X.S.St.Questions Answers Banks.22 - 23.

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Dr. R.K Dubey.
Ex. Principal. DAV.
Anshima Singh.
Department of History.
Prof. Dr. Tejpal Singh. Nainital.
Prof. Dr. Bhwana. Department of Geography.
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R. R. Pandey. 
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Dr. Amit Kumar Sinha.

e- theme magazine. X. Questions Answers Banks.
Half Yearly Examination : 2022 - 2023
Class -X.

Time - 3 Hrs                             Subject - SOCIAL SCIENCE                            F.M.  - 80 .  

General Instructions :
i.  Question paper comprises five sections - A ,B ,C , D and E. There are 32 questions in the
Question Paper, All Questions are compulsory. 
ii . Section A - Question numbers 1 to 16 are Objective Type Questions of 1 marks each.  
iii. Section B - Question numbers .17-22 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each .  Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words .  
iv. Section C - Question numbers. 23-26 are source based questions, carrying 4 marks each.  
v. Section D - Question numbers 27 to 31 are long answer type questions , carrying 5 marks each . Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.  
vi. Section E - Question no 32 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts.  
32.1 from Geography - Water Resource Chapter ( 3 marks ) and 
32.2 from Agriculture chapter ( 2 marks ) 
vii. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions.  Only one of the choices in such questions has to be attempted


Q.1. (a) The French Revolution
Q.2. (b) American Indians
Q.3. Assertion (A) is followed by Reason (R). Mark the correct option.
Assertion (A) : Giuseppe Garibaldi was an Italian nationalist who played a major role in the unification of Italy.
Reason (R) : He was the Chief Architect of the Unification of Italy.
Options : 
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true and R is False.
d. A is False and R is true.
Answer : b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
Q.4. (a) French Speaking
Q.5. (b) India
Q.6. (c) Sexual division of labour
Q.7. (c) Caste
Q.8.  Assertion (A) is followed by Reason (R). Mark the correct option.
Assertation : (A) In 1956 ,Sri Lanka passed an Act that recognized Sinhala as only the official language disregarding Tamil.
Reason : (R) A new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true and R is False.
d. A is False and R is true.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not  the correct explanation of A
Q.9. (d) Afforestation
Q.10. 133
Q.11. (b) Improvement in health, education, and income
Q.12. True
Q.13. Average Income / Per Capita Income
Q.14. (a) Community-Owned Resources
Q.15. (d) None of these
Q.16. Assertion (A) is followed by Reason (R). Mark the correct option.
Assertation : (A) Multi -purpose River valley Projects create among the people.
Reason : (R) People want different uses and benefits from the same water resource option.  
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true and R is False.
d. A is False and R is true.
Answer : (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct Explanation of A


Q.17. Why Gandhiji decided to withdraw from the Non-Cooperation Movement?
Ans- Gandhiji realized the Non-Cooperation Movement was turning violent in many places.
Various incidents of violence perpetrated by the masses, especially the Chauri Chaura
the incident in 1922 where the people clashed with the police, setting a police station on fire.
Hence, Mahatma Gandhi decided to withdraw from the Non-Cooperation Movement in February 1922.
Q.18." Mahatma Gandhi found in salt a powerful symbol that could unite the nation". Discuss.
Ans- Salt was something consumed by the rich and the poor alike, and it was one of the most
essential items of food. Mahatma Gandhi declared that tax on salt and government
monopoly over its production was the most oppressive step taken by the British government. Mahatma Gandhi choose salt because all sections of the society could identify with it and everyone could be brought into a united struggle.
Q. Why some of the Muslim political organizations in India were lukewarm in their response to the Civil Disobedience Movement?
Ans- Muslim organizations were lukewarm in response to the Civil Disobedience Movements, there were many reasons for this:-
a. After the Noncooperation and Khilafat movement came to an end, the Muslims of India didn’t feel represented by Congress.
b. They felt that the Congress was more closely related to the Hindu organizations and favored their ideas.
c. This led to mutual distrust between the Hindu and Muslim communities, both communities organized processions in areas of North India, this led to communal riots.
d. In 1927, the Muslim League and the Indian national congress tried to form an alliance.

