज्यादा समय नहीं लगता।
४. सम्यक कर्मांत : कर्म चक्र से छूटने के लिए आचरण की शुद्धि होना जरूरी है। आचरण की शुद्धि क्रोध, द्वेष और दुराचार आदि का त्याग करने से होती है।
५. सम्यक आजीव : यदि आपने दूसरों का हक मारकर या अन्य किसी अन्यायपूर्ण उपाय से जीवन के साधन जुटाए हैं तो इसका परिणाम भी भुगतना होगा इसीलिए न्यायपूर्ण जीविकोपार्जन आवश्यक है।
६. सम्यक व्यायाम : ऐसा प्रयत्न करें जिससे शुभ की उत्पत्ति और अशुभ का निरोध हो। जीवन में शुभ के लिए निरंतर प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए।
७. सम्यक स्मृति : चित्त में एकाग्रता का भाव आता है शारीरिक तथा मानसिक भोग-विलास की वस्तुओं से स्वयं को दूर रखने से। एकाग्रता से विचार और भावनाएँ स्थिर होकर शुद्ध बनी रहती हैं।
८. सम्यक समाधि : उपरोक्त सात मार्ग के अभ्यास से चित्त की एकाग्रता द्वारा निर्विकल्प प्रज्ञा की अनुभूति होती है। यह समाधि ही धर्म के समुद्र में लगाई गई छलांग है।

Page 3
Durga Pooja. English Home Assignment. Class 9

a. Frame chapter wise 5 MCQS ( Case Based, Reason - Assertion ,Stand Alone Questions - Answers) from the portion of 1st Term.
b. Prepare any two write - ups on relevant / contemporary topic reflecting about the pros and cons. 
c. Project Work :  Prepare a PPT / Any Piece of Art ( i.e.*posters ,collage, sketches ,slides etc.) along with questionnaire from your chapter for explaining in class.
Subject Coordinator : Tanushree Chowdhury.
A. K. Singh.
दुर्गा पूजा. हिंदी .गृह कार्य. कक्षा - नवम.
हिंदी नवम.
गद्य खंड.
१ .क्षितिज
पाठ १.  दो बैलों की कथा एवं 
पाठ २. ल्हासा की ओर का प्रश्नोत्तर करें l 
पद्य खंड.
ललद्यद एवं रसखान पाठ का प्रश्न उत्तर करें l 
निबंध लिखें.
१ . परिश्रम का महत्व 
२ .विद्यार्थी जीवन में अनुशासन का महत्व.
साभार :  मुकेश ठाकुर. 
Maths. Durga Pooja Home Assignment. Class IX. 
Visit your Snap Homework, given by Shree O. P. Rai.
Science. Durga Pooja Home Assignment. Class IX. 
Q.1.Solve all Questions/Ans of Periodic Test in the fair  note book. 
Q.2.A driver of car travelling at 52 km/h applies the and accelerates uniformly in the opposite direction The car stops in5. Another driver goin another car applies his brakes slowly and stops in 10sec.onthe same graph plot the speed time graph for two cars. Which of travelled farther after brakes applied
Q.3.Two bodies A and B of mass 159 gram and 259 gram respectively are approaching each other Both particles have a speed of 3m/s . If they stick to each other after colliding. What would be the velocity of the combined mass after collision ?. 
Q.4.Explain any three application of Newton s third law of motion. 
Q.5.Explain why some of leaves may get detached from a tree if vigorously shake it branch? 
Q.6.Why a fielder pulls his hands gradually with the moving ball while holding a catch? 
Q.7.Solve Questions /And of gravitation unit from NCERT book in a fair note book. 
Q.8.Deduce inverse suare  law of gravitation from Kepler' s law. 
Q.9.state the universal law of gravitation in Mathematical form. 
Q.10.(a)Distinguish between G and g. 
         (b) Mass and weight. 
Q.11. Demonstrate an activity to show that importance of pressure in daily life.
Courtesy : Pinku Sharma. Arun Kumar.

