Home Assignment : Summer Vacation. Class 9.Session 24 - 25.


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 Summer Home Assignment.924 - 25.
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Sample Home Assignment : Summer

Sample Home Assignment Summer Vacation. Class 9.Session : 24. 25.
MARS Learning Computer Graphics : Design & Art  : New Delhi.
 Summer Home Assignment Sample : 924 - 25.
Understanding / Writing / Learning / Home Assignment.
Shakti's Project.

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 विषय सूची : पृष्ठ ०.
आवरण पृष्ठ : ०. 
सम्पादकीय पृष्ठ : १.
विषय वस्तु पृष्ठ : २.
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विज्ञापन पृष्ठ : ४ .  
फोटो दीर्घा पृष्ठ : ५ . 
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नैनीताल डेस्क.प्रस्तुति 
सम्पादकीय पृष्ठ : १.

नव शक्ति प्रायोजित.
त्रि शक्ति विकसित.महाशक्ति अधिकृत
Trishakti :Desk / Nainital.
Class 9.
Sample Summer Home Assignment 
Session 24 – 25.
Sample Summer Home Assignment : S.St. Class 9.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : History. Session : 2023-24. 
Classes. 9 : A.B.C. S.Sc.
 कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम. 
Chief Editor 
Dr. Manish Kumar Sinha 
under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi.
Developed Updated at New Delhi.
Sample Summer Home Assignment 
Session 24 – 25.

Our guiding forces. 

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant.

 Editorial Page : 1

Chief Editor.
Dr. M. K. Sinha.
New Delhi.
Shakti Group

Prof. Dr.Roopkala / Dr. Bhawana.

Prof. Dr. Roop Kala Prasad
Department of English.  
Prof. Dr. Bhwana.
Department of  Geography.
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Bhagwanti Gupta.Principal
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 Hon'ble. Anjali Srivastava.Principal.Cum ARO. 
Visitors of the Page :  H.A.

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Page Readers.
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e - theme learning page. 
7 Class. Questions/ Answers/ Assignments. 

DAV Power Grid Campus, Bihar Sharif.
Session. 23 - 24.

Guest  Editor of the Page.

Pratyesh Kumar. P.G.T. ( Geography )
Oak Grove School. Northern Railway.  
Jharipani  Mussoorie.
Anupam Singh ( English )
Oak Grove School. Northern Railway.  
Jharipani  Mussoorie.
Page.2.Contents Page.
Volume 2.Section.C.
 विषय वस्तु : तारे जमीन पर . पृष्ठ : ३ .

Our Shining Stars. Contents Page : 3
Nainital Desk.

 Bhagwanti Gupta.
Principal / Dehradun.

Our Shining Stars.

Oak Grove School. 1888. Campus. Mussoorie.

Oak Grove School : Mussoorie  10th.Board Toppers.
Oak Grove School : Mussoorie  12th. Board Toppers.

DAV BSF. 10th Board Toppers.

12th Board Toppers.
Theme  Page : 4.
Sample Summer Home Assignment 24 - 25 : Class 9.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject :  English. Session : 2024-25. Page : 4 / 1  
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.English.
Trishakti :  Kolkotta Desk 
Column Editor.

Bhagwanti Gupta. Dehradun. 