Q.19. Discuss the threefold distribution of legislative powers between the Union Government and the State Governments.
Ans-The division of power between the Central and State Governments is done in a threefold distribution of legislative powers between the Union and the State Governments.
There are three lists - Union List, State List, and Concurrent List.
(i) Union List: It includes subjects of national importance, e.g., defense of the country, foreign affairs, banking, communication and currency. The Central Government alone can make decisions on these matters.
(ii) State List: It consists of subjects of state and local importance such as police, trade, commerce, agriculture, and irrigation. The State Governments alone can make laws and decisions in these areas.
(iii) Concurrent List: It includes subjects of common interest to both the Central and State Governments.
It includes matters like education, forests, marriage, and trade unions. Both the State and Central Governments can decide on these matters.
Q.20. Why was there very little decentralization in India before 1992?
Ans- The need for decentralization was recognized in our Constitution. Since then there have been several attempts to decentralize power to the level of villages and towns. Panchayats in villages and municipalities in urban areas were set up in all the states. 
But these directly under the control of State governments Elections to these local governments were not held regularly. 
Local governments did not have any powers or resources of their own. Thus there was very little decentralization in effective terms.

Discuss Panchayati Raj System.
Ans- Panchayati Raj System is a process through which people participate in their government. Three-tier Panchayati Raj system:
Gram Panchayat : Its elected leader is the Sarpanch. Members of the gram panchayat are directly elected by the voting-age village population for a five-year term.
Panchayat Samiti :  In general, the block panchayat is a higher-level version of the gram panchayat.
Zila Parishad : The administration of the advanced system at the district level in Panchayat Raj is often referred to as Zila Parishad.
The head of this form of government is an officer of the IAS cadre who also serves as the district's panchayat raj chief.
Q.21. Describe any three possible developmental goals of landless rural laborers.
Ans- The following can be the developmental goals of landless rural laborers -
a. More days of work with better wages.
b. Social and economic equality.
c. Low price food grains.
d. Better education facilities for their children.


Explain any three ways to solve the problems of underemployment.
Ans- The problem of underemployment be reduced by the government as follows
1. Government should encourage and develop the agriculture based industries in rural areas so that the rural candidates don’t migrate to the urban areas.
2. To control the rising population of our country. Government should motivate people to have small families.
3. Rapid Industrialization should be created.
Q.22. Write any three large-scale developmental projects that led to the loss of forests significantly.
(i) Since 1951, over 5000 sq km of forest was cleared for River Valley Projects. [ Tehri Dam Construction
(ii) Clearing of forests is continuing with projects like the Narmada Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh which would inundate 40,000 hectares of forest.
(iii) Mining is another important factor behind deforestation.

23.1. Ans- Gold and Silver
23.2. Ans- Eastern India
23.3. Ans- The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modem trade and cultural links between the distant parts of the world.

24.1. Ans- It is based on the idea that religion is the principal basis of a social community.
24.2. Ans- It becomes a problem when religion is seen as the basis of the nation.
24.3. Ans- It becomes more acute when one religion is expressed in politics in exclusive and partisan terms  when one religion and its followers are pitted against one another.

25.1. Ans-  Income
25.2. Ans-  The total income of the country divided by its total population is called Average Income or per capita income.
25.3. Ans- I partially agree with this, it gives us the total income of the country. However, for comparison between countries, this is not such a useful method.

26.1. Ans- Indian spices and cotton(raw material)
26.2. Ans- The farmers in Champaran were forced to cultivate Indigo because it was necessary for the textile industries which were located in Britain.
26.3. Ans- Indian farmers were not able to compete with the developed countries despite being an important producer of crops because of the highly subsidized agriculture in those countries.


Q.27. How did England become a Nation State?
Ans- The unification of Britain was not the result of any revolution but it was a long drawn-out process. Earlier, Britain was comprised of English, Welsh, Scot, or Irish. But in all these, English nations grew in importance and power so were able to dominate other nations of Britain. 
The Glorious Revolution (1688) : The English parliament, which had seized power from the monarchy in 1688 at the end of protracted conflict, was the instrument through which a nation-state, with England at its center, came to be forged. 
The Act of Union (1707) :  between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain’. This means England was able to dominate Scotland.
A failed revolt of Ireland (1798 ) : In 1798 after a failed revolt led by a priest Wolfe Tone Ireland was forcibly incorporated with England. 
The Symbol of British Flag ( Union Jack ).
The National Anthem ( God Save Our Nobel King )
The Official Language ( English.)

