An Anger Free School : In House Training


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An Anger Free School.
A Complete Research  Account over Educational Research Article.

Sherwood College, Nainital. : courtesy photo internet.

Volume 1.Section. A. Page.1.Cover Page.
Visitors of the Page.
Dr. Roopkala Prasad. ( Prof. ) Department of English.
Dr. Bhawana. ( Prof. ) Department of Geography.
Dr.Telpal Singh. ( Prof. ) Nainital. Department of Science
Dr. R.K. Dubey.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha. Department of History.
Dr. Shailendra Singh. Raipur.
Neelam Pandey. Varanasi. 
Rita Rani. Jamshedpur.
Dr. Ranjana. Nalanda.
Dr. Prashant. Health Officer. Gujarat.
Anupam Chauhan. Lucknow.
Ravi Shankar Sharma. Columnist. Haldwani. Nainital
Dr. Naveen Joshi. Editor. Nainital.
Archana Phull. Shimla.
Section. B. Page. 2. About the Page.
Rakesh Kumar. Principal. Kinnaur. 
An Anger Free School.
How to be a happy Stakeholder for making an anger free School.

 Sherwood School : photo courtesy net 

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TOPIC- An Anger Free School.
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a happy school : photo courtesy net 

a. What is anger ?
b. Conditions for anger free schools.
c. Stakeholders of the Anger Free School.
d. How to make the anger free school  
e. How to be Happy. 
f. Conclusions ways to find happiness.
Section.C. Page.3. About the Research Page.
Welcome to you all in 
the CBSE In House Training Session.

our guiding forces.

Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant.

An Anger Free School. Page : 1 
What is against of Anger ? Indeed happiness. How does it come ? Naturally it comes first in feelings.
Have a dream : Dream makes us very happy. And every one should dream indeed.
Everyone has a dream. A dream to achieve something, a dream to become somebody,  a dream to pass through all the difficulties and to fulfill all dreams. Dreams are the tiny seeds beside hope. They bring happiness for a short period of time and vanishes away in the atmosphere. 

Dreams never stop, they neither holds accelerators nor the brakes where by they can give a full stop. They continue their way crossing happiness and difficulties,  worries and sorrows, misunderstandings and peace. Every where dreams follow their route and it is that dream which makes us realise what we are in reality.
When our dreams are not fulfilled, we get disappointed and when our dreams reach its point of satisfaction we also get satisfied and we become happy. It is really a big word DREAM which carries every inspiration, satisfaction,  glory and determination  but only few people are really lucky to have their dreams fulfilled. Sometime the same dream makes us to realise that it is our fate to have our dreams fulfilled. But it becomes very difficult for a person to believe in fate because as no one can predict future, the same way no one will be able to accept the fate.  It really hurts when a minor dreams turns unfulfilled while the major dreams remains untouched. Dream is mainly a wish, so dont stop dreaming. May one day your dream comes true and may you achieve the goal of sweet memories.                           Priya. Darjeeling

We people are very passionate in ourselves. We possess different types of feelings like happiness, sorrow, joy, greed and anger. Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism विरोध  towards  someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.
Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems. 
What is anger ? Anger is a natural response to perceived threats. It causes your body to release adrenaline, your muscles to tighten, and your heart rate and blood pressure to increase. Your senses might feel more acute and your face and hands flushed. 
7 Common forms of anger there are :
  • a. Passive aggressive. This one is the most avoidant type of anger and arguably the most irritating to those around such person.
  • b. Volatile / Sudden. This type of anger comes as if out of nowhere.
  • c. Deliberate.
  • d. Behavioral.
  • e. Self-abusive.
  • f. Chronic.
  • g. Addictive / Habitual.
  • h. Moral / Judgmental.

 What is an Anger Free School ? and where it is ? Definition.

Hardly we get any school around us that remains an anger free school. Every where teaching staff is under undue work pressure due to unequal distribution . Principal is the victim of high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. How we could imagine about an anger free school.