Summer Vacation Assignment for Class IX 2024 
Subject: English Language & Literature [184] A. 
Section : A. Unseen Passages [ Solve at least two both types ] 
Q.1 Discursive Passage 
Q.2.Case Based Passage [ Source CBSE nic.in] 
Section B : Grammar & Writing Skills 
Q.1. Solve 5 worksheets of Integrated Grammar 
Q.2. Write Review of any motivational / Biography/ Science Fiction in 150 words. 
Q.3. Compose poem / story / blog / article/ debate [ Any contemporary/ social or global issue] Section C : Literature 
Q.1.Another ending of the story 
Q.2.Character analysis ,ie, chapter wise 
Q.3.Justification of the title of all the taught chapters 
Q.4.Mind maps of each chapter Subject Enrichment Activity 
Section D : File Work 
Type : Picturesque + Content + Expression + Accuracy 
Compare the two poems 
‘ The Road Not Taken ‘ & 
‘ It might have been ‘ composed by Wheeler Wilcox .
Teachings / Moral of – “ it could make you’ all the difference’- Your POV
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Hindi . Session : 2024-25. Page : 4 / 1  
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.Hindi.
Radhika : Iscon Nainital Desk.
विषय : हिंदी. कक्षा : नवीं . अ ब स द
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. २०२४ - २०२५.
स्तंभ संपादन.
डॉ नूतन स्मृति. देहरादून. 

कक्षा नवमी विषय : हिंदी  ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. २०२४ - २०२५. 
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य
प्रश्न १. अनुप्रास, यमक एवं श्लेष अलंकार की परिभाषा एवं भेद लिखें ।
प्रश्न २ . समय का महत्व बताते हुए छोटे भाई को पत्र लिखें ।
प्रश्न ३. 'विद्यार्थी और फैशन' और 'वि‌द्यार्थी जीवन में खेल का महत्व' विषय पर अनुच्छेद लिखें ।
प्रश्न ४. उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय की परिभाषा एवं २५ २५ उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय से शब्द निर्माण करें ।
प्रश्न ५. तुम्हारे बड़े भाई अपने नए घर में प्रवेश करने जा रहे हैं। एक शुभकामना संदेश लिखिए ।
प्रश्न ६. परियोजना कार्यहिंदी गद्य साहित्य में 'यात्रा वृतांत' विधा का स्थान निर्धारित करते हुए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण 'यात्रा वृतांत' एवं यात्रा वृतांतकार / लेखक की सूची तैयार करें ।

साभार : मुकेश ठाकुर.

Summer Home Assignment
     Subject : Maths . Session : 2024-25. Page : 4 / 1  
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.Maths.
Editing : Shakti Desk. Nainital 
 Column / Editor.

Sangeeta : Deoghar

Q.1. Solve 10 Questions / Answers  Per day.
Q.2. Show Irrational Numbers on Chart paper ( By Art Integration )
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : ScienceSession : 2024 -25. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 
Editing : Shakti Desk. Nainital 
 Column Editor. 

Summer Vacation Homework
Subject:- Physics..Class:- IX.
Q.1. Solve all questions of exercises of Chapter - 1. Motion, in the fair copy.
Q.2. Solve all intext / inside questions of Chapter -1. Motion in fair copy.
Q.3. Distinguish between : - 
(a). Speed & Velocity.
(b). Uniform & Non-uniform motion.
(c). Uniform & Non- uniform acceleration.
Q.4. Solve at least 10 Numerical Problems based on the equation of motion from other books.
Project :- Draw a diagram on the chart paper to show uniform motion at constant speed by using a piece of thread & tie a small piece of stone.
Courtesy : P.K. Choudhary. ( Chemistry )
Summer Vacation Homework
Subject:- Chemistry. Class:- IX.
Q.1.Learn all the CW.
Q.2.Solve Question  Paper of PT-1 ( only Chemistry part)
Q.3.Explain the following with examples:
a. Saturated Solution 
b. Pure Substance 
c. Colloid
d. Suspension 
e. Aerosol
f. Emulsion
Q.4.What is the difference between mixture and compound ?
Q.5.Frame 10 objective questions of one word from 
Chapter - 1 Matter in our Surroundings.
and Chapter - 2  Is matter around us pure ?
Project Work - 
a. Conversion of ice cube to water 
b. Conversion of water to water vapour
Courtesy : P.K. Choudhary. ( Chemistry )