Q.1.How does the molecular formula of an element differ from that of a compound ?  
Q.2. How does a molecular formula differ from a empirical formula? 
Q.3. A Compound has the chemical formula Al2O3 
a.  Name the element present in this compound.  
b.  Name the compound represented by the formula.   
Q.4. Give one example of each of.
a. cation 
b. anion 
c.. polyatomic ion 
Q.5. What is the atomicity of the following molecule?
a. PH
b. CO2  
c. CH 
Q.6. State the law of constant proportion with suitable Example.  
Q.7. Write the postulates of Dalton's Atomic theory.  
Q.8. Define atomic mass unit. Why is an atomic mass unit is not a practical unit ?
Q.9.Sodiium Carbonate ( Na2 CO10 H2O) is an important chemical.
a. Calculate its formula mass.
b. How many grams of Chromium are there in 85 g of Cr2S( atomic masses are Cr = 52u,S = 32u )
Q.10.What is a molar volume ?
Q.11.Neon gas consists of a single atom ,what mass of Neon contains  6.023* 1023 atoms.
Q.12.Calculate the molar mass of the following : and write in appropriate unit.
a. C2H5OH  
b. P4   
c. HNO3  
d. H2O2
e. HCl.
f. C2H2
i. CH2Cl2
Q.13.How many moles of Magnesium atom are there in 100g of Magnesium?
Q.14.What is the mass of one atom of Hydrogen ?
Q.15.How many molecules are present in 
a. 9 g of water.
b.17 g of Ammonia.
Q.16.Calculate the no of moles in 17 g of  H2O2
Q.17.What is the mass of 
a. 0.2 mole of atom of Oxygen.
b. 0.5 moles molecules  of water.
Q.18.Calculate the number of molecules of Sulpher ( S8in 16 g of Solid Sulpher,
Q.19.Calculate The number of Almunium ion in 0.056 g of Almunium Oxide.Al2O3   
Q.20.Calculate the following quantaties in 5.6 g of Nitrogen. ( Atomic Mass of Nitrogen is 14u)
a. Numbers of moles of N2
b. Numbers of atoms of Nitrogen
c. Volume occupied by gas under NTP conditions.
d. Number of molecules of N2
Q.21.What is the mass of 
a. 1 mole of Nitrogen atoms
b. 4 moles of Alumunium atoms.
c. 10 moles of Sodium Sulphite.Na2SO3
Q.22.What happens when 
a. Light is passed through the colloidal solution.
b. Electricity is passed through the colloidal solution.
Q.23.Compare the properties of true solution, suspension and Colloidal solution.
Q.24.Describe various steps involved in the purification of water for city water supply.  
Q.25.Show that 12g of C -12  contains 6.023*1023 atom of C-12
Courtesy : C.M.Chandra.

1.Frame 20 objective questions from ch-5&6 on your own and answer those. 
2.Draw & label 62,6.3 &6.12
3.Revise ch-5&6.
Courtesy : A. K. Mishra.

S.St. Durga Pooja Home Assignment. Class IX. 
S.St. 9.
1. Learn and revise question and answers as well as objectives of Chapter 1, French
2. Read the Chapter 2, Russian Revolution and learn the question answers as well as objective
3. Do complete the fair copy of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Text Book Questions / Answers.
4. Complete the Map Work of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in History.
Courtesy : S. K. Mathur. History.
a.: Complete all inside and exercise questions of  Chapter 1 Why is Democracy ? Why Democracy. 
Chapter 2 .Constitutional Design. 
b. Practice MCQS from both the lessons  for Term I.
Courtesy : Geeta Mishra. Civics.
Q.1. Complete fair copy of chapter number 4& 5.
Q.2. Remember question-answer of chapter number 4&5.
Q.3. On the physical map of India shows the following river.
a. The Ganga
b. The Yamuna
c. The Godavari.
d. The Narmada &
e. The Brahmaputra
Project Report
Q1. Prepare a project on the topic ' Natural Vegetation ' in a stick file.
Four hints are given for :
a. Definition of natural vegetation.
b. Classification.
c. Distribution.
d. Importance of natural vegetation.
e. Causes of the depletation of natural vegetation .etc.
Courtesy  Santosh Kumar  
1. Make 10 inside Questions and Answers from Ch 3 (short as well as long Question / Answer)
Courtesy :  Preeti Sagar. Economics.

दुर्गा पूजा. संस्कृत .गृह कार्य. कक्षा - नवम.

कक्षा नवम.
१. पाठ १ , २ , ४  एवं ५  के अभ्यास प्रश्न उत्तर को बनाएं।
२. पाठ १ , २ , ४ एवं  ५  से पांच पांच ऐसे वाक्यों का चयन करें जिसमें विशेषण विशेष्य हो तथा विशेषण विशेष्य को रेखांकित करें।
३. पाठ १ , २ , ४ एवं  ५  से दीर्घ संधि  गुण संधि एवं अयादि संधि के पांच पांच उदाहरण को चुनें ।
४.  पाठ १ , २ , ४ एवं  ५  से क्त्वा , क्तवतु , ल्यप् एवं तुमुन् प्रत्यय  के पांच पांच उदाहरण को चुनें ।
शिक्षक : संजय सुमन . 

