Jaan Hain to Jahan Hai.Ayurved

Page 1.Preface.

Jaan Hain to Jahan Hai. Ayurved.
e- theme magazine.
Jaan Hain to Jahan Hai. Ayurved. Volume 1.
CasesStudy. Awareness. Consultancy. 
Write up over Health & Hygiene.
Disclaimer / Note :
Doctor's Suggestions only.
My, experiences and writings are sheer based on only my cases studies and the suggestions, consultancy by the doctors only.Readers are sternly advised to keep themselves in touch with their Doctors for their own problems.
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Ravi Raman ( Advocate)
Dinesh Kumar ( Advocate)
Seema Kumari ( Advocate)
Madhulika  Bihari ( Advocate)
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Pratham Media. 
Business Head : Aashish Kumar. Patna.
M. S. Media.
Business Head : Bharat Kishore.
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Business Head : Manish Sinha. New Delhi.
Consult me for consulting Doctors for Suggestions only.
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Editors World
Dr. Raj Kishore Prasad  : Sr. Consultant Orthopaedician. call Mor 7 a.m to 9 a.m.8 p.m to 9 p.m 
Dr. Archana : Apolo Hospital. Kolkota.
Dr. Pawan Kumar : M.B.B.S.(D.M.C.H). D.O ( EYE ) Ranchi.call time after 9 p.m 
Dr. Prashant : M.B.B.S., C.I.H., Health Officer, Gujarat. call time every day 4pm to 5 pm.
Dr. Rashi :  M.S.,DNB, MRCOG, London. OBST.& GYE. call time. 1 p.m to 3 p.m.
Dr. Mayank Kumar :  M.S.(Surg.), MCh ( Nuro Surgery). call time. 1 p.m to 3 p.m. 
Dr. Ratnika : M.B.B.S, M.D. Derma (std)
Dr. Faizal. M.B.B.S. Health Officer.
Prof. K. N. Dwedi. HOD. Faculty of Ayurved. BHU  
Writers : World.
Dr. Raj Kishore Prasad  : Sr. Consultant Orthopaedician. call Mor 7 a.m to 9 a.m.8 p.m to 9 p.m 
Dr. Madhup Raman : Ph. D ( writing for health issue)
Dr. Prashant : M.B.B.S. Gujrat Health Officer.
Visitors : World 
Dr. Awdesh  Kumar. : M.B.B.S. MD
Dr. Himanshu Verma. : M.B.B.S.
Dr. Sailesh Kumar Singh. : B.A.M.S. ( B.U.) . Patanjali Doctorcall 2 p.m to 4 p.m. CF.

Jaan Hain to Jahan Hai. Page 1 Naturopathy.
a write up of the day.
A fight against Corona

CR/ Entire world is at stake of Corona, 
Really Covid mutation 2
 stage 2 is scaring 
each of us affecting badly .Indain vibrant is being the night mare for everyone. Pictures, news, reports and photos are very scary to us. Hospitals are being less in number to the comparison of the increasing Covid patients daily. Simply I am saying to you to go for self isolation and home isolation more you need. At least beware of asymptomatic, super spreaders and others ,keep yourself tuned with any experienced doctor. 
Corona Wave 2 : This time this pandemic disease is more deadly.
Phase 1:  It strated with Cough, Cold and fever then converted into Pneumonia within 7 to 8 days.
Phase 2 : It included loose motion, sweating and without cough dyspnoea ( दम फूलना ) starts. Pneumonia within 2 to 3 days only in Phase 2.
Self Corona Test : Go for stopping the self breathe for 40-45 seconds if you are able to stop breathe for 30 to 45 seconds then no chance to be under Corona effects. As a Corona patient cannot stop his breathe for more than 3 to 4 seconds.
Symptom :High fever, Dried Cough, Sweating, Loose Motion, Dysnoea(दम फूलना).Pneumonia.

