IX.S.St.Questions Answers Banks.22-23.

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PT 3 Examination 2022 - 2023 
Class IX. Nov 25.11.2022.
Time - 80 Minutes   FM  40
Class – IX.
Preodic Test Examination. Session 22 – 23
Subject : S.Sc . Full Marks 40
FM : 10 Marks.
Q. 1.Where is the Imperial Forest School situated ? (1) Marks
Q.2.Which is the Scientific Forestery ? (1) Marks
Q.3.What were the features of Forest Acts enacted in 1865 ? (3)
Q.4. How were the lives of people affected ? (5)
FM : 10 Marks.
Q.1. Define the Voter’s list (1) Marks
Q.2.Write two or three slogans have been popular during the election. (2) Marks
Q.3. What is meant for reserved constituencies (3) Marks.
Q.4. Why do we need elections? (5) Marks
FM : 10 Marks.
Q.1. What is the full form of NSSO? (1) Marks.
Q.2. Which part of the world shows an increasing trend in poverty? (1) Marks.
Q.3. Write any three causes of poverty in India. (3) Marks.
Q.4. Describe the global poverty trends. (5) Marks.

Periodic Test – 3. Session. 2022 – 23.
F. M : 10
Q.1. What is the full form of ‘ITCZ' 1
Q.2. Which type of Climate prevails in India? 1
Q.3. Define Weather and Climate? 1.5 x 1. 5 =3

Q.4. What are the controls affecting the Climate of India? Mention the role of ‘Altitude' as Climatic
Controls? 3+2 =5
Answer Banks : 4th Periodic Test.
History.Q/A.4th Periodic Test.25th November.2022.
Q.1. Where is the Imperial Forest School situated ? (1) Marks
Answer : Dehradun
Q.2. Write two or three slogans have been popular during the election. (2) Marks 
Answer : Scientific forestry is a kind of plantation agriculture in which different types of trees are cut down. In their place one type of trees are planted in straight rows. These trees are then surveyed.  estimated  area under the different types of  trees are then cut every year and the area cut was them to be the planted so that it was ready to be cut again in some year.
Q.3.What were the features of Forest Acts enacted in 1865 ? (3)
Answer : Features of Forest Act in acted in 1865 are :-
a. Declared the forest as government property
b. Peoples were prohibited from entering and collecting woods and Timber from the forest.
c. Animals were prohibited from grazing.
Q.4.How were the lives of people affected ? (5)
Answer :  the lives of people was affected in following ways:-
After that past cutting wood graving animals collecting fruits and roots hunting and fishing became illegal.
People were forced to steal wood from the forest.
They would often drived and harassed demanding free wood from them.
Shifting cultivation was also banned under this act.
Civics.Q/A.4th Periodic Test.25th November.2022.
Q.1.Define the Voter’s list (1) Marks
Answer : Voters list refers to the list which contains the name of eligible voters who can cast their vote
Q.2.Write two or three slogans have been popular during the election. (2) Marks
Answer : Slogans which have been popular during the election are 
a. Garibi hatao
b. Saved democracy
c. Land to the tiller
Q.3.What is meant for reserved constituencies (3) Marks.
Reserved constituencies are constituencies in which seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes and Tribes based on the size of their population.
Q.4.Why do we need elections? (5) Marks
We need elections for following reasons :-
a. A rule of people is a possible without any elections if all the people can sit together everyday and take all the decisions
b. But this is not possible in any large community.
c.Knowledge it possible for everyone to have the time in a knowledge to take decision on all matters.
d.Therefore democratic countries must held elections at regular intervals so did people can choose their representatives and change them if they wish to do so.
Economics.Q/A.4th Periodic Test.25th November.2022.
Q.1.What is the full form of NSSO? (1) Marks.
Answer :  NSSO stands for National Sample Survey Organisation.
Q.2.Which part of the world shows an increasing trend in poverty? (1) Marks. 
Answer : Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are the regions where there is an increasing trend in poverty.
Q.3. Write any three causes of poverty in India. (3) Marks.
Answer : The causes of poverty are:-
a.Historical reason:- low level of economic development under British colonial administration.
b.The policies of the colonial government ruined traditional handicrafts and discouraged development of industries like textiles.
c.One feature of high poverty rates has been the huge income inequalities.
d. Landlessness:-small farmers and farm laborates do not have their own land they have to work on the land of landlords and in return the get very low wages. If some small farmer have the land they do not have the income they borrow money. Unable to pay because of poverty they become victims of indebtness.
Q.4. Describe the global poverty trends. (5) Marks.
Geography.Q/A.4th Periodic Test.25th November.2022.

