Question / Answers Theme Bank.IX. 24 - 25.

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D.A.V PUBLIC SCHOOLS, BIHAR ZONE Half yearly examination:
SUBJECT:Social Science.
Solved Questions / Answers.
F.M.- 80
Time: 3 Hrs
General Instructions: 1. Question paper comprises Six Sections - A, B, C, D, E and F. There are 37 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory. )
2. Section A -From question 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
3. Section B -Question no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
4.Section C contains Q.25to Q.29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words
5.Section D-Question no. 30 to 33 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
6.Section-E-Questions no from 34 to 36 are case based questions with three sub questions and are of 4 marks each
7. Section F - Question no. 37 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts,
37a from History (2 marks) and
37b from Geography (3 marks).
8.There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted. 9.In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
Section - A [ 1X20 = 20 ]
Multiple choice questions (1 marks each)
Q.1.In which form of government the rulers are elected by the people.
a. Democracy b. Monarchy c. Dictatorship d. None of these
Q.2. There are two statements marked as assertion (A) and reason (R) Mark your answer as per the code provided below.
Assertion: Free and fair elections are an essential feature of democracy.
Reason: Elections ensure that the people can choose their representatives and hold them accountable. Choose the correct option: Options are: a. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c. (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
d. (A) is wrong but (R) is correct. Q.3. A nation in which the head of the state is an elected person is called. a Republic
b. Sovereign
c. Secular d. Socialist.
Q.4. When a state does not have any religion.It is called. a. Sovereign State
b. Democratic state
c. Republic state
d. Secular state
Q.5. How many members have the constituent assembly that helped to make constitution? a 199.
b. 299.
c. 399.
d. 379. Q.6.Who appoints the chief election commissioner of India? a. The President of India
b. The Prime minister of India
c. The council of ministers
d. The Governor
Q.7. The National Assembly of France voted in April 1792 to declare war against....... (a) Prussia and Austria (b) Germany (c) England (d) Russia
Q.8. When was slavery finally abolished in the French colonies? (a) 1812 (b) 1848 (c) 1849 (d) 1856 Q.9.Who were against private property and saw it as the root of all social ills of the time? (a) Liberals
(b) Democrats (c) Socialists (d) Conservatives Q.10. Who sought to build a cooperative community called New Harmony in Indiana (USA)? (a) Karl Marx (b) Robert Owen (c) Lenin
(d) Louis Blanc
Q.11. Which one among the following country is not larger than India? (a) China (b) Brazil
(c) Bangladesh
(d) USA Q.12.The 'Dun' is lying in which group of Himalayan range. (a) Himadri and Himachal (b) Himachal and Shiwalik (c) Shiwalik and Himadri (d) Himachal and Purvanchal
Q.13. Which river is also known as Dakshin Ganga in India? (a) Mahanadi
(b) Kaveri
(c) Krishna
(d) Godavari
Q.14.Which age group of children does the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aim to promote education? (a) 6-14 years (b) 6-15 years
(c) 8 - 14 years
(d) 8 - 15 years
Q.15. Where is seasonal unemployment found ?
(a) In Urban Area
(b) In Rural Areas*
(c) In Remote Areas
(d) Both in rural and urban areas.
Q.16. .......have been developed to equip a large number of high school students with occupations related to knowledge and skills. a. Navodaya Vidyalaya. b. Vocational Streams* c. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
d. Mid-day meal scheme Q.17. Which sector includes mining and quarrying? a. Primary
b. Tertiary c. Primary, Secondary & Tertiary d. Secondary
Q.18. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion [A] and Reason [R] Read the statements and choose the correct option: Assertion[A]: Human capital is superior to other resources. Reason [R]: Other resources can be developed only by human beings with their skills and knowledge.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is correct but R is wrong.
d. A is wrong but R is correct
Q.19. The Preamble to the constitution of India declares it to be a -
(a) Sovereign, Democratic Republic
(b) Sovereign, Democratic Republic, Socialist, Secular (c) Democratic Republic, Secular (d) Democratic Republic,Socialist
Q.20. During election period, who can order the government to follow some guidelines? a. The Prime Minister
b. The election commission
c. The Speaker of Lok Sabha
d. The President

Section - B. Very short answer questions (2x4=8)

