Home Assignment : Summer Vacation. Class 8.Session 24 - 25.

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 Summer Home Assignment.8.24 - 25.
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 Summer Home Assignment Sample : 824 - 25.
Understanding / Writing / Learning / Home Assignment.
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Glimpses of Summer Home Assignment class 8. Vidisha.

 विषय सूची : पृष्ठ ०.
आवरण पृष्ठ : ०. 
सम्पादकीय पृष्ठ : १.
विषय वस्तु पृष्ठ : २.
लेख / आलेख : पृष्ठ : ३  .
विज्ञापन पृष्ठ : ४ .  
फोटो दीर्घा पृष्ठ : ५ . 
आभार पृष्ठ : ७.
अनमोल बातें : पृष्ठ ८. 
आपने कहा : पृष्ठ ९. 
सम्पादकीय पृष्ठ : १.
 Editorial Page : 1

Chief Editor.
Dr. M. K. Sinha.
New Delhi.
Shakti Group

Prof. Dr.Roopkala / Dr. Bhawana.

Prof. Dr. Roop Kala Prasad
Department of English.  
Prof. Dr. Bhwana.
Department of  Geography.
Anshima Singh.
Department of History.
Dr. Nutan Smriti ( Hindi )
Kasiga School . Dehradun.
Bhagwanti Gupta.Principal
Observer of the Page. 

Captain Ajay Swaroop. 
CBSE Resource Person.
COE Dehradun.
Dr. R.K Dubey.
Ex. Principal. DAV.
Shree A.K. Jana. Principal Cum ARO.
Shree K.K.Sinha.Principal Cum ARO.
 Hon'ble. Anjali Srivastava.Principal.Cum ARO. 
Visitors of the Page :  H.A.

Dr. Atul Saxena. Oak Grove School. Mussoorie. 
Prof. Dr. Tejpal Singh. Nainital.
Department of Science.
Dr. Manoj. History. 
Rakesh Kumar. Principal DAV Himachal.
Dr. Amit Kumar Sinha.
Department of English.
Page Readers.
R.R. Pandey. 
Master Trainer. CBSE Resource Person.
Manoj SharmaMaster Trainer.
Subject Coordination.
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C. M. Chandra ( Chemistry)
Preeti Sagar ( S.St.)
Sanskrit ( S. K. Suman )
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e - theme learning page. 
7 Class. Questions/ Answers/ Assignments. 

DAV Power Grid Campus, Bihar Sharif.
Session. 23 - 24.

Guest Editor of the Page.

Pratyesh Kumar. P.G.T. ( Geography )
Oak Grove School. Northern Railway.  
Jharipani  Mussoorie.
Anupam Singh ( English )
Oak Grove School. Northern Railway.  
Jharipani  Mussoorie.
Page.2. Contents Page.
Volume 2.Section.C.
 विषय वस्तु : तारे जमीन पर . पृष्ठ : ३ .
नव शक्ति प्रायोजित. त्रि शक्ति विकसित. महाशक्ति अधिकृत

नैनीताल डेस्क.प्रस्तुति 

Our Shining Stars. Contents Page : 2
Nainital Desk.

 Bhagwanti Gupta.
Principal / Dehradun.

Our Shining Stars.

Oak Grove School. 1888. Campus. Mussoorie.

Oak Grove School : Mussoorie  10th.Board Toppers.
Oak Grove School : Mussoorie  12th. Board Toppers.

DAV BSF. 10th Board Toppers.

12th Board Toppers.

Class 8.
Summer Home Assignment 
Session 24 – 25.
Summer Sample Home Assignment : S.St. Class 8.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : History. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. 8 : A.B.C. S.Sc.
 कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम. 
Chief Editor 
Dr. Manish Kumar Sinha 
under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi.
Developed Updated at New Delhi.
Class. 8.
Sample Summer Home Assignment 
Session 24 – 25.

Our guiding forces. 

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant.
Theme  Page : 3.
Editorial Desk. 

Trishakti :Desk / Nainital.

Summer Home Assignment 24 - 25 : Class 8.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Hindi. Session : 2024-25. Page : 3 / 1 / 1  
Classes. VIII  : A.B.C.D..Hindi.
Sample : Summer Home Assignment
Subject : English. Session : 2024-25. Page : 3 / 1 /2 
Classes. VIII  : A.B.C.D..English.
Trishakti :  Kolkotta Desk 

Bhagwanti Gupta. 

Q.1. Book : English Literature  Book. 
Solve all  the exercises and questions under the Chapters taught in the Class in your fair note book.
a.Write  50 difficult word meanings in your fair copy and learn by heart. 
b.Prepare  10 MCQ Test Questions Based on any one Chapter taught in the class in the fair copy.  
Q.2. Book : English Practice Book.  
Solve all the exercises under the units taught in the class in the book.
Q.3. Book : English Reader Book : Read and Complete the 
Solve all the reading Comprehension Passages of the Units taught in the class in  the book.
Solve writing skills questions from the units taught in the class in fair copy.
Q.4. Project : On a chart paper in the colourful presentation Make anyone project choosing any  topics of from your English Practice Book from unit 1.2.3,4.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Hindi . Session : 2024-25. Page : 4 / 1  
Classes. 8 : A.B.C.D.Hindi.
Editing :  Radhika Mahashakti : Iscon Nainital Desk.
विषय : हिंदी. कक्षा : आठवीं. अ, ब, स, द.
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. २०२४ - २०२५.
स्तंभ संपादन.
डॉ. नूतन स्मृति.

