Home Assignment : Durga Pooja : 10.Class

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 Durga Pooja  Home Assignment. X. 23-24.
Understanding / Writing / Learning / 

        त्रि शक्ति अधिकृत नव शक्ति समर्थित. 

     विषय सूची : पृष्ठ. १ . 
८ अक्टूबर.१९३६ 

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V.D. Jha. ( English )
V. K. Roy. ( Hindi ) 
 Ratna.  ( Maths ) 
N. L. Das. ( Physics )
P. K. Chaudhary ( Chemistry )
Pankaj Kr. Sinha.
A. K. Mishra. ( Biology )
Preeti Sagar. ( S. St.)
Sanskrit ( S.K. Suman )
Computer ( Gyan Ranjan Sinha )

e - theme page. 
8.Class. Questions/ Answers/ Assignments

DAV Power Grid Campus, Bihar Shairf.
Session. 23 - 24.
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Sushil Kumar. D.S.P
त्रि शक्ति अधिकृत और नव शक्ति समर्थित . 
त्रि शक्ति अधिकृत. नव शक्ति समर्थित

e - theme page. 
8.Class. Durga Pooja Home Assignment.

DAV Power Grid Campus, Bihar Shairf.
Session. 23 - 24.

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 संपादन / डॉ.भावना. 

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संपादन / डॉ. नूतन स्मृति.  

बुद्ध के आष्टांगिक मार्ग से ही हम विश्व को आर्य बना सकते है. 

क्या है आष्टांगिक मार्ग ?

१. सम्यक दृष्टि : इसे सही दृष्टि कह सकते हैं। इसे यथार्थ को समझने की दृष्टि भी कह सकते हैं। सम्यक दृष्टि का अर्थ है कि हम जीवन के दुःख और सुख का सही अवलोकन करें। आर्य सत्यों को समझें।
२. सम्यक संकल्प : जीवन में संकल्पों का बहुत महत्व है। यदि दुःख से छुटकारा पाना हो तो दृढ़ निश्चय कर लें कि आर्य मार्ग पर चलना है।
३. सम्यक वाक : जीवन में वाणी की पवित्रता और सत्यता होना आवश्यक है। यदि वाणी की पवित्रता और सत्यता नहीं है तो दुःख निर्मित होने में ज्यादा समय नहीं लगता।
४. सम्यक कर्मांत : कर्म चक्र से छूटने के लिए आचरण की शुद्धि होना जरूरी है। आचरण की शुद्धि क्रोध, द्वेष और दुराचार आदि का त्याग करने से होती है।
५. सम्यक आजीव : यदि आपने दूसरों का हक मारकर या अन्य किसी अन्यायपूर्ण उपाय से जीवन के साधन जुटाए हैं तो इसका परिणाम भी भुगतना होगा इसीलिए न्यायपूर्ण जीविकोपार्जन आवश्यक है।
६. सम्यक व्यायाम : ऐसा प्रयत्न करें जिससे शुभ की उत्पत्ति और अशुभ का निरोध हो। जीवन में शुभ के लिए निरंतर प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए।
७. सम्यक स्मृति : चित्त में एकाग्रता का भाव आता है शारीरिक तथा मानसिक भोग-विलास की वस्तुओं से स्वयं को दूर रखने से। एकाग्रता से विचार और भावनाएँ स्थिर होकर शुद्ध बनी रहती हैं।
८. सम्यक समाधि : उपरोक्त सात मार्ग के अभ्यास से चित्त की एकाग्रता द्वारा निर्विकल्प प्रज्ञा की अनुभूति होती है। यह समाधि ही धर्म के समुद्र में लगाई गई छलांग है।

Theme :  Page 4.
Durga Pooja. Home Assignments. Class 10. 
Session 23 - 24.
D.P.  Hindi  Home Assignment.23-24.Class 10. Page 4 / 1
विषय हिंदी.

