Questions Answers Banks.X.Session : 24 - 25.

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हिंदी अनुभाग 

अधिकृत स्वीकृत
संस्कृति पत्रिका 
आत्म शक्ति विचार धारा : पृष्ठ : ०  

शक्ति भगवन्ती 

हरि ' अनंत ' हरि कथा ' अनंता '
सम्पादकीय : पृष्ठ : १ 

दया जोशी 
केदार दर्शन. नैनीताल 
दैनिक भास्कर.नैनीताल.

सम्पादकीय आलेख : पृष्ठ : १ 

   रीता रानी.जमशेदपुर 
सम्पादकीय आलेख.

राष्ट्र पुरुष श्री कृष्ण के अवतरण की प्रासंगिकता और हमारा भारत 
राजीव रंजन पांडेय.

राष्ट्रपुरुष श्रीकृष्ण के अवतरण की प्रासंगिकता और हमारा भारत

पूर्णावतार श्रीकृष्ण :  हमारी भारतीय आर्ष परंपरा में श्रीकृष्ण संपूर्णता के पर्याय हैं। यही कारण है कि उन्हें पूर्णावतार कहा जाता है।हमारे मनीषियों ने उन्हें परात्पर परब्रह्म की संज्ञा से अभिहित किया है।हमारे गौरवग्रंथों में श्रीकृष्ण के व्यक्तित्व की भव्यता ,कर्तृत्व की दिव्यता और वक्तृत्व की महत्तम विलक्षणता के दर्शन होते हैं।सच्चिदानंद स्वरूप में एक ऐसा लीलापुरुषोत्तम जिसने हताश, निराश और उदास लोकजीवन को हास,विलास और उल्लास के आनंदोदधि में अवगाहन कराकर आह्लादित कर दिया।मानो थका-हारा सामाजिक जीवन श्रीकृष्ण को पाकर आनंदित हो उठा।यही कारण है कि आज के महान चिंतक,विचारक, दार्शनिक सभी एक स्वर से कहते हैं कि मात्र भारतवर्ष के लिए नहीं, संपूर्ण वैश्विक मानवता के सर्वविध कल्याण के लिए एकमात्र श्रीकृष्ण ही प्रासंगिक हैं और भविष्य में भी इसकी प्रासंगिक दृढ़ता बनी रहेगी।
श्रीराम मर्यादापुरुषोत्तम और श्रीकृष्ण लीलापुरुषोत्तम : हमारी भारतीय आर्ष परंपरा ने श्रीराम को मर्यादापुरुषोत्तम और श्रीकृष्ण को लीलापुरुषोत्तम कहा है।इस शाश्वत परंपरा में दोनों की महनीय भूमिका है।एक विद्वान् ने बड़ी ही सार्थक टिप्पणी की है- श्रीराम में मर्यादा का सौंदर्य है और श्रीकृष्ण में सौंदर्य की मर्यादा है। दोनों की अप्रतिम दिव्यता ने भारत के सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक और सबसे बढ़कर राष्ट्रीय धरातल पर युगों से व्याप्त गहन अंधकार को उन्मूलित कर दिया।
रामकथा नवनीत के विद्वान् लेखक डाॅ• पांडुरंग राव कहते हैं- "भारतीय जन-जीवन को सच्चे अर्थों में भारतीयता(प्रकाश के प्रति प्रेम) से अनुप्राणित करने वाले दो आलोक पुंज हैं- प्रभाकर और सुधाकर।••••दोनों अपने अपने युग के निर्माता और युग-धर्म के संस्थापक रहे।धर्म का संस्थापन दोनों का ध्येय था, पर राम ने सत्य के आधार पर धर्म का पालन किया तो कृष्ण ने न्याय का अवलंबन लेकर धर्म को प्रतिष्ठित किया।सत्य और धर्म राम के आचरण के आधार थे तो न्याय और धर्म कृष्ण के व्यत्यस्त प्रतीत होने वाले विन्यस्त चरण थे।राम धर्म के मूर्तरूप थे तो कृष्ण धर्म के प्रतीक थे।राम प्रेम के प्रतिरूप थे तो कृष्ण प्रेम के उपासक थे।राम का लक्ष्य शुभ था और कृष्ण का ध्येय जय था।राम दिन के मार्तंड थे तो कृष्ण रात के राकेश थे।पर थे दोनों प्रकाश के पुंज।
