Question / Answers Theme Bank. IX. 23-24.

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Sample Question / Answers Paper.
Class - IX. Annual Examination : 2023 - 2024

Class - IX Time - 3 Hrs.
F.M. 80

Question paper comprises of 06 (six) sections.
Section-A from questions 1 to 20 are MCQ of one mark each.
Section-B is very short answer type questions of 2 marks each
Section-C is short answer type questions of 3 marks each
Section-D is long answer type questions of 5 marks each.
Section-E is case based questions with three sub questions of 4 marks each
Section-F is map based carrying 5 marks with two parts (i.e. History (2 marks) and Geography (3 marks).
There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted.
SECTION - A (1X20 -20 Marks)

Q.1.Which of the following theories was proposed by Montesquieu ?
a. Social Contract Theory
b. Theory of Division of Powers
c. Theory of Popular Sovereignty
d. Theory of Democracy
Q.2.Which of the following groups of countries formed the Central Power during the First War?
a. England, Germany, Italy
b. Austria, Germany, Turkey
c.Turkey, Germany, France
d.France, England, Russia
Q.3.Which Nazi Youth Organization consisted of all German boys of 14 to 18 years of age
a.Hitler Youth
c.  Labour Service
d. Youth League
Q.4.Assertion (A) : Japan extended its support to Hitler and bombed the US base at Pearl H
Reason  (R) : The US entered the Second World War.
(a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Q.5.The eastern most longitude of India is
(a) 97°25' E
(b) 68'7' E
(c) 77'6' E
(d) 82°32' E
Q.6. Tropic of Cancer does not pass through-
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Odisha
(c) Chhattisgarh
(d) Tripura
Q.7. Which of the following is not a natural lake?
(a) Bhimtal Lake
(b) Loktak Lake
(c) Barapani Lake
(d) Guru Gobind Sagar
Q.8. Where can one find a wide difference in day and night temperature in India?
(a) Andaman and Nicobar Islands 
(b) Goa
(c) Thar Desert
(d) Kerala 
Q.9. Assertion (A). Representative government is considered the most common form of democracy
Reason (R). People in democracy can sit together and take decisions collectively.
(a) Bøth A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Q.10. Which of these is a provision that a democratic constitution does not have?
(a) Powers of the head of the state
(b) Name of the head of the state
(c) Powers of the legislature
(d) Name of the country
Q.11. Which one of the following guiding values of the constitution of India means people have supreme right to make decisions:
(a) Sovereign
(b) Secular
(c) Republic
(d) Fraternity
Q.12. Which of the following is the introductory statement in the constitution?
(a) Parliament
(b) Constitution
(c) Preamble
(d) Judiciary
Q.13. What is the other name for voters list?
(a) Electoral Roll
(b) Voters Roll
(c) People's List
(d) Indian Voters
Q.14. Which of the following is the final authority for making laws in any country?
(a) The President
(b) The Prime Minister
(c) The Parliament
(d) The Chief Minister
Q.15. In India which one of the following is not a Constitutional Right?
(a) Right to Freedom
(b) Right to Property
(c) Right to Equality…
(d) Right to Constitutional remedies 
Q.16. Which of the following states in India has the highest poverty ratio?
(a) Bihar
(b) Odisha
(c) Jharkhand
(d) Madhya Pradesh
Q.17. Which age group of children does the Sarva Shikha Abhiyan aim to promote education?
(a) 6-10 years
(b) 8-14 years
(c) 5-10 years
(d) 6-14 years
Q.18. The most devastating famine occurred in Bengal is-
(a) 1942
(b) 1943
(c) 1947
(d) 2009
Q.19. Which of the following statements is for measuring the crop produced on a given piece of la during a single year?
(a) Yield
(b) Productivity
(c) Cultivation
(d) Output
Q.20. Which one from the following is considered as poor?
(a) a rich landlord
(b) a businessman
(c) a landless labourer
(d) a teacher

SECTION - B ( 2X4 - 08 Marks)

Q.21. Mention two provisions of Right to Equality.
Answer : a. Person shall neither be denied the equal protection of the law nor be subjected to segregation or discrimination in the exercise or enjoyment of his or her civil or political rights because of religion, race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex or physical or mental disability.
a.Social Equality. Social equality indicates that no citizen of the nation should be denied rights, privileges, or opportunities because of their birth, class, caste, religion, colour, race, gender, or social standing. ...
b.Civil Equality. ...
c. Economic Equality. ...
d. Natural Equality. ...
e. Political Equality. ...
f. Legal Equality.
Q.22. State any two results of centralized planning in Russia.
Answer : a. Centralised planning led to economic growth. Industrial production increased between 1929 and 1933 by 100 per cent in the case of oil, coal and steel). 
b. New factory cities came into being.
Q.23. Divide Himalayas on the basis or regions from West to East
Answer : The correct sequence of the different sections of the Himalayas in terms of their stretch (in kilometre) in the descending order is: 
a. Punjab Himalaya., 
b. Kumaon Himalaya., 
c. Nepal Himalaya.
d. Assam Himalaya.
Or Write the main features of Bhabar. 
Answer : The bhabar region is marked by its distinct geological features. 
a. Composed of coarse materials such as pebbles, gravel, and rocks, 
b. It forms a transition zone between the Himalayan foothills and the Indo-Gangetic plains.
c. The soil is often porous due to its coarse texture, allowing water to percolate easily.
Q.24. Differentiate between Presidential and Parliamentary forms of government with examples.
Answer : In the presidential system, the President is both the nominal and real executive. 
Example : The USA enjoys the Presidential form of government. 
In the parliamentary system, the Prime Minister is the real executive and the government leader, while the President is the nominal head and the head of the state.
Example : India enjoys the Parliamentary form of government.