Q.1. What is the full form of ‘ITCZ  (1) Marks.
Answer : TCZ stands for intertropical convergence zone..
Q.2. Which type of Climate prevails in India? (1) Marks.
Answer : Monsoon type of climate prevails in India.
Q.3. Define Weather and Climate? 1.5 x 1. 5 =3 Marks.
Whether is the state of atmosphere any point point.
Climate refers to some total of whether variations and patterns over a large area for long period of time (more than 30 years).
Q.4.What are the controls affecting the Climate of India? Mention the role of ‘Altitude as Climatic Controls? 3+2 =5
The controls affecting the climate of India are:-
b. Altitude
c. Pressure and winds
Altitude:-  India has mountains to the north, which have an average height of about 6000 m India also has a vast coastal area where the maximum elevation is about 30 m .Himalayas prevent the cold winds from the Central Asia from entering the subcontinent. It is because of these mountains that this continent experience comparatively milder winters as compared to Central Asia.

Hall Yearly Examination 2022 - 2023 
Class IX. 
Time - 3 Hrs   FM  80
Half yearly examination 2022-2023
Section A
Q.1. Tithe
Q.2. Nazi or Lenin
Q.3. A
Q.4. A
Q.5. B
Q.6. false
Q.7. Human capital is the stock of knowledge and skill embodied in humans.
Q.8 Human
Q.9 The east west extent appears smaller than north south extent due to the fact that latitudes are equidistant from each other but distance between longitudes decreases as one moves from equator to poles.
Another reason is that east west extent is discontinuous.
Q.10 north circar
Q.11 the main land extends between latitudes 8°4'N and 37°6' N and longitudes 68°7'E and 97°25' E.
Q.12 none of these
Q.13  Demokratia”
Q.14 PRI (Industrial revolution party)
Q.15 racial
Q.16 Robben Island
Section B. 