Q. Mention the main decisions of the treaty of the Vienna Congress of 1815.
Ans - The Treaty of Vienna in 1815 included the following provisions:
(i) The Bourbon Dynasty was returned to power.
(ii) Under Napoleon, France lost the territories it had acquired.
(iii) To prevent further French expansion, a series of nations were established along France's borders.
Q.28. Explain the Horizontal distribution of power? Why is it called a system of checks and balances?
Ans - Under horizontal distribution of power, power is shared among different organs of the government such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. This system is also called a system of ‘checks and balances.
All three organs of the government are placed at the same level.
The power distribution ensures that no organ enjoys unlimited powers. 
Each organ exercises a check on the others.
Thus, this results in a balance of power. 
Q. Why is power sharing desirable?
Ans- Power sharing is desirable because of the following reasons. Power sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups. Power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of political order as social conflict often leads to violence and political instability. 
Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy. A democratic rule involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise and who has to live with its effect.
Q.29. Why should we be worried about unemployment? In what ways we can increase employment for people?
Ans- We should be worried about underemployment because of the following reasons:
1. the earning capacity of a person is reduced, poor standard of living.
2. low per capita income.
3. Job frustration and stress.
4. less productivity in a nation and, hence a low level of the gross domestic product.
Q.30. Workers are exploited in the un organised sector. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Ans- Yes, workers are exploited in the unorganized sector because-
a. There are no fixed numbers of working hours. The workers normally work 10-12 hours without being paid overtime.
b. They do not get other allowances apart from daily wages.
c. Government rules and regulations to protect the laborers are not followed in their case.
d. There is no job security. They can be asked to leave the job at any time.
e. Jobs are poorly paid. The workers in this sector are generally illiterate, ignorant, and unorganized. So they are not in a position to bargain or secure good wages.
f. Being poor, they are always heavily in debt. So, they can be easily made to accept lower wages.  
Q.31. Discuss the significance of multipurpose river valley projects. Why are they criticized?
Ans- A multipurpose project is one that simultaneously serves several purposes. A dam built across a river often serves more than one purpose at a time and it is termed a multipurpose project. It comes with some advantages and at the same time some disadvantages.
The advantages are flood control in flood-prone areas, irrigation facilities, hydroelectricity, checking soil erosion, etc.
On the other hand, it has disadvantages such as restricting the natural flow of the river and the sediments deposited in the river bed, it causes deforestation and disturbs the aqua life of the river.



Time - 3 Hrs                             Subject - SOCIAL SCIENCE.                            F.M.  - 80 

Session 21 - 22..  

General Instructions :
i.  Question paper comprises five sections - A ,B ,C , D and E. There are 32 questions in the
Question Paper, All Questions are compulsory. 
ii .  Section A - Question numbers 1 to 16 are Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.  
iii.  Section B - Question numbers .17-22 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each .  Answer to cach question should not exceed 80 words .  
iv.  Section C - Question numbers. 23-26 are source based questions, carrying 4 marks each.  
v. Section D - Question numbers 27 to 31 are long answer type questions , carrying 5 marks each .  Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.  
vi.  Section E - Question no 32 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts.  
32.1 from Geography - Water Resource Chapter ( 3 marks ) and 
32.2 from Agriculture chapter ( 2 marks ) 
vii .There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions.  Only one of the choices in such questions has to be attempted

Section A.
1. Fredric Sorreiu belonged to which country ?  
a.  France 
b.  Germany 
c.  Italy 
d.  Greece 
2. Who hosted the Treaty of Vienna ?
Austria Chancellor Metternich.  
3. Which of the following is the leguminous crop ?  
a. Pulses 
b. Jowar  
c. Millet 
d. Sesamum
4. Which of the following is another and for Primary Sector? 
a. Service Sector. for 
b. Agriculture and related sector
c. IT Sector. 
d. Industrial sector 
5. Define the term Ethnic Or Define Majoritarianism 
A Social division based on shared culture.
Or Define Majoritarianism
A  belief In  which the majority community think that it can administer the country in whatever it wants by disregarding the wishes of the minority. 
6. What is MNREGA
MNREGA 2005.  stands for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural employment Gaurentee  Act 2005.
It provide 100 days assured work to Rural unskilled workers in a year. 
It assured right to work. 

7. Who elects the Community Government  in Belgium?
The people belonging to one language community only.
8. Workers in the -------sector don't produce goods.  
Answer : Tertiary
9. Explain the term Utopian Vision 
Having impossibly ideal conditions especially of social organisation.

10. What is the National Anthem of Great Britain '! 
Answer : God Save all dressed in green long live our Queen.
11. What is Infant Mortality Rate? 
Answer : Death of children before Completing one year age on per 1000 birth ,in a particular year
12. What is Secondary Sector ?
Answer : Sector which involves in manufacturing of various kinds of goods using natural as well as man -made products .
13. Which state is the major practice of Rubber ?
Answer : Kerla.
14. Where is the capital of European Union ?
15. What is Panchayat Raj ?
The local government at rural level is known as Panchayati Raj.  
16. What do you mean by Holding Together Federation ? 
A  type of Federation in which the power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of it.   