SECTION-C (3 X 5-15 Marks)

Q.25. "The Treaty of Versailles was humiliating on the Germans." Give three examples in support of your statement.
Answer : a. Germany lost its overseas colonies , a tenth of its population.  
b. 13 % territory of Germany 75% iron and 26% coal was taken by France, Poland, Denmark and Lithuania.
c. Germany was demilitarised by allied powers. 
d. Allied Armies occupied the resource - rich Rhineland.
Q. 'By the end of 1940, Hitler was at the pinnacle of his power. Explain the statement with three examples.
Answer :  a. By the end of 1940, Hitler had achieved remarkable success in his quest for power. He had annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia, 
b. He signed a non - aggression pact with the Soviet Union, 
c. He invaded and conquered Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.
Thus by the end of 1940, Hitler was at the pinnacle of his power.
Q.26. What do you mean by seasonal hunger & chronic hunger?
Answer : Seasonal hunger is found in rural areas in some cases and in urban areas also. This type of hunger exists when a person is unable to get work for the entire year. Chronic hunger is the hunger that results due to diets persistently inadequate in the quality and/or quantity.
Q.27. Why are rivers important for the country's economy?
Answer : a. Rivers are essential for the country's economy because they are helpful for transportation and navigation, 
b. And they also produce hydroelectricity. 
c. We often say that India is a land of many rivers, as they are a crucial part of our culture and mythology. 
d. After all, most human civilizations were born along river valleys.
Write the difference between Himalayan River & Peninsular River.
Answer : The Difference Between Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers is that Himalayan rivers are perennial, The Himalayan rivers are perennial, which means they are filled with water throughout the year.
They receive water from rainfall and melting snow of the mountains and glaciers
Whereas Peninsular Rivers are seasonal rivers. 
Peninsular rivers are seasonal and flow during a certain period in a year.
They receive water from rainfall only.
Indian rivers are mainly divided into the Himalayan and Peninsular groups. 

Q.28. Explain the composition of Council of Ministers.
Answer : There are three categories of Council of Ministers: 
a. Cabinet Ministers. 
Council of Ministers is the official name for the body that includes all the Ministers. It usually has 60 to 80 Ministers of different ranks. 1. Cabinet Ministers are usually top-level leaders of the ruling party or parties who are in charge of the major ministries.
b. Ministers of State. A Minister of State is a junior minister in the Council of Ministers in the Union Government who may assist a cabinet minister or have independent charge of a ministry.
c. Deputy Ministers.Deputy Ministers - They are never given independent charge of ministry (unlike ministers of state), and always remain attached to the cabinet ministers or ..

India has a single integrated judicial system. Explain
Answer : Integrated judicial system means that decisions made by higher courts are binding on the lower courts. All the lower courts from the Gram Panchayat to the High Courts are integrated into the Supreme Court of India. At the top there is the Supreme Court.
Q.29. Why is food security needed?
Define Poverty. List two main causes of poverty in India.

SECTION-D (5 X 4-20 Marks)

