Breathing under the Shadows.

Breathing under the Shadows. Fight against Corona.
Blogger : Dr.Madhup Raman.
Part.1.Inside Story.
It is an inside fighting story of myself struggling possibly against Covid 19 fear perhaps for 10 to 15 days.

a fight against Corona : collage Vidisha.

Shortness of the breaths.Sickness Story.17.7.2020 / Biharsharif. It was around 17 or 18th of July 2020.Days were hot.Everyone seems to live a scared life under Corona effects.Corona had badly hit the surroundings all around us.We remain self centered around us and  in this present situation each and everyone is at the verge of social distancing willingly or unwillingly.Everyone is fearing of something that may happen in his life all of a sudden.I always remain too in a little but fear of blue mornings and dark nights,at least for 15 to 16 days during sick hours.
Once I remained sick recklessly as we and I never care for a pending danger.I did a mistake too knowingly that I should not have done in such a critical situation when no doctor entertains you if he comes to know that you are having mild fever,cough and cold for several days.As I ate up a mango from fridge and made a mistake.By the next day it happened so as I estimated.I fell in to ill and I remained a victim for a common flue.It is a common phenomena in anyone's life.It was not different too for me. And now the worsened days started with many ups and downs.It might be in my case that I have been asymptomatic.
By the grace of God there was not any case history in my family of sugar,blood presure and heart disease. So risks were at low level.
Sun as it was rising in the east and setting in the west normally as it is.Deep shadow was coming across my windows from where I used to stare the blue sky.A few people closed to you gather around you while you find yourself in deep trouble.But you find yourself completely alone in your life when the distresses come at your doorsteps.
Lying on the bed,touching the peeping sun rays on the bed I used to stare over the twinkling stars in the nights simply remembered the line of Alfred Tennyson ....Break Braek Break.  
My case history of sickness started with mild cough and cold 10 days earlier with mild fever 
Every day my fever temperature moves around 96,97,98,98.5,99,100. Body ache was there.There was a running nose.Intially it started with a mild fever.
Each day it touched 100 degree temperature once in a day for a while, any time probably in after noon generally at evening.It touched,I did sweat and temperature got down.It continued for seven to eight days.I was breathing in the trouble.Breaths were being short.
In this Covid 19 situation I remained worried about my health.I had a light breathing problem too with me may be due to wicknesses.I started thinking about my contacts which I had last 10 to 15 days.
For two or three nights it was a nightmare for me.I always thought that count down has started for my life.After all what was left for me only to struggle.For these days I realized only the health is only the wealth.And I struggled.
I got it too if we survive more to 10 to 15 days then it is supposed remain out of danger.
Second don't loose your hope and never stop breathing exercises.
I never went for a Covid test in a hospital as we people always doubt about the governmental  working system it always scares us through different means of communication.If I had gone to the hospital I were a covid positive patient indeed.
I went for self quarantine.I made myself aloof from others.I followed all which suited me lastly.Days were going and present was being past.Ten to eleven days had to be past.Somewhat I was at the thought I came out of danger.
Thank you doctors.Thanks for suggestions.Possibility in my case that I may be the victim of seasonal fever flue only or may be anything else.However I got recovery.