Q.17 We the people of India' signifies that power rests in the hands of people. The Constitution is given by the people to themselves. It is not handed down to them by a king or any outside powers. It claims that the people of India are the main source of authority. It promotes Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity as the main objectives. It indicates that the constitution attaches great importance to the people of India and popular sovereignty. It states that the constitution is in the form of democracy.
Q.18 •India was a huge and diverse country.
•The Indian people had lived as subjects till then.
•There was a lot of disturbance due to the partition of the country on the basis of religion.
•There were a number of princely states.
•It was a long process.
•This was a traumatic experience for the people of India and Pakistan.
Q.19 the different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land are:-
(i) Multiple cropping can be done.
* In Palampur farmers grow jowar and bajra during rainy (Kharif) season.
They grow potato between October and December. During winter, they grow wheat.
* It is possible due to the self-developed system of irrigation
Use of modern methods can be done.
* Use of pesticides,  fertilizer , HYV seeds, machineries etc.
Q.20 India can be divided into the following physiographic divisions:
(i) The Himalayan Mountains (ii) The Northern Plain (iii) The Peninsular Plateau (iv) The Indian Desert (v) The Coastal Plains (vi) The Islands.
Himalayan rivers are permanent watercourses that originate from the Himalayan mountains. Peninsular rivers, on the other hand, are non-perennial rivers that begin in the Western Ghats.
21 The main changes which were brought about by the Bolsheviks immediately after the October Revolution:
Banks and Industries were nationalized.
Land was declared social property, thereby allowing peasants to seize it from the nobility.
In urban areas, houses were partitioned according to family requirements.
Q.22 •People started rallying around Tsar.
• As the war continued he refused to consult the main parties and instead took advice from a monk called Rasputin •which declared as the last major reason to make autocracy unpopular in Russia.
•Her wife was German origin.
Section C 
Q.23 1) the election becomes pointless if there is no competition.2) the good people are not willing from fighting elections because the different political parties and leaders use dirty tricks to win the election.
3) the two drawbacks of electoral competition are:-
• it creates sense of distillati and functionalism in society.
•the pressure to win the electoral 5 does not allow sensible long term policy is to be formulated.
Q.24) general assembly established a democratic constitution at Weimar in Germany.
2) Reichstag
3)• the memory public not received well by its own people because it was considered his fault that Germany lost the first world war.
•Weimar republic has signed harsh and humiliating treaty of Versailles.
Q.25 1) peninsular plateau
2) northern plains
3) coastal reasons are helpful in providing sites for fishing and poad activities for trades.
Q.26 1) farm labourers who come  either from landless families or families cultivating small plots of land.
2) which is very widely from region to region, from crop to crop, from one form activity to other farm activity
3). Yes I agree that seasonal and low wage employment is evident in agriculture.
•Farmers do not get work during certain months of the year they have to sit idle.
•The competition for work is so high that the farmers even agree to work for low wages.
Section D
Q.27.What was the economic condition of France before 1789?
Answer : France being involved in American war broken her economy.
The people groaned under the heavy taxes.
The burden of interest payments on state loans increased the debt.
Luxurious living of Louis XVI and the extravagant court.
The family system of taxation itself was a cause of the economic crisis.
The privileged classes were exempted from state dues while the unprivileged with severe resources burdened with heavy taxes.
Q.27. Discuss the condition of women in France during Old Regime.
a. Women were considered  inferior to men.
b. Women did not have access to education or job training only the daughter of nobles could study at convent.
c. Women in France work as seamstresses, sold flowers, fruits and vegetables at the market or were employed as domestic servant in the house of the prosperous people.
d. Working women had also to care for the families, that is cook, fetch water, queue up for bread etc.
e. After the constitution passed their life improved gradually.
f. They were now allowed to go to school. they could not train for jobs, could become artist or a small businesses.
Q.28.Why is educated unemployed a peculiar problem of India ? Suggest some measures to mitigate the problems of the educated unemployed.  
Answer : India has a huge population and every year a large number of people graduate from schools and colleges.
Employment generation in various sectors is not keeping pace with the number of educated people coming out of educational institutions.
Measures to mitigate the problem of educated employment are:-
a. More use of Information Technology 
b. IT should be made in giving education.
c. Education should cater to the needs of the employment markets.
d. More opportunities should be made available in the tertiary sector where more educated unemployed people can find jobs.
Q.29. How did the spread of electricity help the farmers in Palampur ? 
Answer : The introduction of electricity aided the Palampur farmers by changing the village's irrigation system.
a. Farmers used Persian wheels to pull water from wells and irrigate tiny fields in the past. These Persian wheels were replaced by electric tube wells after the development of electricity.
b. Almost  houses were electrified.
c. Farmers now can use machineries such as thresher, can do multiple cropping etc.
Q.30 democratic rule is better in comparison with other forms of government for following reasons:-
*It is a more accountable form of government.
* It provide the method to deal with a conflicts and differences.
* It improve the quality of decision making.
* It enhances the dignity of individuals.
* and the most important it correct its mistakes.
Q.31 on the basis of longitude Himalayas for the divided into three parts.
* Himadri:-  the northernmost part of the Himalayas is called himadri. The most prominent peaks are  there. It's height innovation is 6000 m.
* Himachal :- the part of Himalaya lying South to the himadri is known as Himachal or laser Himalaya. It's height elevation n is 3700 to 4500 m.
It's width is 50 km. Pir panjal ,Mahabharat are some famous peaks and ranges of this region.
* Shiwalik:- the Southern most part of the Himalaya is Shivalik. It's height elevation is 900 to 11 00 m. The width very from 10 to 50 km.