30. What are the features of Advancing Monsoon? What is "October Heat"?
Describe the regional variations in their climatic conditions of India with the help of suitable examples.
Q.31. Explain five causes leading to the outbreak of Russian Revolution.
Answer : a. The main causes of the Russian Revolution are Changes in Society, 
b. The Tsarina and the War, The Tsar's Incompetence, 
c. the Impact of the First World War, 
d. Economic Problems, Unemployment 
e. Rasputin and his Influence Over the Tsarina, and Seize of Power.
f. The impact of Karl Marx theory of Marxism 
What steps were taken to improve the condition of factory workers and peasants in Russia after the civil war?
Answer : After the Civil war many steps were taken to improve the condition of factory workers and peasants which were: 
a. Bolsheviks nationalised industries and banks. 
b. The lands which were socialised were given to the peasants to cultivate. 
c. To show how collective work was done, 
d. Bolsheviks used land which was confiscated.
Q.32. Describe the stages of election process in India.
Answer : The different stages of election in India Related: System of... The process of elections in India runs through several formal stages. This is prescribed under the Representation of the Peoples Act, 1950, and the Act of 1951. 
The stages are: 
Stage 1. Formation of constituencies: Constituency is a territorial area from where a candidate contests elections. 
Stage 2. Filling of nominations: Nomination papers are filled with the returning officers. 
Stage 3. Scrutiny of nomination papers: Scrutiny is done to check whether the information given in the nomination papers is correct or not. 
Stage 4. Withdrawal of nominations: Once the scrutiny is over, the candidates are given a date for withdrawal. 
Stage 5. Election campaign: Campaigning is the process by which a candidate tries to persuade the voters to vote for him rather than others. The various campaigning techniques are holding rallies, meetings, processions, pasting of posters, distributing hand bills, door-to-door canvassing etc. 
Stage 6. Polling: The election campaign stops 48 hours before polling is held on the due date. Presiding officers and Polling officers supervise the whole polling process. The voters exercise their vote through secret ballot. 
Stage 7. Counting and declaration of results: After the voting is over the ballot boxes are sealed and taken to a counting centre. On a fixed date and time, counting is done. Candidates getting the highest number of votes are declared elected.
Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India? Write four powers and functions of Election Commission of India.
Answer : The President. Under Article 324 (2) of the Constitution of India, the President of India is empowered to appoint the Chief Election Commissioner and the Election Commissioners.
The Election Commission of India is an autonomous constitutional authority responsible for administering Union and State election processes in India. 
The body administers elections to the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, State Legislative Assemblies in India, and the offices of the President and Vice President in the country.

Q.33. "The food insecure people are disproportionately large in some regions of the country." Explain.
Define PDS? How far Public Distribution is successful in India?

SECTION-E (3X4 -12 Marks)

Read the passages and answer the questions accordingly:

Q.34. Jews were not the only community classified as 'undesirable'. There were others. Many Gypsies and blacks living in Nazi Germany were considered as racial 'inferiors' who threatened the biological purity of the superior Aryan race. They were widely persecuted. Even Russians and Poles were considered sub-human and hence undeserving of any humanity. When Germany occupied Poland and parts of Russia, captured civilians were forced to work as slave labour. Many of them died simply through hard work and starvation. Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. Nazi hatred of jews had a precursor in the traditional Christian hostility towards Jews. They had been stereotyped as killers of Christ and usurers.
34.1. Who all were considered as 'undesirable' by the Nazis?
Answer : Jews  classified as 'undesirable' Many Gypsies and blacks living in Nazi Germany were also considered as racial 'inferiors' 
34.2. Why were jews the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany?
Answer :  Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. Nazi hatred of jews had a precursor in the traditional Christian hostility towards Jews.
34.3. How did Poland and parts of Russia suffered under Nazi Germany?
Answer : He invaded and conquered Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.
When Germany occupied Poland and parts of Russia, captured civilians were forced to work as slave labour.

Q.35.No one can imagine a world without human beings. The people are important to develop t economy and the society, Human beings are considered an important an integral part of the E system. There endowed with intelligence, thinking and creative skills and are the biggest and most valuable resources. Coal is but a piece of rock, until people were able to invent technology obtain it and make it 'resource'.
Literacy is a very important quality of a population. Obviously, only an informed and educated  citizen can make intelligent choices and undertake research and development projects. Low levels of literacy are a serious obstacle for economic improvement.
According to census 2011, a person aged 7 years and above, who can read and write w understanding in any language, is treated as literate.
35.1. What makes the human being the most valuable resources?
35.2. According to the census 2011, who is literate?
35.3. Why literacy is considered an important indicator in population composition?
Q.36. The Properties of people below Poverty line is also, not same for all social groups and economic categories in India. Social groups, which are more vulnerable to poverty are scheduled caste an scheduled tribe household. Similarly, among the economic groups, the most vulnerable groups a the rural agricultural labour households.
36.1. Highlights the historical reasons for Poverty in India.
  • The major cause of poverty in India is the corruption.The inability of poor households to invest in property ownership.Limited /poor education leading to fewer opportunities.
36.2. Discuss socio-cultural and economic factors as causes of Poverty.
Answer : Lack of education, cultural and religious discrimination, overpopulation, unemployment, and corruption are other socio-cultural factors responsible for poverty. As the economy grows, so does opportunities for employment and income growth.
36.3. Discuss the link between economic growth and Poverty reduction.
Answer : Although economic growth is the engine of poverty reduction, it works more effectively in some situations than in others. Two key factors that appear to determine the impact of growth on poverty are the distributional patterns and the sectoral composition of growth.

SECTION -F (5 Marks)

37. (A). On an outline map of India mark any three.
(i)  River Narmada
(ii) Kaziranga
(iii) An area of high rainfall.
(iv) An area of low density of population.
Answer : 

(B) On an outline political map of the World locate and label
(i) any one country of central powers.
Answer : Germany, Austria, Turkey, Italy. Japan.
(ii) any one country of Allied powers
Answer : Sarbia. USA.USSR.France. Britain. 

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STD  IX Ist. PT. Exam / May 2023.Exam Sample Paper. 23 - 24.
CLASS : IX . Subject : Social Science.