प्र.१.  जीवन में खेलकूद की उपयोगिता के बारे में लिखें। 
प्र.२. फैशन के पीछे भागने से होने वाले नुकसान के प्रति आगाह करते हुए छोटे भाई को पत्र लिखें। 
प्र.३.नए मोबाइल फ़ोन के लिए एक विज्ञापन तैयार करें।  
प्र.४. बाल दिवस के अवसर पर मित्र को बधाई सन्देश चालीस शब्दों में लिखें। 
प्र.५ .संस्कृति का प्रश्न उत्तर लिखें। 

D.P. English. Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 10. Page 4 / 2.
Prof. Dr. Roop Kala Prasad. 
Department of English. 
a. Complete your fair copy. 
b. Write 25 difficult word meanings in the fair copy. 
c. Learn the question answers. 
a. Complete all the exercises under units taught, in the book. 
b. Solve all the reading for understanding Exercises in the book.
a. Solve all the exercises under the units taught. 
b. Complete  all the WRITING skill exercises in the book. 
Choose  any Grammar Topic ,Narration ,Tense, Modals, Clauses, Punctuation, Conditionals etc. And present it on a Chart Paper 
SAMPLE  Paper 
For IX & X only 
Solve a CBSE Sample Paper 2023 - 24 English on an A4 Size Paper.
Mention your name and admission number & Section on the 1st Page. 

D.P. Maths Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 10. Page 4 / 3.
Durga Puja: Holiday Home Work : Maths.Class : X. 2023 - 24.

Q.1.Do fair up to the taught Chapters in Maths. 
Q.2.Solve 20 - MCQs per day from different chapters along with date and time.
Q.3.Solve : NCERT Book Exercise - 6.1, 6.2, & 6.3.
Q.4.Solve the following:
(a) State and prove BPT / Thales Theorem
(b) State and prove converse of BPT. 
Q.5. Project:
(a) Prepare a project on consistency and inconsistency along with suitable examples.
(b) Prepare a suitable model (using Innovative ideas) to prove Pythagoras Theorem. 
(c) Prepare a model of Geo-Board.
Credit : S.K.Pandit.

D.P. Science Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 10. Page 4 / 4.

Prof. Dr. Tejpal Singh. Nainital.
Department of Science.
Physics : Durga Puja Holiday Home Assignment.Class X. 23 - 24.
Q.1. Draw the symbols of various components in an electric circuit diagram.
Q.2. State Ohm's Law. Draw a circuit diagram to establish a relationship between the potential difference across the two ends of a resistor and the current flowing through it.
Q.3. Explain the following: - 
a. Why is an ammeter connected in series in an electric circuit?
b. Why is a voltmeter connected in parallel across a circuit element? 
c. What happens when an ammeter is placed in parallel with a circuit element?
d. What happens when a voltmeter is connected in series in a circuit? 
e. Why should a voltmeter have high resistance?
Q.4.Draw a circuit consisting of a cell, an electric bulb, an ammeter and a plug key.
Q.5.How many electrons pass through a conductor in 0.2 secs if the current passing through it is 0.5 A?
Credit : N.L.Das / Arun Kumar.
Chemistry : Durga Puja Holiday Home Assignment. 
Chemistry. Durga Puja Holiday Class: X . Subject : Chemistry.

