X.S.Sc.Questions Answers Banks.20-21

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Pre - Board Examination 2020-21 
Class: X . Subject : SOCIAL SCIENCE 
Maximum Marks :  80 .Time: 3 : 00 Hrs 

General Instructions: 
The question paper is divided into five sections 
Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E.  
2. The question paper has 32 questions in all 
3. All questions are compulsory, however some internal choices are given in some questions.  Attempt any one of them 
4.  Marks are indicated against each question.  
5.  Questions from serial number 1 to 16 are very short answer type questions.  Each question carries one mark each.  
6. Questions from serial number 17 to 22 are of 3 marks.  Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.  
7. Questions from serial number 23 to 26 are source based question, carrying of 4 marks.  
8. Questions from serial number 27 to 31 carrying of 5 marks. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120 words each 
9. Question number 32 is a map based question of 5 marks with two parts - 32 A from history (2 marks) and 32 B from Geography (3 marks) 
10. There are separate questions  in lieu of question no.  32 and some pictorial question only for visually impaired student.
                                                                     Section A 
Q.1. Find the correct match.  
A. Bismarck - Italy 
B. Mazzini - Germany 
C. Cavour - Britain 
D. Meternich - Austria 
Answer D. Meternich - Austria 
Q.2. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).  
Read the statement and choose the correct option: 
Assertion: (A) Mahatma Gandhi Participated in Second Round table conference.  
Reason: (R) A Pact was signed between Irwin and Mahatma Gandhi in 1931.  
E. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 
F. Both A and Rare true and but is not the correct explanation of A. 
G. A is correct and R is incorrect.  
H. A is wrong but is correct.
Answer :  E. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.  
Q.3. Which among the following is correct about Arid Soils?  
I. Red and Brown in color 
J. Sandy and Saline 
K. Due to high dry climate and high temperature, evaporation is faster 
L. All the statement are correct, 
Answer : L. All the statement are correct, 
Q.4. Rewrite the statement after correcting the underlined phrase, 
A  country having high standard of living and a better environment in terms of health and safety is known as Developing country developed 
A  country having high standard of living and a better environment in terms of health and safety is known as a developed country  
Q.5. Explain the cartoon in your own words.
What do you mean by One Party System. 
In lieu of Q.no 5 for visually impaired students only What do you understand by One Party System.  
Q.6. State whether True or False 
Kandia is the largest port of India. 
Answer False 
Q.7. Fill in the Blanks.
Removing trade barriers or restrictions set by the Government is called .......... 
Answer Liberlaisation.
Q.8. Which among the following is not a subject of Union list ?  
1. Defence 
2. Agriculture 
3. Communication 
4. Trade 
A. Only 1 
B. Only 2 and 4 
C. Only 3 
D. Only 1 and 2 
Answer : B. Only 2 and 4 
Q.9. Which crop is known as 'Golden Fiber'?
Answer : Jute   
OR Name any one Zald crop.  
Answer : Summer crops , Cucumber, Watermelon
Q.10. Suggest any one step to prevent air pollution.
Answer : Not to burn plastics. 
OR Suggest any one step to prevent water pollution.
Answer Not to throw garbage in water sources. 
Q. 11. Suppose you have to travel from Chennai to Delhi to avail medical services in an emergency situation.  Which means of transport do you think is appropriate to travel in such a medical emergency situation?
Answer Airways  
OR Suppose you have to visit your friend's house from your house in Delhi in the same city.  Which means of transport will be more helpful for you.
Answer : Roadways.  
Q.12. Iqbal along with five other members of his family worked as a former and produced 50 tons of wheat, due to some dispute in the family, two members opted out of family business, but still remaining member of family are able to produce 50 tons  of Wheat.  Can you name in which kind of unemployment the members of family were facing? 
Answer Disguised.
Q.13. Which party system is not considered good for democracy?  
Answer One Party System  
Q.14. Where is the head quarter of European Union located?  
Answer : Brussels 
Q.15. According to our constitution, who has the power to legislate on 'residuary subjects?
Answer Union Government    
Q.16. What do you understand by Civil War?  
Answer Inside war in the country among the groups and people 

