VIII.S.Sc.Questions Answers Banks.21-22


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e- theme magazine. VIII. Questions Answers Banks.

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Half Yearly  Examination, Question, 21-22
Set  A. Class-VIII. S.St. F.M 80.Time 3 Hours.

Half yearly Examination.
SESSION –2021-22.
Class : VIII.                                                               Maximum Marks:  80
Subject : S.St.                              Set A                     Time : 3 hours
General Instructions:-
a. This question paper contains  ______  printed pages.
b. All questions are compulsory.
c. Marks for each question are indicated against it 
d. Teachers may add other instructions if required.

Geography ( 27marks)

Q.1: What do you  mean by Abiotic resource? (1)
Answer :  All non - living things are called  abiotoic Resources Ex : water, air, soil, etc 
Q.2:  What is sustainable development ?  (1)
Answer : Economic  deveopment that is conducted  without depletion of natural resources.
Q.3:Why is there a need for resources planning? Give any three reason.  (3)
Answer :  There is need for resource planning because of the following reasons.
a. It helps in reducing the wastage of resources.
b. It helps to identify the various resources present in different regions of the country.
c. It helps in the conservation of various non renewable resources.
Q.4:Why is soil considered an important resource? Give reason. (3)
Answer : Soil is considered as an important resource because
a. It provides food through agriculture.
b. It is the source of nutrients for many forms of life.
c. Many valuable minerals are explored from the soil.
Q.5:Why are the Tropical Rain forest known as Evergreen forest?  (3)
Answer :  As there is no particular dry season the trees do not shed their leaves at the same time.
Thus, the forest always appear green. 
This is the reason they are called evergreen forest.
Q.6: Distinguish between a national park and a wildlife sanctuary.     (3)                Answer : National park is a protected territory that is formed by the governing bodies to preserve wildlife  and evolve  them. wildlife sanctuary is natural habitat that is run by the governing bodies of private organisations that protect certain species of animals and birds.
Q.7: Why dams are called multi-purpose river valley projects? List the main objectives of multi -purpose river valley projects.   (5)
Answer : Multipurpose river valley project is a dam or series of dam constructed across the river to store water. 
Hirakud dam in India, Hoover river valley project in USA. 
The main objective of multipurpose river valley projects is to store water for irrigation, generation of electricity factorial usages etc.
Q.8: Forests are essential for maintaining an ecological balance'. Justify the statement with suitable arguments.    (5) 
Answer : Forest helps in cleaning the environment by absorbing toxic gases like carbon.
They help to prevent soil erosion and uphold the fertility of the soil .They help to establish Oxygen and carbon balance in nature, and hence ,the forest is essential for maintaining an ecological balance.   
Q.9:On an outline political map of  India locate the followings.                               
(A) Hirakud dam  
Answer : Odissa.   
(B) Kaziranga National park
Answer : Aasam 
(C)Thar desert
Answer : Rajasthan
Civics ( 26 Marks )
A. Answer in one word or sentence 
Q.1.What do you mean by Universal Adult Frenchise ? 
Answer : It is  right to vote to all adult citizens and regardless of wealth income gender social status race ethnicity etc. 
Q.2.What is the term of Rajya Sabha ?
Answer 6 years
Q.3.What is the minimum age of the member of the Lok Sabha?
Answer : 25 years
Q.4.How many subjects are in the Union Lists ?
Answer : 97 
B. Answer in the following questions in breif. 
Q.1. Explain the right of the Freedom of the Religion. 
Answer : Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion ,this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom either alone or in community with others and public or private, to manifest is religion or belief, in worship , teaching practice and observance
Q.2. Why is Indian Federation called unique ? Explain.
Answer : India is federations called quite unique because the central government which is called the union government is so powerful that the time it appears that India is not really a federation but a unitary state.
Q.3. What are the judicial powers of the President ? 
Answer : Judicial powers- *The president appoints the chief justice of India and other judges on the advice of the chief justice. *He dismisses the judges and only if the two houses of the parliament passed resolution to that effect by a two-thirds majority of the members present .
Q.4.Describe the composition of the Indian Government. 
Answer : The Government of India also known as the union of India is modelled after the Westminster system for governing the state the union government is mainly composed of the executive the legislature and the judiciary in which all powers are vested by the constitution and the prime minister parliament and the supreme.
C. Answer the following questions.
1.Describe the function of the Indian Parliament.
Answer : The parliament is the final authority for making laws in any country.  In India, it makes laws on the subjects of union list, concurrent list and in certain cases on state list. The parliament controls all the money that government has  The government budget is passed in the parliament.
2.Describe any five silent features of Indian Constitution.
sovereign :People are masters and have supreme right to take decisions .
*socialist: Wealth to be shared equally .
*secular :it is based on the freedom of religion .All religion should be treated equally.
History - (27 Marks)
Q.1.Where is the Victoria Memorial located ? (1)
Answer : Calcutta.
Q.2.Vernacular Press Act was passed in which year? (1) Answer : 1878
Q.3.In which year the British passed the Regulating Act?   (1) Answer : 1773
Q.4.Why did the European trading companies set-up trade centers in coastal areas? (3)
Answer : 
a. For Naval Support.
b. For trading purposes
c. For communication.
Q.5.What was the Doctrine of Lapse and how did it affect the rulers of India? (3)  
Answer : Doctrine of Lapse means when any king dies without heir the state would be mixed with the British.
The Great annexation under the theory. 
Q.6.What type of information do we get from the official records ? (3)
Answer : Adminstrative, Economic ,Social information.                            
Q.7.Why did the British force Indian farmers to grow commercial crops?(3)           
Answer : a. Easily encashable.
b. High demand in European market.
c. Huge profit for the British.        
Q.8.Describe the causes of the Revolt of 1857. (5)
Answer : Political. Economic, Social, Religious and Immediate Cause.
Any two causes.
Q.9.Differentiate between Ryotwari and Mahalwari system. (5)
Answer : Roywari System in  South India Bombay. 
Thomas Munaro started in 1820.
Direct settlement between the Government and Ryots. 
Mahalwari System.
Holt Mackenzie started in 1822.
Gangatic Valley, North West Provinces, Central India, Punjab.
A collective settlement for a group of villages.
Q10.On the same political map of India name and  locate the followings. (2)      
(A) The place from where the Revolt of 1857 started. 
Answer : Merrut.
(B) The place from where Mangal Pandey belongs to.
Answer : Barrackpore.                                            
Half Yearly Test.1.2021-2022.
S.St. Set B. Class- VIII. FM : 80.
Half yearly Examination.
SESSION –2021-22.
Class : VIII.                                                               Maximum Marks:  80
Subject : S.St.                                 Set  B                     Time : 3 hours
General Instructions:-
a. This question paper contains  ______  printed pages.
b. All questions are compulsory.
c. Marks for each question are indicated against it 
d. Teachers may add other instructions if required.