इन दोनों से संबद्ध ग्रंथ रामायण का ज्ञान, महाभारत का कर्म और श्रीमद्भागवत की इच्छा-इन्हीं तीन सूत्रों से आबद्ध होकर आर्ष वाणी भारतभारती को भारतीय बनाती है।इसलिए भारतीय साहित्य, दर्शन और संस्कृति के आधार-त्रयी कहलाने योग्य ये तीनों ग्रंथ भारतीयता को पहचानने में अत्यंत सहायक ही नहीं,बल्कि अपरिहार्य साधन सिद्ध होते हैं।"
यह स्पष्ट है कि भारतीय मनीषा ने भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण पर जितना चिंतन किया है,लिखा है और कहा है,शायद और किसी पर नहीं।उस विचारोदधि के कुछ मुक्ताकण यहाँ युगानुकूल प्रासंगिकता के साथ प्रस्तुत हैं।सचमुच कृष्ण अछोर हैं।तभी तो वृंदावन का एक छोरा कभी वहाँ बाँसुरी बजाकर संपूर्ण अग-जग को अंतर्नाद से निनादित कर देता है,तो कभी कुरुक्षेत्र के मैदान में चक्र धारण कर किसी युग के पितामह को हतप्रभ कर देता है।द्वापर के महापुरुष श्रीकृष्ण सचमुच में उस काल में भारतराष्ट्र के राष्ट्रपुरुष (वेद के विराट्पुरुष और श्रीमद्भागवत के महापुरुष के समान ही यहाँ राष्ट्रपुरुष की संज्ञा दी गई है) थे।तभी तो दुर्योधन योजना बनाता रहा,कर्ण मित्रता का आदर्श रचता रहा,भीष्म पितामह प्रतिज्ञा की डोर को निहारते रहे,गुरुदेव द्रोणाचार्य दूध का मूल्य चुकाते रहे और इधर राष्ट्रपुरुष श्रीकृष्ण धर्मक्षेत्र-कुरुक्षेत्र में कर्म की डायरी को हाथ में लेकर असंख्य अक्षौहिणी सेना का हिसाब करते रहे।कोई कुछ समझ पाता, इसके पहले ही भारत को आततायियों से मुक्त कर महा ( न)-भारत बनाने के लिए वे आगे बढ़ते चले गए। 
मोहांध युग धृतराष्ट्र बनकर अपने परिवार में उलझा रहा और उधर अपने ही परिवार के समग्र संबंधों को समुद्र के तट पर न्योछावर कर दिया।ऐसा राष्ट्रपुरुष जो राष्ट्रभक्त विदुर को सहलाता है,राष्ट्रवीर अर्जुन को कर्म का पीयूष-पान कराता है और कभी चीरहरण की लीला करने वाला भरी सभा में द्रौपदी के लिए चीरावतार (वस्त्र के रूप में अवतार धारण करने वाला) हो जाता है।राष्ट्रपुरुष राष्ट्र के कल्याण के सम्मुख समग्र सांसारिक संबंधों को तिलांजलि दे देता है।वह अपने मामा कंस के एक अंश को भी सुरक्षित नहीं रहने देता है, भरी सभा में अपने संबंधी शिशुपाल का शिरोच्छेदन कर देता है।और तो और अपने इस शरीर को भी व्याधे के बाण के बहाने परित्याग कर भारत राष्ट्र की आत्मा में परिव्याप्त हो जाता है।आखिर वह परमात्मा ही तो है।
द्वापर में जब भारतराष्ट्र के राजवंश की मर्यादा क्षत-विक्षत होने लगी।राष्ट्रधर्म अपने अनन्य अनुजों के साथ ही निर्वासित हो गया।राष्ट्र की संस्कृति ही अपनी दहलीज पर सुरक्षित नहीं रही।वह भरी सभा में चीत्कार कर रही थी।इधर राष्ट्र की सत्ता की मर्यादा के लिए प्रतिज्ञाबद्ध पितामह ही द्वंद्व के दोराहे और अनिश्चय के चौराहे पर खड़े थे।संपूर्ण राष्ट्रजीवन मानो अनीति, अनाचार, दुराचार, कदाचार और व्यभिचार की वैतरणी में त्राहि-त्राहि कर रहा था।मानो राष्ट्र राष्ट्र नहीं,धृतराष्ट्र हो गया था । जय श्रीकृष्ण