CLASS : IX        
Time Allowed : 2 Pds
Maximum Marks : 25
General instruction :
Attempt all questions 
History. ( F.M.- 7)

Q.1.Where is the Bastille located ? (1 Mark)
a. England.
b. Germany.
c. France
d. Italy.
Q.2.When did the French Revolution take place ? (1 Mark)
a. 11th of July 1789.
b. 12th of July 1789.
c. 13th of July 1789.
d. 14th of July 1789.
Q.3.Who was then the ruler of France during the French Revolution? ( 2 Marks)
Answer : Louis XVI was then the ruler of France.
Q.4.Who were two important leaders present in Tennis Court Oath? ( 2 Marks)
Answer : Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes were two important leaders present in the Tennis Court Oath.
Q.5. What is meant for Subsistence Crisis in France ? ( 3 Marks) 
Answer : An extreme situation where the basic means of livelihood are endangered. 

Civics. ( F.M.- 6)

Q.1. Which is the best form of self government approved by all ? (1)
a. Aristocracy
b. Monarchy
c. Democracy
d. Dictatorship
Q.2. Define Democracy. (2 Marks )
Answer : As Abrahim Lincon the president of USA , ' Democracy is for the people of the people and by the people.
So people govern themselves.
Q.3.Why is Democracy preferred  by all write 3 merits ? ( 3 Marks)
Answer : a. It is a better form of Government
b. Democracy improves the quality of decision making.
c. Democracy helps us to fix our own problems. 

Economics. ( F.M.- 6)

Q.1. Write the full form of HYV Seeds? (1 Marks)
a. High Year Value of seeds.
b. High Yarn Value of seeds 
c. Higher Yields Variety of seeds
d. None of these.
Q.2. Briefly explain any two harmful effects of Chemical fertilizers.(2 Marks)
Answer : a. Mineral deplection.
b. Soil acidification
c. Water way pollution.
d. Increased air pollution.
Q.3.Explain the four factors of production.(3 Marks)
Answer : These are the  four factors of production as follows.
a. Physical Capital.
b. Land
c. Human Capital
d. Labour.

Geography.( F.M - 6 )

Q.1. What is the eastern - most longitude of India? (1 Marks ) 
a. 97 degree 25' N 
b. 97 degree 25' E 
c. 97degree 25' W 
d. 97 degree 25' S
Q.2. When did the Suez Canal start functioning and how did it benefit India? ( 2 Marks)
Answer : In 1869 the Suez Canal was opened.
It greatly reduced the distance between Britain and India by 4,500 miles.
Q.3. Why was 82 degree 30' E longitude line chosen as the Standard Meridian of India? Explain the reason.( 3 Marks )
Answer : From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh there is a time lag of 2 hours.
Therefore, time along the Standard Meridian of India  82 degree 30' E passes through Mirzapur  ( UP ) is considered as the standard time for the whole country India.

2nd PT. July. SESSION - 2023 - 24.

Time Allowed : 2 Pds. Maximum Marks : 50
General instruction : Attempt all questions

History. ( F.M.- 13)

Q.1.When was the Bastille stormed by the French ? (1)
a. 12th July 1789. b. 13th July 1789. c. 14th July 1789. d. 15th July 1789.
Q.2.When did Tsar abdicate the throne in Russia ? (1)
a. 1914. b. 1915. c.1916. d. 1917.
Q.3. Which of the following option is correct about the Russian Revolution ? (1)
a. It took place in two phases in month of March 1917 and October 1917.
b. It happened on 14th of July 1789.
c. It started on Bloody Sunday 1905.
d. It was only happened on March 1907. 
Q.4. Who were Negroes ? (1)
Answer :  Negro is a term historically used to denote persons considered to be of Black Africans.
Q.5. Who were in the Third State of France ? (1)
Answer : Common, business man, farmers , writers, poetess
Q.6. Define Socialism with Capitalism. (3) 
Answer : Socialism : It is a political idea that is based on the belief that all people are equal and that money and property should be equally divided. 
Capitalism : It is an economic system in which business are owned and run for profit by individuals and not by the state
Q.7. How did the Reign of Terror take place in France ? (5)
Answer : The Reign of Terror started in France about ( 1793 - 1794 )
It was founded by the revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre.
King of France was tried ,Louis XVI himself  and his wife Marie Antoinette were guillotined. Many people were executed during the Reign of Terror.
With the guillotining of Robespierre himself in 1794 the Reign of Terror ended.

Civics. ( F.M.- 12 )

Q.1. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee ? (1)
a. B.R. Ambedkar. b. Rajendra Prasad. c. H.C. Mookherjee. d. Jaipal Singh.
Q.2. In which year did the Constituent Assembly accept the Constitution ? (1)
a. 26 November 1950. b. 26 November 1949. c. 26 November 1948. d. 26 November 1947.
Q.3. Which is the right option of Democracy ? (1)
a. Democracy is for the people by the people of the people.
b. Democracy is for the king by the king of the king.
c. Democracy is for the Aristocrats of the Aristocrats by the Aristocrats.
d. Democracy is established by the dictator.
Q.4. What is the republic. (1)
Answer : It is a state in which the head of state is elected . In India the constitutional head president is elected.  
Q.5. Describe the three advantages of Democracy. (3)
Answer : a. Governance of people for themselves.
b. Equal participation of citizens
c. Promotion of Social Justice
d. Fairness ,common welfare , freedom and prosperity of citizens. 
Q.6. How was apartheid practiced in South Africa ? (5)
Answer : Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa from 1948 to the early 1990. 