HISTORY.   F M : 27
Q.1. Who wrote the Book Anandmath ?      1
Answer : Bankim Chand wrote the Book  Anandmath.
Q.2.Where is the Victoria Terminas located ?   1
Answer : Munbai
Q.3.Who was the last Mughal ruler during 1857 Revolt ?  1
Answer : Bahadur Shah Jafar II was the last Mughal ruler during 1857 Revolt.
Q.4.Where did Kunwar Singh revolt against the British in 1857 ? Where did the Revolt of 1857 start? 3
Answer : Kunwar Singh revolted against the British at Arrah in Bihar.
Q.5.How literary sources are important to know the British History ? 3
Answer : Historic
Economic, Social ,administrative description. 
Q.6.How Subsidiary Alliance was helpful to the British ? 3
Q.7.What was the Doctrine of Lapse ? 3
Q.8.Why did the tribal people revolt against the British ? 5
Q.9. What was the immediate cause of the Great Revolt of 1857 ?
Q.10 Locate these Revolt centers in an out line map of India.
a. Awadh
b. Kanpur.

CIVICS   F M : 26
A. Multiple Choice Questions:  1x4=4
(i) The idea of Parliamentary form of Government in the Indian Constitution is taken from the constitution of:
a. USA 
c. Canada
d. Britain
(ii)  Which of the following is called the soul of the Indian Constitution?
a. Fundamental Rights 
b. Directive Principles of State Policy 
c. Preamble 
d. None of the above.
(iii). Most of the provisions of the Indian constitution can be amended by:
a. Simple majority
b. Special majority
c. Simple majority with ratification by the State Legislature
d. Special majority with ratification by the State Legislature
(iv). Freedom of Religion makes India
a. Socialist state
b. Sovereign state
c. Secular state
d. None of the above.

B. Short Answer Type Questions : 3x4= 12
Q.1.”India has a Parliamentary form of Government. “Give three examples to support the statement.
Answer :  Three examples are as follow.
a. The legislature and executive has the close relationship.
b. The council of minister is is constituted from amongst the legislature.
c. The executive is answerable to the parliament.

Q.2. Name the three Directive Principles of State Policies which have been implemented.
Answer : Three directive principles of State policy which have been implemented are:
a. Right to education has become a fundamental right.
b. Environment protection act and wildlife protection act have been passed.
c. National commission for welfare of women has been established.