                                                                Section B. 
Q.17. "Plantation workers had their own understanding of Mahatma Gandhi's ideas and the notion of 'Swaraj. Support the statement.                                                        Marks 3. 
Answer : Plantation workers had their  understandings about Swaraj. 
a. Free Movement  beyond the Inland Emigration Act of 1859. 
b. Own land in their village. 
c. Freedom for themselves.
Workers in the plantations of Assam demanded the right to move freely in and out of the  estates.  They opposed the Inland Emigration Act of 1859 which was the right to free movement .They were not allowed to maintain their link with their village .
When the Non cooperation movement began they  left the plantations and tried to reach their villages .
They were hoping that they soon will be granted land in the villages with the coming of Gandhi Raj but they were not so fortunate. 
They were caught, brought  back and badly beaten.
Q.18. How does Democracy a better form of government when compared with other alternative?                                                                                                      Marks 3
Answer : It is more accountable form of government. Improves quality of decision making. Provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.) (any other) 
Q.19. Money  in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well. Is it true? Elucidate.                                                                                 Marks 3 
Answer : Yes because, I. money can only fulfill the necessities of life.               
2.there are various other things which is necessary for living a life such as clean environment cannot be bought with money.      
3.A person cannot remain safe from communicable diseases with the help of money till the whole community is not ready to take steps regarding it. We have understood this in case of covid-19. (Any other relevant point)
OR. "Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries. "Justify 
Answer : Environmental degradation is not a a local or a national problem but now it is a international issue. Environmental degradation is not restricted to nation or state boundaries it its consequences have been felt in surrounding states and neighboring countries also.    
All the countries are  affected by environmental degradation through global warming or acid rain etc.It is an issue which should be solved by understanding between the countries.
Q.20. The creation of linguistic states was the first and the major test of democratic politics in our country Justify the statement                                                                     Marks 3
Answer : It was a big challenge to construct states on the basis of language.after independence day demand for making states on the basis of language increased.Many leaders were afraid of this integration of the nation.   So this was postponed for a period but later on created sach states has Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh etc.     Any other relevant point. 
Q.21." Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy, "Justify this statement   
Answer : Given statement shows that there is need of power sharing.   the meaning of democracy is that the power will be divided among various groups and parties.  It increases the legality of the rule and state.  Power sharing helps to reduce the social conflicts and differences.  Any other relevant point.
Q.22. Why is Roadways more important  than Railways ?
Answer : Construction cost of roads is much lower than railway lines.  
Roads can be constructed easily in hilly terrains and  undulating topography.  
Roadways can give door to door service.
It appears a feeder to other modes of transport as they provide link between railway stations ,airport and seaports.
OR How does tourism as a trade or industry help in development of economy?
Answer : Tourism provides employment to many people.   
It provides local handicrafts as well as culture.
Tourism also generates foreign exchange.   Any other relevant point.
                                          Section C Source Based Questions (4 Marks) 
Q.23. Read the extracts and answer the following questions. 
Ideas of national unity in early nineteenth - century Europe were closely alled to the ideology of liberalites.  The term liberalism derives from the Latin root liber, meaning free for the new middle classes liberalism stood for freedom since the French Revolution, beralism had mood for the end of autocracy and denical preges, contution and for the individual and equality of all before in law.Politically, it emphasized the concept of government by consent.  Representative or through parliament fineteenth century liberals also stressed the invitability of private evolutionary France, which are the first political experiment in liberal democracy, the right to vote and to elected was granted exclusive property owning men men without property and all women were excluded from policans only  for a brief period under the lacobins did all adult males enjoy suffrage.  However, the diapoleonic property.  Yet, equality before the aw did not necessarily stand for universal suffrage.  You will recall that in Code went back to limited suffrage and reduced women to the status of a minor, subject to the authority of fathers OR.  marked a) Autocracy and husbands.  Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries women and non - propertied men orarised opposition movements demanding equal political rights 
(i). Which type of government was emphasized by Liberals? 
a. Autocracy 
b Government of Consent 
c. Both are correct 
d. None of the above 
Answer : b Government of Consent  
(ii) What do you understand by liberalism ?  
Answer  Liberalism stood for the individual and  equqlitiy of all before the laws.
(iii) Napolianic Code brought back the limited suffrage.
Answer   (iii) Napolianic Code
(iv) Which country was the first experiment of Liberal Democracy?  
Answer : France  
Q.24.Read the extracts and answer the following questions. 
Satyagraha is not physical force.  A satyagrahi does not inflict pain on the adversary, he does not seek his destruction in the use of of satyagraha, there is no ill - will whatever, Satyagraha is pure soul - force.  Truth is the very substance of the soul that is why this force is called satyagraha.  The soul is informed with knowledge.  In it burns the flame of love Nonviolence is the supreme dharma - "It is certain that India cannot rival Britain or Europe in force of arms. The British worship the war god and they can all of them become, as they are becoming bearers of arms  . The hundreds of millions in India can never carry arms. They have made the religion of non-violence their own.
(i) Who worship the war god? 
A. Britain                                                                      
B. India 
C. Russia 
D. America 
Answer : A. Britain  
(ii) Satyavaha is pure -----                                          1
Answer Source Soul 
(iii).What is the very substance of the soul ?        1
Answer Truth 
