Diwali / Chhath Pooja. Home Assignment. Class 9. Session 23 - 24.

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 Diwali Chhath  Pooja  Home Assignment.IX. 23-24.
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त्रि शक्ति अधिकृत / नव शक्ति समर्थित. 

     विषय सूची : पृष्ठ. १ . 
८ अक्टूबर.१९३६ 

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DAV Power Grid Campus, Bihar Shairf.
Session. 23 - 24.

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 संपादन / डॉ.भावना. 

मुंडको उपनिषद.

सम्पादकीय : आर्य सत्य पृष्ठ : २ / ३ . 
संपादन / डॉ. नूतन स्मृति.  

बुद्ध के आष्टांगिक मार्ग से ही हम विश्व को आर्य बना सकते है. 

क्या है आष्टांगिक मार्ग ?

१. सम्यक दृष्टि : इसे सही दृष्टि कह सकते हैं। इसे यथार्थ को समझने की दृष्टि भी कह सकते हैं। सम्यक दृष्टि का अर्थ है कि हम जीवन के दुःख और सुख का सही अवलोकन करें। आर्य सत्यों को समझें।
२. सम्यक संकल्प : जीवन में संकल्पों का बहुत महत्व है। यदि दुःख से छुटकारा पाना हो तो दृढ़ निश्चय कर लें कि आर्य मार्ग पर चलना है।
३. सम्यक वाक : जीवन में वाणी की पवित्रता और सत्यता होना आवश्यक है। यदि वाणी की पवित्रता और सत्यता नहीं है तो दुःख निर्मित होने में ज्यादा समय नहीं लगता।
४. सम्यक कर्मांत : कर्म चक्र से छूटने के लिए आचरण की शुद्धि होना जरूरी है। आचरण की शुद्धि क्रोध, द्वेष और दुराचार आदि का त्याग करने से होती है।
५. सम्यक आजीव : यदि आपने दूसरों का हक मारकर या अन्य किसी अन्यायपूर्ण उपाय से जीवन के साधन जुटाए हैं तो इसका परिणाम भी भुगतना होगा इसीलिए न्यायपूर्ण जीविकोपार्जन आवश्यक है।
६. सम्यक व्यायाम : ऐसा प्रयत्न करें जिससे शुभ की उत्पत्ति और अशुभ का निरोध हो। जीवन में शुभ के लिए निरंतर प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए।
७. सम्यक स्मृति : चित्त में एकाग्रता का भाव आता है शारीरिक तथा मानसिक भोग-विलास की वस्तुओं से स्वयं को दूर रखने से। एकाग्रता से विचार और भावनाएँ स्थिर होकर शुद्ध बनी रहती हैं।
८. सम्यक समाधि : उपरोक्त सात मार्ग के अभ्यास से चित्त की एकाग्रता द्वारा निर्विकल्प प्रज्ञा की अनुभूति होती है। यह समाधि ही धर्म के समुद्र में लगाई गई छलांग है।
सम्पादकीय : अतुलनीय भारत : इतिहास : पृष्ठ : २ / ४  . 

 डॉ. रंजना.  

कैमूर हिल्स की ऐतिहासिकता : साभार : बिहार पर्यटन. 

सम्पादकीय आलेख : पृष्ठ : ३ .

शिक्षकों का दायित्व 

रवि शंकर शर्मा / संपादक / नैनीताल 

शिक्षकों का दायित्व.

Theme :  Page 4.
Laxami / Chhath Pooja . Home Assignment. Class 9 
Session 23 - 24.
Powered by.

Laxami Pooja .  Hindi  Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 8.
लक्ष्मी  पूजा गृह कार्य : सत्र २३ - २४. विषय हिंदी.


डॉ. नूतन स्मृति. 

विषय हिंदी.

Q.१. PT 3 में आने वाले पाठ को पढ़ एवं याद करें .
Q.२.वाक्य ,समास , अलंकार सभी के परिभाषा याद करें. 

Laxami Pooja . English. Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 9 .
English. Editor.

