Online Classes interactive, protective and interesting.

Topic of the day Problems Solutions and a New Way.
Session 1. 
Page.1.Theory / Explanation Based

Online  interactive, protective, a two way communicative   and interesting 
Classes with some innovative ideas.

Chapter 0. 
Courtesy first paying to Students that guide me to be something innovative.
Disclaimer : I am not the expert in computer and I am the beginner and learner only in this field.
I first believe that as per Guru Ravindranaath Tagore  where the mind works 
when it finds itself fearless.
Never hesitate in learning. Always be ready for learning any time from anyone whether he is a teacher or a progressing and promising student.
So therefore we have to be a searcher.
My students became my teacher and whatever I learnt from him. It was around 2020 when any student suggested me to use the blog.  
His idea touches me. I kept trying ang trying and finally I get to publish my first blog. That was related to the subject content of History. 
It was frequently visited by students and I got much encouragement.  

Chapter 1.Topic of the day and solution.
How to make the Online Classes which you usually take in a group of students quite interactive, protective and interesting. For that area we have to develop new way, style and new techniques too.  
Our Work. 
a. Normally we join the classes start giving reading and give the lecture. We make them understand the topic, we give them pieces of home work and consider finishing our assigned duty. 
b. Very few of our classes remain interesting rest staying in the daily routine work being boring and monotonous.
c. In the Del ( an American educationist ) cone experience people generally remember 10 % of what they read, 20 % what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they hear and see, 70 % of what they say and write , 90% of what they do.
d. So finally we should apply these all audio ,visual and theory based practical approaches in our day to day life.

Chapter 2. What should  our Objectives indeed : 
a. to identify the different learning styles
b. to explore teaching strategies that support the all sections of learners.
c. to share practical, innovative ideas for whole classes teaching.
d. to establish a 3 way learning 
(i) as Visual learners find out the images, pictures, shapes and colours.
(ii) Auditory learners receive the voices, sounds and music.
(iii) While Kinesthetic ( related to a person) learn by doing, moving and touching.
Chapter 3. Ice Breaking Session.
Forming of the Group School wise in a each group a computer knowing student teacher should be there. There should be the proper mixing among you people for knowing each other. 
Activity No 1 : Group formation will be done.
Group A ,B,C,D,E,F etc.

Chapter 4. Today's App which we are using in the Online classes are as follows.
a. Youtube.
Difficult in making, editing, then uploading. If any mistakes found in any video then we again require re-making, re-editing. 
b. Whats App.
Admin locking system.
c. Cisco Webex.
d. Zoom.
e. Other.
Activity No 2 : 
a. Which is your applied app why do you use and like it.?
b. What do you prefer the zoom application ?
c. Feedback should be taken.
Chapter 5.Class Work Activity 3. 
What do you use for your Contents Feeding to students ?
a. Generally available Text Book.
b. Word Doc file.
c. PDF file.
d. Map, Graphs, Data and Pictures
e. PPT Presentation.
f. Youtube study materials
g. New Way. your own Blog link of study.


Activity No 3
Watching of YouTube video

Here is a youtube video link related  to Educational Blog importance.
Watch the Youtube link based on the importance 


New Application : Blog :
a trustworthy site.
Google Application.
Google's another application that are of great use 
a. Google Docs.
b. Google Forms. (Exams)
c. Google Sheet.  ( Preparation of the Results).
d. Google Slides.
e. Google Books.
f.  Blogger. ( Writer's Platforms) It is for you people writers those who are very fond of writings and they are skilled.
g. Google Classrooms


Chapter 6. My Experiences in online classes.
Problems which we usually face while taking classes.
a. Indisciplined behaviour of the few students. 
b. Rough Chatting of boys with specially girl students normally.
c. Students renaming themselves in an abusing way.
d. Wrongly misuse of Screen Sharing.
e. Absurd talk happens while mike is opened. 
Solutions which we need for our safety.
a. Start your Zoom App.
b. Disable renaming facility.
c. Disable Chat facility.
d. Mute the all mikes.
e. Disabling annotation ( एने टेशन. टीका ) while sharing the screen in the Content Share Annonation should be off in the Meeting Setting prior. So that they could not write absurd word.
f. Say to them to raise their hands those who want to engage themselves in study activities.