(iv).Write a brief gist of the above paragraph in your own words.                   1
Answer : Satyagraha is not physical force. Satyagraha is pure soul - force.  Truth is the very substance of the soul that is why this force is called satyagraha.  The soul is informed with knowledge.   
Q.25. Read the extracts and answer the following questions. 
Planning is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use  of resources. It has importance in a country like India, which has enormous diversity in the availability of resources. There are regions which are rich in certain types of resources but are deficient in some other resources. There are some areas which can be considered self  - sufficient in terms  of the availability of resources and there are some areas which have acute shortage of some vital repurces.  For example, the states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh are rich in minerals and cool deposits.  Arunachal Pradesh has abundance of water resources but lacks in infrastructural development.  The state of Rajasthan is very well endowed with solar and wind energy but lacks in water resources.  The cold desert of Ladakh is relatively Isolated from the rest of the country.  It has very rich cultural heritage but it is deficient in water, sanfrastructure and some vital minerals.  This calls for balanced resource planning at the national state, regional and local levels 
(i). In which among the following State of India, there is not abundant deposits of Coal?  1 
A. Madhya Pradesh 
B. Chhattingarh 
D. Rajasthan
(ii) In which among the following Stats you may find suitable amount of water Deposits. 1
A Rajasthan 
B Laddakh 
C Arunachal Pradesh 
D. None of the above
(iii) Why is resource  planning necessary ?     1
(iv). Describe the characteristics of Ladakh?  1
Q.26. Read the extracts and Answer the following questions.
Globalisation is the process of rapid integration of countries. This is happening through greater foreign trade and foreign investment. MNCs are playing a major role in the globalization process.  More and more MNCs are looking fpr locations around the world that are cheap for their production. As a result ,production is being organised in complex ways.
Technology ,particularly IT, has played a big role in organizing production across countries. In addition liberalization of trade and investment has facilitated globalization by removing barriers to trade and investment .At the international level, WTO has put pressure on developing countries to liberalise trade and investment .While globalisation has benefited well off consumers and also producers with skill,education and wealth,many small producers and workers have suffered as a result of rising competition. Fair globalization would create opportunities for all ,and also ensure that the benefits of globalisations are shared better.
Globalization is the process of rapid integration of countries.  
(i)  Describe  The Globalization in your own words     1
(ii) Describe the role of MNCS in Globalisation,   1
(iii) How technology helps in Globalisation          1
(iii) Suggest some measures to ensure fair  Globalisation,  1
                                                             Section D. 
Q.27 What do you understand by credit?  How can credit be both an asset  as well as a debt  trap Explain.
Answer : Credit refers to and agreement in which the lender supplies the borrow with money, good shot services in return for the promise of future payment.
Credit as an asset : during the festival season a shoe manufacturer may receive an order of making shoes in bulk within a month time .To complete production he has to hire extra worker and has to purchase the raw materials.He asks the supplier to supply your material now and promise to pay him later. Then he took some  money and completed his work .Here the credit works as an asset and it helped in positive manner.
Credit as debt trap : when a farmer takes loan and is unable to return the money to the lender because of poor  production of crop that year, he enters debt trap and is unable to make the payment back to the lender. 
OR Explain the importance of Self Help Groups? 
Answer : Importance of self help group
Self help group are small groups of 15 members of women belonging to 1 neighborhood, 
they meet regularly and saves regularly.
The members of the group can take small loan to meet their needs on low interest rate.
Most of the decisions regarding savings and loan are taken by the group members.
Self help group help borrower  to overcome the problem of collateral.
Selp help group provides a platform to discuss and upon a variety of social issues such as health nutrition, domestic violence etc . 
Q.28 The rise of regional parts has led to strengthening of federation and democracy in our country. Do you agree with this statement?  Explain?  
Answer : Yes, because
This made a parliament of India politically more and more diverse, since no one national party is able to secure majority on its own in the Lok Sabha, the national parties are compelled to form alliances with state parties. This has contributed to the strengthening of federalism and democracy in our country.
As India is a federal state, more regional parties mean more influence of state parties in
national politics.
This has broadened the concept of popular participation and strengthened the federation and democracy in our country.
OR Mention the important features of Federalism
Answer : These are the main Features of Federalism :
(i) There are two or more levels of government. India has three levels.
(ii) Each level of government has its own jurisdiction in matters of legislation, taxation and administration even though they govern the same citizens.
(iii) Powers and functions of each tier of government is specified and guaranteed by Constitution.
(iv) The Supreme Court has been given power to settle disputes between federal governments.
(v) Fundamental provisions of Constitution cannot be altered by any one level of government. It applies to India also.
(vi) Sources of revenue between different levels is specified by Constitution.
(vii) There is mutual trust and agreement between the government at different levels.
29. How did the female figures become an allegory of the nation during the nineteenth century in Pol Explain with examples                     
Answer : Artists found a way out to represent a country in the form of a person.
Then nations were portrayed as female figures.
The female figure was chosen to personify the nation did not stand for any particular woman in real life.
It gave the abstract idea of the nation a concrete form.
Thus, the female figure became an allegory of the nation.
During the French Revolution artists used the formal allegory to portray idea such as Liberty, Justice and the Republic.
Similarly, Germania became symbol of German nation. Nations were portrayed as the female figures.
French Artist used the female allegory. Germania for Germany and Marianne for France.
30. Using examples from your area, compare and contrast activities and functions of private and Public sectors                  5