Courtesy Video ABP News.
Yoga and Pranayam :   First don't be panic. Do the breathe based respiratory system increasing exercises  for at least 30 to 40 minutes at your home. It should be related to your breathing and inhaling system as Breathe ( 1 minute for 2 times), Bhastika ( more oxygen intake), Kapalbhati (5-10 minutes to make the internal organ very strong), Anulom - Bilom,and Bhramari.
Baba Ramdev : says to us to take the breathe in and out for the maximum number for at 15 minutes.
Checking of the Oxygen level : Covid suspects, check yourself for Pulse Rate and Oxygen Saturation level thrice time in a day by Pulse Oximeter. SpO2 Level should be more than 94 %not less than 94 percent. However in sickness time it goes down near by 90 around. It needn't to be panic more. If it remains so we should go for below steps and exercises necessarily. 
self natural ventilator.
Self Natural Ventilator* : If you feel any problem in taking a breathe then go for having a prone ventilation,  at your home for 40 to 45 minutes at the interval of 6 to 8 hours. As it is suggested by the doctors to the Covid patient so naturally it will increase your Oxigen level indeed. Take a sleeping posture by stomach not by back.  
Sleeping Mode* : Don't try to spend more lying on your back cahnge your sleeping posture time to time. It is recomended to change your position every 30 minutes to 2 hours rotating as given below pictures.

a. Prone Position : Spend time 30 to 2 hours at simple flat bed lying fully prone on your stomach 
b. Right Side Position : Spend time 30 to 2 hours at simple flat bed lying fully on right side.
c. Sitting Up Position : Spend time 30 to 2 hours at simple flat bed sitting at 30 -60 degree by adjusting head on the bed.
d. Left Side Position :  Spend time 30 to 2 hours at simple flat bed lying on your left side.
e. Prone Position :  Spend time 30 to 2 hours at simple flat bed lying fully prone on your stomach. It means you have to be back in the same position. 
Oxygen Cylinder : I am giving you the Oxygen Cylinder Provider Distributer list of Bihar that updates you for buying, renting and depositing the security amount.
Note : Pregnant lady, Heart Patient, Hip Bone Fractured person should not do this. 
Oxygen provider in Biharsharif.
Food Items : 
a. All meals should be warm (not cold).
b. Egg meal once only protine based white part.
c. We should drink 1.5 liters of water daily
d. These fruits should be taken to boost the immunity. Note that the pH of coronavirus varies from 5.5 to 8.5Therefore, we remain very cautious all we have to do to eliminate the virus is to consume more alkaline foods above the acidity level of the virus.
Such fruits could be consumed as : 
* Bananas.Green lemon - 9.9 pH.
* Yellow Lemon - 8.2 pH
* Avocado (एवोकाडो एक प्रकार का फल ) - 15.6 pH
* Garlic - 13.2 pH
three stages of Corona.
* Mango - 8.7 pH
* Tangerine ( संतरा )- 8.5 pH
* Pineapple - 12.7 pH
* Watercress - 22.7 pH
* Oranges - 9.2 pH 
Immunity Booster Drink : Take a glass of water with 15 cloves. Boil it, then make it lukewarm and take once in a day it as an immunity booster drink.
Dr. Madhup Raman.Ph.D.
Dr. Prashant.Health Officer. Gujrat.
Dr. Raj Kishore Prasad. Orthopedician.