Part.2.Going for different testings like PCR and others.
Certainly there are different kinds of tests for comferming Covid 19.Some of them are
1.PCR testing stands for ?
“At the moment the majority of the current Covid-19 tests that all the reports are coming from are using PCR,” 
“They detect the genetic information of the virus, the RNA.That’s only possible if the virus is there and someone is actively infected.”
Dr.Prashant. being ready for a Rapid Antigen Test.
a.Real Time - Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT PCR) is a relatively simple and widely used molecular biology technique to amplify and detect DNA and RNA sequence.
Process The result takes 12 to 16 hours in this test that happens only in the lab.Authentication for 75 - 80%
We take swab with the help of a tube from the nose.It is kept in the nose for 20 seconds.After that swab stripe is kept in Virus Transmission Media (VTM)
RNA from the swab sample is tested in the lab.
RNA and Reagents are kept in RT PCR Machine.After one and half hour it is found that RNA is infected or not.
PCR tests are used to directly detect the presence of an antigen,rather than the presence of the body’s immune response,or antibodies.
By detecting viral RNA, which will be present in the body before antibodies form or symptoms of the disease are present, the tests can tell whether or not someone has the virus very early on.
“PCR gives us a good indication of who is infected.They can be isolated and get in contact with people they’ve been in touch with so they can be quarantined too, just in case. 
That’s the true advantage of the current major diagnostic tests, you can break that transmission chain and get a clearer picture of what’s happening,” says Wright.
By scaling PCR testing to screen vast swathes (рддрд╣ )of nasopharyngeal swab (рдкрдЯ्рдЯी)  samples from within a population, public health officials can get a clearer picture of the spread of a disease like Covid-19 within a population.
2.True Net or CB Net Test. This is a chip based RT PCR Kit.This is used for testing TB and HIV.
It takes 2- 3 hours.It authentication is about 60 to 70 percent.
We take swab from the nose and throat by Nucleic Amplified Test we test the Corona E Gene.If the test is positive we go for RT PCR test.
3.Rapid diagnostic tests based on antigen detection 
A rapid test has also been started for the COVID-19, which involves taking samples from the nose, throat, and lungs.Sample taken from nose and throat is kept in kit present chemicals.And by the liquid test we confirm that the person is infected or not.
It takes 20 to 30 minutes.Authentication is about 30 to 40 percent.
Rapid diagnostic test (RDT) of a sample of the respiratory tract of a person helps to detect the viral proteins (antigens) related to COVID-19 virus.
This ensures a speedy and accurate diagnosis and its usage is CDC-approved.
4.Rapid diagnostic tests based on host antibody detection.
This test detects the presence of antibodies in the blood of COVID-19 infected people. 
The strength of antibody response depends on several factors like age, medications, infections, and severity of disease etc.Before the test, the concerned health professionals may request you to wear a mask during the test. 
In case there are any other steps that need to be taken, the healthcare professional can communicate that to you.
For the development of Anti body in the infected person it takes 7 to 10 days. 
There are different types of coronavirus tests swab taken from that can be done.
a.Swab Test – In this case, a special swab is used to take a sample from your nose or throat.
b.Nasal aspirate – In this case, a saline solution will be injected into your nose and, then a sample is taken with a light suction.
c.Tracheal aspirate – In this case, a thin tube with a torch, also known as a bronchoscope, is put into your mouth to reach your lungs from where a sample is collected.
d.Sputum Test – Sputum is thick mucus that gets accumulated in the lungs and comes out with a cough. During this test, you’re required to cough up sputum in a special cup or a swab is used to take a sample from your nose.
e.Blood tes– In this case, a blood sample is taken from a vein in the arm.
What are the risks associated while testing for Coronavirus?
During the test, you may feel a gagging sensation when the swab will be inserted in your nose and throat. The nasal aspirate may especially seem a bit uncomfortable. However, all of these effects are temporary and will go away shortly after the test. In some cases of tracheal aspirate, there may be bleeding or infection. In the case of the blood test, no risks are observed. There may be a slight swell and pain in the area where the needle was inserted, however it goes away pretty soon.
What next if the Coronavirus test comes positive?
In case your test results come out positive, then you may be affected by the coronavirus. Although there are no specific treatments for the coronavirus infection, however, the healthcare professional may suggest some steps that’ll help you to relieve the symptoms. 
Some of the steps you can follow to ease the symptoms are:
a.Drinking a lot of fluid.
b.Getting plenty of rest.
c.Taking over-the-counter medicines.In case your condition gets worse or you show signs of pneumonia, you should get admitted to a hospital.
d.Some of the common symptoms of pneumonia are severe cough, laboured breathing, and high fever.If you’re diagnosed with coronavirus, 
You should follow the below steps to prevent any spread of infection :
a.Don’t leave home unless to get medical help.Always wear a face mask in public places or when you’re around other people.
c.Don’t share any personal items such as drinking cups, eating plates, towels, or any other items with anybody.
d.Always wash your hand thoroughly for around 20 seconds. In case soap water is not available, you can use an alcohol-based sanitiser, which at least contains 60% alcohol.
In case your results turned negative, you can check with the healthcare professional whether any further tests are required. 
It’s better to take precautions to not prevent the infection any further. 
On the other hand, you can avoid getting infected by following the below steps : 
a.Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds and use alcohol-based sanitizers in absence of soap-water.
b.Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth a lot 
c.If possible, avoid being close to people who are sneezing or coughing.
d.Clean the household items which are frequently handled with a disinfectant spray.

Searching for the recovery.