Q.30.Example of private sector Reliance group of industry whereas example of public sector SAIL.



l    The aim of public sector is to increase the facilities for public welfare.

l    The government owns most of the assets and provides all the services.

  The decisions regarding production and distribution are taken by the government of the country.

l  Public sector provides basic facilities like education, health, food and security to the people.

l   Example :- Indian Railways and the post office etc.


Aim of Private sector is to earn maximum profits.

·    The ownership of assets and delivery of services is the hands of private individuals or companies.

·   The decisions regarding production and distribution are taken by owners or the manager of the country.

·       Private sector provides consumer goods to the people.

·       Example :- Reliance Industries Limited and Amul


Q.31.Why is the economic strength of a country measured by the development of manufacturing industries with examples                        5 
Answer : (i) Manufacturing industries help in modernizing agriculture which forms the backbone of our economy. 
(ii) It reduces the heavy dependence of people on agriculture sector and creates jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
(iii) It is necessary for the removal of unemployment and poverty.
(iv) It brings down regional disparities.
(v) Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and enhances prosperity. 
(vi) It brings much needed foreign exchange.
                                                  Section E (MAP WORK) 
32.A.  Two places A and B. are marked on the outline political map of India, identify the places with the help of following information and write their correct names on the lines marked near them.                                                                                                                           2
a. The place where Mahatma Gandhi started indigo movement 
b. The place where Congress organized its conference in December 1920 
32.B.  Locate and label ANY Three of the following with appropriate symbols  on political map of India                                                                                                                            3
a) Narora Nuclear Plant 
b) Sardar Sarovar Dam 
c) Kakrapara Nuclear Plant 
d) Singrauli Thermal Plant) 
e) Kandia Port 
Following questions are only for visually impaired students in lieu of  question no 32 (Attempt any Five) 
a). Name the place where Mahatma Gandhi started indigo movement 
b) Name the place where congress organized its session in December 1970, *) 
c). Name the place where an incident occurred and owing to that Mahatma Gandhi abruptly called off  for Cooperation Movement 
d) Name the state where Narora Nuclear plant is located 
e) Name the state where Sardar Sarovar Dam is located 
f. Name the state where Kakrapara Nuclear Plant is located Name the state 
g.Where Kandia Port is located ?


  1. It's very much helpful sir...
    It helped me to find out my mistakes in this zonal preboard in Social science.
    Thanks sir...

  2. Thank you sir,
    It is very helpful for me to correct my mistakes. 😊

  3. Thanks Sir
    It's very amazing to know the answers.
    It's very helpful to correct mistakes done in exam.

  4. It's very helpful sir.
    I'm very well appreciated that it is helpful for correcting mistakes.

  5. Thanks sir. Helpful in finding my errors.


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