Chapter 7. Definition.
What is a blog ?
A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web
consisting of discrete ( अलग़ ) often informal diary-style text entries. Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page
blog ब्लॉग्
a website where a person writes regularly about topics that interest them, usually with photographs and links to other websites they find interesting. You can also create your own blog at not any coast. 
choose the Google product :
It is quite safe.
Recently it is a revolution in the writing platform presentation that has  
a website where a person writes regularly about topics, study materials, classnotes, home assignments etc  that interest them, usually with photographs, videos and youtube video and more audio links to other websites they find interesting.


Chapter 9. Kind of blogs ब्लॉग्.
a. Health Blog.
b. Story Blog.
c. Photo Blog.
d. Travelogue the most visiting blog. 
e. Educational Blogs over different subjects.
as English, Hindi, Sanskrit in literature.
In S.St. History, Civics, Geography, Economics.
in Science PhysicsChemistry, Biology. 
You may create different blogs over Learning, Study materials, Activity, Map Skill and CW/HW etc for above mentioned subjects.
Chapter 10. Necessity.
1. As the traditional classroom is changing nationwide and current and future careers are dependent on strong computer skills, blogging helps your students develop necessary skills for their continuing education and gainful employment. Consider the world of blogging as a creative, fun way to bridge literacy and across the curriculum and cover other learning standards at the same time.
2. Blogs may be great educational tools and they give students complete freedom to publish content on the web, but if you don’t know how to effectively implement them into the classroom, they’re only as good as wadded up balls of paper in the trash.
How can Teachers and Students use Blogs?
3. Teachers can use blogs to publish assignments, resources, and keep students and even parents up to date on class events, due dates, and content being covered.
Teachers can also use blogs to help students’ master content and improve their writing skills.
Students can use blogs to publish their writing and educate others on a particular topic.
Why a blog to be accepted as a tool ?
a. It is available all time with students through the Snap Home Work.
b. It's link remained same. There is no change in the link address.
c. It can be updated every time with your writings.
d. It's mistake can be corrected any time, changed and renewed.
e. The writer himself always keeps control over it.
f.  It's a data saving application easily to be opened. 
g.  Moreover no one can misuse it as it is provided to you by strongly password protected email through Gmail.
h. Overall if you remain the reputed blogger, your viewers remain you can earn more money through your popular blog. 
i. Last but not the least a right meaningful comment encourages you a lot to create more and more better blog.
j. We find the limitation in contents feeding in available materials like Dox, PDF file, PPT slides and presentations. They only have pictures and write - ups.

Activity No : 4
Visual Activity.
As for Examples.
Chapter 11. Educational Blog. 
Activity. Class 9.S.St.History
Map Skill in S.St. History. 
for class IX. 
Section A. Sample Paper
Page.1.S.St.Map Skill.

world map.
Map Skill  of 2 Marks asked in the exams.
Chapter – 1 
The French Revolution.   
Class activity map test. 
Q.1.Locate and mark these places of great importance in a an outline political map of world Europe.
(a) The Bastille state prison
(b) Palace of Waterloo. (Belgium)
(c) The Palace of Versailles.
(d) The Palace of Tuileries.
(e) St. Helena Island part of the British overseas in the south Atlantic Oceans
(f)  Prussia and Austria.
(g) The Caribbean Islands.
(h) The Alps Ranges. 
(i)   American states (USA).
(j)  Bordeaux and Nantes.
(k)  Atlantic Ocean
(l)  Spain and Portugal
(m) Martinique, San Domingo and Guadloupe.
(n)  North America & South America.
(o)  Marsallies

Chapter – 2.
The Russian Revolution. 

Look at the map of Europe 1914 and know about the countries location.

Section B. Home Work
Page.2.S.St Geography..

