S.St. Class VIII. DAV. Syllabus 21 -22.
1.Resources Utilisation and Development.( Half Early )      Page 1
2.Natural Resources. Land, Soil and Water.( Half Early )    Page 9
3.Natural Resources :Vegetation and Wildlife.( Half Early ) Page 21 
4.Mineral and Energy Resources.                   Page 31
5.Agriculture.                                                   Page   64 
6.Manufacturing Industries                              Page 82. 
7.Human Resources                                                                                    Page 95  
UNIT - 2.OUR PAST - III (People & Society in Modern Period) 
8.The Modern Period.  ( Half Early )                                      Page  95.
9. Establishment of Company Rule in India. ( NA)                Page 101
10.Colonialism Rural and Tribal Societies  
( Half Early )       Page 112
11.The First War of Independence - 1857  ( Half Early )       Page 125
12.Impact of British Rule on India       Page 135  .
13.Colonialism and Urban Change     Page 147  .
14.The Nationalist Movement (1870 to 1947) Page 157  
15.India Marches Ahead                                Page 173 

16.Our Constitution   
( Half Early ) Page 184 
17.Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles  ( Half Early ) Page 195
18.The Union Government: The Legislature ( Half Early ) Page 207 
19.The Union Government: The Executive    Page 219 
20.The Union Government: The Judiciary     Page 230 
21.Social Justice and the Marginalized         Page 243 
22.Safeguarding the Marginalised                 Page 254 

S.St. Class VIII. DAV. Syllabus 20 -21
S.St. Class VIII. DAV. Syllabus Cut off in 2020-2021
We And Our World. A Book of Social Science.
1.Resources Utilisation and Development.     Page 1
2.Natural Resources.Land, Soil and Water.   Page 9
3.Natural Resources:Vegetation and Wildlife. Page 21 
4.Mineral and Energy Resources.                   Page 31
5.Agriculture.                                                   Page   64 
6.Manufacturing Industries       Page 82. 
 For Internal Assessment Class Assessment only.
7.Human Resources                                       Page 95  Deleted.
UNIT - 2.OUR PAST - III (People & Society in Modern Period) 
8.The Modern Period.                                      Page  95.
9. Establishment of Company Rule in India     Page 101
10.Colonialism Rural and Tribal Societies       Page 112
11.The First War of Independence - 1857       Page 125
12.Impact of British Rule on India       Page 135  Internal Assessment. For Project Work Only.
13.Colonialism and Urban Change     Page 147  Internal Assessment. For Class Assessment.
14.The Nationalist Movement (1870 to 1947) Page 157  
15.India Marches Ahead                                Page 173 
16.Our Constitution   Page 184 
17.Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles  Page 195
18.The Union Government: The Legislature  Page 207 
19.The Union Government: The Executive    Page 219 
20.The Union Government: The Judiciary     Page 230 
21.Social Justice and the Marginalized          Page 243 For Internal Assessment Only.
22.Safeguarding the Marginalised                 Page 254  Deleted.

Deleted Chapters in S.St. in Corona. 
for the Session of 2020 - 2021 through DAV.
Chapter 7.Human Resources.
Chapter 9. Establishment of Company Rule in India.
Chapter10.Colonialism: Rural and Tribal Societies
Chapter 22 .Safeguarding the Marginalized. 