Q.1. An element of group 14 has two common allotropes, A and B. A is very hard and is bad conductor of electricity while B is soft to touch and good conductor of electricity. Identify
the element and its allotropes.
Q.2. Identify the following-
(i) An allotrope of carbon which has a two-dimensional layered structure consisting of flat hexagonal rings.
(ii) An allotrope of carbon which looks like a soccer ball.
(iii) An allotrope of carbon which contains both single and double bonds.
Q.3. A hydrocarbon molecule contains 3 carbon atoms. What would be its molecular formula
in case it is (i) an alkane (ii) an alkene (iii) an alkyne?
Q.4. A hydrocarbon molecule has 4 carbon atoms. What would be its molecular formula in case it is (i) an alkane (ii) an alkene (iii) an alkyne?
Q.5. Allotropes of carbon has same chemical properties. Give reason.
Q.6. How many non-bonded electrons are there in?
(a) Ammonia (b) Methane (c) Nitrogen
Q.7.Alkenes and alkynes are unsaturated. What does it mean?
Q.8. List any two properties of homologous series.
Q.9. Compare the catenation ability of Carbon and Silicon.
Q.10. Atom of an element contains 5 electrons in the valence shell. This element exists as diatomic molecules, and is a major component of air.
(a) Identify the element.
(b) Show the bond formation between two atoms of this element.
(c) What is the nature of bond formed between the 2 atoms.
Q.11. An element X found in nature in solid form has 4 electrons in valence shell of its atom. Its allotrope Y has properties that allows it to be used as a dry lubricant, and also as a part of pencil lead.
(a) Identify the element.
(b) What is this allotrope Y?
(c) Write any 1 other use of this allotrope other than those mentioned here.
(d) Predict the ability of this allotrope to conduct electricity. Give reason.
(e) Name two other allotropes of this element other than Y.
Q.12. Two elements A and B have the property C by which they can combine with more atoms of their same type. Element A is a component of the gas D that is a respiratory byproduct, while element B is the second most abundant element in the crust.
(a) Identify the elements A and B.
(b)What is the property C?
(c) Identify the gas D.
(d) Among A and B, which one shows the property C to a greater extent? Why?Q.13. A and B are two organic compounds with the same molecular formula C5H10.
Write their names and structural formulae in case
(a) A is a cyclic compound.
(b) B is a straight chain compound.
(c) Among A and B, which one will have only single bonds?
(d) Will it be A or B that has both single and double bonds?
Q.14. In the electron dot structure of hydrogen molecules, each individual atom is not satisfying the octet. Justify.
Q.15. How many saturated hydrocarbons can be made using four carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms? Name them.
Q.16. Carbon cannot make ionic compounds. Why?
Q.17. Give the general formula of alkanes. Write the name, structural formula and physical state of the compound containing:
(i) 3 - carbon atoms
(ii) 8 - carbon atoms.
Q.18. Why does carbon form compounds mainly by covalent bonding?
Q.19. List the common physical properties of carbon compounds.
Q.20. Compare the structures of diamond and graphite.
Q.21. Write the IUPAC names of first four members of alcohol, carboxylic acid, aldehyde and ketone.
Q.22. Draw the electron dot structure of ethane, ethene and ethyne and also draw its structural formula.
Credit : Dr. C.M.Chandra / Vijit. 
Biology : Durga Puja Holiday Home Assignment. 
Biology : Durga Puja Holiday Home Assignment. Class X. 23 - 24.
Pankaj Kumar Sinha.

Life processes
Q.1.Long Answer Type question  
[a] List two differences between holozoic and saprophytic nutrition. Give two examples each of these two types of Nutrition
[b] State the role of liver and pancreas.
[c] Name the organ which performs the following functions in human. 
[i] Absorption of digested food [ii] absorption of water
[d] Explain the statement, bile does not contain any enzyme but it is essential for digestion.”
Q.2.[a]  Draw a diagram to show the human alimentary canal label on it the following [i] gallbladder [ii] stomach. Name the longest part of the elementary canal
[b] Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in mammals and birds?
Q.3.[a]  list three events that occur during the process of photosynthesis. State in brief the role of stomata in this process.
[b] Describe an experiment to show that sunlight is essential for photosynthesis.
Q.4.[a] Draw the cross section of the leaf and label the following parts. [i]   upper epidermis [ii]  chloroplast [iii] Vascular bundle
[b] Define photosynthesis
[c] List three events which occur during this process
[d] Write the chemical equation involved in photosynthesis.
[e] How is unused energy stored in plants?
[f] What is the site for photosynthesis?
Q.5.[a] Sectional view of human heart and label. [i]  Pulmonary artery [ii]  aorta [iii]  septum [iv]  ventricles
[b] Arteries have thick wall while veins  have valves explain.
[c] Why are valves needed in the heart?
[d] Leakage of blood from vessels reduces the efficiency of pumping system. How is the leakage prevented?
Q.6.[a] Draw human excretory system and label its parts.
[b] What is the main toxic Waste kidney filter from blood?  
[c] Name any two substances which are selectively reabsorbed from the tubules of a nephron.
Q.7.[a]  Draw a neat diagram of human respiratory system and label its parts.
[b] What are the factors needed for maintaining direction of diffusion in plants?
[c] Why do aquatic animals breathe faster than Terrestrial animals?
[d] Human lungs designed in human beings to maximize the area of exchange of gases?
Q.8. Draw in neat diagram of internal structure of human heart and label the parts which do the following function:-
[a]  Chambers  where oxygen blood from lungs is collected.
[b] Largest blood vessel in our body.
[c] Wall separating right and left Chambers.
[d] Blood that carries blood from heart to lungs.
Q.9.How do the guard cells regulate opening and closing of stomatal pores? Explain with the help of diagram. Also indicate what happens to the rate of photosynthesis if a stomata get block due to dust.
Q.10. Answer these questions.
[a]  Name the enzyme present in saliva. Why is it important?
[b] What is emulsification?
[c] Name the substance that is oxidized in the body during respiration.
[d] Why are lungs divided into very small sac like a structure?
Credit : Pankaj Kumar Sinha.