Hall Yearly Examination 2021 - 2022 
Class IX. 
Time - 3 Hrs   FM  80

General Instructions. 
i . Question paper comprises five sections A , B , C , D  and E.
There are 32 questions in the question paper . All questions are compulsory. 
ii.  Section A. Question no . I to 16 are Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each. 
iii. Section B. Question no . 17 to 22 are short answer type questions , carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words 
iv. Section C. Question no  23 to 26 are long answer type questions source based questions carrying 4 marks each : 
v.  Section D. Question no . 27 10 31 are long answer type questions , carrying 5 marks Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words 
vi. Section E. Question no 32 is map based , carrying 5 marks with two parts . 
32.1 from History 2 marks ) and 
32.2 from Geography ( 3 marks ) . 
vii. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions. 
Only one of the choices in such questions has to be attempted.
In addition to this , separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary 

Section A. 
(1)  What was the Marseillaise ! 
( A ) A Slogan       
(B)  A type of hat 
(C)  A patriotic song 
(D)  A romantic song 

(2) Whose name is associated with the reign of terror ? 
(A) Robespierre 
(B) Mirabeau 
(C) Napoleon Bonaparte 
(D) Louis XVI 

(3) Whose name is associated with the pamphlet called what is the third estate? 
(A) Mirabeau 
(B) John Locke 
(C) Montesquieu 
(D) Abbe Sieyes 

(4) What does a candidate need before contesting election in China ? 
(A) Approval of at least two big political parties 
(B) Approval of the national people's Congress 
(C) Approval of the Chinese Communist Party 
(D) Approval of the election commission
(5) Who among the following played a key role in the making of the Indian Constitution?  
(A) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 
(B) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee 
(C) Mahatma Gandhi 
(D) T T Krishnamachari
(6) What do you know about the " Young India 
(A) It is a magazine in which Mahatma Gandhi wrote his thought about the Constitution 
(B) It is an autobiography of Nelson Mandela 
(C) It is a documentary film 
(D) It is a magazine sponsored by Nelson Mandela
(7) The place situated on three seas 
(A) Kanyakumari 
(B) Chennai 
(C) Thiruvananthapuram 
(D)  God
(8) What is the total land mass of India ?
(A) 2.28 million sq. km 
(B) 3.28 million square  kilometer 
(C) 4,28 million sq km 
(D) 1.28 million km
(9) The annual rainfall of the Indian desert is 
(A) Below 150 mm 
(B) Below 140 mm 
(C) Below 160 mm 
(D) Below 120 mm
(10) The highest peak in the Western Ghat is 
(A) Anamudi 
(B) Mahendragin 
(C) Doda Beta 
(D) Kanchenjunga 
(11) What type of soil is found in the Deccan trap ? 
(A) Alluvial soil 
(B) Black soil 
(C) Laterite soil 
(D) Red soil 