Prepare yourself for the Dav Mid Term Syllabus in S.St. 
For the Session of 20-21.On Line Exam. 
centering around these Chapters possibly.
We And Our World. A Book of Social Science.
Chapter 1.Resources Utilisation and Development.      Page 1
Chapter 2. Natural Resources.Land, Soil and Water.    Page 9
Chapter 3.Natural Resources:Vegetation and Wildlife. Page 21 
UNIT - 2.OUR PAST - III (People & Society in Modern Period) 
Chapter 8.The Modern Period.                                      Page  95.
Chapter 11.The First War of Independence - 1857       Page 125
Chapter 16.Our Constitution                                          Page 184
Chapter 17.Fundamental Rights,Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles  Page 195
Chapter 18.The Union Government: The Legislature   Page 207 
Social Scince. 
Unit III.Resources and Development. 
Term 1.Pre Mid Term 
Chapter 1 Resources : Utilization & Development 
Concept: (i) Resource & Utilization 
(ii) Classification 06 Resources: Renewable, Non - Renewable, Biotic, Abiotic, Natural Man - made, Potential & Actual Re sources.  
(iii) Sustainable Development & conservation.  Project Works - on chart paper activity - paste photographs of plants, animals, birds, flowers.  
Chapter 2 Natural Resources: Land, Soil & Water 
(i) Land Resources.  
(ii) Land use pattern.  
(iii) Soil Resources 
(iv) Water resources 
(v) Multi purpose River valley projects.  
(vi) Water conservation methods 
Chapter- 3 Natural Resources.Vegetation & Wild life 
Contents: (i) Natural Vegetation 
(ii) Classification of 
(iii) Uses of forest 
(iv) Wild life
Project Works - On world map show vegetation belt.
Lesson 4.Mineral & Energy Resourees 
(ii) Concept + III) Types - Metallic & Non - metallic, Fuel Metallic 
(iv) Conservation of minerals \
(v) Difference between convential & Non - conventional Re sources of Energy.  
Project Works 
(1) World map show minerals - Iron, Copper.Coal, Petroleum, Bauxite.  
Term II Post Mid Term.
Chapter 5.Agriculture 
(i) Meaning & Importance.  
(ii) Factors, IV Crops 
(iii) Agriculture Types 
(v) Development 
Project Works - on World Map show Crops 
Lesson 6 Manufacturing Industries 
(i) Importance, II classification.  
(a) Size (b) Finished products 
(c) Raw Materials 
(d) Ownership, Factors of Iron & steel.  
Project Works : Locate sources of iron & steel, cotton textile & IT industries on world map.  Chapter 7 Human Resources 
Concept Density of population,factors of distribution of pop, growth of pop, composition of pop.
Age structure, sex Ratio, literacy, 
Project Works : Draw a diagram of Population.
Unit II our Past (People & Society in Modern Period) 
Term 1  Pre Mid Term.
1.Chapter - 8. Modern Period  
2.Chapter - 9. Establishment of Company Rule in India.
3.Chapter - 10.Colonialism - Rural and Tribal societies  
4.Chapter - 11.The Revolt of 1857 or The First War of Independence. 
(Map Work - Chapter - 11) 
Term II Post Mid  
1.Chapter - 12. Impact of British Rule in India.
2.Chapter - 13.Coloialism and Urban Change.
3.Chapter - 14.The Nationalist Movement (1870-1947)
(Map Work of Chapter - 14)  
4.Chapter - 14.India Marches Ahead.   
Suggested Activities :Term I & II 
1. Understand important changes that took place in modern India.  
2. Appreciate the sources of information preserved in archives, 
3. Know about Trading centers in India.  
4. Understand the role of East India company in improving supremacy in India.  
5. Nature and result of Dual govt in Bengal, 
6. Understand different land revenue systems 
7. Prepare a report to highlight the achievement of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the father of modern India, 
8. Find out life and work of any two leaders  of National movement.
Unit III Rule of law and Soical Justice 
Term 1 Pre Mid Term 
Chapter 16. Indian secularism 
Chapter 17. Fundamental Rights. 
Chapter 18. The Union Legislature: The Legislative.
Chapter 19. The Union Government : The  Executive
Term 2.Post Mid Term. 
Chapter 20. The Union Government : The Judiciary.
Chapter 21. Social Justice and the Marginalised
Chapter 22. Safeguarding the Marginalised. 
Activities :
(i) Organize an inter class declamation contest on the following topics 
(a) What would happen if there were no written constitution in India?  
(b) If there were no rules and regulations in the school 
(ii) Organize a debate in the class on the topic given below "The division of subjects in the union list, state list and the concurrent - List has made central Govt. dominating  over the states in every respect.  
Prepare a chart or an album listing names and portfolios of the Union Council of Ministers along with photographs.  
(ii) Organize a debate in the classroom.  Each student would speak either for or against the topic 'There should be 33% Reservation for women in the parliament.  