Prof. Dr. Roopkala Prasad.
Department of English.
Q.1 Write all the Textual Question Answer of the taught lessons in the fair notebook.
Q.2 Write Descriptive essays on the following festivals. 
a. Dhanteras 
b. Dipawali.
c. Gowardhan Puja. 
d. Chhath. 
Q.3.Do find and include mythical & traditional association ; rituals / ways of celebrating these festivals and scientific significances if any.
Laxami Pooja / Chhath. Maths Home Assignment. 23 - 24.Class 9. 
 Editor in Maths.

 M. K. Dubey. 
Q.1. Do MCQ of Circle with from R.S Agrawal Solution
Q.2. Project Work : To verify the area of Circle on chart Paper by cutting 4 pasting of paper in 16 pieces.
Credit : S.K.Pandit.

Laxami Pooja / Chhath. Science Home Assignment. 23 - 24.Class 9.

Prof. Dr.Tejpal Singh.Nainital.
Department of Science.

Q.1. What do you mean by Potential Energy? obtain an expression for potential Energy.
Q.2. What do you mean by Kinetic energy?" obtain an expression for Kinetic energy
Q.3. Establish relation between the  Kinetic Energy and  Linear momentum.  
Q.4. Solve at least 10 numerical problems of Work and Energy unit from other books.
Q.5. Project work → Draw a diagram to show Mechanical Energy is conserved in case of simple Pendulum.
Credit : N.L.Das.
Q.1. What are the different types of fisheries.
Q.2.What is apiculture. Name a few products obtained from apiculture.
Q.3. What are fertilisers.
Q.4.What are the harmful effects of using excessive fertilisers.
Q.5.What are the different ways of hybridization
Q.6.Define one method of crop preduch on ensuring high yield.
Q.7.What are macro - nutments?
Q.8.What an you understand   by organic farming ?
Q.9.Grive points of difference  between egg producing chicken and boiler producing chicken.
Q.10. Name any two weeds.
Q.11.How do deficiency of nutrients affect the crops? 
Q.12.Name two rabi and two kharif crops.
Credit : Pankaj Kumar Sinha.
Chemistry -
Q.1. Write the difference between O2 and 20.
Q.2. Define formula unit mass of a compound. Calculate the formula unit mass of
a. Na2CO3.10H2O 
b. CuSO4 
c. MgCl2  
d. K3PO4
e. (NH4)2SO4
Q.3. Write the formulae of the following compounds using criss-cross method
a.Ferric Oxide 
b.Magnesium (II) Acetate
c.Hydrogen Sulphide
d.Mercury (II) Chloride
e.Potassium carbonate
Q.4. Calculate the percentage composition of all the elements present in ammonium sulphate.
Q.5.Complete all Question /Answer of Chapter-3
Q.6.Prepare your Lab Manual with all the Practical Activities.
Credit : P.K. Chaudhury.

Laxami Pooja / Chhath. Social Science Home Assignment. 23 - 24.Class 9.
Page Editor. 

Prof. Dr. Bhawana.
HOD Department of Geography.
History : Laxami Pooja Home Assignment.
History Home Assignment : 
Q.1.Read and understand the Chapter : 5. Pastoralists in the Modern World.
Q.2.Note the Glossary given in Chapter : 5. Pastoralists in the Modern World.
Q.3.Understand the meaning of Hard words of your Chapter : 5.
Q.4.Write a Short Question Answer of Chapter : 5.
Q.5.Write the NCERT question answers of the textbook of Chapter : 5. 
Civics : Laxami Pooja Home Assignment.
Civics Home Assignment.
Q.1.Read and understand the Chapter 5.Democratic Rights.
Q.2.Note the glossary of the Chapter 5. Democratic Rights.
Q.3.Understand the meaning of hard words
Q.4.Write the short question answers of Chapter 5. Democratic Rights
Q.5.Write NCERT Text Book Question Answers of Chapter 5. Democratic rights in notebook
Project Work :- 
Describe the features of the cartoons given in Chapter- 4  Working of Institutions and submit it in the stick file with the download cartoon pictures

Geography : Laxami Pooja Home Assignment.
Geography Home Assignment.
Q.1.Revise the syllabus of Periodic test 3 that is Chapter - 4. Climate.
Q.2.Learn and remember the Keywords, Objectives, Maps and All Inside Question answers of this Chapter - 4. Climate.  
Q.3.Practice the CBSE asked question and answers of Chapter- 4 Climate. 
Project Work : N / A
Economics  : Laxami Pooja Home Assignment.
Q.1.Learn and write Questions and answers of Chapter -3. Poverty as a Challenge.