Section B 

17. Write a short note on " Agenda 21 " 
Answer : Comprehensive plane of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by UNO  about human impact on environment. It relates to Sustainable Development.
18. Explain the term mix of goals.
Answer : Not only to seek and earn more but also on non material aspects like equal treatment ,respect of other, dignity of labour. 
19. What are millets ? Why are millets very important crops in India?
Answer : Millets are a group of highly variable small seeded grasses. Cereal grain belongs to grass family widely used in Africa and Asia.  are the examples for.
20. Write three features of organized sector.
Answer : Features of organized sector are as follows:
Follow the rules and regulations set by the government
Follow proper  procedure for job recruitment.
Provide job security, paid leave, PF, pension, medical allowance ,etc.
In this sector, people have to work only for fixed hours.
( Any other relevant point May be consider)  
21. Define Checks and Balances system in details.
Answer : Horizontal distribution of power is also known as checks and balances because all the three organs of the government legislature ,executive and judiciary work in their own jurisdiction. No one can interfere in others work, for example legislature is to legislate the laws, the executive is to implement the laws. And judiciary is to interprter the laws. In this way balance is maintained among the organs of the government. 

22. What is Gram Sabha ?  Describe any three functions of a Gram Sabha.
Answer : Gram Sabha is the fulcrum( main base)  of the Panchayati Raj and Village Development.
Three functions of the Gram Sabha are
a. The Gram Sabha supervises the work of the village panchayat
b. All decisions of the panchayat are taken through the Gram Sabha.
c. It also approves  the annual budget of the village panchayat. 

Section C 

Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow : 

23. Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 , European governments were driven by a spirit of conservatism. Conservatives believed that established traditional institutions of state and society - like the monarchy , the church  , social hierarchies , property and the family should be preserved .The European powers - like Britain , Russia , Prussia and  Austria , who had collectively defeated Napoleon, met at Vienna draw up a settlement for Europe .  The Congress was hosted by Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich and they drew up the Treaty of Vienna of 1815.  

a. Treaty of Vienna was hosted in which year ? 
i.  1816  
ii.  1825 
iii. 1820 
iv. 1815 
b. Which of the following powers did not participate in the defeat of Napoleon ?  
i.    Austria  
ii.   Italy
iii.  Prussia 
iv.  Russia 
c.  After the defeat of Napoleon ,European governments were driven by a spirit of -------? 
i .  Liberalism
ii.  Nationalism 
iii. Radicalism,
iv. Conservatism
d.  --------believed in the traditional institutions like monarchy and church 
i .  Radicalism 
ii.  Liberalism 
iv. Nationalism

24. Read the text given below and answer the questions that follow :
 Coming .together federation involves independent states coming together on their own to form a bigger unit. , In coming together , units try to increase their security by pooling , sovereignty and retaining identity .  In this category of federations all the constituent units usually have equal power and are strong vis- a-vis the federal government USA , Switzerland and Australia are examples of coming together federations. 
In Holding together federation the large power or country decides to divide its power between its  constituent states and national government. In holding together there is absence of pooling sovereignty and retaining identity.  In fact , in this federation the central government subordinates over the constituent units . Whereas , in this category , the central government tends to be more powerful vis - a - vis the states .  Sometimes constituent units of the federation have unequal powers 
For Example , in India , Jammu and Kashmir has been granted special status , India , Spain and Belgium are examples of holding together federations ,
a. Which state has been granted special powers in India 
i. Jharkhand 
ii.  J & K 
iii . Bihar
iv . UP 
b .  In which kind of federation the central government is more powerful than the state government ?
i. Coming Together Federation 
ii. Joining Together Federation
iii. Holding Together Federation 
iv .None of the above 
c. Which countries come under the category of the Holding Together Federation ? 
i.  India 
ii.  Belgium 
iii. Spain 
iv. All of the above 
d.  In which system the large power decide to divide its power between its constituent units
i.  Holding together 
ii  Joining Together 
iii .Coming Together
iv. All of the above  