राजीव रंजन पांडेय 

आलेख : राइट टू  डिसकनेक्ट : अब समय की जरुरत पृष्ठ : १ / ०

रवि शंकर शर्मा 
वरिष्ठ लेखक स्तंभकार 
दैनिक भास्कर. 

राइट टू डिस कनेक्ट अब समय की जरूरत है  

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Class.10.Contents  Page. Page.2. 
Faculty of S.Sc.
Retd. Principal DAV.
Volume 2.Section.C.
Theme Page : Learning Section.

DAV. Sample Paper
Solved Questions / Answers.
S.Sc.Half Yearly. 24 - 25. September.DAV
Class X.

General Instructions: 1. Question paper comprises Six Sections - A, B, C, D, E and F. There are 37 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory. )
2. Section A -From question 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
3. Section B -Question no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
4.Section C contains Q.25to Q.29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words
5.Section D-Question no. 30 to 33 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
6.Section-E-Questions no from 34 to 36 are case based questions with three sub questions and are of 4 marks each
7. Section F - Question no. 37 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts,
37a from History (2 marks) and
37b from Geography (3 marks).
8.There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted. 9.In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
Solved Questions / Answers.
Section - A [ 1X20 = 20 ]
Multiple choice questions (1 marks each)
SECTION - A (1X20 =20) Q.1. Which of the following statement is true about the Rowlatt act? (a) It did not give the government powers to repress political activities.
(b) It did not allow the detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. (c) It allowed the detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. (d) Gandhiji decided to launch nationwide satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act in 1920.
Answer : (c) It allowed the detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. Q.2.Two statements are given Assertion (A): Giuseppe was a young revolutionary of Italy. Reason (R): He believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind. Options: A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is correct but R is wrong. D. A is wrong but R is correct.
Answer : A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. Q.3. Which one of the following was not the result of the Treaty of Vienna 1815? (a) The kingdom of the Netherlands was set up in the North. (b) Austria was given control of Northern Italy. (c) Prussia was given important new territories on its western frontiers.
(d) Russia was given German Confederation of 39 states.
Answer : (d) Russia was given German Confederation of 39 states.
Q.4.Study the picture and answer the question that follows:
Who is represented in the picture as a postman?
A. Frederic Sorrieu
B. Otto Von
C. Napoleon
D. Karl Marx
Answer : C. Napoleon
Q.5. Complete the following table with correct information:
Dams On the river States
Hirakund Mahanadi A -?
Salal B - ? Jammu - Kashmir

Choose correct option:
[a] A- Odisha, B-Satluj
[b] A-Jharkhand, B Chambal
[c] A Odisha,B-Chenab
[d] A-Madhya Pradesh, B-Jhelum
Answer : [c] A Odisha,B-Chenab
Q.6. Identify the crop with the help of the following information:
It is a crop which is used both as food and fodder.
It is a kharif crop which requires temperature between 21°C to 27°C.
It grows well in old alluvial soil.
Use of modern inputs have contributed to the increasing production of this crop.
[a] Wheat
[b] Maize
[c] Rice
[d] Sugarcane
Answer : Maize.
Q.7. Read the information given below and select the correct option:
A Study in Surat found that out of 15,00,000 workers in the city, 11,00,000 worked in the unorganized sector. The total income of the city in that year was Rs. 60,000 million. Out of this Rs. 32,000 million was generated in the organized sector. The number of workers in organised sector is:
[a] 4,00,000
[c] 10, 00000
[b] 5,00,000
[d] 39,000
Answer : [a] 4,00,000
Q.8. Who described Mazzini as 'the most dangerous enemy of our social order'?
(a) Ernest Renan
(b) Louis Philippe
(c) Napoleon Bonaparte
(d) Metternich
Answer : (d) Metternich
Q.9.What does Tamil Eelam mean?
(a) Tamil state
(b) Tamil government
(c) Tamil Nation
(d) Tamil court
Answer : (a) Tamil state
Q.10. Residuary subjects include subjects
(a) of National importance.
(b) of State level importance.
(c) which do not fall in any of the three lists.
(d) of common interests of both the central and state governments.
Answer : (c) which do not fall in any of the three lists.
Q.11. The coming together federation is: (a) India
(b) Spain
(c) USA
(d) Australia Answer : (c) USA (d) Australia Q.12.In the question given below there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A) : Gandhiji used to say that religion can never be separated from politics,
Reason (R): He believed that politics must be guided by ethics drawn from religion. Options: A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is correct but R is wrong. D. A is wrong but R is correct. Answer : A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. Q.13. Gender division in society is based on (a) social expectations
(b) stereotypes (c) both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Answer : (c) both (a) and (b)
Q.14. Two statements are given below as Assertion[A] and Reason [R]. Read the statements and choose the most appropriate option. Assertion[A] : Kerala has low Infant Mortality Rate. Reason [R] : Kerala has adequate provision of basic health and education facilities. [A] Both [A] and [R] are correct and R is the correct explanation of A. [B] Both [A] and [R] are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A. [C] [A] is correct, but R is incorrect. [D] [A] is incorrect, but R is correct.
Answer : [A] Both [A] and [R] are correct and R is the correct explanation of A. Q.15. According to 2017-18 data, the share of different sectors in employment [percentage] in India was; Primary Sector -44%, Secondary Sector-25%, Tertiary Sector-31% In which sector underemployment prevails highest? [a] Primary Sector [b] Secondary Sector [c] Tertiary Sector [d] None of these
Answer : [a] Primary Sector Q.16. India has varied relief features, landforms, climatic realms and vegetation types. These have contributed in the development of various types of soils. Identify the types of soils marked as X,Y and Z in the given map of India. X Y Z
[A] Arid Soil Laterite Soil Alluvial Soil
[B] Red & Yellow soil Black Soil Mountainous Soil
[c] Alluvial Soil Red & Yellow Soil Black Soil
[d] Black Soil Alluvial Soil Arid Soil 
Answer : [c] Alluvial Soil Red & Yellow Soil Black Soil
Q.17. A man is employed in a food processing farm, where he has to do a lot of manual work. His wife and daughter also help him in his work on the farm every day. Which type of employment is this an example? [A] Under employment [B] Seasonal unemployment [C] Over employment [D] Cyclical unemployment Answer : [A] Under employment Q.18. Which of the following is not a feature covered under MGNREGA 2005? [A] Skilled work to each adult [B] 100 days of employment in a year [ [C] If the government fails in its duty to provide employment, it will give unemployment allowances
[D] It is completely financed by the government.
Answer : [A] Skilled work to each adult Q.19. Human development index compares countries based on which of the following levels of the people? [a] Educational level [b] Health status [c] Per capita income [d] All of the above
Answer : [d] All of the above. Q.20. Identify the sector from the given information: Activities which are included in this sector are undertaken by directly using natural resources.
This sector employs the greatest number of people. [c] Secondary Sector [a] Tertiary Sector [b] Primary Sector [c] Secondary Sector [d] Public Sector
Answer : [b] Primary Sector.
Very short answer questions (2x4=8)