A. An Anger Free School is what that runs with these conditions. Page : 2  

a. Under progressive approach,
b. Running under  a very congenial, natural  environment
c. With all fearless surroundings applied to all the including students, teachers, and others.  
d. A happy teaching and non teaching community or staff helping to each other.
Such a  school aims to set benchmark for stakeholders to value “ freedom from anger”.
e. With helping attitude shown to everyone from each side.
B. Who are the Stakeholders of the Anger Free School ? Page : 3 

Stakeholders : teacher, students, principal and parents : Courtesy Photo.

For creating an An Anger Free School, the involvement of all stakeholders such as Students, Teachers, Nonteaching Staff , Parents, and Community play an important role in this regard. Only they can create an Anger Free School.
A. Students :  Disciplined, Regular , Industrious, Rules and Law abiding coming from healthy background.
B. Teachers :  should acquire these parts from their parts.
a.  They should be of good moral values, good character and enriched teaching experiences.
b.  They should enjoy their educational work like imparting teaching and duty.
c.  Sublime,
d.  Balanced,
e.  Happy.
f.   A role model for  their students like a Guru Dornacharya , Sandipini  for students Arjuna, Eklavya and Krishna Sudama.
g. No any addition of drugs, tobacco, alcohal etc should be in.
C. Non-teaching members : 
 should bear these values.
a. Polite
b. Helpful.
c. Obedient.
D. Chairperson : The school Principal is above all plays a pivotal role , as he leads the school entire time and he can make an anger free school very easily.
In a very short sentence we can say that a complete anger free school depends upon his thoughts, actions and visions.
a. With a  tolerant, affectionate, wide and well thought approaches.
b. With the unbiased, balanced, justified and true vision. 
c. Properly equally distribution of work division based on equality, one's interest and consent amongst all staff as per the needs, and necessity.
a. Caring for entire staff like a family.
b. Sensitive 
c. Respectful
d. Literary and educated.
E. Parents : Aware , Attentive, Punctual, Caring , Cooperative , Sensible in all respect to the development of their wards. 
F. Community at large is extremely crucial. Community in which we live that effects our school. A school running in a very well behaved surroundings keeps lots of impacts over our school campus indeed.
a. Educated.
b. From good surroundings.

C. How to make the School Anger free. Page : 4. 
Some of the simplest changes that could be undertaken for making school an anger free zone include genuinely.
a. Smiling at students and teachers,
b. Talking to students and everyone around them calmly, 
c. Not looking at cellphones all the time, it makes us isolate.
d. Practising breathing exercises by all, for freshening ourselves.
e. Practising mindfulness, like laughing, joking, singing, mimicry, for a few seconds.
f. Giving a few minutes to  relax ourselves.
g. Life time philosophy which we learn in our lives should be followed by us necessarily. as 
Eightfold Path : Suggested by Buddha is very important in our life. 
The steps of the Noble Eightfold Path are as given below. 
Right Understanding,सम्यक्‌ दृष्टि
Right Thought,सम्यक्‌ संकल्प. मानसिक और नैतिक विकास की प्रतिज्ञा करना.
Right Speech, सम्यक्‌ वचन.  हानिकारक बातें और झूठ न बोलना.
Right Action, सम्यक्‌ कर्म. हानिकारक कर्म न करना.
Right Livelihood, सम्यक्‌ आजीविका. कोई भी स्पष्टतः या अस्पष्टतः हानिकारक व्यापार न करना.
Right Effort, सम्यक्‌ व्यायामअपने आप सुधरने की कोशिश करना.
Right Mindfulness सम्यक्‌ स्मृति. स्पष्ट ज्ञान से देखने की मानसिक योग्यता पाने की कोशिश करना.
Right Concentrationसम्यक्‌ समाधि. निर्वाण पाना और स्वयं का गायब होना.
h. Importance of Gandhian Philosophy Satyagraha, Non Cooperation, Boycott  in our life. Always be a truth seeker till you come to your decision.  