Q.21. Why is India called a Republic?
Answer : India is a republic because the head of state is elected by the people, rather than being a hereditary monarch. The Constitution of India states that the president is elected directly by an electoral college for a fixed term of five years
Q.22. Who were considered undesirable by Hitler?
Answer : The Slavs, Roma, Gypsies and Jews were defined as being racially inferior and non-Aryan and were thus considered to be a danger to the Aryan or Germanic master race.Only Nordic Aryans.
Q.23. Which types of unemployment are most prevalent in rural areas? State few characteristics of each.
Answer : The two types of unemployment that are most common in rural areas are
a.Disguised unemployment and
b.Seasonal unemployment:
Disguised unemployment
When more people are working on a job than is actually needed.
For example, if eight people are working on an agricultural task that only needs five people, then three people are extra.
Seasonal unemployment : Occupational : People in rural areas are mostly dependent on agriculture. Thus, seasonal unemployment is found in rural areas where cultivation is hampered due to seasonal changes.
Q.24. Why 82*30'E has been selected as Standard Meridian of India?
Answer : The time at this Meridian has been affirmed as the Indian Standard Time (IST) entirely around the country as it passes within the center of the country.
It has served to avoid confusion that would have arisen by following separate local times or in lack of a uniform time.

Section-C (3x5=15)

Short Answer-Based Questions

Q.25. Why the following countries cannot be called Democratic. Give reasons.
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) Fiji
Q.26. Who was Karl Marx? What was his theory of socialism?
Q.27. Classify the sectors on basis of nature of economic activities with examples.
Q.28. Differentiate between Himalayan and Peninsular rivers.
Q.29. "Unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy". Justify the statement.

Section-D (5x4=20)
Long Answer-Based Questions
Q.30. India is a "Sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic and republic "country. Justify. Or
Analysis Mahatma Gandhi's contribution to the constitution of India
Q.31. What were the causes of French Revolution.
What was the legacy of French Revolution?
Q.32. Describe different types of unemployment found in India.
Q.33. Which are the different physiographic divisions of India? Contrast between Peninsular plateau and Himalayan Mountain.

Section-E (4x3=12)
Case-Based questions
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow: Q.34. Today, the Himalayas Mountain ranges run in a west-east direction. The Himalayas represent the loft mountain barriers in the world. Moreover, their width varies from 400 Km in Kashmir to 150 Km in Arunachal Pradesh. Therefore, the altitudinal variations are greater in the eastern half. Basically, the Himalayas cons of three parallel ranges. Firstly, the northernmost range is known as the Great or Inner Himalayas or the Himadri. Secondly, the range lying to the south of the Himadri is known as Himachal. Moreover, the range is mainly composed of high compressed and altered rocks. Thirdly, the outermost range of the Himalayas is called the Shiwaliks.
However, this range is made of loose sediments.
(a) Identify the most continuous range consisting of the loftiest peaks? (1)
(b) Why is the Himachal range highly compressed?(1) (c) What are Himachal and Shivalik ranges known for ? Why are Shiwaliks prone to earthquakes ? (2)
Q.35. There were two friends Vilas and Sakal living in the same village Semapur. Sakal was a twelve-year old boy. His mother Sheela looked after domestic chores. His father Buta Chaudhary worked in an agricultural field. Sakal helped his mother in domestic chores. He also looked after his younger brother Jeetu and sister Seetu. His uncle Shyam had passed the matriculation examination, but, was sitting idle in the house as he had no job. Buta and Sheela were eager to teach Sakal. They forced him to join the village school which he soon joined. He started studying and completed his higher secondary examination. His father persuaded him to continue his studies. He raised a loan for Sakal to study a vocational course in computers. Sakal was meritorious and interested in studies from the beginning. With great vigour and enthusiasm, he completed his course. After some time, he got a job in a private firm. He even designed a new kind of software. This software helped him increase the sale of the firm. His boss acknowledged his services and rewarded him with a promotion.
(a) Sakal mother was involved in which economic sector? (1)
(b) What does investment in human capital give? (1)
(c) How does education help Sakal to improve his standard of living? (2)
Q.36. Nazi ideology was synonymous with Hitler's worldview. According to this there was no equality between people, but only a racial hierarchy. In this view blond, blue-eyed, Nordic German Aryans were at the top, while Jews were located at the lowest rung. They came to be regarded as an anti-race, the arch-enemies of the Aryans. All other coloured people were placed in between depending upon their external features. Hitler's racism borrowed from thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. Darwin was a natural scientist who tried to explain the creation of plants and animals through the concept of evolution and natural selection. Herbert Spencer later added the idea of survival of the fittest. According to this idea, only those species survived on the earth that could adapt themselves to changing climatic conditions
(a) Who were the arch-enemies of the Aryans?
(b) What was Nazi ideology?
(c) From whom did Hitler borrow his racist ideology?
(d) What is the evolution theory of Darwin based on?