(12) The common activity next to agriculture in village Palampur is 
(A) Dairy farming 
(B) Small scale manufacturing 
(D) Cottage industries 
(13) People who do not realise the importance of education for themselves and their children and to fall into a 
(A) Virtuous cycle 
(B) Vicious cycle 
(C) Debt 
(D) all of these 
(14) Which one of the following input is  not a working capital ?
(A) Machine 
(B) Raw materials 
(C) Money 
(D) None of these 
(15) Which is the most labor absorbing sector of the Indian Economy ?
(A) Secondary sector  
(B) Tertiary sector 
(C) Public sector  
(D) Primary sector  
(16) Infant mortality rate refers to the death of a child under the age of 
(A) 1 year 
(B) 2 years 
(C) 3 years 
(D) 4 years
Section - B.
(17) How the society of France was arranged during the Old Regime ?
Answer : the society of France was arranged during the Old Regime in these orders
a. 1st Estate. Clergy
b. 2nd Estate. Nobility
c. 3rd Estate. Big Businessman, merchants, officials , peasants, artisans, servants that were overburdened with taxes.
Peasants made up of 90 % of the population. 
The society was the part of feudal system.
(18) Who were Jacobins ? Why their rule was known as reign of terror ?
Answer : Jacobins were the less prosperous section of the society including shopkeepers, shoemakers, printers, daily wage workers.
The period of 1793 to 1794 known as the Reign of Terror.
About 5000 persons were butchered in Paris alone.
About 15000 persons were perished in the provinces.
A policy of severe control and punishment. 
(19) Why the difference between durations of day and night hardly felt at Kanyakumari but not so in Kashmir ?
Answer : Kanyakumari is nearer to the Equator on the other hand Kashmir is a little but away from the Equator.   
(20) In China elections are regularly held after 5 years for electing the country's parliament still it cannot be called a democratic country ,Why ?
Answer : a. The candidates are not allowed to contest election on their own.
b. They have to take permission to contest election from the Chinese Communist Party.
c. Some allied parties are  allowed to contest election but only the Communist Party wins election.
d. The country's economy is in the hands of the Communist Party.
Any other relevant point 
(21) Name the states where the first modern methods of farming were introduced ?  Why the farmers of these state succeeded? 
Answer : Punjab and Haryana. 
Reasons are as follows.
a. Due to fertile land.
b. Well developed irrigation system.
c. Electricity came early in these states.
d. Awareness and hard work of the people.
Any other relevant point. 
(22) How do the medium and large farmers obtain capital for farming ?  How is it different from the small farmers ?
Answer : Most small farmers have to borrow money to arrange for the capital ,they borrow from large farmers or the village money lenders or the traders who supply various inputs for cultivation. 
The rate of interest on such loans is very high and these farmers are in great stress to repay the loan taken.
In contrast to small farmers medium and large farmers have their own savings from farming.
They used their is the shaving to arrange for next year's capital and make high profits by selling surplus production and earning higher amounts .Sometimes they deposit their savings in a bank or lend their money to small farmers for save their savings or by cattle truck or to setup shops. 

Section -C 
( 23 ) SOURCE - A 
The life of a revolutionary woman - Olympe de Gouges ( 1748-1793 ) 
Olympe de Gouges was one of the most important of the politically active women in revolutionary France . She protested against the Constitution and the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen as they excluded women from basic rights that each human being was entitled to .  So , in 1791 , she wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen , which she addressed to the Queen and to the members of the National Assembly , demanding that they act upon it .  In 1793 , Olympe de Gouges criticized the Jacobin government for forcibly closing down women's clubs.  She was tried by the National Convention , which charged her with treason .Soon after this she was executed. 

(1) Olympe de Gouges protest against the 
(A) King 
(B) Constitution 
(C) Jacobins 
(D) Directory rule 
(2) She protested because 
(A) She favored Devine Right theory 
(B) There  was Corruption in France 
(C) Constitution denied equal rights to Women 
(D) She was against the Jacobins
Class IX (Social Science) 
(3) Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen was addressed to the 
(A) King 
(B) Queen 
(C) National Assembly 
(D) Both B & C 
(4) Olympe de Gouges was executed by the 
(A) National Assembly 
(B) Jacobins 
(C) Directory 
(D) Napoleon Bonaparte 

24.  Source B 
Read the text given below and answer the following questions , The Himalayas , Geologically young and structurally fold mountains stretch over the nor then borders of India .  These mountain ranges run in a West cast direction from the Indus to the Brahmaputra.  The Himalayas represent the loftiest and one of the most rugged mountain barriers of the world.  They form an are which covers a distance of about 2400 kilometers.  Their width varies from 400 kilometers in Kashmir to 150 kilometers is Arunachal Pradesh .  The altitudinal variations are greater in the eastern half than those in the western half.  The Himalaya consists of three parallel ranges in its longitudinal extent.  A number of valleys lie between these ranges .  The northernmost range is known as the great or inner Himalayas or the ' Himadri '.  It is the most continuous range consisting of the loftiest peaks with an average height of 6000. It contains all the prominent peaks.  
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option.  
24 (i) The Himalayas mountains are geologically 
(a) Young 
(b) Old 
(c) Neither Young nor old 
(d) None 

