Second World Heritage Site in Bihar.


Nalanda Mahvihara :
Second World Heritage Site in Bihar.
An article published in Telegraph DailyPatna EditionOn 28th of July 2016.
Dr. Madhup Raman.

cover photo of the Article : courtesy Telegraph.

Part 1.

Not only we the people of Nalanda district but all the people of entire India are  feeling  very proud and privileged to say that UNESCO has now declared the remains of ancient Nalanda University as a world heritage site.
The decision was inscribed on July 15, 2016 by the World Heritage Committee during its 40th session in Turkey's Istambul.  The announcement of the World Heritage Committee has also amplified the responsibilities of all domestic quarters regarding maintenance and care of the heritage site.  
        The ruins of the Nalanda Mahavihara have been echoing its story of rich history and fame since its rediscovery by Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), in vicinity of an ancient village Badagaon.  Now Nalanda Mahavihara has become the second one UNESCO recognized site in Bihar, and 33rd site in our country, Earlier, the Mahabodhi Temple of Bodhgaya became the first UNESCO site in Bihar.It is said that Lord Buddha  used to visit Nalanda frequently.  He also said to have delivered lectures in places nearby.  It is also said that the Jain Thirthankara, Mahavira, spent 14 rainy seasons at Nalanda.  The great Maurayan King Ashoka built here a grand stupa, a dome shaped Buddhist monument to honor a monk.  Soon the monks and scholars from different parts of the country. started gathering here for their discourses and debates. And by the 5th century under the patronage of Kumargupta  I the famous ruler of Gupta Dynasty. Nalanda flourished as a monastery , a residential abode for the Buddhist Monks. The inscriptions suggest that under the Gupta ,Vardhan and Pala Dynasty ; Nalanda received lots of donations and grants which helped it in reaching its new height during fifth to 12th century.
Being enlisted as a world heritage site would result into a rapid increase in itinerant visitor. Tourists would be visiting this site with sheer and great curiosity. Before its destructions ,it retained the light of knowledge beyond regional borders. It is said that Mahavihara was run with a capacity of 10000 students and 2000 eminent teachers.
Many renowned Chinese travellers  like  Hieun Tsang and ITsing who visited during the seventh century stayed here and studied Buddhist culture and philosophy. Hieun Tsang served this Buddhist institution as both as a student and a scholar teacher. 

Next part 2. in the continuation.

        In his travelogue he gave an elaborate description about the curriculum other activities and architectural structures of the Mahavihara. He described about  a three to six storeyed high building called Sangharama. Another impressive structure of the Mahaviharas the Sariputra Stupa which can be seen from very far away from the campus. This structure was created in different successive layers in different times. Chinese pilgrim Itsing spent a long time in Nalanda Mahavihara . Giving an account he said this university campus housed eight monastic buildings and over 300 apartments.
       Telhara is a small village in the Hilsa subdivision of the Nalanda district in Bihar.This place was visited by the Chinese traveller  Heun Tsang in the seventh century and it was mentioned as Teleadaka in his account.
In course of excavation of at the site a good number of Pala sculpture have been discovered including both Buddhist and Hindu deities.
       The site ,under Turkish ruler became an important settlement of Muslim during medieval period. This place is also mentioned in Ain I Akbari  as Tilladah and shown as one of the 46 Mahals of Sarkar Bihar.
The Nalanda Mahvihara of patronage of different rulers  like Kumargupta first (413 - 455 AD), Harshvardhan (606 - 647 AD) and the Pala kings ( 8th to 12th century AD).The decline of institution started during the era of the later Pala kings.
        However Nalanda Mahavihara stands out as the most ancient university of the Indian Subcontinent . It engaged in the organized transmission of knowledge over an uninterrupted period of 800 years . The historical development of the site testifies to the development of Buddhism into a religion and the flourishing of monastic and educational traditions . Nalanda Mahavihara comprises the archaeological remains of a monastic and scholastic institution including stupas , shrines , viharas ( residential and educational buildings ) and important art works . The cultural resources of the site include many sculptures and images in stone , bronze and stucco . 
        Significant among the Buddhist sculptures are Buddha in different postures , Avalokitesvara , Manjusri , Tara , Prajnaparamita , Marichi , Jambhala etc. 
A few images are of Brahmanical deities like Vishnu , Siva - Parvati Mahishasur - Mardini , Ganesha , Surya etc. 
Other noteworthy discoveries of excavation include the murals , copper plates , stone and brick inscriptions , sealings , plaques , coins , terracottas , potteries etc .

Next Part 3.Last Episode.
Nalanda Mahavihara rose into prominence in 5th Century A.D.  as a great monastic - cum - educational institution for oriental art and learning in the whole Buddhist world, attracting students from like Hiuen Tsang and I - Tsing from China and other distant countries.  The galaxy of luminaries associated with it includes Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Vasubandhu, Dharmapala, Suvishnu, Asanga, Silabhadra, Dharmakirti, Shantarakshita.  Life lead by Nalanda monks is regarded as the ideal to be followed by the Buddhist all over the world.
Nalanda is one of the most ancient international centers of education and learning equivalent to modern universities, with a very rich library.  An inscribed seal identifies the site as Nalanda Mahavihara.  Nalanda has a very ancient history and goes back to the days of Mahavira and Buddha in sixth and fifth centuries B.C.  Many references in the Pâli Buddhist literature mention about Nalanda.  Various subjects like theology, sabda - vidyâ grammar, hetu - vidyâ (logic), astronomy, metaphysics, chikitsa - vidyâ medicine and philosophy were taught here.  The accounts of pilgrim state that used to bustle with literary activities.
During the era of the later Pala kings and is said to have received the final blow in in around 1200 AD during the invasion of Bakhtiyar Khilji.  
During the 70s, popularity of Nalanda reached across the country because of a very famous film 'JonyMera Naam'.  The film was released in 1970 by an actor producer Dev Anand.  The shooting of the popular romantic song 'O Mere Mere Raja' of the film, featuring Hema Malini was done at the backdrop of Nalanda.
Following the release of the film, people from every nook and the corner of India started coming here to see the place.  
About two kilometres area centering the university will now be lying under the buffer zone and special care and attention would be paid by the concerned authority for proper care, development and safety.  It can be hoped that more facilities would be provided by and by for the tourists and visitors.  Soon the surroundings of the world.
Heritage site would create opportunities of socio economical employment of the people.  
courtesy photo : Telegraph.
It is hoped that development of potential tourist sites around Nalanda world heritage site, like Kundalpur which is the birth place of 24th and the last Tirthankar, Lord Mahavira (according to the Digambar sect), Badagaon Surya Mandir, Wat Thai Temple, Huien Tsang Memorial  Hall, Pushkarani Lake, Nav Nalanda Mahavihar and Biharsharif, a center of Islamic and Buddhist culture would also be done.  
By this, once again the people of the area would be listening to the footsteps of visitors at their doorsteps from far off lands as it used to hear in the bygone days.  For reaching Nalanda we can use both the roadways and the railways.  The nearest rail station Delhi - Howrah main line via Patna is Bakhtiyarpur.  Bakhtiyarpuris 38 kms away from Nalanda.  It is connected through the loop line via Biharsharif, the district headquarter.  Nalanda is connected by another loop line via Tilaya, Rajgir from Gaya junction that falls in the main line Delhi Hawarah via Gaya.
The nearest airport Patna is 93 km away .Patna is well connected with all major cities of India .Gaya another international airport also provides opportunities travel by air. Bus facilities are available from Patna, Gaya, Biharsharif, and Rajgir.



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