Part.3.Preparation against Covid 19. 
Simply be safe.Don't roam anywhere without any reason.Keep and maintain social distancing. Remenber prevention is better than a cure. 
Covid Medical kit may be kept at home with a little effort.
b.Betadine for mouthwash and gargle.
c.Vitamin C and D3 
d.B Complex capsule.
e.Vapour+ capsules for steam
f'.Oximeter for measuring Oxygen level.You may buy it at Amazon by costing 1500/rs.
g.Oxygen cylinder (for emergency only)
h.Arogya Setu app to make you careful.
i..Breathing Exercises necessarily to be done. 
Covid had the three stages we must know about these stages.
Stage.1.Covid only in nose - recovery  time is half a day.(Steam inhaling), vitamin C. Usually no fever. Asymptomatic. 
Stage.2.Covid in throat - sore throat, recovery time 1 day (hot water gargle, warm water to drink, if temp then paracetamol. Vitamin C, Bcomplex. If severe then antibiotic. 
Stage.3.Covid in lungs- coughing and breathlessness 4 to 5 days. (Vitamin C, B complex, hot water gargle, oximeter, paracetamol, cylinder if severe, lot of liquid required, deep breathing exercise.
Stage when it is necessary to approach hospital :
Monitor the oxygen level. If it goes near 43 (normal 98-100) then you need oxygen cylinder. If available at home,then no hospital else admit.
Stay healthy, Stay Safe!
Please fwd to your contacts in India.You never know who it may help. 
Tata Group has started good initiative, they are providing free doctors consultation online through chats. This facility is started for you so that you need not to go out for doctors and you will be safe at home.
Below is the link, I reqest everyone to take benefit of this facility.
Advice from inside isolation hospitals,we can do at home.
Medicines that are taken in isolation hospitals.
a.Vitamin C-1000. 
b.Vitamin E (E)
c. From (10 to 11) hours, sitting in the sunshine for 15-20 minutes around 9 am.
d. Egg meal once.
e.We take a rest / sleep a minimum of 7-8 hours.
f.We drink 1.5 liters of water daily
g.All meals should be warm (not cold).
And that's all we do in the hospital to strengthen the immune system.
Note that the pH of coronavirus varies from 5.5 to 8.5
Therefore,we remain very cautious all we have to do to eliminate the virus is to consume more alkaline foods above the acidity level of the virus.
Such fruits could be consumed as : 
 * Bananas.Green lemon - 9.9 pH.
 * Yellow Lemon - 8.2 pH.
 * Avocado (рдПрд╡ोрдХाрдбो рдПрдХ рдк्рд░рдХाрд░ рдХा рдлрд▓ ) - 15.6 pH
 * Garlic - 13.2 pH
 * Mango - 8.7 pH
 * Tangerine ( рд╕ंрддрд░ा )- 8.5 pH
 * Pineapple - 12.7 pH
 * Watercress - 22.7 pH
 * Oranges - 9.2 pH
How to know that you are infected with corona virus?

Bihar Help Line Number.

a.Itchy throat
b.Dry throat
c.Dry cough
d.High temperature
e.Shortness of breath.Try ot stop taking a breath,if you remain successful in stopping your breath for 30 - 45 seconds,then no need to be frightened about yourself,as s Covid infected patient can not hold his.breathe for 5 to 6 seconds.
f. Loss of smell.Take a piece of jaggary,eat it up.If Smell is ok then no problem.
And lemon with warm water eliminates the virus at the beginning before reaching the lungs .It is shareable to others so that others could be aware of Corona virus stages.Do not keep this information to yourself.May provide it to all your family and friends so that we could fight against the Corona Virus.
Sanjivini Mobile App is available for keeping knowledge regarding Bihar State.
Toll Free No 104. for complaining.
Ambulance Free Service 102.


Part.4.Struggle for Existence.Searching for a safe and effective drug. 
Dr.Raj Kishore Prasad.
Now I started for choosing different drugs as Allopath Medicines and others. 
Immediate Medicines which I first take are.
a.Ciprofloxacin twice in a day.Continued for 4 days and I left.It was simply to get protection from Bactria.It created too much gaseous.
b.B.Complex.Multivitamins I started taking a B Complex later multivitamins tab daily. 
Austro Multivitamin 1 Capsule daily
c.Vitamin C I took Vitamin C tab daily twice time.
Although Ciprofloxacin is not suited in Cobid Suspect. 
Later I got suggestions from two Doctors Dr Sujeet Kumara ,Physician.and Dr Jitendra,Child Specialist.Biharsharif and Dr.Dinesh (Pathologist).