Summer Vacation Homework
Subject:- Biology.. Class:- IX.
Biology : 
Q.1.Who discovered the cell and how ?
Q.2.Why is the cell called as the structural & functional unit of life ?
Q.3.Why is the plasma membrane called selectively permeable membrane ?
Q.4.How do substance like O2 & water move in and out of the cell ?
Q.5.What would happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or breakdown ?
Q.6.Define :- 
a. Osmosis  
b. Endocytosis 
Q.7. Complete fair copy
Project :-  Draw neat & clean diagram of plant & animal cell.
Courtesy : P.K. Choudhary. ( Chemistry )
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : Social Science. Session : 2024-25. Page : 4 / 1  
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.Social Science.
Narmada  Desk Jabbalpur
Column / Editor.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. History. Session : 2024 -25. 
Classes.9 : A.B.C.D.E..History. Civics Geography. Economics
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : S.St. History. Session : 2024 -25. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. S.Sc.

9.NCERT History.
A. Summer Home Assignment. IX. : A.B.C.D.E.. History.
a. Note the Glossary of 
Chapter 1 ( The French Revolution )
Chapter 2 ( The Russian Revolution)
b. Writing : Do frame inside Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1. The French Revolution.
c. Note the important Personalities , Dates & Events of the Chapter 1 : The French Revolution.
d. Reading / Understanding of. 
(i) The French Revolution. Chapter 1. (ii) The Russian Revolution. Chapter 2.
e. Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book for Chapter 1 : French Revolution to be written in your Notebook.
f. Map Skill : Do related the Map work of Chapter 1 : French Revolution.
g. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.

Summer Home Assignment
Subject : CivicsSession : 2024 - 25. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 

9 NCERT Civics.
A. Civics : Summer Home Assignment. 24 - 25.
a. Reading / Understanding of Chapter 1.Chapter 2. 
(i) Why Democracy.
(ii) Constitutional Design.
b. Note the Glossary and its meaning of Chapter 1.Chapter 2. 
(i) Why Democracy.
(ii) Constitutional Design.
c. Note the important Dates, Events and Personalities of Chapter 1 : The French Revolution.
d.Writing : Do frame inside Questions / Answers of  your book page wise of Chapter 1.Why Democracy.
e. Attempt the Long Questions / Answers of NCERT book Chapter 1 : Why Democracy. to be written in your Notebook.
f. Understand the Cartoon Skills of Chapter 1 :  Why Democracy 
g. Learning : Remember these Questions / Answers.
B. Project Work  in History / Civics :  : In term of French Revolution legacy word Liberty, Equality and Fraternity prepare a 5 page write of the silent feature of Indian Democracy.
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : GeographySession : 2024 - 25. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 

Q.1 : What is the significance of Chapter 1. i.e India Size and Location.
Q.2 : Why do we need a Standard Meridian for India ? Explain. 
Q.3 : What is the Latitudinal and Longitudinal extent of India ? What are its implications ?
Q.4 : What is the advantages of India's long Coastline ?
Q.5 : How has the advantage of India contributed to the exchange of ideas and commodities   ? Explain.
Project : Show physical features  of India on the chart paper
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : EconomicsSession : 2024 -25. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 
Q.1. Complete inside as well as exercise questions of Chapter : 1 : The Story of Village Palampur in the fair notebook.
Project :- Prepare a report on success and challenges or failure of the Green Revolution.
विषय : संस्कृत . कक्षा : नवीं . इ
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य. २०२४ - २०२५.
महाशक्ति डेस्क / नैनीताल. 
स्तंभ संपादन.
प्रश्न १. पाठ १ : अविवेक परमापदं पदंम् प्रश्न संख्या ३ ,४ ,७ बनाए।
प्रश्न २ .पाथेयमं पृष्ठ संख्या - ११ प्रश्न संख्या ५ बनाए।
प्रश्न ३. पाठ २ श्लोक संख्या १ ,२ का अर्थ लिखे।
Summer Home Assignment
Subject : ComputerSession : 2024 - 25. 
Classes. IX : A.B.C.D.E. 