D. What causes people to get angry. Page : 5 
There are many common triggers for anger, such as 
a. Losing your patience :  feeling as if your opinion or efforts aren't appreciated, and injustice.
b. Memories of traumatic or enraging events : Other causes of anger include memories of traumatic or enraging events and 
c. Worrying about personal problems : 
d. Overburden due to distribution of unequal work and assigned duty in School hour. 
e. Feeling of justification :

E. What makes the people happy ? Page : 6.
According to social psychologists, there are three main things that make people happy: 
a. Close trustworthy, strong, faithful relationships,
b. A job or past - time that they love have ample interest,
c. And helping others with positive selfless attitude. 
d. Learn more about happiness and its relationship to materialism, 
e. affective forecasting (guessing how you'll feel under specific future circumstances ), impact bias, and projection bias.
f. Think about a time when you felt particularly happy. 
g. What was it that made you happy? 
Was it because you had loved ones near? Because you were surrounded by a beautiful landscape? 
Because you had just accomplished something important? 
Or were you happy because you had lots of money? 
 What makes you happy ? *  
That seems like a simple question, but the truth is that many people don't know. Or, as psychologists have discovered, they think they know the answer, but really don't. Psychological research on happiness has identified several things people have in common : the types of things that make them happy, the things they think will make them happy, and the differences between the two. 
Let's start by looking at what actually makes people happy. As you might expect, research shows that the best indicator of a person's happiness is the quality of his or her close relationships. 
Whether you're talking about romantic relationships, family dynamics, or simply close friendships, the happier you are in your social engagements, the happier you are in general. 
Besides close relationships, there are two other things that predict happiness in people: having a job or hobby that they love and that challenges them and helping others through volunteer work, random acts of kindness or another type of prosocial behavior. 
All three of these things make sense. I'll bet you weren't very surprised that solid relationships, engaging ways to spend your time and prosocial behavior all contribute to happiness.
Materialism and Happiness.*

does money make you happy ? 

Once your basic necessities are met, research has shown that additional money does not have a lot to do with happiness. So, while billionaires may fly on private jets to luxurious spas all over the world, it doesn't mean that they are any happier than people who drive 10-year-old cars and fly coach. 
But what about money? After all, if you don't have any money, it's very easy to believe that lots of money will make you happy. But that's not what psychologists have found.
However, focusing on money and material things can make you profoundly unhappy. Research has shown that people who put a lot of emphasis on money and things are not as happy as non- materialistic people.
Affective Forecasting.*
The things that make people happy and unhappy seem pretty intuitive. But do people really understand what makes them happy?
Affective forecasting is the process of guessing how you will feel under specific future circumstances. 
Affect is just another word for emotion or mood. If I said that tomorrow you were going to lose your job, break up with your partner and fail a test, I'll bet you could pretty accurately predict what your emotional state would be.
But how effective are people at affective forecasting when it comes to happiness? Not very ; research has shown that most people make consistent errors when guessing what will make them happy in the future.
Think about this : if you could either be a powerful CEO of a large company, making tons of money ,  or work part-time at a small company, barely making enough to cover your bills, which would you choose? 
Which do you think would make you happier? 

What Is Happiness? Page : 7.
a. Feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.  Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. 
b. Positive emotions and life satisfaction : While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.
c. Positive feelings than negative : Happiness is generally linked to experiencing more positive feelings than negative. 
b. Peace of Mind : The only source of real happiness is Peace of Mind. When the mind is not at peace external factors can never bring happiness. But when you are at peace within, no external factor has the power to disturb you.

Ways to find happiness in ourselves. Conclusion. Page : 8.

Happiness is the route cause of success. photo courtesy internet.
a. Hold on to your values : Hold on to your values. 
What you find true, what you know is fair, and what you believe in are all values. Over time, the more you honor them, the better you will feel about yourself and those you love. 
b. Push yourself, not others : Push yourself, not others. 
It’s easy to feel that someone else is responsible for your fulfillment, but the reality is that it is really your charge. 
Once you realize that, you have the power to get where you want to go. Stop blaming others or the world, and you’ll find your answers much sooner.
c. Be open to change : Be open to change. Even if it doesn’t feel good, change is the one thing you can count on. 
Change will happen, so make contingency plans and emotionally shore yourself up for the experience. 
d. Find purpose :  Without purpose our life is meaningless at least there should be any aim to lead our life 
d. Discover yourself :  Discovering ourselves will lead the way to our happiness.

Note : Writers using the writeup sources available on net  for compiling the articles  for only educational purposes.
due courtesy is paid to them.


  1. Really true...hardwork and positive thinking will really change to an angry free school...


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