Ayurved Kit 1 : Corona Medicines.
Swasari Divya Coronil Kit :  Kit is an Immunity Booster Kit that contains ( Coronil + Swasri + Anu Taila)
The famous Patanjali Divya Swasari Coronil Kit a product of Patanjali Divya Pharmacy helps in boosting immunity to help you get the protection which we need against the Corona and infections caused by bacteria and viruses.
a. Swasari Vati : 2- 2 tablets with lukewarm water ,half an hour before the meal.
b. Anu Taila : Keep 4 - 4 drops in both nostrils once in a day, before taking the breakfast..
Anu Taila is available in Dabur and other brands too.
c. Coronil : 2- 2 tablets with lukewarm water, half an hour before the meal.
Ayurved Kit 2 : Corona Medicines.
a. Swasari Vati :
b. Ashwgandha
c. Giloy Vati
c. Tulsi
d. Arogya Vati
Apart from these follow these as these are given free but necessary for everyone
Distancing and Hand Sanitizing : Keep yourself at social distancing and always have a pocketsize 70% alcohol based hand sanitizer with yourself. Keep sanitizing your hands time to time regularly.
Wash your hand for 40 seconds with a soap. 
Mask Always use a (3) triple layer medical mask at public gathering places with maintaining social distance of 2.9 feet even at your home where Covid patients are resting for self isolations. Don't use the mask for ever. Better to keep yourself away from the gatherings and in the fresh air.
Self Isolation & Home Isolation : This is only the left and secured way by which you can save yourself and others. At the primary stage of cough, cold, fever, and sneezing keep yourself in an alert mode. Maintain the self isolation with home isolation for 14 days.
Use ample water : At least to 5 liter lukewarm water should be taken by the common and Covid suspects in a day regularly. Never use the cold drink or cold water. It is better suggested to take lemon based lukewarm water.   
Sleep : We should take a rest / sleep for a minimum of 7- 8 hours in an airy ventilated room.
ACs and Coolers should be avoided completely at this stage.
Sun bathe : As we know that the sun is the important source of Vitamin D. So it is required to be in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes around 9 a.mFrom (10 to 11) hours, sitting in the sunshine for 15-20 minutes around 9 am.
Steam Inhalation : It is advisable that at any doubt we should take steam inhalation thrice to five  times in a day with 15 cloves so that Covid Virus should be given first and immediate treatment in the nasal congestion passage.   
Breathe Rate : It should not be more than 15 per minutes.
Pulse rate : should not be more than 100 beats.
Checking of the Oxygen level : Covid suspects, check yourself for Pulse Rate and Oxygen Saturation level thrice time in a day by Pulse Oximeter. SpO2 Level should be more than 94 %.not less than 94 percent.
self natural ventilator.
Self Natural Ventilator : If you feel any problem in taking a breathe then go for having a prone ventilation,  at your home for 40 to 45 minutes at the interval of 6 to 8 hours. As it is 
suggested by the doctors to the Covid patient so naturally it will increase your Oxigen level indeed. Take a sleeping posture by stomach not by back. 
Mustard Oil :  I had a telephonic talk with Dean Prof. K.N. Dwedi , faculty of Ayurveda , BHU yesterday in
which he said to me ' if the people follow the conventional method  of dropping  pure mustard  or coconut 
oil  in cough, cold affected nostril as their grand mom used to do so in childhood that stops the fast multiplication of virus scientifically. So to stop the growth of corona virus in the nostril we can have some  drops immediately inside the nose. Natural chemicals present in the  mustard oil kills the virus'
Corona Tests.
Different Tests : Certainly there are different kinds of tests for confirming Covid 19.Some of them are
1.PCR testing stands for ?
“At the moment the majority of the current Covid-19 tests that all the reports are coming from are using PCR,” 
“They detect the genetic information of the virus, the RNA. That’s only possible if the virus is there and someone is actively infected.”

Dr. Prashant. being ready for a Rapid Antigen Test.

1.True Net or CB Net Test. This is a chip based RT PCR Kit. This is used for testing TB and HIV.
It takes 2- 3 hours. It authentication is about 60 to 70 percent.
We take swab from the nose and throat by Nucleic Amplified Teswe test the Corona E GeneIf the test is positive we go for RT PCR test.
2.Rapid diagnostic tests based on antigen detection. 
A rapid test has also been started for the COVID-19, which involves taking samples from the nose, throat, and lungs. Sample taken from nose and throat is kept in kit present chemicals. And by the liquid test we confirm that the person is infected or not.
It takes 20 to 30 minutes. Authentication is about 30 to 40 percent.
Rapid diagnostic test (RDT) of a sample of the respiratory tract of a person helps to detect the viral proteins (antigens) related to COVID-19 virus.
This ensures a speedy and accurate diagnosis and its usage is CDC-approved.
3.Rapid diagnostic tests based on host antibody detection.
This test detects the presence of antibodies in the blood of COVID-19 infected people. 
The strength of antibody response depends on several factors like age, medications, infections, and severity of disease etc. Before the test, the concerned health professionals may request you to wear a mask during the test. 
In case there are any other steps that need to be taken, the healthcare professional can communicate that to you.
test chart.
Real Time - Polymerase Chain Reaction
) is a relatively simple and widely used molecular biology technique to amplify and detect DNA and RNA sequence.

Process:  The result takes 12 to 16 hours in this test that happens only in the lab. Authentication :  for this RT PCR stands between 75 - 80%
Scale : As per ICMR under 1 to 34 score means infection is persisting. Somewhere it varies from 1-24. Level 1 to 12 is under threat.
Steps :  We take swab with the help of a tube from the nose. It is kept in the nose for 20 seconds. After that swab stripe is kept in Virus Transmission Media (VTM)
RNA from the swab sample is tested in the lab.
RNA and Reagents are kept in RT PCR Machine. After one and half hour it is found that RNA is infected or not.
PCR tests are used to directly detect the presence of an antigen, rather than the presence of the body’s immune response, or antibodies.
By detecting viral RNA, which will be present in the body before antibodies form or symptoms of the disease are present, the tests can tell whether or not someone has the virus very early on.
“PCR gives us a good indication of who is infected. They can be isolated and get in contact with people they’ve been in touch with so they can be quarantined too, just in case. 
That’s the true advantage of the current major diagnostic tests, you can break that transmission chain and get a clearer picture of what’s happening,” says Wright.
By scaling PCR testing to screen vast swathes (तह )of nasopharyngeal swab (पट्टी)  samples from within a population, public health officials can get a clearer picture of the spread of a disease like Covid-19 within a population.