Geography.( F.M - 13 )

Q.1.Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya ranges? (1)
(a) Deccan Plateau
(b) Malwa Plateau
(c) Peninsular Plateau
(d) Chota Nagpur Plateau
Q.2.Which river flows through a rift valley? (1)
(a) Ganga 
(b) Krishna
(c) Narmada
(d) Godavari
Q.3.Write three differences between the Himalayan and Peninsular river. (3)
Answer : Himalayan River permanent water sources well fed with glaciers. 
They originate and arise  from the Himalayas.
The Catchment area of Himalayan river is very fertile.
They are always perennial in nature.
Peninsular river : They are not perennial in nature.
The Peninsular river basin is not much fertile.
They arise from from the western Ghats.
Q.4.Why the Northern plains is called food bowl of India? (3)
Answer : The Northern Plains is known as the food bowl of India because plenty of food crops are grown here due to the presence of alluvial soil and availability of water.
Rice ,wheat and oilseeds are produced. 
Q.5.Classify the physical division of India and explain about the plateau region.(5)
Answer : The physical division of India is as follows
a. The Himalayan Mountains.
b. The Northern Plains
c. The Indian Desert.
d. The Coastal Plains
e. The Islands.
A plateau is a flat ,elevated landform that rises sharply above the surrounding area on at least one side. As The Deccan Plateau. The Chhotanagpur Plateau.
The average height is between 600 and 900 meters above the sea level.

Economics.( FM - 12.)

Q.1. ‘Operation flood’ is related to (1)
(a)  Control flood
(b)  Produce fish
(c)  Milk Production
(d)  Grain Production
Q.2.Which among the following state was first to try out modern farming methods in India.(1)
(a) Haryana
(b) Jharkhand
(c)  Bihar
(d) Odisha
Q.3.Write the name of any two non- farming activities. (1)
Answer : Non farming activities include dairy, transporting and agro - processing.
Q.4.Explain any one Modern farming inputs. (2)
 Answer : Inputs are such as farm machinery , fertilizers, HYV seeds, pesticides, pump sets, canals and diesel etc.
Q.5.What do you mean by the People as a Resource? (2)
Answer : People as Resources relates to a way of referring to a country's working people.
It associates with their existing productive skills and abilities.
People contribute to the creation of the Gross National Product.
Q.6.Describe about the success of Green Revolution. Explain any two negative impacts of Green Revolution (5)
Answer :  Green Revolution relates to a great increase in production of food grains specially wheat and rice.
It began in the mid 20th century marks the successes in Maxico then Indian Subcontinent.
Negative Impacts 
a. Reduction in soil fertility, Soil contamination,  Soli Erosion.
b. Rural impoverishment.
c. Displacement of small farmers.
d. Water shortage.
e. Greater vulnerability of pests.


Half Yearly Exam Sample Paper. 23 - 24.
CLASS : IX . Subject Social Science.

Time : 3 Hours    FM - 80 Marks.
General instruction : Attempt all questions.
Section : A 
Q.1. The National Assembly formed a constitution in 1791, to limit  the power of the (1)
a. Wealthy Men 
b. Businessmen
c. Monarch 
d. Press. 

Q.10. Central powers during the World War I included countries like Germany, Turkey and 
a. France 
b. Austria 
c. Britain 
d. Russia.
Q.13. Who was the propaganda minister of Hitler ?
a. Hjalmar Schacht 
b. Hinderburg
c. Goebbels
d. Helmuth.
Q.15. Who were called " November Criminals "
a. The Opponents of Weimar Republic
b. The Emperor who abdicated and his men
c. The supporters of Weimar Republic
d. None of the above 

Section : B
Very Short Answer Question
Q.22. One of the drawback of the Constitution of 1791 was that it categorized the citizens as active and passive citizens. On what basis were the citizens classified as such? 
What was the impact of the Russian Revolution on the colonies of the east ?
Section : C
Q.25. Explain the three - fold plan of Hitler to become the Chancellor of Germany to consolidate the Nazi Power ?
Answer : a. Capturing the legal authority to rule.
b. Crushing the country's political opposition.
c. Eliminating rivals within party.