Q.21. What was the Civil Disobedience Movement associated with ?
Answer : The Civil Disobedience Movement in India was associated with the breaking of the British salt tax, which Gandhiji considered to be exploitative and oppressive Q.22. What is a Community Government?
Answer : A community government is a power-sharing arrangement between different social groups in a modern democracy. It's a third-level government that deals with issues related to culture, education, and language. Community governments are elected by people who share a common culture, language, or property. They are expected to work for the benefit of the common people without harming any one community.
Q.23. Multipurpose projects and large dams have come under great scrutiny." Identify the problems caused by the setting up of these projects and dams.
Answer : a.Regulating and damming of rivers affect the natural flow of the rivers
b.Adverse environment effect in the form of water- logging
c.It leads to salinity and degradation of soil
d.Cropping patterns has changed
e.Submerge of existing vegetation
f.It leads to earthquake also
g. Dams can affect the natural flow of rivers, which can cause poor sediment flow and excessive sedimentation. This can lead to rockier stream beds and poorer habitats for aquatic life.
or any relevant points Q.24. Suggest few measures to solve underemployment situation in rural areas in India.
When more number of persons are engaged in work than the requirement is called under employment.
Measures are as follows
a. Set up of agro based industries
b.Constructing canals and dams
c.Setting tubebells
d.providing cheap and affordable credit
or any relevant points OR What do you mean by disguised unemployment? Explain with example.
Answer : Disguised unemployment, also known as hidden unemployment, is a situation where people are employed but are actually not working.
It occurs when people are made to work less than their potential, or when they are involved in redundant work with little to no productivity.
Rural areas : A family of five works on a farm that could be run by three people. The two extra people are considered to be disguisedly unemployed.
Urban areas: A convenience store or small business has more staff than needed to run it. For example, a shop that only needs two people to run it has three servants and one owner. The two servants are considered to be disguisedly unemployed.

Short Answer-Based Questions (3x5=15)
Q.25. How is the ethnic composition of Belgium ? Explain.
Answer : The ethnic composition of this small country is very complex. Of the country's total population, 59 percent lives in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch language.
Another 40 percent people live in the Wallonia region and speak French.
Remaining 1 percent of the Belgians speak German.
In the capital city Brussels,80 % people speak French while 20 % are Dutch speaking.
Q.26. "Gandhiji's idea of Satyagraha emphasised the power of truth and the need to search for truth." In the light of this statement assess the contribution of Gandhiji towards Satyagraha.
Gandhiji's idea of 'Satyagraha' emphasised the power of truth and the need to search for truth.
Reason had by Gandhiji believed that a Satyagrahi could win the battle by appealing to the conscience of the oppressor.
That is why Mahatma used this tool non violence based Satyagraha in his Mass Movements like Non Cooperation Movement and Salt Satyagraha.
And he became successful too.
Q.27. "The Plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry.' Discuss the main features of Plantation as a type of commercial farming. Q.28. Differentiate between Human Development Report and World Development Report. or What is sustainable development? Suggest any two ways in which resources can be used judiciously.
Q.29. Compare between Organised and Unorganised sectors under the following points.
[a] Job security
[b] Wages
[c] Health & Working environment 

Section - D
Long Answer-Based Questions (5x4-20)