Q.3. Mention any three advantages of Universal adult franchise.
Answer : Three advantages of universal adult franchise:
a. In universal adult franchise the citizen who are 18 or above 18 years of age have right to vote.
b. Due to this the citizen of India can actively participate in the political process of the country.
c. Due to this we can decide who will govern our country.

Q.4. Explain the procedure of amending the Indian Constitution.
Answer : The procedures of amending the Indian constitution are:
a. By simple majority-the procedure of amendment of constitution by majority of the members present and voting in both the houses of the parliament.
b. By special majority-the procedure of amendment in both the houses of the parliament by absolute majority of total membership and two third majority of the members present and voting.
c. By special majority and after passing the bill by the special majority it should be approved by the legislature of the at least half number of states.

C. Long Answer Type Questions : 5X2=10
Q. 1. India is a soverign, secular, democratic and republic country ? Explain.
Answer : sovereign this shows that India is free from all the external control and can take internal decision of the country
socialist India wanted to spread socialism economic justice and without being attached to any particular ideology.
Secular this shows that no discrimination is main on the ground of religion. This spread communal harmony.
democratic the people of India Electra presented who form the parliament and governs our country.
Republic the country in which head of the state is elected and not hereditary.

Q.2. Describe any five major functions of Indian Parliament.
Answer :  Legislative powers parliament is the highest law making make laws on union list concurrent list and the residuary subjects.
Financial powers the annual budget of the union government is passed by the parliament. the union government cannot impose tax or include any expenditure of it if it is not passed by the parliament.
Power to amend the constitution both the houses of parliament enjoy equal power in amending the constitution.
Electoral function the parliament exercise the power of electing the president and the vice president.
Judicial power the parliament has power to remove judges of supreme court high court and the president by the process of impeachment.
Geography              F. M : 27
A. Choose the Correct option.                                       1x5=5
1. All the abiotic resources include –
a. Living beings
b. Non-living beings
c. Inexhaustible resources
d. Renewable resources.
2. Which one does not promote conservation of resources?
a. Use resources more efficiently
b. Optimum utilisation of resources
c. Use as much resources as required
d. Reduce wastage of resources.
3. Which on of the following is not in favour of multipurpose river Valley projects?
a. Control floods
b. Generate hydroelectricity
c. Large Scale displacement of people
d. Provide water for irrigation.
4. Which term is used for the plant community which grows without human interference?
a. Plantation
b. Natural vegetation
c. Agriculture
d. Gardening
5. The area under forests is depleting due to –
a. natural calamity
b. human interference
c. Climactic change
d. Water shortage.
B. Answer the following questions in brief :                         3x3=9
a. Why are Tropical Rain Forests known as evergreen forests?
Answer : These regions are hot and receive heavy rainfall throughout the year. As there is no particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves at the same time. 
Thus, the forests always appear green. This is the reason they are called evergreen forests.
b. Why is soil considered an important resource? Give any three reasons.
Answer : The soil considered an important resources because : 
It provides food through agriculture
It is the source of nutrients for many forms of life. 
Many valuable minerals are explored from the soil.
c. Mention any six factors on which the utilisation of resources depend.
Answer : factors are :
· Availability of resources.
· Skill of human beings.
· Availability of capital.
· Availability of water.
· Advancement of technology.
· Availability of transport and communication facilities.
C . Answer the following questions :                                    5x2=10
a. What is meant by Sustainable development? Why is sustainable development the need of the hour.
Answer : Sustainable development is the need of the hour because the resources obtained from the environment need to be used judiously and sustainably to be conserved for future use and it does not cause any pollution or harmful affect to environment.
b. Explain any five factors responsible for the formation of Soil.
Answer : Soils are formed through the interaction of five major factors: time, climate, parent material, topography and relief, and organisms. The relative influence of each factor varies from place to place, but the combination of all five factors normally determines the kind of soil developing in any given p
D. On an outline map of the world, mark and name the following-             1x3=3
a.  Yellowstone National Park in USA
b.  Kaziranga National Park of India.
c.  Charles Darwin National Park of Australia.


                              Civics-( 26 MARKS)

 A.Answer in one word or sentence.                                                                             1×4=4

1.What do you mean by Universal adult Franchise?

2.what is the term of Rajya Sabha members?

3.what is the  minimum age for the members of Lok Sabha?

4.How many subjects are there in the Union list?

B.Answer the following questions in brief.                                                                3×4=12

1.Explain the Right to Freedom of Religion.

2.Why is Indian federation called quite unique? Explain

3.What are the judicial powers of the president of India?

4.Describe the composition of the Union government of India.