Dav Public Schools.PGC Campus.
SESSION : 2018 – 2019
Clas:VIII. Maximum Marks : 30
Subject : S.Sc.  Time : 60 Minutes
General Instructions :-   
This question paper contains ______ printed pages.
All questions are compulsory.
Marks for each question are indicated
Civics.(10 Marks)
Q.1Tick the correct option.(1×2=2)
1.A.Freedom of religion makes India a-
(a)Socialist state (b)Sovereign state (c)Secular state (d)Republic
B.The constituent Assembly of India consisted of-
(a)directly elected members. (b) indirectly elected numbers.
(c)members nominated by the Queen.(d)members nominated by Governor-General of India.
2.Fill in the blanks.                                           (1×2=2)
1.-----is the basic unit of society.
2.India has a single ---judicial system.
3.Answer the following questions.                   (2×3=6)
1.Write three examples to prove that Indian Constitution is quite dynamic.
2.Explain the procedures of amending the Indian Constitution.
3.Describe any two salient features of the Indian Constitution.
Geography (10 Marks)
1.Write a technical term or appropriate word for each of the following statements.(1×2=2)
(a) It is formed by decomposed parts of plants and animals -----------------.
(b) A project which serves various purposes at the same time ------------------
2.Suggest any three steps to conserve soil. (1×3=3)
3.Why is there a need of resource planning? Name the factors which determine the utilisation of resources.(2+3=5)
History (10 Marks)
1.The date of which Mughal ruler marks the beginning of modern period in Indian history?1
2. How was the Battle of Buxar beneficial for the British in Bengal? Explain its importance in Indian history? 3
3.How did Hyder Ali beat the English at their own game during the first Anglo Mysore war ? explain.  3
4. Explain the root cause of conflict between the English and the Marathas .How did the third Anglo Maratha war decide the fate of the Marathas?     3

Dav Public Schools
Pre Mid Term / Periodic Test
SESSION (2018 – 2019)
Class  VIII                Maximum Marks: 50
Subject :    S.Sc      Time :      80 minutes
General Instructions:-
This question paper contains 2  pages.
All questions are compulsory.
Marks for each question are indicated against it.
Civics (16 Marks)
(1).Tick the correct option.     1×2=2
(i)Writs can be issued by
(a)a district court            (b)a Gram panchayat 
(c)a civil court                 (d)a High court
(ii)The Fundamental Right that came into existence in 2002 is the-
(a) Right to Equality         (b)Right to Education
(c) Cultural and Educational Rights (d)Right to Freedom of Religion
(2).Fill in blanks.                                                                      1×2=2
(a)Freedom of ---does not mean that there is no check at all on your religious activities.(b)Right to work has been implemented for the rural unemployed under ------
(3).Write True or False  for the following statements.           1×2=2
1.Mohan is a Gujrati but lives in the Punjab and has a dual citizenship ---------
2.India is a sovereign and socialist state but not secular-----------
(4).Answer the following questions.                                       3×2=6
1.Explain the Right to Freedom of religion.
2.Mention any three Directive Principles of State Policy that have been implemented.(5).Answer the following question.                      4×1=4
1.Explain any four provisions given under the ‘Right to Eqality’.
Geography  (17 Marks)
1.Fill in the blanks.                              1×3=3
(a) ___ resources can be used again and again after processing.
(b) Developed countries are economically self sufficient and ___advanced.
(c) To maintain ecological Balance, ______ % of the land should be under forest.
2.Why are human beings considered as the most important resource for devlopment (3)
3.Mention the causes of soil erosion.                                              (3)
4.What is Sustainable development?  Why it is required?                                 (3)
5. Explain hydrological cycle with the help of diagram.                                     (5)
History (17 Marks)
1.Where is Gandhi Samriti  located in Delhi ?                                                      (1)
2.What was the biggest source  of income for the company?                          (1)
3.When was the Zamindari system introduced in Bengal ?                               (1)
4.Who was Birsa Munda? How did he improve the conditions of tribals ?     (3)
5.How was Battle of Buxar beneficial for the British in Bengal ? Explain its importance in the history of India.                                                                      (3)
6.How was Indian treated by the Europeans in India ?                                       (3)
7.Briefly explain the three types of land revenue settlements introduced by  (5)
the British in India.