Q.30.Explain the nation-building process of Germany.
Answer : Otto Von Bismarck is regarded as the architect of German unification. He is particularly well known for his ' Iron and Blood ' policy.
The middle class German people from different regions of the German confederation were trying to unite these regions into a single nation-state.
The process of unification succeeded when Prussia defeated Austria, Denmark, and France in a war.
This war of seven years ended up with the victory of Prussia.
In January 1871 unification was completed.
Later the Prussian king William I became the emperor.
The efforts were made towards the modernization of the currency, banking, and judicial systems of Germany.
Or Describe the process of unification of Italy.
Answer : The unification of Italy was started in 1830 by Mazzini who established a secret society Young Italy.
It was a two-step procedure;
First was to gain freedom from Austria and Cavour defeated Austria with the help of France in 1859.
Second was the process of Garibaldi by gaining support from local peasants in South Italy.
They became successful in defeating Spanish rulers making independent states of Italy into a single domain.
In 1861 Victor Emmanuel become the king of united Italy.
Rome became the new capital of Italy then the total process of unification was completed.
Q.31.Describe any five features of federalism.
Answer : Federalism in India is guaranteed by the Indian constitution which is seen as supreme.
There are several important features of federalism like
a.the division of power,
b.Constitutional supremacy,
c.written constitution,
e.independent judiciary
f.and a bi-cameral legislature.
Q.32. Enlist important reforms undertaken by the government to bring about improvements in agricultural sector. OR "Wheat and Rice farming in India are fairly different from each other." Support the statement with five suitable examples. Q.33. There has been a big change in the three sectors of economic activities in terms of G.D.P but a similar shift has not taken place in the share of employment. Explain the above statement on the basis of facts. OR The government through public sector contributes in the economic development of a nation. Explain.
Case-Based questions (4x3-12)
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow: Q.34. The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world. The name 'silk routes' points to the importance of West-bound Chinese silk cargoes along this route. Historians have identified several silk routes, over land and by sea, knitting together vast regions of Asia, and linking Asia with Europe and northern Africa. They are known to have existed since before the Christian Era and thrived almost till the fifteenth century. But Chinese pottery also travelled the same route, as did textile and spices from India and Southeast Asia. In return, precious metals - gold and silver flowed from Europe to Asia. Trade and cultural exchanges always went hand in hand. Early Christian missionaries almost certainly travelled this route to Asia, as did early Muslim preachers a few centuries later. Much before all this, Buddhism emerged from eastern India and spread in several directions through intersecting points on the silk routes. (i) What is meant by the 'Silk Routes'? (1)
Answer : Several silk routes were trading routes , over land and by sea, knitting together vast regions of Asia, and linking Asia with Europe and northern Africa. (ii) Who else travelled these routes other than traders? (1)
Answer : Chinese Missionaries traders , Muslims preachers and Buddhists
(iii) What routes were identified by the historians? What exchange did Europe return to Asia in the form of trade? (2)
Answer : They are known to have existed since before the Christian Era and thrived almost till the fifteenth century. But Chinese pottery also travelled the same route, as did textile and spices from India and Southeast Asia. In return, precious metals - gold and silver flowed from Europe to Asia.
Q.35. Communal politics is based on the idea that religion is the principal basis of social community Communalism involves thinking along the following lines. The followers of a particular religion must belong to one community. Their fundamental interests are the same. Any difference that they may have is irrelevant or trivial for community life. It also follows that people who follow different religions cannot belong to the family laws: Those laws that deal with family related matters such a marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, etc. In our country, different family laws apply to follower of different religions. If the followers of different religion have some commonalities these an superficial and immaterial. Their interests are bound to be different and involve a conflict. In extreme form communalism leads to the belief that people belonging to different religions cannot live as equal citizens within one nation. Either, one of them has to dominate the rest or they have to form different nations.
(i) Communal politics is based on what idea?
Answer : The followers of a particular religion must belong to one community.
(ii) Can people who belong to different religions belong to same family laws?
Answer : It also follows that people who follow different religions cannot belong to the family laws.
Those laws that deal with family related matters such a marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, etc.
(iii) What does the extreme form of communalism lead to?
Answer : In extreme form communalism leads to the belief that people belonging to different religions cannot live as equal citizens within one nation. Either, one of them has to dominate the rest or they have to form different nations.

Q.36. Irrigation has also changed the cropping pattern of many regions with farmers shifting to water intensive and commercial crops. This has great ecological consequences like Stalinization of soil. At the same time, it has transformed the social landscape for e.g., Increasing the social gap between the richer land owners and landless poor. As a result, we can see, the dams did create conflicts between people wanting different uses and benefits from the same water resources. In Gujarat, the Sabarmati basin farmers were agitated and almost caused a riot over the higher priority given to water supply in Urban areas, particularly during droughts. Interstate water disputes were also becoming common with regard to sharing the costs and benefits of multi-purpose projects.
a. How did cropping pattern change by irrigation?
b. Analyse the statement "Dams created conflict between people."
c. What are the consequences of irrigation on soil and social landscape?

Section - F
Map Skill-Based Question ( 3+2 = 5)

Q.37. (A) Two places (A) and (B) have been marked on the given political outline map of India. Identify them with the help of given information and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them.
(a) The place where Mahatma Gandhi started satyagraha for indigo peasants.
Answer : 37. (A). a.Champaran.
(b) The place where the session of Indian National Congress was held in December, 1920.
Answer : 37.(A). b.Nagpur.
Q.37.(B)On the outline map of India locate and label any three of the following with suitable symbols.
(a) Leading producer of Sugarcane
(b) Region of Laterite Soil
(c) Bhakra Nangal Dam
(d) Koyna Dam
(e) State having largest area under Permanent Forest.