Section : D
Q.31.Discuss the political, economic and social causes of the French Revolution.
Differentiate between the ideas of liberals, radicals and conservatives. 
Section : E
Q.34.Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow..
(i) Two places (A) and (B) have been marked on the given outline map of France.
Identify them and write their names on the lines draw near them. 
a. Nantes
b. Boredux
Map Skills


STD  IX.  3rd PT Test.
THIRD PERIODIC TEST 2023-24. November.
S.St. Full Marks : 25.
History : ( F.M. 6)
Q.1. The Imperial Forest Institute was set up in 1906 at (1)
a. Lucknow b. Dehradun c. Allahabad d. None of the Above.
Q.2.Colonial rulers considered forests as wilderness and unproductive because (1)
a. the forests are not fit for habitation
b. forests only have wild grown trees
c. forests did not yield revenue to enhance income of the state.
d. forests are full of wild animals.
Q.3.What is meant by deforestation ? (2)
Q.4. The following questions consist of two statements Assertion (A)  and Reason (R) Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below. (2) 
a. Both and RR to NR is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A 
c. A is correct but R is wrong 
d. A is wrong but R is correct
Assertion (A) : After the Forest Act was enacted in 1865  it was amended twice once in 1878 and then in 1927 
Reason (R) : The 1878 Act divided forest into three categories : reserved, protected and village forest.
Civics ( F.M. 6)
Q.1. Who was the head of the Second Backward Classes Commission ? (1)
a. V.P.Singh b. B.P.Mandal c.Benilal d. None of the Above.
Q.2. Which of the two houses are more powerful ? (1)
a. Lok Sabha. b. Rajya Sabha c. State Assembly d. None of the Above.
Q.3. Define Executive. (2)
Q.4.The following questions consist of two statements - Assertion (A)  and Reason (R) Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below. (2) 
a. Both and RR to NR is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A 
c. A is correct but R is wrong 
d. A is wrong but R is correct
Assertion (A) : Working with institution is easy
Reason (R) : Institutions involve rules and regulations
Geog (F.M. 7)
Choose  and write the  Correct Option. 
Q.1.Which one of the places receives the  highest  rainfall  in the  World? (1) 
a. Silcher  b. Mawsynram c. Cherrapunji d. Guwahati 
Q.2.The wind blowing in the  Northern plains in Summers is known as (1)
a.Trade winds  b. Loo c. Kaal baisakhi   d. None of the  above
Q.3. What are Mango - Showers? (2)
Q.4. State the Chief Characteristics of the  hot Weather season  in India. (3)
Economics ( F.M. 6)
Q.1. What is the full form of NSSO? (1)
Q.2. What is poverty ? (1)
Q.3. What is social exclusion meant for ? (2)
Q.4. How does rapid growth rate of population increase poverty in a country ? (2)

STD  IX.  3rd PT Test.
THIRD PERIODIC TEST 2023-24. November. Answer Sheet.
Subject : S.St. Full Marks : 25. Time : 2 Periods.
History : ( F.M. 6)
Q.1. The Imperial Forest Institute was set up in 1906 at (1)
a. Lucknow b. Dehradun c. Allahabad d. None of the Above.
Q.2.Colonial rulers considered forests as wilderness and unproductive because (1)
a. the forests are not fit for habitation
b. forests only have wild grown trees
c. forests did not yield revenue to enhance income of the state.
d. forests are full of wild animals.
Q.3.What is meant by deforestation ? (2)
Q.4.The following questions consist of two statements Assertion (A)  and Reason (R) Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below. (2) 
a. Both A and R are true  but R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A 
c. A is correct but R is wrong 
d. A is wrong but R is correct
Assertion (A) : After the Forest Act was enacted in 1865  it was amended twice once in 1878 and then in 1927
Reason (R) : The 1878 Act divided forest into three categories : reserved, protected and village forest.
Civics ( F.M. 6)
Q.1. Who was the head of the Second Backward Classes Commission ? (1)
a. V.P.Singh b. B.P.Mandal c.Benilal d. None of the Above.
Q.2. Which of the two houses are more powerful ? (1)
a. Lok Sabha. b. Rajya Sabha c. State Assembly d. None of the Above.
Q.3. Define Executive. (2)
Answer : The executive refers to a person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority in an organization or in government authority. The executive is responsible for executing and enforcing the law.
Q.4.The following questions consist of two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R) Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below. (2) 
a. Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A 
c. A is correct but R is wrong 
d. A is wrong but R is correct
Assertion (A) : Working with institution is easy
Reason (R) : Institutions involve rules and regulations
Geog (F.M. 7)
Choose and write the  Correct Option. 
Q.1.Which one of the places receives the highest rainfall  in the World? (1) 
a. Silcher  b. Mawsynram c. Cherrapunji d. Guwahati 
Q.2.The wind blowing in the  Northern plains in Summers is known as (1)
a.Trade winds  b. Loo c. Kaal baisakhi   d. None of the  above
Q.3. What are Mango - Showers? (2)
Answer : Mango showers is a colloquial term to describe the occurrence of pre-monsoon rainfall. Sometimes, these rains are referred to generically as 'April rains' or 'Summer showers'. They are notable across much of South and Southeast Asia, including India, and Cambodia.
This helps the mangoes fruits ripe.
Q.4. State the Chief Characteristics of the hot Weather season  in India. (3)
Answer : Temperature remains above 30 degree 
Loo dusty and hot wind blows in the Northern Plains in India.
Days are longer than night.
Economics ( F.M. 6)
Q.1. What is the full form of NSSO? (1)
Answer : National Sample of Survey Organisation.
Q.2. What is poverty ? (1)
Answer : Poverty is a state or situation in which a person or a group of people don't have enough money or the basic things they need to live. Poverty means that a person doesn't make enough money from their job to meet their basic needs.
Q.3.What is the social exclusion meant for ? (2)
Answer : Social exclusion is the process in which individuals are blocked from (or denied full access to) various rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of a different group, and which are fundamental to social integration and observance of human rights within that particular group
Q.4.How does rapid growth rate of population increase poverty in a country? (2)
Answer : Resources like healthcare, educational facilities, etc. become reasonably available to the population i.e. who can afford it can own them. Also, the rapidly rising population has made many landless. The problem of landlessness then again creates the problem of employment opportunities and ultimately rising poverty.