(ii) Himalayan mountain ranges run in the direction 
(a) North - South 
(b) West - East 
(c) South - East 
(d) None 

(iii) Which of the following is the loftiest and one of the most rugged mountain barriers off the world 
(a) Vindhya The 
(b) Arawali 
(c) Himalayas 
(d) None 

(iv) The altitudinal variations in Himalaya are greater in 
(a) Eastern half 
(b)  Western hall 
(c)  Southern half 
(d)  None 

(25.) SOURCE - C 
        Jawaharlal Nehru giving his famous speech to the Constituent Assembly at the stroke of midnight on August 15 , 1947 
        Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny , and now the time comes  when we shall redeem our pledge , not wholly or in full measure , but very substantially .  At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.  A moment comes , which comes but rarely in history when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.  It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still lager cause of humanity. 
        Freedom and power bring responsibility. The responsibility vents upon this Assembly, a sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India.  Before the birth of freedom we have endured all the pains of labor and our hearts are heavy with the memory of this sorrow.  Some of those pains continue even now Nevertheless , the past is over and it is the future that beckons town now.
        That future is not one of case or resting but of incessant striving so that we may fulfill the pledges we have so often taken and the one  we shall take today .  The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer.  It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity.  The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every work will not be over tear from every eye.  That may be beyond us , but is long as there are tears and suffering , so long our 
(i) What Freedom and Power brings ?  
(A) Liberty 
(B) Responsibility 
(C) Corruption 
(D) Democracy 

(ii) "The responsibility rests upon this Assembly About which Assembly Jawaharlal Nehru is talking of ? 
(A) Group of People 
(B) General Assembly 
(C) Parliamentary Assembly 
(D) Constituent Assembly 

(iii) The service of India means 
(A) The service of the millions who suffer 
(B) The ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity 
(C)The ending of inequality of opportunity 
(D) All of the above 

(iv) The  ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye ' Jawaharlal Nehru is referring to which great man ? 
(A) Gautam Buddha 
(B) Mahatma Gandhi 
(C) Rabindra Nath Tagore 
(D) Subhas Chandra Bose 

26. Read  the source given below and answer the questions that follows. 
26. A child, with investments made on her education and health, can yield a high return in the future in the form of higher earnings and greater contribution to society.  re found to invest more heavily on the education of their child .  This is because they have realized the importance of education for themselves.  They are also conscious of proper nutrition and hygiene .  They look after their children's needs for education at a school and good health accordingly.  A virtuous eye is thus created in this case.  In contrast , a vicious cycle may be created by disadvantaged parents who , themselves uneducated and lacking in hygiene , keep their children in a similarly disadvantaged state 
(i) When Investment is made on education and healthcare a child then return can be expected in form of  greater contribution to society and 
(a) Higher earnings 
(b) Unemployment 
(c) Poverty 
(d) None of these 

(ii) Educated parents are found to invest on the education of their child 
(a) More heavily 
(b) Least 
(c) Inadequate 
(d) None of these  

(iii) A vicious cycle may be created by 
(a) Disadvantaged and uneducated parents 
(b) Parents who are aware about hygiene 
(c) Educated parents 
(d) None of these 