Laxami Pooja / Chhath.Sanskrit. Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 9.
 लक्ष्मी  पूजा : गृह कार्य. विषय : संस्कृत.

Laxami Pooja / Chhath.Natik Shiksha. Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 9.
लक्ष्मी  पूजा : गृह कार्य. : विषय : नैतिक शिक्षा.

Laxami Pooja / Chhath.G.K. Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 9.
Laxami Pooja / Chhath.Computer. Home Assignment. 23 - 24.Class 9.

Information Technology
Answer the following questions based on case study:
Q.1: What do you mean by cell referencing and what are different types of cell referencing?
Q.2: Write the structure of an email message in brief.
Q.3: What do you mean by Oo Cale? Name two important features of Oo Calc?Q.4:What is the difference between a worksheet and a workbook?
Q.5: Prepare a colourful, creative and informative E-Poster in Oo Writer on the topic "Climate Change - Its causes and Prevention". 
Key points of the poster should be :-
a.Sustainable Development Goal laid down by UN - Climate Change and Action.
b.Causes of Climate Change.
c.How we can contribute towards preventing it ?
Note -Take a colour Print out and submit the Poster on an A4 Sheet. 
Credit : Gyan Ranjan.


लक्ष्मी पूजा : छठ  : संस्कृति : कला कृति : दीर्घा : पृष्ठ : ५ .
अनुभूति सिन्हा. 
शक्ति की : मिथिला पेंटिंग : कला : अज्ञात. 
दिवाली  : संस्कृति : फोटो  : दीर्घा : पृष्ठ :६  .
संकलन / संपादन 


दिवाली की स्मृति : लक्ष्मी और गणेश  की संस्कृति : वंदना करते बच्चें : फोटो :  शक्ति .

आज का सुविचार : की शक्ति . पृष्ठ : ७ .

त्रिशक्ति प्रस्तुति. 

संघर्ष का क्षण कठिन होता है. श्री कृष्ण. 

छोटे छोटे दिए : अमावस के अंधकार

English Section. Editorial Page : 8 
Write Up Page : 

Prof. Dr. Roop Kala Prasad.
Department of English.

children making  themselves aware against.. 
avoiding the Noise & Air pollution in the Diwali through the skit.

Editorial / Write Ups
Asma Iqbal. 


children making aware themselves against the noise & air pollution through the Diwali skit . photo : Shakti 

ER / Nalanda. With the coming of Shravan Month the Indian Hindu Culture and Civilization starts witnessing the coming up of different festivals. It begins with the Raksha Bandhan and ends by Kartik Purnima Dev Deepawali. However the last  Hindi month ends by Falgun. 
The festive season of Diwali and Chhath is always celebrated with great enthusiasm in schools across India. This year, the junior students of our school marked the occasion with a mesmerizing dance performance under the Shakti Group observations. The theme of the performance was the story of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi, two of the most revered deities in the Hindu mythology.
The performance began with the entrance of Lord Ganesha, played by one of the students from class 2 . Dressed in a traditional attire and adorned with jewelry, he captured the audience's attention with his impeccable dance moves. Following him was the graceful entry of Goddess Laxmi, played by another student of class 2. She was dressed in a beautiful saree and looked every bit of a deity with her serene expressions and elegant dance steps.
The remaining students danced to the tunes of the traditional music played in the background. Their synchronized moves added to the charm of the performance. The audience was left spellbound with the impeccable coordination and rhythm displayed by the young dancers.
The performance was held during the morning assembly and was witnessed by teachers, students, and staff members. It was a great way to celebrate the festive season and showcase the talent of our students. We are proud of our junior students for their hard work and dedication in putting up such a wonderful performance. It was a sight to behold, and we hope to see many more such performances in the future. They were made aware for the  safety during the burning crackers. They were ultimately suggested to light the diyas only for the removal of inside darknesses to avoid causing noise and air pollutions unnecessarily.Thus a message was passed to the common to be the eco friendly.
Festive / Wishes : English Page : 
A.K.Jana. ARO. DAV. BZ- F.


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