Section -F
Map Skill-Based Question (2+3=5)

37.(A) Two major places A and B are marked on the outline map of Europe. Identify and write the name of
a.These allied power countries on the map
Answer : a.England
b. France.

37.(B) On the Outline map of India locate and label any three of following
(a) Palk Strait
(b) The Standard Meridian of India
(c) Kanchenjunga
(d) River Narmada .

Dav Public Schools
Ist Periodic Exam. Session (24 -25 )
Full Marks : 25..
Timing : 60 Minutes.
Sample Paper : Questions / Answers Paper.

2.J Periodic Test : 2024 -25
Time :60 Minutes.
Class: IX.Sample Paper Questions / Answers 
Subject: S.Sc.

Time : 2 Periods.
1. All Questions are Compulsory.
2.Question  No 1 to 8.bearing  1 Marks  Each
3.Question No 9 to15 bearing 2 Marks Each
4.Question No 16 bearing  3 Marks Only.
Q.1. Which is the highest mountain peak of Eastern Ghats ?
a. K2.
b. Anai Mudi
c. Mahendragiri
d. Arawali
Q.2. Name the State where Garo Khasi and Jaintia hills are located
a.  Assam.
b. Mizoram.
c. Meghalaya
d. Sikkim
Q.3. Which of the following is included in the Secondary Sector ?
a. Tourism.
b. Agriculture.
c. Manufacturing
d. Banking 
Q.4.Name Asian Country Which has invested their most part of Resources held of education and Health,
Answer : Japan.
Q.5.Why is a democratic government a better government ?.
a. It is more accountable.
b. It improves the Quality of decision making.
c. It deals with differences and conflicts.
d. All of the above,
Q.6. Name one country Which follow one person, one vote one value principle
Answer : USA & India 
Q.7. Who wrote the Sprit of Laws 
a. John Locke
b. Montesquieu
c. Voltaire 
d. Danton.
Q.8. Name the place where Napoleon was defeated ?
Answer : Waterloo.
Q.9. Distinguish between Khadar & Bhawar.
Answer : Khadar : New  Alluvium Very Fertile  Found into lower levels of the plains 
Does not contain Kinkade Nodules  
Bhawar : Old Alluvium. Not so fertile. Found into upper levels of the plains. Contains Kinkade Nodules.  
Q.10.Explain economic activity with example.
Answer : Any activity that gives income in return is called economic activity.
Q.11. What is the role of education in human capital formation.?
Q.12. Distinguish between Democratic Election and Non Democratic Election.
Answer : In a Democratic country.
a.Each adult citizen has a vote;
b.Each vote has one value; and Free and fair elections are held.
d. In a non-democratic country.
e. Election does not offer a choice and fair opportunity;
f. Rulers are not elected by the people; and the rulers have unlimited power.
Q.13. Democracy is better than other forms of Government because it allows us to correct its own mistakes. Explain.
Answer : Democracy is better than other forms of Government because it allows us to correct its own mistakes. 
a.There is no guarantee that mistakes cannot be made in a democracy 
b. There is always a room for the correction of the mistakes 
c.The advantage in a democracy is that such mistakes cannot be hidden for long.
d.There is a space for public discussion on these mistakes.
e. And there is room for correction.Either the rulers have to change their decisions,or the rulers can be changed.
Q.14.Write four democratic rights we enjoy today in India whose origin could be traced from the French Revolution.
Answer : These are the democratic rights we enjoy today in India whose origin could be traced from the French Revolution.
a.Right to Equality
b.Right to Freedom
c.Cultural & Educational Rights 
d.Right to Religious Freedom 
e.Right against Exploitation 
f. Right to Constitutional Remedies 
Q.15. Write two laws which were introduced by the revolutionary government to improve the condition of the women's lives in France 
Answer : These are two laws which were introduced by the revolutionary government to improve the condition of the women's lives in France 
a.Schooling was made compulsory for all girls 
b.Father could not longer force them into marriage against their will
c.Divorce was made legal
d.Marriage was registered under civil law 
Q.16. Give an account of the Northern Plains 
Answer : The northern plains are formed by the interplay of 3 major Himalayan river systems: The Indus river, the Ganga river, and the Brahmaputra river- along with their tributaries.
The alluvial soil that is brought down by the rivers from the Himalayan mountain also has resulted in the formation of the northern plains that remain very fertile.