25. Read the text given below and answer the questions that follow 

Agriculture has been practiced in India for thousands of years .Sustained use of land without compatible techno Institutional changes have hindered the pace of agricultural development.  In spite of development of sources of irrigation most of the farmers in large parts of the country still depend upon monsoon and natural fertility in order to carry on their agriculture.  For a growing population , this poses a serious challenge. Agriculture which provides livelihood for more than 60 per cent of its population needs some serious technical and institutional reforms .  Thus , collectivization , consolidation of holdings , cooperation and abolition of zamindari etc .  were given priority to bring about institutional reform in the country after independence .  Land reforms were the main focus of our First Five Year Plan.  The right of inheritance had already lead to fragmentation of land holdings necessitating consolidation of holdings.
a. was the main focus of our First Five Year Plan,
i. Collectivization 
ii.  Land Reform
iii.  Zamindari Abolition 
iv.  Consolidation of holdings 
b.------------provides livelihood for more than 60 % of its population .
i. Institutional Reform 
ii. Agriculture 
iii.  Privatization of land holding 
iv.  Industrialization 
c.  Which of the following were not given priority after independence ? 
i. Consolidation of land holdings
ii  Industrialization 
iii.  Irrigation 
iv.  Collection
d.  What hindered the pace of agricultural development ?  
i. Delay in the Five Year Plan
ii  Consolidation of land holdings  
iii.  Growth of unemployment 
iv .  Lack of techno - institutional changes 
26. Read the text given below and answer the questions that follow : 

Do you know that in India about 60 % of the population belongs to the age group 5-29 years ? Out of this , only about 51 % are attending educational institutions .The rest are not many of them may be at home or. many of them be  working as child labourers. 
If these children are to attend school , we will require more buildings, more teachers and other staff. A study conducted by the erstwhile Planning  Commission ( now known as NITI Aayog)  estimates that nearly 20 lakh jobs can be created in the education sector alone . Similarly ,if we are to improve the   health situation , we need many more doctors , nurses , health workers etc to work in rural areas. These are some ways by which jobs would be created and we would also be able to address the important aspects of development talked earlier. 
a. What percentage of students  between 5-29 years , are attending schools 
ii 20
b. nearly how many Jobs can be created in the education sector alone , 
i   51 Lakh 
ii  29 Lakh 
iii 15 Lakh
iv. 20 Lakh. 
c. What will we require all the children attend school 
i. Staffs
ii. Buildings.
iii. Teachers.
iv. All of the above.
d. Which of these are the ways to create job opportunities 
i. Opening more schools
ii. Development of rural areas 
iii improvement of health system  
iv. All of the above 

Section D

27. Write the difference between Intensive Subsistence farming and commercial farming
Intensive subsistence farming.
(a) This type of farming is practised in areas of high population pressure on land.
(b) Farmers and his family produce mainly cereal crops for subsistence of the family and for local markets.
(c) It is a labour intensive agriculture.
(d) Farms are small  in the size and due to fragmentation of the land holding on account of right of inheritance.
(e) Farmers try to take maximum output from the limited land in absence of alternatives.
Commercial farming
(a) This type of farming is practised in areas of low population density.
(b) Crops are grown in large-scale for commercial purposes and stood for the export to other countries.
(c) It is a capital intensive requiring high application of modern inputs.
(d) Farm's are large in the size for the  uses of modern machineries. And it stands for the large scale production.
(e) Farmers earn huge profits from commercial agriculture due to sale of crops.

28. Differentiate between open unemployment and disguised unemployment,
Answer : Open unemployment
People can be easily identified in this kind of unemployment.
People who are not working or not earning can be easily recognised.
Example: people sitting idle or not have any source of income.
Disguised unemployment:
Under this unemployment people are not easily identify as an unemployed person.
Actually people are working but less than their potential.
Example :in any work if 5 persons are required but 8 person are engaged in work these three person are disguisedly  employed.

29. Write the two routes to Federation with examples
The two routes of Federation are
Coming Together Federation : In Coming Together Federation all states are independent and sovereign but for pooling their sovereignty  and retaining identity they make their federation. In this way they can increase their security. For example USA,  Switzerland & Australia.
Holding Together Federation: In  this type of Federation a large country decides to divide its power between the constituent states and the national government. In this Federation central government always tents to be more powerful vis -a- vis the states. For example India ,Spain and Belgium. 
30. Describe my four features of the Treaty of Vienna
a. Bourbon Dynasty was established.
b. A series of conservatives states were established nearby France.
c. France lost the territories to victor nations.
d. Belgium was set up in the north and Genoea was added to Piedmont in the south.
31. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people ? 
Answer : The idea of la patrie and le citoyen
Enjoying equal rights.
A new tricolour flag chosen
The Nation Assembly was made.
Internal custom duties abloshied. 

Section E 

1 . A. On the outline map of India locate and label following Dams , 
a . Rana Pratap Sagar Dam
Answer : Rajasthan On Chambal. 
b.  State which is the largest producer of jute.
West Bengal.

c.  Nagarjunan Sagar Dam
Answer : Telengana. On Krishna River  
B. Write and lebel the names of the countries where these cities lie.
a.  Rome (Italy) 
b.  Paris (France)
Answer : 








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