Answer : Sheet.
Laterite Soil : Found in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Naidu & Hilly Area of Orissa and Assam.


Sample Paper .X.Periodic Test -1. Full Marks : 25.
Timing : 60 Minutes.
Sample Paper : Questions / Answers Paper.

Time: 2 Periods.
General Instructions:
D P S Nalanda 1st. Periodic Test 2024 - 25
Class : X
Subject: Social Science
The question paper has 15 questions in all.
All questions are compulsory..
Marks are indicated against each question.

History (6 Marks)

Q.1. Which of the following revolutions is called as the first expression of Nationalism?
a. French Revolution. 
b. Russian Revolution 
c. Glorious Revolution.
d. Industrial Revolution 
Q.2. When was the German Unification completed ?
a. 18th of January 1870
b. 18th of January 1871
c. 18th of January 1872.
d. 18th of  January 1873.
Q.3. Which were the two Nation States shown in the Frederic's paintings? 
Answer : 
a. Switzerland. 
b. United States
Q.4. Which were two Secret Societies ? established in Europe? 
Answer : 
a.Young Italy : Marseilles.  
b.Young Europe : Berne
Geography (7 Marks) your 
Q.5. Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in Punjab?
A. Intensive cultivation
B. Deforestation
C. Over-grazing
D. Over irrigation
Q.6. ... has the largest area under permanent  constituting 75% of its total forest area has the largest area under permanent forests
A. Odisha
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Chhattisgarh
D. Odisha
Q.7. Why do we need to conserve our forest and wildlife?
Q.8. Describe the different steps of 'resource planning'.
Civics  (6 Marks)
Q. 9. Which of the following is the majority group in Sri Lanka?
a. Tamils
b. Christians
c. Sinhalese
d. Muslims 
Q.10. Power struggle demanding separate Elam was launched by
a. Muslims
b. Sinhalese
c. Christians
d. Tamils
Q.11. What do you mean by Civil War?
Answer : A civil war is a violent conflict between opposing groups within a country that becomes so intense that it appears like a war.
Due to the violent conflict between ethnic groups thousands of people of both the communities have been killed.
Ex : The war in Sri Lanka between the separatist Tamil forces and the government was a heavy one with a death toll
Q.12. What does Power Sharing stand for?
Answer : Power sharing means the distribution of power among the organs of the government such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary. Power sharing helps in achieving the stability of political order.
In power-sharing, power might even be shared at distinct levels such as union, state and local.
Economics (6 Marks)
Q.13. Which of the following is included in tertiary sector?
a. ATM booths
b. Call centres
c. Internet café
d. All of them
Q.14. What is the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries?
Answer : Per Capita Income is the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries.
Q.15. Why is the tertiary sector becoming most important in India? Give any three reasons.
Answer : The tertiary sector determines the national income and per capita income.
The tertiary sector circulates goods to various suppliers.
The tertiary sectors help in the development of the agricultural industry.
It also helps to flourish other industries such as transport, storage, and trade.

Theme English : Page : 3 
---------- Editor
Shakti Smita. Nainital Desk
---------- Positive Vibes : English Page : 3 / 1 --------------

Trishakti' s Presentation
Krishna's Philosophy.

There r 4 gates of Self Destructions

We are ' all ' in this ' together ' .
Life is one just ' enjoy ' it.

Articles Editorial Page : 4. 

Archana Phul. Shimla.
Free Lance Writer / Times of India / Shimla
a short poem.

Are like birds
If you hold tightly
They die
If You hold loosely
They fly
But if you hold with care
They remain with you forever.

A / E / Page : 4 . 
Article :

Ashok Karan
Writer / Photo Editor : Public Agenda.
Ex. Staff Photographer : Hindustan Times ( Patna. Ranchi )

A Community Living on the Edge : Jharia, a Burning City 

Jharia : A Community Living on the Edge  Jharia Burning : Photo : Ashok Karan

Jharia, a bustling suburb in the Dhanbad district of Jharkhand, India, faces a unique and harrowing challenge – an underground coal fire that has been burning for over a century. This persistent inferno, fueled by millions of tons of coal, has cast a long shadow over the lives of its residents.
Living with a Fiery Underbelly Smoke and embers rise from the earth, a constant reminder of the unseen flames below. The air is thick with toxic fumes, and the ground itself becomes treacherous, prone to sinking and cracking. Homes and roads have succumbed to this fiery menace, tragically claiming lives.
A Century of Struggle : The fires date back to 1916, predating nationalization in 1971. While efforts have been made to extinguish them, the flames stubbornly persist. Some progress has been achieved, with a reduction in the fire-affected area from 2017 to 2020. However, the fight is far from over.
A Reluctant Exodus : The state government has attempted to relocate residents to a safer area, but many are hesitant to leave their homes. Lack of basic amenities like water, sanitation, and employment opportunities in the new location make the decision a difficult one.
A Peculiar Draw : Jharia's fiery reality has become a reluctant tourist attraction. People from afar, particularly researchers, journalists, and social workers, visit to witness this unique and challenging way of life. Social activist Pinaki Roy describes the hardships faced by residents in areas like Indira Chowk, Boka Pahari, Rajapur, Bhagatdidh, Dhanu dih, and Lodna.
A Call to Action : The story of Jharia is a stark reminder of the environmental and human cost of unchecked resource extraction. Continued efforts are needed to extinguish the fires, improve living conditions for residents, and offer sustainable solutions for their future. As per Mr. Pinaki Roy the under fires of Jharia has improved a lot then before now. It is to be noted that all the pictures were shot long back
Picture details — 1. Road caved in due to under fire. 2. Scene of Jharia under fire,
3. Villager standing over the under fire land.