For the development of Anti body in the infected person it takes 7 to 10 days. 
There are different types of coronavirus tests swab taken from that can be done.
a. Swab Test – In this case, a special swab is used to take a sample from your nose or throat.
b. Nasal aspirate – In this case, a saline solution will be injected into your nose and, then a sample is taken with a light suction.
c. Tracheal aspirate – In this case, a thin tube with a torch, also known as a bronchoscope, is put into your mouth to reach your lungs from where a sample is collected.
d. Sputum Test – Sputum is thick mucus that gets accumulated in the lungs and comes out with a cough. During this test, you’re required to cough up sputum in a special cup or a swab is used to take a sample from your nose.
e. Blood tes In this case, a blood sample is taken from a vein in the arm.
What are the risks associated while testing for Coronavirus?
During the test, you may feel a gagging sensation when the swab will be inserted in your nose and throat. The nasal aspirate may especially seem a bit uncomfortable. However, all of these effects are temporary and will go away shortly after the test. In some cases of tracheal aspirate, there may be bleeding or infection. In the case of the blood test, no risks are observed. There may be a slight swell and pain in the area where the needle was inserted, however it goes away pretty soon.

What next if the Coronavirus test comes positive?
In case your test results come out positive, then you may be affected by the coronavirus. Although there are no specific treatments for the coronavirus infection, however, the healthcare professional may suggest some steps that’ll help you to relieve the symptoms. 
Some of the steps you can follow to ease the symptoms are:
a. Drinking a lot of fluid.
b. Getting plenty of rest.
c. Taking over-the-counter medicines. In case your condition gets worse or you show signs of pneumonia, you should get admitted to a hospital.
d. Some of the common symptoms of pneumonia are severe cough, laboured breathing, and high fever. If you’re diagnosed with coronavirus,
5.CT Scan HRCT Test. confirms the infection inside the chest and lungs. Infection under,0-8 ( Mild), 9-18 ( Moderate),19-25 ( Severe) is considered however we should avoid CT Scan until and unless it is not necessary. As it has 300 times more negative impacts over the body. So it is advised to do first chest exray then CT Scan.
6.D dimer Test. for knowing the severity of inflammation.
7.CRP Test for knowing the severity of inflammation.
Dr. Madhup Raman.Ph.D.
Dr. Prashant.Health Officer. Gujrat.
Dr. Raj Kishore Prasad. Orthopedician.

Jaan Hain to Jahan Hai. Allopath.
Page 2.Supported & Powered by.

Page 3. Cases Study.

Part 3. Stomach care.

25.1.21.for informational purpose only. Be in touch with your Doctors

Case : I/S/C/Aur 
Doctor : Dr. Shailesh Kumar Singh.
Patient : 
Case : Constipation.
a. Tab Chitrakadi Vati 
Dose : 1×3 = 30 days to be chewed after meal 
b. Tab Arogyavardhani Vati
Dose : 1×3 = 30 days after meal
c. Syr Abhyaristh 
Dose : 4tsf of medicine with equal amount of water  morning and evening after meal
Review : 

Part 3. Women care.
Case : I/W/M/Aur
Case :  Mensuration Irregular History. 
21.1.21.for informational purpose only. Be in touch with your Doctors

Doctor : Dr. Shailesh Kumar Singh.
Patient : 
Medicine : 
a. Raj Pravartini Vati. 20 GM
Chandraprabha Vati. 40 GM 
Dose : Take  a tab of medicine  after meal with water / milk for 
Duration 30 days.
b. Ashokarista. 450 ML
Dose  : Take  4 tsp of Ashokarista with  equally amount of water twice a day after meals or breakfast.
Duration : It should be continued for 30 days.
Page 4. Questions / Suggestions.

Page 5. Review.
Page 6. Classified.


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