Dr Jitendra's Suggestion.
Paying him a great deal of gratitude I remember him a lot as when hopes were at dusk,he supported me too with his statements you would not face the grim situation of Covid 19.He said to me encouraging words with suggestive medicines too.It gave me much strength. 
a.Azithral   (Atibiotic)1 tab daily for 5 days
b.Tab Montair L. (Antielergic)1 tab daily for 5 days
c.Tab Crocin  1 tab SOS when fever persists.
d.Tab Cobadex (Vitamin B Complex )1 tab daily for 10 days.
e.Tab Pan 40 1 tab.(Anti Gaseous form )to prevent gases.
Question :Dr.Madhup: Pl write the medicine  against  gaseous if formed as it has been problem for me.
Answer : Dr Jitendra:Tab Pan 40 1tab daily empty stomach for 10 days
Note  it is advisable to take Azithral  or Azthromycn empty stomach .As it works so fast.

Dr Sujeet Kumar.
Physician. Jeevan Jyoti.Biharsharif.
a.Tab Azithromycin 500 mg. od tab  days.
b.Vitamin C tab
c.Paracetamole tab 650 m.g Sos in fever 100
d.Cap Zincovit od 
e.And Proper Rest.
Question : Dr Madhup  and proper any blood test required.  
Answer    : Dr Sujeet CBC.So that I could get infection report in blood.
But I did not do this as my family Pathologist Dr.Dinesh Kumar did not suggest me to go for a blood test in such a situation.He advises me after 14 to 15 days.
Note : However I avoid all Allopath medicines at my level,but I recommend Homeopath and continue. As I am too much believed in Homeopath and Ayurveda due to its less side ill effects.
As there is not any much harmful side effect of Homeopath Medicine immediately in our life.We less listen about the chain reaction about the Homeo drugs in our life.

Dr.Rohit Vikas. 
Armed Forces Doctor.Delhi
a.Only Paracetamole if the fever is more than 100.
b.No antibiotic is needed as it has been a viral case.
c.He suggests me to go for a Covid test first then go for selecting the drugs.
And I obey him but don't go for a test. 
Many a time I resolve to take Azithromycin 500 mg.But I styed and didnot take as I was understood about my sickness case and I am much confident about my case.

Dr.Prashant Singh.M.B.B.S
Gujarat Government.
Always being under his suggestion and observation.


Part.5.Struggle for Homeopathic Medicines.
Dr. Manoj Srivastava.
As I more believe in Homeopath medicine so I consulted my friend Dr. Manoj Srivastava. 
On being heard on telephone I was  advised below Homeopath Medicines are given by him.He assures with his cases that he had cured many patients with these symptoms. 
a.Rhustox,200.Dose 5 to 6 drops Morning Night.
b.Ipecac,30. Dose Alternate after 2 hours.
c.Belladona,3x. Dose Alternate after 2 hours.
d.Cheledonium.Q.Dose thrice times with lukewarm water.This I feel the best medicine which makes my liver too healthy and functioning.I recover very fast within three days.It simply works on my liver.
During this day I complained against gas to my doctor.Medicines he suggested me the medicine was.
a.Carboveg.200. Dose morning Night.
b.Lycopodium.30.Dose alternate after 2 hours.
c.Asafoetida 30.Dose alternate after 2 hours.
During this breathing problem suggested medicines were as follows.
a.Arsenic.30. It is a too effective medicine in Covid Positive case. 
b.Ipecac.30.Dose alternate after 2 hours.
Thank u all Doctors you gave time to me.You always remained on your call. 
And you can also contact him as he is available for caring you in such an extreme situation of Covid 19.The number of Homeo path Doctor is given in review too.  

Ayurveda and General Medicines.
a.Tulsi Jolly. one drop five times in a day.
b.Patanjali Giloy Ghanvati 1 tab three times.
c.5 to 6 liter Hot water for drinking.
d.Steem inhaling thrice in a day.
e.Hot milk with turmeric.
f.Exercise like Mild morning evening walk.Yoga like Anuloom,Viloam.Kapalbhati

Biharsharif.18.7.2020.CR / Dr.Madhup Raman 


  1. Great!!! Definitely this will gonna help us a lot..ЁЯШК


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