STD  IX. 4th PT Test.Sample Paper.
THIRD PERIODIC TEST ( 2023-24). November. Question / Answer Sheet.
Subject : S.St. Full Marks : 25. Time : 2 Periods.
Sub - S.St. PT4.
Class - IX. Full Marks 24.
History. (Full Marks : 6)

Q.1.Which are the two nomadic tribes living in the Himalayas ?(1)
a. Gurjar  Pratihar b. Gurjar Gaddi c. Gurgar Raiaka d. Gurjar Banjara.
Answer : b. Gurjar Gaddi
Q.2.Which are two reserves in Africa ? (1)
Answer : Masai Mara , Samburu Park in Kenya.Serengeti Park in Tanzania.
Q.3.What is the seasonal movement of the nomadic tribes in the Jk Himalayas ? (2)
Answer :  They had two seasonal movements a. Winter b. Summer.
They moved in the search of pastures. 
Q.4.How did the colonial rule effect the pastoralism ? (2)
Answer : They effected the pastoralism through these passing acts
a. Waste Land Rules
b. Forest Acts
c. Criminal Tribes Act
d. Grazing Taxes.

Civics.(Full Marks : 6)
Q.1.Multiple choice questions
a. In which article Right to Freedom of Religion lie? (1)
(i) Article 25 - 28 (ii) Article 24 - 27 (iii) Article 23 - 26 (iv) Article 22 - 25 
b. Amnesty international works for
(i) Trade unions (ii) Poor children (iii) Deprived people (iv) None of the above
Q.b.How are rulers of Saudi Arabia elected ? (1)
Q.2.Short Answer questions.
a.What is meant by ‘Freedom of Speech and Expression '? (2)
b.What does ‘Right to Education' mean ? (2)
Economics.(Full Marks : 6)
Q.1. For how many days MGNREGA provides employment ? (1)
Q.2. PMGY stands for....? (1)
Q.3. Suggest any four ways to decrease poverty in India. (2)
Q.4. Define the aim of any one scheme. (2)
(a) PMRY
(c) NFWP
Geography. (Full Marks : 6)
Q.1. Name the two types of migrations. (1)
Q.2. Which type of natural vegetation has originally came to India from abroad ? (1)
Q 3. Mention the climatic conditions of tropical deciduous forest.(2)
Q.4. Why plains are thickly populated ? Write at least two reasons.(2)


Class – IX. Subject :  S.Sc .
4th Preodic Test  Examination.  Session 22 – 23          

Full Marks :  40.
Time :
Class – IX. (10 Marks)
Q.1.Where did the Gaddis reside grazing the sheep? (1)
Answer : 
Q.2.Write about two pastoral nomads who lived in the Himalayan Zone.(1)
Q.3.Where have the Grazing Lands gone for African Communities? (3)
Q.4.What were the features of the Forest Acts passed in the colonial rule ? (5)
Class – IX. (10 Marks)
Q.1.Which right is exercised by the youth at the age of 18 ? (1)
Q.2.Write about Right against Exploitation ? (1)
Q.3.Why is Begar prohibited for any laboures? (3)
Q.4.Which are our Fundamental Rights ? (5)
Class- IX ( 10 Marks)
Q.1. How many plant and animal species are approximately found in India?  (1)
Q.2. How is density of population calculated? (1)
Q.3. Distinguish between moist deciduous and dry deciduous forests.  (3)
Q.4. What process are responsible for population growth in India? Explain. (5)
Class- IX (10 marks)
Q.1. What is Public distribution system? (1)
Q.2. Write the full form of the followings -
(i) PAPs
(ii) NSSO
Q.3. Differentiate between chronic hunger and seasonal hunger. (3)
Q.4. What does food security mean? What are the dimensions of 'food security'?(2+3=5)

Photo Gallery : 5.
Unforgettable Moment at DAV in Bihar.

 vigilant care of honorable Dr. Nisha Peshin, Director ( PS - II) for DAVs in Bihar through passage of time.

Editorial : Page : 6

Ravi Shankar Sharma.
Bureau Chief. Danik Bhaskar 

Updating of Law.