D.P. Social Science Home Assignment. 23 -24.Class 10.Page 4 / 5.
Page Editor. 

Prof. Dr. Bhawana.
HOD Department of Geography.
History : Updates.
Q.1. Read the Chapter 4. The Age of Industrialization. And note the glossary 
Q.2. Frame the inside objective type question answer of Chapter 4. 
Q.3. Write the textbook question answer of chapter 4 the age of Industrialization
Q.4. Learn and remember The  Chapter 5 : The Print & Culture.
Civics : Upadtes
Q.1. Read the Chapter 6 Political Parties note the glossary of this chapter
Q.2. Do the important objective type short question answer of Chapter 6.Political Parties
Q.3. Write the textbook question answer of Chapter 6.Political Parties
Q.4. Learn and remember them
Geography : Updates.
Q.1.Complete exercise question answer of Chapter 5 Minerals and Energy Resources in fair copy 
Q.2.Prepare inside question answer and MCQs from Chapter 5 : Minerals and Energy Resources in fair copy  
Practice map skill on the map of India physical / political map 
Chapter 1 :- All major soil types in India alluvial soil and black soil 
Chapter 2 :- a. First National Park of India b. Sundarban National Park in India 
c. Gir National Park
Chapter 3 : - Dam  a.Salal Dam b.Naga Arjun Sagar Dam
Chapter 4 :- Major production area of rice wheat sugarcane tea coffee cotton and jute
Chapter 5 :- Iron and Ore mines
a. Mayur Bharj b. Ken Dujhar, c. BailDila , d. Bellary, e. Chitraduga, f. Kudremukh, g. Tumkur, h. Ratnagiri.
(b).Oil field a. Mumbai High,b.Digboi, c.Ankleshwar
(c). Coal mines
(i) Talcher, (ii ) Neyveli
(d). Nuclear Power :  a. Naraura, b. Kaiga, c. Kalpahkam, d.Tarapur
(e) Thermal Power Plant :  a.Tuticorin, b.Ukai, c.Uram, d.Neyveli, d. Talcher, e. Namrup
Q.1. Complete Chapter  3 in fair

Sanskrit. Home Assignment. 23-24.Class 10.Page 4 / 6.
 दुर्गा पूजा : गृह कार्य. विषय : संस्कृत.
प्र.१. पाठ ७ और पाठ ८ को पढ़ें एवं अभ्यास प्रश्नोत्तर को बनाएं।  
प्र.२.कोई भी चित्र फेयर कॉपी पर चिपका कर पांच पांच वाक्य लिखें। 
प्र.३. भेजे गए सैंपल पेपर को ए 4 साइज पेपर पर नियमानुसार उत्तर पुस्तिका तैयार करें।  

Computer. Home Assignment. 23 - 24.Class 10.Page 4 / 7.
Er. Snidha. Banglore.
Information Technology.
Q.1.Create a Word Document and write all the steps to do following instructions.
Answer any four Questions 
(a) Set the indentation Left with 1.5 cm and Right with 1 cm.
(b) Set the Portrait orientation and margins values Top = 2.0 cm.,Bottom=2.15 em.Left 2.50 cm. Right 2.50 cm.
(c) Set the paper size A4  (21 cm X 29.7cm) 
(d) Set the document border with double line style, red colour, width = 3pt.
(e) Set the document with custom watermark " MyContent. "
(f) Write First line with Font type = "Arial Black " Size = 12 pt. 
Font Colour "Red". Text highlight colour = "Yellow", Align = Centre.
(g) Write Second line (x+y)2and H2O  and Strike through and Double Strike through 
(h) Next write 5 bulleted list (Any five fruits) with filled square style
(i) Next write 5 Numbered list (Any five Shortcut Keys) with using
Capital Roman Number Format 
(j) Now change the line spacing of upper written contents with size 1.15pt.
Q.2. Create an Excel Workbook and write all the steps to done with following instructions (Answer any four Questions)
(a) Save this file with name Myexcelfile.
(b) Rename sheet with another name : Example
(c) Move sheet 2 to another excel workbook with name abc.xls.
(d) Increase the Cell Row height =12.65 and width = 9.36.
(e) How to use merge and centre feature
(f) How to use sort and filter feature.
(g) How use conditional formatting? Give at least three names of conditional formatting.
(h) How to use auto sum feature?
(i) How to freeze rows and columns?
(j) How to hide and unhide rows and columns? 
(k) How to apply cell border?
(l) How to define a name to a cell range in a worksheet ?
(m) How many types of chart available in ms excel and how to use it ?
(n) How to use cell values in another sheet? 
(o) How to share worksheet dat?
Q.3 Create the following excel worksheet - (Answer any Two Questions)
1.Roll / Name / Hindi / Eng./ Maths / Science / S. St./ Comp /  Total / Percentage/ Remarks / Grade.
2.10201 / Rahul / 10/ 10/ 10/ 54/ 78/ 65/ 227/ 37.87/ Pass/ D+
3.10202 / Satish / 74/ 98/ 55/ 52/ 65/ 69/ 413/ 68.83/ Pass/.C+
4.10203 / Reena / 52 / 65 / 85/ 24/ 45/ 39/ 310/ 51.67/ Pass/.C+
5.10204 / Sunita / 30/ 30 / 28/ 14/ 41/ 33/ 176 / 29.33/ Fail / Work Hard.
6.10205 / Geeta / 69 / 39/ 96/ 58 / 25 / 56 / 343 / 57.17 / Pass /C+
7.10206 / Devendra / 58 / 85 / 52 / 45 / 45 / 57 / 342 / 57/ Pass/ C+