7 Class. Geography.
CW/HW.Chapter6.Life on the Earth.


estate :  the process of carrying a forest especially on land not  previously forested or land clear earlier due  to deforestation 
biosphere reserve : an  area of ​​land or water that is protected by law in order to support the conservation and eco systems as well as  the sustainable coexistence of man with nature.
deciduous trees : trees that shed their leaves in the same see every year 
ecological balance : a term described how ecosystems  are organised  in a state of stabality  where species coexist with other species and their environment. 
habitats : the part of environment that offers the conditions of  favorable for a plant and  animal to exist. 
National park : large areas of pullic land set aide for protection of their natural beauty, native plants, animals and habiitats in which they live.  Generally national  parks make the core zone of a biosphere reserve in which wildlife is strictly protected and to human activity is permitted.  
Wild life  sanctuary :  a place that is set aside tent the purpose of practicing wild animals generally , endangered species, where these live, breed and are closely monitored for their survival.
Something To Know 
A. Tick the correct option.  
1. Which one of the following is a threat to ecological balance?  
(a) plantation 
(b) wildlife protection 
(c) population growth 
(d) growing crops 
2. Taiga is 
(a) a Russian name for evergreen coniferous forests 
(b) an animal living in the polar ronion 
(c) a softwood trees 
(d) a cold desert area, 
3. For the preservation of varied plant and animal life, the government has set up various 
(a) zoological parks 
(b) industrial parks 
(c) national parks 
(d) adventure parks 
4. Mosses and lichens are  
(a) commonly found vegetation in the polar regions .. 
(b) trees found in tropical deciduous forests 
(c) insect-eating animals.  
(d) animals having thick fur on their body 
5. The temperate grasslands of North America are called the 
(a) atacama 
(b) veld 
(c) prairies 
(d) campos 
B. Fill in the blanks 
1. The first form of life  on the earth appeared in the--- belonging to flora world 
2 The living zone of the planet earth is known as------- 
3. The human beings, who first appeared on the earth, were known as------ 
4 The Talga vegetation is also known as------ 
5. The plants prepare  their own food and are known as -----of the biosphere.
C. Write True or False for the following statements the grasslands, the number of animals loss as compared to those in the equatorial forest 2. Afforestation causes the In the pollution level in the atmosphere 
3.Tiger and lion are the endangered species in India  , 
4. A Pampas are the temperate grasslands in Australia, 
5. Insect - eating animals are most commonly found in the dense forests of the equatorial region 
D. Answer the following questions in brief 
1.Name the major types of vegetation of the world 
2.Name some common plants  found in cold and hot desert regions of the world.  
3. What are the major components of Ecosystem?  
4.Give some examples of trees having needle - shaped leaves, 
5. Why do animals in the polar region have thick fur on their bodies?  
E Answer the following questions.  
1 Why are equatorial forests known as evergreen forests?  Give a few examples of trees found there, 
2 What role do plants play in ecological balance?  
3. Distinguish between tropical and temperate grasslands 
4. Differentiate between hot and cold deserts, 
5. What are the various problems related to the ecological imbalance?  What stops should we take to solve them? 
 Value Based Question 
The Asiatic lion, once found across a vast area, is today crammed into a small scrubby forest of Gir in the south of Gujarat.  Today, violence towards nature has caused retreat of forests, endangered species and also various sufferings to the mankind, clearly the ideals of reverence for life have been renounced in favor of a materialistic way of life that justifies the destruction of nature and man both 
What values  should be adopted in life for preservation of plant and animal diversity?  
How far do you agree / disagree with those who justify destruction of nature and mon both? 
Something To Do 
1. Collect some interesting information and pictures related to India's national parks and wild Sanctuaries.  
2. Collect information about three species of animals or plants which are facing the danger of extinction
3. Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8th every ye here are a few projects and events for you to join  the celebration of wildlife week Choose any one)
(a) River or Beach clean up 
(b) Community tree planting 
(c) Create a schoolyard habitat 
(d) A Habitat Garden in your own house.
Section B. Map Skill.  
Page.2.S.St Geography..
On the outline map of the world, label one area each of - 
(a) Tropical Evergreen Forests 
(b) Tropical Deciduous Forests 
(c) Tropical Grasslands 
(d) Temperate Grasslands 
(e) Hot Deserts 
(i) Cold Deserts 
(g) Coniferous Forests 
Section c. Learning / Understanding Skill.  
Page.2.S.St Geography.
Raman's Classes
Chapter3.The Nationalsim in India.
Day1.Period 1.Page53-54.
Topic Introduction of the Chapter.