Vox Populi : Page : 7.
Dr. Amit Kumar Sinha.

Apologies don't mean..
Credit . Page : 6. 

Chiranjeev Nath Sinha. A.D.S.P. Lucknow.
Satya Prakash Mishra .A.S.P.
Vijay Shankrar. Retd. Sr. D.S.P.
Raj Kumar Karn. Retd. D.S.P.
Sushil Kumar. D.S.P. Law & Order.
Dr. Prashant. Health Officer. Gujarat.
Prof. Dr. Bhwana. 
Anoop Kumar Sinha. Entrepreneur. New Delhi.
Captain Ajay Swaroop. Retd. Indian Navy. Dehradoon.
Col. Satish Kumar Sinha. Retd. Hyderabad.
N. L. Das. Educationist. Veergunj. 
Legal Umbrella.

Seema Kumari ( Sr. Advocate)
Sushil Kumar  ( Sr. Advocate)
Ravi Raman ( Sr. Advocate)
Dinesh Kumar ( Sr. Advocate)
Vidisha. ( Lawyer.)
News of the Day : English :  Page : 7

हिंदी अनुभाग. 
महाशक्ति. डेस्क प्रस्तुति / नैनीताल. पृष्ठ : ० 
धर्म : अध्यात्म : कर्म. और जीवन दर्शन 
महाशक्ति विचार. पृष्ठ : ० / १.

महाशक्ति / नैना देवी डेस्क / नैनीताल.  

    महान बनने की कोई निश्चित पाठशाला नहीं होती है 
कोई भी व्यक्ति अपने निरंतर के ' सम्यक कर्म ' , ' सम्यक वाणी ', ' सम्यक व्यवहार' और 'आचरण' 
से महान बन सकता है  

ज्ञानवर्धक : शॉर्ट रील : लघु फिल्म : पृष्ठ : १ 

संपादन :

लक्ष्मी : शक्ति : सरस्वती 

त्रिशक्ति : नैनीताल डेस्क 
साभार : बिहार पर्यटन : राजगीर. शॉर्ट रील : १ / १ 
भारत के सबसे खूबसूरत रेलवे स्टेशन :शॉर्ट रील : १ / ०   

खबरें हिंदी में : शिक्षा : समाचार : पृष्ठ : २    
संपादन. शक्ति.

 नैनीताल डेस्क 

हल्द्वानी : ओएसिस द वर्ल्ड स्कूल के वार्षिकोत्सव में  बच्चों  ने मचाया धमाल 

मनोज पांडेय / नैनीताल 

ओएसिस द वर्ल्ड स्कूल का वार्षिकोत्सव बेहद धूमधाम से मनाया गया।

हल्द्वानी संवादसूत्र :  उंचापुल कुसुमखेड़ा स्थित ओएसिस द वर्ल्ड स्कूल का वार्षिकोत्सव बेहद धूमधाम से मनाया गया। कार्यक्रम का शुभारम्भ मुख्य अतिथि विशिष्ट चार्टटर्ड अकाउंटेंट सरोज आनंद जोशी, रिटायर्ड प्रिंसिपल जगदीश फर्त्याल, स्कूल के डायरेक्टर किशोर गहतोड़ी प्रिंसिपल आशा जोशी, हरिनंदन गहतोड़ी एवं दयाल पांडेय द्वारा संयुक्त रूप से दीप प्रज्वलित कर किया गया।

इस दौरान विद्यालय की प्राचार्य आशा जोशी ने वेलकम स्पीच के साथ स्कूल की वार्षिक गतिविधियो की जानकारी दी। कार्यक्रम में सर्वप्रथम वार्षिकोत्सव की थीम “श्रीवत्स” पर नर्सरी के नन्हें बच्चो ने वेलकम सोंग के जरिए सारे अभिभावकों और अतिथिओ का स्वागत किया। जिसके बाद कुमाऊंनी गाने पर छोटे बच्चों ने खूबसूरत प्रस्तुति देने के साथ ही “महाभरत” एक नर्त्य नाटिका प्रस्तुत की गयी। इस नर्त्य नाटिका को देखकर सारे दर्शको के आंखो में आंसू भर आये। इस दौरान बच्चों की माताओ को भी कुमाऊनी गानो पर थिरकने का अवसर मिला। मुख्य अथिति डॉ. भंडारी ने अभिभावकों मै प्री- प्राइमरी स्तर से ही नैतिक मूल्यो के विकास की बात कहते हुए कहा की हर अभिभावक को अपने बच्चो को रटने की प्रवर्ति से हटकर बच्चो को अभिब्यक्ति की स्वंत्रता देनी चाहिए। कार्यक्रम के अंत में विद्यालय के निदेशक किशोर गहतोड़ी ने अथितियो, अभिभावकों एवं शिक्षको का आभार व्यक्त किया। कार्यक्रम का संचालन भवानी कार्की व दीक्षा द्वारा किया गया।  

समाचार : संपादन. 
शक्ति डेस्क / नैनीताल


  1. This is an inspirational blog and it will be too much helpful for the students.


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