Post Mid –Term Examination 2019–2020.Class: VIII .
Time  : 80 Minutes
Subject : Social Studies. (History) FM    50
General Instructions
a.All Questions are compulsory
b. Place the right question number against each answers.
Section –A (History) (17 Marks)
Q.1. Who founded the Indian Association?       (1)
(a) Surendra Nath Banerjee   (b)  A O Hume    (c) Tilak           (d) Mahtama Gandhi.
Q.2. Where was the first session of Indian National Congress held  ?   (1)
(a)  Calcutta              (b) Bombay                (c) Madras      (d) Delhi
Q.3.Who led the Revolt of 1857 at Aara in Bihar ?              (1)
(a)  Mewar         (b) Hyderabad              (c) Awadh                         (d)  Bengal
Q.4.Who were the Radicals, how they were different with Moderates ?(3)
Q.5.What was the role of Swami Dayanand in reforming the society?
Q.6.Which methods were adopted by the Moderates in Nationalist Movement(3)
Q.7.Why was the Rowlatt Act Satyagrah launched ?  (5)

Dav Public Schools
Mock Test Set-2
SESSION – 2018 – 2019.
Class:VIII            Maximum Marks: 80
Subject:S.Sc       Time : 80 Minutes
General Instructions:-
This question paper contains ______ printed pages.
All questions are compulsory.
Marks for each question are indicated against it
(Teachers may add other instructions if required.)
Geography (27Marks)
Q1: What do you mean by conventional sources of Energy?        (1)
Q2:  What is extensive agriculture?       (1)
Q3: What do you mean by Agro-based industry?         (1)
Q4:Why is there a need for resources planning? Give any three reason.   (3)
Q5:Why is soil considered an important resource?Give reason.     (3)
Q6:Why are the Tropical Rain forest known as Evergreen forest? (3)
Q7: Distinguish between a national park and a wildlife sanctuary.  (3)
Q8: Suggest any five measures to conserve minerals and energy resources. (5)
Q9:Why is Bengaluru called The silicon valley of India? Explain. (5)
Q10:On an outline political map of  India locate the states where the following iron and steel plants are situated.(2)
(a) Bhilai  steel plant      (b) Durgapur steel plant
Civics ( 26 MARKS)
A.Answer in one word. 1×4=4
1.Under article 17 which social practice has been abolished for social equality.
2.What is the term of Rajya Sabha members?
3.What is the retirement age of the judges of High Court?
4.Who was the chairman of Second Backward Class Commision?
B.Answer the following questions in brief.    3×4=12
1.Explain the significance of the  Fundamental Rights in our day to day life.
2.Differentiate between the real the nominal executive of India.
3.Describe the composition of Criminal Courts and Revenue Courts.
4.Mention any three elements which are essential for making a successful demcracy.
C.Answer the following questions.                5×2=10
1.Compare the conditions of Adivasis of India during pre and post independence era.
2.Briefly describe any five powers and functions of the Supreme court of India
Q.1.Who presided over the Lahore session of Indian National Congress in 1929.( 1)
Q.2.Who founded the Indian Association in Calcutta.                 (1)                  
Q.3.Describe the Urbanization of Delhi by the British in India.                         
Q.4.What were the main provisions of wood’s despatch of 1854? Explain. (3)
Q.5.Why was self respect movement started by Periyar e v Ramaswami? Explain any three key features of this moment.  (3)
Q.6.What were the two main objectives of sending the Simon Commission to India? Why did the Congress decide to oppose it?  (3)
Q.7.Why did Mahatma Gandhi start the Dandi March?How did it become a second mass movement?                             (  3)
Q.8.Socio religious Reform movements brought remarkable changes in the Indian society. Give any five examples in support of the above statement.    (5)
Q.9.State any four changes that were brought about by the Reform movements in the Indian society.                                                  (5)