Theme English : Page : 3 
---------- Editor
Madhavee. Nainital Desk ----------- Positive Vibes : English Page : 3 / 1 --------------
Positive Vibes : in a Short Poem.


Are like birds
If you hold tightly
They die
If You hold loosely
They fly
But if you hold with care
They remain with you forever.

Articles Editorial Page : 4. 

Archana Phul. Shimla.
Free Lancer / Times of India / Shimla
A / E / Page : 4 . 
Article : Pipli Applique : A Dazzling Discovery in Odisha.

Ashok Karan
Writer / Photo Editor : Public Agenda.
Ex. Staff Photographer : Hindustan Times ( Patna. Ranchi )
a village for pipli applique : a dazzling discovery in Odisha : Photo : Ashok Karan 

Pipli Applique : A Dazzling Discovery in Odisha.

Have you ever stumbled upon a hidden gem while traveling ? That's exactly what happened to me on a assignment in Odisha. My train back to Ranchi wasn't until late, so I was relaxing when my phone buzzed – it was the boss ! Shaji.
He needed a story for the magazine. With a quick change of plans, I decided to explore Konark, a famous Sun Temple about 60 kilometers from Bhubaneswar.
On the way, I spotted a sign for Pipli, a village just 26 kilometers from Bhubaneswar (and about 40 kilometers from Konark).
Curiosity piqued, I made a detour. Little did I know, I was about to discover a dazzling art form – Pipli Applique!
Pipli's history is intertwined with the worship of Lord Jagannath. As far back as the 12th century, the Gajapati kings commissioned colorful applique canopies, umbrellas, lanterns, and decorations for the annual Rath Yatra festival.
This vibrant craft involves teamwork between men and women. Men meticulously cut out intricate shapes, while women stitch them onto base fabrics. The results are stunning – wall hangings, umbrellas, and other items adorned with elephants, peacocks, flowers like lotus and jasmine, and even modern motifs. These artworks, also known as Chandua, come in all shapes and sizes – from purses and bags to clothing and carpets.
Pipli Applique wasn't always a tourist attraction. Originally, it was a temple art form patronized by royalty. Today, skilled artisans continue to create beautiful, large-scale decorative pieces, while also adapting their craft to create smaller, more affordable souvenirs.
Tourists visiting Odisha often stop by Pipli, captivated by the vibrant displays of lanterns, magnets, pens, and other trinkets made from bamboo, alongside exquisitely crafted jewelry boxes, key chains, and frames. The prices are friendly, making these souvenirs perfect keepsakes to remember your trip.
So, next time you're in Odisha, don't miss the chance to explore Pipli and witness the artistry of its talented craftspeople. Their creations are a testament to a rich tradition, and a delightful addition to any traveler's collection.
Pictures details —1. Artesian at work. 2. Artistic Pipli products. 3. Huge umbrella on display 4. Pipli products shown by the shopkeeper. 5. Pipli colorful products on sale.

Write Up and Photos
Ashok Karan,
Photo Gallery : English Page : 6.
Editor. Jawa Sen. New Delhi.
Clouds gathering in the Doon Valley of the majestic Himalayan : Photo : Asha Mussoorie
You Said It : Lines : Courtesy : Page : 8. 

 Mukteshwar Nainital.
Munshi Prem Chand Jayanti.

31.07.1880 - 8.10.1936.

Martyrdom Day of Shaheed Udham Singh.

Udham Singh 
26.11.1899.- 31.07.1940.
Shaheed Udham Singh.
is best known for the assassination of Michael O' Dwyer as a retaliation to Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. He was martyred on 31 July 1940 and since then the day is observed as Martyrdom Day of Shaheed Udham Singh.




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