Computer. Durga Pooja Home Assignment. Class IX. 
a. Design a PPT on the topic MS Word and it's different features and send it on the mail.
Teacher  : Gyan Ranjan. 
Editor's Column. Page 4

Captain Ajay Swaroop. ( Retd. Indian Navy).
CBSE Resource Person.
COE Dehradun.
No one is perfect in this world ...
But one must try to reach the perfection as near as possible.

photo courtesy internet.

Once in Goa I was invited to attend the bhajans on Vijayadashmi day by a religious society.  After the bhajans , to my utter surprise I was invited to give a talk for which I was totally unprepared .  I therefore invoked the blessings of God for guidance and inspiration.  
Thereafter I spoke , " Dear friends , Greetings on this auspicious day of Vijayadashmi . We all are ' Ravanas ' and we have to become ' Ram ' . As we all know that ' Ravana ' is said to have ten faces. It is not possible  for a person to live with physical ten faces. Hence it was only symbolic of having ten different personalities. 
And in this Kaliyuga ' we all carry ten personalities. We are different with different individuals. With wife or husband we are different person, with boss  and subordinates we are again different person and so on and so forth.  
Ravan was an intellectual ,a good administrator , a good planner ,a caring and loving king to his subjects etc. The only problem with him was inflated EGO. He was so high headed that he considered everyone to be unworthy in comparison to himself. This was the cause of his downfall.  
On the other hand Lord Rama was compassionate, loving, faithful, caring, kind sympathetic and empathetic to others and was so obedient son. He was an embodiment of truthfulness and justice.  Unlike Ravana he did not have a complex personality.  
Our endeavour should be to detach those fake heads from our being and try to be just one individual like Lord Ram.  
The question is why everyone wants his or her sons to be like Lord Ram .  To the extent that people name their sons after Lord Ram's name .  Although if we see the life of Lord Ram .... He suffered throughout.  
As a child he was sent with sage Vishwamitra to fight the demons in the jungle.  After his marriage he was sent for an exile of 14 years and had to lead a life full of hardships.  He had also to suffer separation from his wife - twice - once when Ravan abducted Sita ji and second when on a washer man's comment about Sitaji's chastity Lord Ram sent her to the forest.  
The reply to this is that in - despite of all the miseries and adversaries Lord Ram was very composed and balanced throughout his life and withstood all the hardships with a positive attitude.

Captain Ajay Swaroop. ( Retd. Indian Navy).
CBSE Resource Person.
COE Dehradun.

Photo Gallery. Page 5

just an eye of the trainer over the kid's Dandiya team before a beginning.

Kids celebrating Dandiya in Navratri at DAV PG Campus, Biharsharif.

kids enjoying Navrat Dandiya at DAV PG Campus Biharsharif.

sabse bada tera naam ' O Shero Wali ' : Navratri Ki Masti.

You Said It. Some Twits. Page 6
Thanks a ton it has come out very well 🙏🌹🙏 Captain Ajay Swaroop. CBSE Resource Person. Dehradun.
Good morning and have a great day. Regards. Shree A.K.Jana. Principal cum ARO

Copy Right @ M.S. Media.


  1. बहुत बढ़िया महोदय

  2. Sir any type of information provides for us very quickly thank you so much and keep it up.

  3. you are the only teacher that gives us updates for our holiday assignment before starting our vacation...
    Thank you very much sir for this updation...😊

  4. Your way of giving assignments is unique.👍
    I have no words to say thank you.☺

    Hats off to you. 🙏

  5. Thank you very much sir, for always giving us updates regarding our home assignments in this fast and unique way.

  6. Commendable endeavour to share assignment among our young learners , really need of hour, I would love to get your perspective in coming days also. Keep inspiring us.

  7. Sir your style is very unique. It always helps us. Thank you sir

  8. Thank you so much sir for posting this . The way you post daliy updates is really appreciable and unique. Whenever I need updates (related to class assignment) I always go through your posts and found everthing updated which clears all confusion. Thank you again sir, you made it easy!

  9. You are amazing sir I am glad to you.... You are very unique sir thank you so much sir.......

  10. Thank you sir..
    For providing this. It is easy to find assignment of all the subjects in only one link.
    You style is excellent sir.
    Keep going sir 😊😊

  11. Really this is the great contribution towards the students and parents... 👌

  12. Thank you sir for send the Asissment

  13. Bahut sukriya sir.
    Aap hame aise hi updates dete rahe .

  14. Very nice pics of our small kids

  15. Your work is praise worthy sir ji. Keep it in future.Thank you so much.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


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