विषय : हिंदी. कक्षा : आठवीं . अ, ब, स, द.
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. २०२४ - २०२५.

कक्षा आठवीं. विषय : हिंदी. ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य.
प्रश्न १ . अभ्यास सागर पाठ १ प्रश्न संख्या १३ लिखना है।
प्रश्न २.अनुच्छेद लिखें -
(अ ) प्रदूषण समस्या एवं समाधान.
(ब) विज्ञान वरदान या अभिशाप.
प्रश्न ३. उद्‌गम के आधार पर शब्द के भेदों की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित लिखें ।
प्रश्न ४.अपने मोहल्ले के पार्क की सफाई करवाने हेतु नगर निगम अधिकारी को पत्र लिखें ।
प्रश्न ५ परियोजना कार्य
'हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के' कविता को सचित्र लिखकर कवि शिवमंगल सिंह सुमन के व्यक्तित्व एवं कृतित्व का वर्णन करें ।

साभार : मुकेश ठाकुर.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Maths. Session : 2024-25. Page : 3 / 1 / 3 
Classes. VIII  : A.B.C.D..Maths.
Editing : Shakti Desk Nainital 
 Column Editor.
Sangita Deoghar.

Maths : Summer Home Assignment : 
Q.1.Solve 5 questions daily from the taught chapters
Minimum 150 questions should be attempted..
Project Work.
Q.2.Write about 3 Mathematicians on a Chart Paper. (P.W).

Sample Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Science. Session : 2024-25. Page : 3 / 1/ 4  
Classes. VIII : A.B.C.D..Science.
Editing : Shakti Desk. Nainital. 

Sample Summer Vacation Homework
Subject:- Physics . Class:- VIII.
Q.1. What is force? state its three effects.
Q.2. State the law of inertia.
Q.3. State the Newton's Law of Gravity.
Q.4. Explain hydrostatic pressure and its properties.
Q.5. State the importance of hydrostatic pressure.
Q.6. Give reason for the following -
a. Railway tracks are laid on large sized wooden / iron sleepers.
b. A camel can walk easily on sandy surface.
c. It is painful to hold a heavy bag having a strap made of a strong thin string.
Project Work -
Demonstrate the water pressure at a point increases with depth.
Courtesy : P. K. Choudhary.

Sample. Summer Vacation Homework
Subject:- Chemistry .Class:- VIII
Q.1. Define:
(a)  Carbonisation
(b)  Displacement reaction
(c)  Noble gas
(d)  Reactivity series
(e)  Alloy
(f)   Ore
(g)  Metallurgy
Q.2. What happens when
(a)  Steam is passed over red hot iron.
(b)  Iron fillings react with oxygen.
(c)  Aluminum reacts with dilute Hydrochloric acid.
(d)  Magnesium reacts with hot water.
(e)  Calcium reacts with the cold water.
Project Work:- Draw a neat and labelled diagram of occurrence of petroleum on chart paper. 
Courtesy : P. K. Choudhary.

Sample Summer Vacation Homework
Subject:- Biology.Class:- VIII
Q. 1. All  cells in an organisms do not have the same size. Justify this statement by drawing at least 3 types of cell present in human being.
Q.2.Where and how are chromosomes formed. State their significance.
Q.3.State the function of these cell organelles. 
Q.4. Project -
Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of plant and animal cell and also highlight the differences between them (on the Chart Paper)
Courtesy : P. K. Choudhary.

Sample Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Social Science. Session : 2024-25. Page : 3 / 1 / 5 
Classes. VIII  : A.B.C.D..Social Science.
Narmada  Desk Jabbalpur
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. History. Session : 2024 -25. 
Classes.VIII : A.B.C...S.St. History. Civics Geography.