Nationalism identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
Satyagraha Satyagraha, or holding onto truth, or truth force, is a particular form of nonviolent resistance or civil resistance. Someone who practices satyagraha is a satyagrahi. The term satyagraha was coined and developed by Mahatma Gandhi.
Racist a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races,or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Khilafat the chief spiritual authority of Islam as exercised by the Turkish sultans.The Khilafat movement, also known as the Indian Muslim movement,was a pan-Islamist political protest campaign launched by Muslims of British India led by Shaukat Ali, Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar, Hakim Azmal Khan. 

1857 - The Great Revolt of 1857.
1876 - The Indian Association.By Surendra Nath Banerjee in Calcutta.
1885 - The Foundation of Indian National Congress.
1915 January - Mahtama came back to India.
1917,19th of April - Champaran Satyagrah.
1918 - Kheda Satyagrah.Leader Gandhijee.
1918 - Ahmedabad Mil Satyagrah under Gandhijee.
1919 - Khilafat Movement 
1921 Non Cooperation Movement

Ali Brothers.
    Mahtama Gandhi (1869-1948) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist,who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British Rule, and in turn inspire movements for civil rights and freedom across the world
   Shaukat AliMaulana Shaukat Ali was an Indian Muslim leader of the Khilafat Movement. He was the elder brother of the renowned political leader Mohammad Ali Jouhar.
   Maulana Mohammad Ali JauharMuhammad Ali Jauhar, also known as Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar, was an Indian Muslim activist, journalist and a poet, and was among the leading figures of the Khilafat Movement. Mohammad Ali Jauhar was a product of the Aligarh Movement.
   Hakim Ajmal Khan changed from medicine to politics after he started writing for the Urdu weekly Akmal-ul-Akhbar launched by his family.Khan was also the sole person elected to the Presidency of the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League and the All India Khilafat Committee.
       Understanding Nationalism in India
       Modern nationalism in Europe As you have seen,modern nationalism in Europe came to be associated with the formation of nation - states (USA,Switzerland were two nation states). It also meant a change in people's understanding of who they were, and what defined their identity and sense of belonging.
      New symbols and icons,new songs Nationalism in India in India?process of and ideas for new links and redefined the boundaries of communities.In most countries the making of this new national identity was a long process.How did this consciousness emerge in India.
      Anti-colonial movement.In India,as in Vietnam and many other colonies,the growth of modem nationalism is intimately connected to the anti - colonial movement.
      People began discovering their unity in the their struggle with colonialism.The sense of being oppressed under colonialism provided a shared bond that tied many different groups together.
      Different groups different concepts of nationalism.But each class and group felt the effects of colonialism differently, their experiences were varied, and their notions of freedom were not always the same.
     The Congress under Mahatma Gandhi tried to forge these groups together within one movement.But the unity did not emerge without conflict.
      In an earlier textbook you have read about the growth of nationalism in India up to the first decade of the twentieth century. In this chapter we will pick up the story from the 1920s and study the Non Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movements.
     We will explore how the Congress sought to develop the national movement, how different social groups involved in the movement, and how nationalism captured the imagination of people.

 Fig.1.6 April 1919.Mass Procession on the streets became a common feature during the national movement.
    1.The First World War, including Khilafat and Non Cooperation Movement In the years after 1919, we see the national movement spreading to new areas, incorporating new social groups,and developing new modes of struggle how do we understand these developments? What implications did they have?
    Increased defence expenditure First of all,the war created a new economic and political situation.It led to a huge increase in defence expenditure,which was financed by war loans and increasing taxes : customs duties were raised and income tax introduced.
   Prices increased Through the war years prices increased - doubling between 1913 and 1918 - leading to extreme hardship for the common people.Villages were called upon to supply soldiers, and the forced recruitment in rural areas caused widespread anger.
   Acute shortage of food Then in 1918-19 and 1920-21,crops failed in many parts of India,resulting in acute shortages of food.
   Influenza epidemic This was accompanied by an influenza epidemic. According to the census of 1921,12 to 13 million people perished as a result of famines and the epidemic.
   People hoped that their hardships would end after the war was over. But that did not happen.At this stage a new leader appeared and suggested a new mode of struggle.
  Writing Skill-What were the reasons behind the discontents of Indians
  1.1.The idea of ​​Satyagrah.Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in January 1915.As you know, he had come from South Africa where he had successfully fought the racist regime the racist regime with a novel method of mass agitation, which he called satyagraha.  .
  Writing Skill - What is Satyagrah?
Fig.2.Indian workers in South Africa march through Volksrust,(वोक सृस्ट) 6 November 1913.Mahtama Gandhi was leading the workers from Newcastle to Transvaal. When the merchants were stopped and Gandhi arrested, thousands of more workers joined the satyagrah against racist laws that denied rights to non whites.
Home Assignment 
a.Understand the contents.
b.Make the inside Questions/Answers.
c.Learn them.
d.Keep eyes over figures
Session 2. 
Page.2.Prctical.Activity Based