Map Skill Test ,Class VIII
Geography, Full Marks- 10
Chapter- 1,Chapter- 2,
Q1.Locate these River Valley Projects in a political map of India. Attempt any five.
(a).Bhakara Nangal - Punjab, Haryana,Rajasthan,Satluj
(b).Chambal Valley River Priject- Chambal
(c).Hirakund- Mahanadi longest dam
(d).Kosi - Kosi,Nepal,Bihar
(e).Farakka- Ganga,West Bengal
(f).Sardar Sarovar- Narmada,Gujarat,
(g).Nagaarjuna Sagar- Krishna,Hedrabad, near Nandikona
(i).Indira Gandhi Canal- Rajasthan
(k).Kakrapara- Gujarat,Tapi Rever near Kakarpara river
(l).Tehri Dam- Bhagirti
(m).Then Dam-Ravi
(n).Gandak - Bihar, Uttar Pradesh,Nepal

8.Class.Unit Test 20- 21
Q1.Who led the Revolt of 1857 in Bihar.
A.Nana Saheb
B.Kunwar Singh.
C.Tantiya Tope.
D.Laxami Bai.
Q.2.Which northern sate signed the Subsidiary Alliance?
Q3.Who remained loyal to the British during the Sepoy Mutiny.
D.All of these.
Q.4.Who was  the Governor General after the Revolt of 1857?
A. Lord Canning.
B.Lord Daihousie.
C.Warren Hastings
D.Lord Curzeon.
 Q.5.Whose Governor General’s policy was Doctrine of Lapse?
A.Lord Curzon.
B.Lord Canning.
C.Lord Dalhousie.
D.Warren Hastings.
Q.6.Where is the Gandhi Smriti located?
Q.7.In which language Amrit Bazar Patrika was  published?
Q.8.Where was the last Mughal ruler Bahudar Shah Zafar sent?
Q.9.Who said “,As long as women of India do not take part in public life ,there can be no salvation for the country”?
A.Mahatma Gandhi
B. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Subhash Chandra Bose
D. Dr B R Ambedkar.
Q.10.Which state has the largest number of constituencies in  Lok Sabha
A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Bihar
D. Rajasthan
Q.11. How many members of Rajya Sabha are nominated ?
Q.12. Which one of the following statements about the Indian parliament is true ?
A. It is the highest law making body of India
B. It controls the union executive as well as the judiciary.
C. All the members of parliament are elected for a term of five years.
D. Indian Parliament is unicameral.
Q.13. Who among the following is the head of the union government ?
A. The Prime Minister
B. The president of India
C. The vice president of India
D. The Chief Justice of India.
Q.14. Which one of the following statements is true ?
A. The Union Home Minister acts as a link between the president and the cabinet.
B. The Vice President of India is not entitled to all the powers and privileges due to the President even if he is officiating.
C. All the members of Rajya Sabha are entitled to vote in the  presidential election.
D .The President of India is an integral part of Indian Parliament.
Q.15.The President can dissolve the Lok Sabha on the advice of-
A.The speaker of Lok Sabha
b.The Chairman of Rajya Sabha
C. The Union Council of ministers
D .The  Prime Minister of India.
Q.16. In case of certain emergency situations, the president can sanction money to the government out of
A. Emergency fund
B. Contingency fund
C. Army welfare fund
D. Consolidated fund
Q.17.Which one of the following is the best quality of coal?
a) Lignite
b) Bituminous
c) Peat
d) Anthracite
Q.18.Petroleum is not extracted from the oilfields of North Sea by-
a) United Kingdom
b) Denmark
c) Norway
d) Sweden
Q.19.Which rock is the example of soft rock?
a) Granite
c) Quartzite
d) Limestone
Q20.Which one is the solid mineral fuel?
a) Diamond
b) Iron
c) Coal
d) Natural gas
Q.21.Which one is obtained from bauxite ore?
a) Copper
b) Aluminium
c) Mica
d) Manganese
Q.22. Which one is the example of artificial fibre?
a) Cotton
b) Jute
c) Rayon
d) wool
Q.23. Which one is a beverage crop?
a) Tea
b) Sugarcane
c) Wheat
d) Maize
Q.24.Slash and burn practice of agriculture is also known as-
a) Plantation agriculture
b) Intensive subsistence agriculture
c) Shifting agriculture
d) Extensive agriculture
Q.25. What is the rank of India in rice production in the world?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth
Additional Question.
Q26.Who amongst the following are the nomadic herders of the Himalayan area?
a) Bhotiyas
b) Munda
c) Siddi
d) Jarawas


  1. Informed adorably... Awesome work sir...
    Thank you very much


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