CBSE.Teacher's Training Programme.

CBSE. Teacher's Training Programme.
How to Download e certificates for attended training programs.
Follow these steps for gaining the certificates.
Step 1 : Type CBSE Training Portal on Google Chrome.
Step 2 : Opt Individual Participant Long in.
Step 3 : The Box will be opened after that with 
a. Home.
b. User Manuals
c. Longin as
d. Online Forms.
e. About Trainings
f. Contact Us 
Step 4 :  Fill the given options in the opened box.
a. User Id
b. Password,
c. Security PIN is given there in red marked. 
d. Enter Security Pin again that has been already given.
Step 5 : Choose My Account in given Options 
a. Dashboard  
b. Register 
c. Make Payment 
d. My Account 
d. Submit Feed Back, 
e. Long Out.
Even Dashboard Page contains 
a. Register Trainings.
b. Fee Paid
c. Trainings Attended
d. Feedback Submitted. 
Step 6 : My Account. Some options are given there.
a. Receipt for Online Payment.
b. Receipt for Free Programmes.
c. Certificate for Online Session
d. Update Personal Information.
e. Registered Programme List.
f.  Change Password. 
Choose the Certificate for online Session
Step 7 :  Again the box will be opened with this.
Download Participation Certificate for Online Session.
a. Select Programme Category in given two options 
(i). Online Session. 
(ii). Free Online Sessions. 
Select Free Online Sessions. As soon as we select the Free Online Sessions
b. Attended programs are shown in Select Registered Training Schedule as.
As 05/07/2021 : Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms.
c. Select Reference ID
As G5400136458 
Step 8 : Download option will be there. Download the certificate. Save it.

How to Get the Missing Certificate.
First get the email Id from CBSE training portal .
Note the Reference ID of that Webinar and your topic.
Send your request letter through your registered email.
Attendance updated message will be sent to you.
Complete the feedback that remains available.
Download the e -certificate.
If not possible you can have a call for that given number.
How to get the Registration for free online webinar
Long in as individual participant by using  your User Id Password.
Choose for Register 
In Programme Category select category.
In Title of Programme select programme 
In Center of Excellence select COE choose al
Click to Register Register
Proceed to final Confirmation for Registration.
Get the final reciept Download it.
Dr. Madhup Raman.  
Madhup's Training Programme.
 April. CBSE. Webinars. Madhup.
Sr.     Ref. Id.           COE.               Topic.                                   Date.    Time.  Certificates
1.                                                      Technology for Blending Learning.                 20.4.21.            4 p.m to       yes
                                                                                                                                          5 p.m.

 June. CBSE. Webinars. Madhup.
Sr.     Ref. Id.           COE.               Topic.                                   Date.    Time.  Certificates
1.  G35001732833       Delhi East.            Practicing Blending Learning.                     23.6.21.     4 p.m to            yes
                                                                                                                                      5 p.m.
July. CBSE. Webinars. Madhup.
Sr.     Ref. Id.           COE.               Topic.                                   Date.    Time.  Certificates
1.  G51101761456.        Noida.     Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms.   5.7.21.     4 p.m to        yes
                                                                                                                                 5 p.m.
2. G69002193585.      Delhi East.    Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity.           13.7.21.     11 a.m. to      yes
                                                                                                                                                12 noon.
3. G1102211050.       Allahabad.      Connecting and Communicating Parents. 13.7.21.     2.30 p.m to    No 
                                   Prayagraj                                                                                             3.30  p.m.                                                                                                                                       
4. G28002211058.     Dehradun.      Digital Learning and Management.             19.7.21. to        yes.
                                                                                                                                                3. p.m.
5. G33002193846.    Delhi East.    Blooms Taxonomy and its Application.           28.7.21.    4 p.m. to       No
                                                                                                                                                5 p.m.


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