(iv) Investment in human resource is one of the most important factor for 
(a) Economic development  of the country 
(b) Rising unemployment of the country 
(c) Rising economic inequality 
(d) None of these 
Section - D.
Q.(27) Discuss the role of Women in Revolutionary France.
Answer :  In order to discuss their voice they established their clubs.
60 clubs came into existence. The Society of Revolutionary and Republican Women 
Asked for same political rights.
Demanded Right to Vote.
During the Reign of Terror 1793 to 1794. their rights were seized.
It was in finally in 1946 they got right to vote.
Q.(28) Write the main features of Peninsular Plateau.
Answer : Triangular inn shape 
Made up of old , crystalline, igneous and metamorphic rocks
The Aravalli Mountains border the plateau on the northwestern side.
Q.(29) Give five arguments in favor of Democracy
Answer : 5 arguments are in favour of democracy are :
Democracy is an accountable form of government.
it provides qualitative  decision.
It deals with differences and conflicts.
It enhances the dignity of citizens.
It provides room to correct their own mistakes. 
Q.(30) Explain any five guiding values ​​of the constitution of India ?
Answer : These are the five guiding values ​​of the constitution of India 
a. Sovereignty
b. Socialism
c. Secular
d. Democratic
e. Republic
f.  Fraternity  
Q.(31) Explain disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment with examples ?
Answer :  Disguised unemployment happens when a person is employed but adds no value to production. In this case , people appear to be employed. The work requires the service of 5 people but engaged eight people. Three people are extra .These three are disguisedly unemployed.
Seasonal unemployment happens when people are not able to find jobs during some months of the year. People dependent upon agriculture usually face such kind of problem. 
There are certain busy seasons when sowing harvesting weeding and tracing is done. 
Certain months do not provide much work to the people dependent on agriculture. 
Certain industries and traders also engage workers for a particular season when the season ends the workers are rendered unemployed. example; sugar industry

Section - E 
(32 ) 
(32.1) Identify and locate there on the map of France .  
1.The city where revolution broke out on 14 July 1789. 
Answer : mark (i) as Paris   
2. A city whose name is associated with the National Anthem of France. 
Answer : mark (ii) as Marseilles.
Map Work of History.

(32.2) On an outline map of India mark the following 
1.  Standard meridian 
2.  Western Ghat 
3.  Coromandal Coast 
You Said It. 
Class – IX.
Preodic Test Examination. Session 22 – 23
Subject : S.Sc . Full Marks 40
FM : 10 Marks.
Q. 1.Where is the Imperial Forest School situated ? (1) Marks
Q.2.Which is the Scientific Forestery ? (1) Marks
Q.3.What were the features of Forest Acts enacted in 1865 ? (3)
Q.4. How were the lives of people affected ? (5)
FM : 10 Marks.
Q.1. Define the Voter’s list (1) Marks
Q.2.Write two or three slogans have been popular during the election. (2) Marks
Q.3. What is meant for reserved constituencies (3) Marks.
Q.4. Why do we need elections? (5) Marks
FM : 10 Marks.
Q.1. What is the full form of NSSO? (1) Marks.
Q.2. Which part of the world shows an increasing trend in poverty? (1) Marks.
Q.3. Write any three causes of poverty in India. (3) Marks.
Q.4. Describe the global poverty trends. (5) Marks.

Periodic Test – 3. Session. 2022 – 23.
F. M : 10
Q.1. What is the full form of ‘ITCZ' 1
Q.2. Which type of Climate prevails in India? 1
Q.3. Define Weather and Climate? 1.5 x 1. 5 =3

Q.4. What are the controls affecting the Climate of India? Mention the role of ‘Altitude' as Climatic
Controls? 3+2 =5


  1. Sir you are the 1st teacher that keeps on updating us ,as today i have given the exam and before evening you have given all the answers.

    Your all answers are absolutely correct.
    Thanks a lot sir🙏.

  2. Thank you sir for this wonderful blog. I always read this blog and it entertains me along with providing knowledge on specific topics. Particularly speaking about this blog, it helped me to know my mistakes as well as the places where I can improve myself.

    Once again sir, thank you for this blog.

  3. Awesome sir... your blogs are always helpful and informative..
    I am very glad that you are our teacher .. please keep updating us and we will always support you

  4. Awsm sir , it's help us so much I am sure about my answers now and how many marks I will get in my examination. Thank you a lot sir 😊. Hats off to you 🙏🙏

  5. Sir, Thanks a lot for this informative blog


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