Class 8. Summer Home Assignment.8 : A.B.C. S.Sc.
History : Summer Home Assignment.Class : 8
Q.1. Write the Glossary of History 
Chapter 1 : Modern Period. 
Chapter 2 : Establishment of British Rule in India.
Q.2. Do Objectives ABC of both the chapters in your text book and learn them.
Q.3. Do write the brief Questions / Answers of 
Chapter 1 : Modern Period 
Chapter 2 : Establishment of British Rule in India in your fair copy.
Q.4. Do write the Marked Long Essay Typed Questions / Answers  of Section E 
Chapter 1 : Modern Period 
Chapter 2 : Establishment of British Rule in India. in your note book.
Q.5. Learn Map Skill of Chapter 2 : Establishment of British Rule in India.
Q.6. Learn & Remember all sorts of Home Assignments. 
Class 8. Summer  Home Assignment. 8 : A.B.C. S.Sc.
Civics : Summer  Home Assignment. Class : 8
Q.1. Write the Glossary of History 
Chapter 1 : Our Constitution. 
Q.2. Do Objectives ABC of  the Chapter 1 : Our Constitution. in your text book and learn them.
Q.3. Do write the brief Questions / Answers of 
Chapter 1 : Our Constitution. in your fair copy.
Q.4. Do write the Marked Long Essay Typed Questions / Answers  of Section E 
Chapter 1 : Our Constitution.
Class 8. Summer  Home Assignment. 8 : A.B.C. S.Sc.
Geography  : Summer  Home Assignment. Class : 8
Q.1. Complete fair copy of 
Chapters :1.Resources : Utilisation and Development.
Chapter : 2.Natural Resources : Land : Soil and Water 
Chapter : 3.Natural  Resources : Vegetation and Wildlife. 
Q.2.Draw a map of India  and locate 28 states as well as the union territories.
Q.3.Locate the major dams of India on the Political / Physical map of India.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Sanskrit. Session : 2024-25. Page : 3 / 1 / 6 
Classes. VIII : A.B.C.D..Sanskrit.
विषय : संस्कृत . कक्षा : आठवीं. अ, ब, स, द.
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. २०२४ - २०२५.
महाशक्ति डेस्क / नैनीताल.
स्तंभ संपादन.

विषय : संस्कृत . कक्षा : आठवीं . अ, ब, स, द.
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. २०२४ - २०२५.
प्रश्न : १ पाठ ३, ४, ५, के प्रश्न उत्तर बनाए।
प्रश्न : २ पेज संख्या ११ का प्रश्न दो बनाए।
प्रश्न : ३ पेज संख्या २४ का प्रश्न एक बनाए।
प्रश्न : ४ वर्ण के भेद एवं उनके परिभाषा लिखें।
विषय : नैतिक शिक्षा. कक्षा : आठवीं. अ, ब, स, द.
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. २०२४ - २०२५.
महाशक्ति डेस्क / नैनीताल.
स्तंभ संपादन.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Computer Science. Session : 2024-25. Page : 3 / 1 / 8  
Classes. VIII  : A.B.C.D.Computer  Science.

Q.1 List the name of 7 devices using wireless. signal. 
Q.2 Define modem, Switch,Routes , Hub
Q.3.Differentiate between wifi and Wimax
Q.4.List the name of some commonly used  software used for video calling.
Q.5.Draw a clean diagram of NIC, Bluetooth, Hub, Networking switch, Pen drive, Cable-
Brief Educational News : : Around Us : Page : 4 

Smita News Anchor. Patna.
Oak Grove School students shines with their rising Stars in
10 th 12 th Board Exams.
 Dr. Atul Saxena. News Report.
a shining school of India Government : Mussoorie : / Oak Grove School.1888.

Mussoorie : / Oak Grove School grade –X students have given an excellent performance in the CBSE board examination 2024.
Virat Chauhan topped the school by scoring 97.6 % marks, while Anshu Singh is at the second position with 96.8 % marks. At the third position is Sindhuja with 96.4% marks. Other students who scored above 93% in the CBSE board results are Akaash Deep Das – 96% , Anjali Yadav - 95.6%, Ankit Kumar 95.4%, Agrim Kumar 95.2%, Vaishnavi Yadav – 95%, Avinash Tiwari, Sanchani Yadav, Aakriti and Mahika Raj 94.2% each, Richa Bhari - 93.6% , Hanee Kumar - 93.2% ,
Rohan Oak Grove School : Mussoorie  10th.Board Toppers.
Kumar 93%. Out of 56 students 21 students scored above 90% marks,19 students scored 80%-90%marks, 10 students achieved above 70% - 79%marks, 04 students scored 60%-69% and only 02 student scored below 60 % marks in the board examination.
12 th Board Exam : 23 - 24.
In Class -XII students have given an excellent performance in the CBSE board examination 2024.
Shubhangi Singh topped the school by scoring 94.8 % marks, while second position is shared by Shreya Rani and Nandini Jha with 94.6 % marks each. Third position is achieved by Aastha with 94% marks. Aastha Scored 100 marks in History. Other students who scored above 90% in the CBSE board results are Gagan Kumar – 91.4 % and Vaibhavat Kumawat - 90%, In class-XII Out of 29 students 06 students scored above 90% marks, 08 students scored 80% marks, 08 students achieved above 70% marks, 07 students scored 65% marks in the board examination.
Mr. Naresh Kumar, Principal Oak Grove School said that all credit goes to the students as the achievements were only possible because of their hard work and determination. He also added that it was the labour of love of the teachers who worked round the clock for their students.
Column Editing :
Trishakti Desk : Nainital.


  1. Excellent and very informative

  2. joint media houses.
    Thanks a lot for editing such an inspirational page for the forthcoming starring students of the different schools .
    By Dr. C.M Chandra

  3. joint media houses.
    Thanks a lot for editing such an inspirational page for the forthcoming starring students of the different schools .
    By Dr. C.M Chandra

  4. It's a very nice blog magazine page and students should enjoy visiting the link of this blog Magazine page... Thanks a lot to the Shakti Group Editors for promoting such as Summer Home Assignment Blog Magazine page in the learning section. P.K Choudhary.


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