Q.1.Write the advantages & disadvantages of verbal, non-verbal, written & visual communication.
Q.2.Write the role of feedback in communication.
Q.3.Define the do main of self-management.
Q.4.Why is it important to know your interest & ability? Give reasons.
Q.5.Write any 5 examples of lTeS.
Q.6.Design touch typing finger skill of left & right hand like upper, lower, hame key (of all rows).
 Shakti : Photo Gallery : Page : 5.
Editing Shakti / Nainital Desk.
Column / Editor.
Smita. Patna.

Service to Man is Service to God. Courtesy Photo : Shakti 
 Shakti's : Thoughts Inspiring  : Page : 6.
Editing : Shakti / Nainital Desk.
Column / Editor.
Prof. Dr. Bhawan. Ujjain.
the Unjust Man.
 Shakti's News Headlines : Brief : Around Us : Page : 7 
Bhagwanti Gupta. Dehradun.
Oak Grove School students shines with their rising Stars in
10 th 12 th Board Exams.
 Dr. Atul Saxena. News Report.
a shining school of India Government : Mussoorie : / Oak Grove School.1888.

Mussoorie : / Oak Grove School grade –X students have given an excellent performance in the CBSE board examination 2024.
Virat Chauhan topped the school by scoring 97.6 % marks, while Anshu Singh is at the second position with 96.8 % marks. At the third position is Sindhuja with 96.4% marks. Other students who scored above 93% in the CBSE board results are Akaash Deep Das – 96% , Anjali Yadav - 95.6%, Ankit Kumar 95.4%, Agrim Kumar 95.2%, Vaishnavi Yadav – 95%, Avinash Tiwari, Sanchani Yadav, Aakriti and Mahika Raj 94.2% each, Richa Bhari - 93.6% , Hanee Kumar - 93.2% ,
Rohan Oak Grove School : Mussoorie  10th.Board Toppers.
Kumar 93%. Out of 56 students 21 students scored above 90% marks,19 students scored 80%-90%marks, 10 students achieved above 70% - 79%marks, 04 students scored 60%-69% and only 02 student scored below 60 % marks in the board examination.
12 th Board Exam : 23 - 24.
In Class -XII students have given an excellent performance in the CBSE board examination 2024.
Shubhangi Singh topped the school by scoring 94.8 % marks, while second position is shared by Shreya Rani and Nandini Jha with 94.6 % marks each. Third position is achieved by Aastha with 94% marks. Aastha Scored 100 marks in History. Other students who scored above 90% in the CBSE board results are Gagan Kumar – 91.4 % and Vaibhavat Kumawat - 90%, In class-XII Out of 29 students 06 students scored above 90% marks, 08 students scored 80% marks, 08 students achieved above 70% marks, 07 students scored 65% marks in the board examination.
Mr. Naresh Kumar, Principal Oak Grove School said that all credit goes to the students as the achievements were only possible because of their hard work and determination. He also added that it was the labour of love of the teachers who worked round the clock for their students.
Column Editing :
Trishakti Desk : Nainital.


  1. It is a Digital Revolution in the study...And we cannot ignore it in latest educational system. It will inspire student to do something a new in the field of their interest.

  2. It's a very nice blog magazine page and students should enjoy visiting the link of this blog Magazine page... Thanks a lot to the Shakti Group Editors for promoting such as Summer Home Assignment Blog Magazine page in the learning section which I have already visited and liked it too much... Dr. C. M. Chandra.

  3. Sir class 10 summer holidays assignment please update kar dijiye

  4. Sir class 10 summer holidays assignment please update kar dijiye

  5. It's a very nice blog magazine page and students should enjoy visiting the link of this blog Magazine page... Thanks a lot to the Shakti Group Editors for promoting such as Summer Home Assignment Blog Magazine page in the learning section. P.K Choudhary.


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