C.Answer the following questions.                                                                             5×2=10

1.Describe the major functions of the Indian Parliament.                                                                        

2. Describe any five salient features of the Indian constitution.




Periodic Test.1.2021-2022.
S.St. Class- VIII. FM : 50.
Section A.  
MCQ.                                                     1x20 = 20 Marks.
Q. 1. The idea of written constitution in India has been taken from:
a. The British Constitution  
b. The American Constitution
c. The Constitution of USSR
d. The Constitution of Canada.
Q. 2. Freedom of Religion makes India a –
a. Socialist state
b. Sovereign state
c. Secular state
d. Republic
Q.3. Most of the provisions of Indian constitution can be amended by 
a. Simple majority
b. Special majority
c. Special majority with ratification by the state legislature
d. Simple majority with ratification by the state legislature
Q.4. Writs can be issued by 
a. District court
b. Gram Panchayat
c. Civil Court
d. High Court
Q.5. Identify the Directive principle based on the Gandhian philosophy.
a.  Equal pay for equal work for both men and women
b. To organise village panchayats
c.  To promote heavy industries
d. To promote international peace  
Q. 6.Writs which are issued by High Courts/ Supreme court are:
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
Q.7. Where is the Fort William Located ?
a. Bombay
b. Calcutta
c. Cochin.
d. Madras
Q.8. The Battle of Plassey was fought in the year of 
a. 1754
b. 1755
c. 1756.
d. 1757.
Q.9.The first Governor General of British India was
a.  Robert Clive
b. Warren Hastings
c. Lord Dalhousie
d. Lord Welleseley.
Q.10.Who said , " You give me blood ,I will give you freedom "  was given by
a. Subhas Chandra Bose.
b. Gopal Krishna Gokhle.
c. Lala Lajpat Rai
d. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Q.11.The Book Unhappy India was written by
a. Bankim Chandra
b. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
c. Lala Lajpat Rai
d. Sarojini Naidu
Q.12.Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut in
Q.13.The East India Company House was located in
a. London
b. Switzerland
c. Newyork
d. Tokiyo.
Q.14. Which term is used for the plant community Which grows without human interference?
a. Plantation
b. Natural vegetation
c. Agriculture
d. Gardening
Q.15.Which vegetation grows in Hot and humid regions of the world?
a. Tropical Evergreen forests
b. Tropical deciduous forest
c. Mediterranean forests
d. Temperate softwood forests
Q.16.Trees of Mediterranean forests have 
a. Broad leaves
b. Needle shaped leaves
c. Spiny and waxy leaves
d. Small size leaves
Q.17.Which of the following is not in favour of multi purpose River Valley projects?
a. Control floods
b. Generate hydroelectricity
c. Large scale displacement of people
d. Provide water for irrigation
Q.18.Which one of the following is suitable for restoring soil fertility?
a. Terrace farming
b. Contour ploughing
c. Shifting agriculture along  the hill slopes .
d. Rotation of crops
Q.19.Future generations will depend on solar energy because it is-
a. Biotic
b. Man made
c. Inexhaustible
d. Non renewable
Q.20.Available resources which are not being tapped fully for the time being are called
a. Actual resources
b. Man made resources
c. Biotic resources
d. Potential resources

Section B. 
Fill in the blanks by choosing right option:        2x8=16 Marks
Q.21. Right to work has been implemented for the rural unemployed under ------
Q.22. The practice of --------- has been abolished to pave the way for social equality
a. Racial discrimination
b. Untouchability
Q.23.The mountain ecological balance -----% of the land should be under forest.
Q.24.The ----- resources need a detailed survey for estimating their quantity and quality.
a. Actual.
b. Potential
Q.25.Teak is the commercially important trees of the -------forest.
a. Tropical Evergreen
b. Tropical Deciduous
Q.26.-----was the capital of Carnatic.
a. Calcutta
b. Arcot.
Q.27.The ------- reforms were introduced in 1909.
a. Morley Minto Reforms.
b. Chelmsford Reforms
Q.28.------- was called back to France in disgrace.
a. Robert Clive
b. Dupliex.

Section C. 
Write true or false:   2x7=14 Marks.
Q.29. A Constitution is called rigid or flexible on the basis of the procedure of for its amendments.
a. True   
b. False
Q.30. India is a sovereign and socialist state but not secular.
a. True  
b. False
Q.31.There were 15 female members in the Constituent Assembly of India.
a. True
b. False
Q.32.Mahatama Gandhi wrote the Kesari
a. True
b. False
Q.33. The Nawab of Bengal won the Battle of Plassey.
a. True
b. False  
Q.34.Humus helps to maintain the fertility of soil.
a. True
b. False  
Q.35.A multipurpose river valley project does not serve various purposes at the same time .
a. True
b. False


  1. Thanks sir , very nice 🙂🙂

  2. You have applied great effort sir ji . Thank you so much for your nice work.


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