Write Up and Photos
Ashok Karan,

Photo Gallery : English Page : 6.
Editor. Jawa Sen. New Delhi.

Jharia : a constant reminder of the unseen flames below : Photo : Ashok Karan.

You Said It : Lines : Courtesy : Page : 8. 

 Mukteshwar Nainital.

Half yearly examination:
SUBJECT:Social Science
F.M.- 80
Time: 3 Hrs
Section - A [ 1X20 = 20 ]
Multiple choice questions (1 marks each)
History : ( 21 Marks).
Q.1. Which of the following statement is true about the Rowlatt act? (1) (a) It did not give the government powers to repress political activities.
(b) It did not allow the detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. (c) It allowed the detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. (d) Gandhiji decided to launch nationwide satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act in 1920.
Answer : (c) It allowed the detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. Q.2.Two statements are given (1) Assertion (A): Giuseppe was a young revolutionary of Italy. Reason (R): He believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind. Options: A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is correct but R is wrong. D. A is wrong but R is correct.
Answer : A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. Q.3. Which one of the following was not the result of the Treaty of Vienna 1815? (1) (a) The kingdom of the Netherlands was set up in the North. (b) Austria was given control of Northern Italy. (c) Prussia was given important new territories on its western frontiers.
(d) Russia was given German Confederation of 39 states.
Answer : (d) Russia was given German Confederation of 39 states.
Q.4.Study the picture and answer the question that follows : (1)
Who is represented in the picture as a postman?
A. Frederic Sorrieu
B. Otto Von
C. Napoleon
D. Karl Marx
Answer : C. Napoleon
Q.8. Who described Mazzini as 'the most dangerous enemy of our social order'? (1)
(a) Ernest Renan
(b) Louis Philippe
(c) Napoleon Bonaparte
(d) Metternich
Answer : (d) Metternich
Very short answer questions (2x4=8)
Q.21. What was the Civil Disobedience Movement associated with ? (2)
Answer : The Civil Disobedience Movement in India was associated with the breaking of the British salt tax, which Gandhiji considered to be exploitative and oppressive
Section-C Short Answer-Based Questions (3x5=15)

Q.26. "Gandhiji's idea of Satyagraha emphasised the power of truth and the need to search for truth." In the light of this statement assess the contribution of Gandhiji towards Satyagraha. (3)
Gandhiji's idea of 'Satyagraha' emphasised the power of truth and the need to search for truth.
Reason had by Gandhiji believed that a Satyagrahi could win the battle by appealing to the conscience of the oppressor.
That is why Mahatma used this tool non violence based Satyagraha in his Mass Movements like Non Cooperation Movement and Salt Satyagraha.
And he became successful too.

Section-D Long Answer-Based Questions (5 x4-20) Q.30.Explain the nation-building process of Germany. (5)
Answer : Otto Von Bismarck is regarded as the architect of German unification. He is particularly well known for his ' Iron and Blood ' policy.
The middle class German people from different regions of the German confederation were trying to unite these regions into a single nation-state.
The process of unification succeeded when Prussia defeated Austria, Denmark, and France in a war.
This war of seven years ended up with the victory of Prussia.
In January 1871 unification was completed.
Later the Prussian king William I became the emperor.
The efforts were made towards the modernization of the currency, banking, and judicial systems of Germany.
Or Describe the process of unification of Italy.
Answer : The unification of Italy was started in 1830 by Mazzini who established a secret society Young Italy.
It was a two-step procedure;
First was to gain freedom from Austria and Cavour defeated Austria with the help of France in 1859.
Second was the process of Garibaldi by gaining support from local peasants in South Italy.
They became successful in defeating Spanish rulers making independent states of Italy into a single domain.
In 1861 Victor Emmanuel become the king of united Italy.
Rome became the new capital of Italy then the total process of unification was completed.
Section-E Case-Based questions (4x3-12)
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow: Q.34. The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world. The name 'silk routes' points to the importance of West-bound Chinese silk cargoes along this route. Historians have identified several silk routes, over land and by sea, knitting together vast regions of Asia, and linking Asia with Europe and northern Africa. They are known to have existed since before the Christian Era and thrived almost till the fifteenth century. But Chinese pottery also travelled the same route, as did textile and spices from India and Southeast Asia. In return, precious metals - gold and silver flowed from Europe to Asia. Trade and cultural exchanges always went hand in hand. Early Christian missionaries almost certainly travelled this route to Asia, as did early Muslim preachers a few centuries later. Much before all this, Buddhism emerged from eastern India and spread in several directions through intersecting points on the silk routes. (i) What is meant by the 'Silk Routes'? (1)
Answer : Several silk routes were trading routes , over land and by sea, knitting together vast regions of Asia, and linking Asia with Europe and northern Africa. (ii) Who else travelled these routes other than traders? (1)
Answer : Chinese Missionaries traders , Muslims preachers and Buddhists
(iii) What routes were identified by the historians? What exchange did Europe return to Asia in the form of trade? (2)
Answer : They are known to have existed since before the Christian Era and thrived almost till the fifteenth century. But Chinese pottery also travelled the same route, as did textile and spices from India and Southeast Asia. In return, precious metals - gold and silver flowed from Europe to Asia.
Map Skill-Based Question (2+3=5)