Activity No : 5
Film watching Activity.

Chapter 12. A Supporting Youtube film.
How to create a simple Blog Website  in your Mobile Phone.

Link of  Youtube  that guides you how to make a free blog for yourself.  

a. Go to any browser then on the search engine like Google.
b. Search Blogger. You will get Press it
Blog page screen.
Note :
 If any phone having the already opened Blog account then open the mobile phone in New incognito tab mode after touching the three dots at the left side that allows you browse privately.    In the search  menu bar type see what happens on the screen c. As soon as you type in the bar or visit the page will be opened
d. Above right top you get a option of Sign in and in the middle we get a box of Create own blog.
e. Next page opens for an email. Give the email of your self and password
f. 2 Options for a. Create a Google Plus profile b. Create a limited Blogger profile.
Choose the option b
g. Give the display name in an opened box.
h. Press Continue to Blogger.
i. Click Got it
j. Click New Blog
k. Give the title.
l. Give the web address as If address is found correct the right cornered box will be blue ticked. Message will displayed as this blog address is available.
m. Select one of the given theme as Simple, Dynamaic Views , Picture Window, Awesome Inc, Watermark and Ethereal 
n. Click Create Blog. Your blog is ready.
o. Now start writing and publishing your own blog. 

Chapter 13. A Supporting Youtube film.
How to create a simple Blog Website  in your Laptop or Desktop.

You tube links
That shows how to prepare own blog for yourself. Simply press the given below link.

13. Literature. Creation
Step : 1. Better to have a laptop 
Have an email id. Generally everyone has his own email id.
If you don't have then create an email id of your own.
Step : 2. come to
Step : 3. create your blog and sign in your email account
Step : 4. Bloger profile
Step : 5. Display name as you wish to have as RamanBlogger.
Step : 6. Continue to blogger.
Step : 7. Notice will be shown. Ignore that one.
Step : 8. At the left side top beneath the Blogger Icon you get the New Blog option.
or in the middle of the screen press the  create  new blog.
Step : 9.Title to be given as  the If it is not blue ticked then try to give or the another name. Lastly the box will be blue ticked it means it is ok and your suggested name is accepted. 
Step : can not be changed until and unless you buy the new domain like
Step : 11.Now Theme comes. Now we should choose the new theme. It is for our information in future we may change the theme.
Step : 12.That's it now you have created the blog.
Step : 13. Opt new blog
Step : 14. A new box will be opened.

Step : 15. Write Update and get it published.  
Step : 16. Link is ready to be shared. Share it and start teaching the students through the blogs

14. Activity / Homework.
Form your own educational blog and know how to publish your own creative idea and share text contents, activity, Home Work and Assignment in it with your students.
15. Discussion. Feed Back.
Open discussion.
Feed Back.
16. Conclusion.
I suggest you to use the blog in your life if you feel enough that you are a good writer, poet, or creator. It is a too beneficial application that provides you a wider range in your creation. But one thing be original, creative avoid plagiarism.
All of you better know it is the act of copying another person's idea, words or work and pretending they are own. If any thing is owned then courtesy or credit  should be given.

17. Expert Opinion.
a. Guide and Philosopher Observer
b. Two Manoj Sharma.
c .Others

18. Thanks giving.

Session 3. 
Page. Worksheet. Activity Based


Sheet 1.Worksheet Activity. 
Link 1.


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