(a) Write the function to calculate total marks of all subjects ( Rahul ).
(b) Write the function to calculate Percentage of marks of all subjects ( Rahul).
(c) Write the function to calculate Remark of all subjects ( Ruhul ).
(d) Write the function to Grade of total marks of all subjects ( Rahul).
Criteria of grade :
>90 A+
>=75 B+
>=50 C
>=33 D+
<33 Work hard
Q.4. Write an SQL Query to create a table with the following structure : Emp_nochar (4), 
Name varchar (25), 
Salary Float, 
Department varchar (15).
Q.5 Write the answers based on the following table Name Manager:

Table: Manger.
Dept no 
Pranjal Sharma
Preeti Arora
Sukhmeen Singh Sukanya Kumar
Sukanya Kumar.
(a). Suggest a suitable data type for the Deptname field.
(b). Write a query to display all the records of the table.
(c). Add a new record with the following details:
(S106", "Sales", "Kritika Tuteja", "Delhi").
(d) Display department name where city is Chennai 
(e) Display different cities in the managertable
(f) Arrange all the records in ascending order department wise.
(g) Change the Deptname HR to AdminHR.
Note : Complete the Assignment in the Practical File.
Credit : Gyan Ranjan Sinha.
G.K. Home Assignment. 23 - 24.Class.10.Page 4 / 8.
Natik Shiksha. Home Assignment. 23-24.Class.10.Page 4 / 9.
विषय : नैतिक शिक्षा.


     आलेख : पृष्ठ : ५.

रवि शंकर शर्मा / संपादक / नैनीताल 

शिक्षकों का दायित्व. 

कृण्वन्तो  विश्वमार्यम.

नवरात्र : संस्कृति : फोटो दीर्घा : पृष्ठ : ६.

संकलन / संपादन 


नंदा और सुंनदा : उत्तराखंड की दुर्गा स्वरूपा आराध्य देवियां : फोटो : साभार 

बुर्ज ख़लीफ़ा की अनुकृति : कोलकोता शक्ति पंडाल : शुभोजीत घोषाल.  

आज का सुविचार : पृष्ठ : ७ .
त्रिशक्ति प्रस्तुति. नव शक्ति समर्थित.

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन 

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति  
    कलाकृति आज की : शक्ति  : पृष्ठ : ८.
त्रिशक्ति प्रस्तुति. नव शक्ति समर्थित.

अनुभूति सिन्हा / शिमला.  

शक्ति : दुर्गा में  कलात्मकता : फोटो : सुदीप्तो घोष. कोलकोता
बंगाल : नवरात्रि में शक्ति का हार्दिक स्वागत : फोटो : साभार. 

अतुलनीय बिहार : इतिहास के झरोखें से : पृष्ठ : ९ 


डॉ. रंजना. 

अशोक स्तंभ : साभार : बिहार पर्यटन 



  1. Social service for new generation, what an enthusiasm!

  2. Easily available for students to access the website, thankyou sir👍


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