Q.37. (A) Two places (A) and (B) have been marked on the given political outline map of India. Identify them with the help of given information and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them.
(a) The place where Mahatma Gandhi started satyagraha for indigo peasants.
Answer : a.Champaran.
(b) The place where the session of Indian National Congress was held in December, 1920.
Answer : b.Nagpur.

Civics : ( 19 Marks).
Section - A [ 1X20 = 20 ]
Multiple choice questions (1 marks each)
Q.9.What does Tamil Eelam mean?
(a) Tamil state
(b) Tamil government
(c) Tamil Nation
(d) Tamil court
Answer : (a) Tamil state
Q.10. Residuary subjects include subjects
(a) of National importance.
(b) of State level importance.
(c) which do not fall in any of the three lists.
(d) of common interests of both the central and state governments.
Answer : (c) which do not fall in any of the three lists.
Q.11. The coming together federation is: (a) India
(b) Spain
(c) USA
(d) Australia Answer : (c) USA (d) Australia Q.12.In the question given below there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A) : Gandhiji used to say that religion can never be separated from politics,
Reason (R): He believed that politics must be guided by ethics drawn from religion. Options: A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is correct but R is wrong. D. A is wrong but R is correct. Answer : A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. Q.13. Gender division in society is based on (a) social expectations
(b) stereotypes (c) both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Answer : (c) both (a) and (b)
Very short answer questions (2x4=8)

Q.25. How is the ethnic composition of Belgium ? Explain.
Answer : The ethnic composition of this small country is very complex. Of the country's total population, 59 percent lives in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch language.
Another 40 percent people live in the Wallonia region and speak French.
Remaining 1 percent of the Belgians speak German.
In the capital city Brussels,80 % people speak French while 20 % are Dutch speaking.
Section-C Short Answer-Based Questions (3x5=15)
Q.25. How is the ethnic composition of Belgium ? Explain.
Answer : The ethnic composition of this small country is very complex. Of the country's total population, 59 percent lives in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch language.
Another 40 percent people live in the Wallonia region and speak French.
Remaining 1 percent of the Belgians speak German.
In the capital city Brussels,80 % people speak French while 20 % are Dutch speaking.
Section-D Long Answer-Based Questions (5 x 4-20)
Q.31.Describe any five features of federalism.
Answer : Federalism in India is guaranteed by the Indian constitution which is seen as supreme.
There are several important features of federalism like
a.the division of power,
b.Constitutional supremacy,
c.written constitution,
e.independent judiciary
f.and a bi-cameral legislature.
Section-E Case-Based questions (4x3-12)

Q.35. Communal politics is based on the idea that religion is the principal basis of social community Communalism involves thinking along the following lines. The followers of a particular religion must belong to one community. Their fundamental interests are the same. Any difference that they may have is irrelevant or trivial for community life. It also follows that people who follow different religions cannot belong to the family laws: Those laws that deal with family related matters such a marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, etc. In our country, different family laws apply to follower of different religions. If the followers of different religion have some commonalities these an superficial and immaterial. Their interests are bound to be different and involve a conflict. In extreme form communalism leads to the belief that people belonging to different religions cannot live as equal citizens within one nation. Either, one of them has to dominate the rest or they have to form different nations.
(i) Communal politics is based on what idea?
Answer : The followers of a particular religion must belong to one community.
(ii) Can people who belong to different religions belong to same family laws?
Answer : It also follows that people who follow different religions cannot belong to the family laws.
Those laws that deal with family related matters such a marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, etc.
(iii) What does the extreme form of communalism lead to?
Answer : In extreme form communalism leads to the belief that people belonging to different religions cannot live as equal citizens within one nation. Either, one of them has to dominate the rest or they have to form different nations.


  1. Great efforts by Dr. Madhup Raman sir...This effort not only helps the teachers but a large number of students also. My special thanks and regards to editorial teams.

  2. Nice . It is too helpful for the students in a digital mode. It retains all shorts of information like a worth reading magazine. Thank you sir.
    Ishani Bhavya


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